船長費爾南·佩雷茲·德·安德拉德(Fernão Pires de Andrade或Fernão Perez de Andrade),同時是葡萄牙商人及官員。他於馬拉加總督及探險家阿方素·德·阿爾布克爾克(Alfonso d'Albuquerque)旗下效力。
費爾南與明朝朝廷的交涉被稱為近代中國與歐洲接觸的開端。他被稱為「佛郎機」(Folangji)在明朝的史籍中,外語「Folangji」一詞來自另一個詞「Franques」--一個來自回教徒對歐洲人的稱呼。The Chinese adopted the convention when they first thought the Portugueses were related to those Muslim guides and interpreters during Fernão's first encounter and before Europeans directly convened with Chinese.
After the conquest of Malacca in 1511年, not only did the Portuguese monopolizise the European spice trade, but they also met Chinese merchants. D'Albuquerque sent Jorge Alvarez to explore northward, sail along the coast of 廣東 in 1513年 and hoist a flag on "屯門島", (see History of Hong Kong).
King Manuel I authorized a trade mission in 1517年 when de Andrade set sail with 7 cannon-armed merchant vessels with a Muslim interpreter on 1517年6月17日. They appeared at the Pearl River estuary on 8月15日 and negotiated with Chinese officials for possible silk and porcelain trade at 廣州. Nevertheless, on the one hand the Portuguese sailors, who were requested to stayed ashore, conflicted with and killed some local villagers on Tuen Mun but eventually were outnumbered and defeated by local stationary troops; on the other hand none of the Chinese archives and records that the Chinese officials relied so heavily on to deal with unknown foreigners showed anything about the Portuguese. Ming government denied the trade request but allowed de Andrade to sell all his goods on hand at Canton before leaving.