IAST是國際梵語轉寫字母的英語名稱(International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration)的縮寫,是學術上對於梵語轉寫的標準,而隨着Unicode字型的普及,亦變成了一般出版界,如書籍及雜誌的非業界標準,它在電子文本的使用亦因此而相應地增加。這項標準是於1912年在雅典舉行的東方學會議裡訂立的。
IAST是一種可以讓梵語及其他婆羅謎語系語言達至無損失的轉寫,例如:克什米爾語的傳統文字沙拉達文(Śāradā), and as such represents not only the phonemes of Sanskrit, but allows essentially phonetic transcription (e.g. Visarga ḥ is an allophone of word-final r and s).
The National Library at Kolkata romanization, intended for the romanization of all Indic scripts, is an extension of IAST.
[编辑] IAST sign inventory and conventions
The sign inventory of IAST (both small and capital letters) shown with Devanāgarī equivalents and phonetic values in IPA, is as follows (essentially valid for Sanskrit, though for Hindi, some minor phonological changes have occurred):
अ [ə] a A |
आ [ɑː] ā Ā |
इ [i] i I |
ई [iː] ī Ī |
उ [u] u U |
ऊ [uː] ū Ū |
ऋ [ɹ̩] ṛ Ṛ |
ॠ [ɹ̩ː] ṝ Ṝ |
ऌ [l̩] ḷ Ḷ |
ॡ [l̩ː] ḹ Ḹ |
vowels |
ए [eː] e E |
ऐ [aːi] ai Ai |
ओ [oː] o O |
औ [aːu] au Au |
diphthongs |
अं [ⁿ] ṃ Ṃ |
anusvara |
अः [h] ḥ Ḥ |
visarga |
velars | palatals | retroflexes | dentals | labials | |
क [k] k K |
च [c] c C |
ट [ʈ] ṭ Ṭ |
त [t̪] t T |
प [p] p P |
unvoiced stops |
ख [kʰ] kh Kh |
छ [cʰ] ch Ch |
ठ [ʈʰ] ṭh Ṭh |
थ [t̪ʰ] th Th |
फ [pʰ] ph Ph |
aspirated unvoiced stops |
ग [g] g G |
ज [ɟ] j J |
ड [ɖ] ḍ Ḍ |
द [d̪] d D |
ब [b] b B |
voiced stops |
घ [gʰ] gh Gh |
झ [ɟʰ] jh Jh |
ढ [ɖʰ] ḍh Ḍh |
ध [d̪ʰ] dh Dh |
भ [bʰ] bh Bh |
aspirated voiced stops |
ङ [ŋ] ṅ Ṅ |
ञ [ɲ] ñ Ñ |
ण [ɳ] ṇ Ṇ |
न [n] n N |
म [m] m M |
nasal |
य [j] y Y |
र [r] r R |
ल [l] l L |
व [v] v V |
semi-vowels | |
श [ɕ] ś Ś |
ष [ʂ] ṣ Ṣ |
स [s] s S |
sibilants | ||
ह [ɦ] h H |
voiced fricative |
Note: Unlike ASCII only romanizations such as ITRANS or Harvard-Kyoto, the diacritics used for IAST allow capitalization of proper names. The capital variants of letters never occurring word-initially (IAST:Ṇ Ṅ Ñ Ṝ) are only useful in Pāṇini contexts, where the convention is to typeset the IT sounds as capital letters (see Aṣṭādhyāyī).
[编辑] See also
- Devanagari transliteration
- Harvard-Kyoto
- National Library at Kolkata romanization
- ISO 15919
- Shiva Sutra