James Clerk Maxwell
De Viquipèdia
James Clerk Maxwell (Edimburg, 13 de juny de 1831 - Cambridge, 5 de novembre de 1879) va ser un físic escocès.
[edita] Publicacions
- On the Description of Oval Curves, and those having a plurality of Foci. Procedure of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. ii. 1846.
- Illustrations of the Dynamical Theory of Gases. 1860.
- On Physical Lines of Force. 1861.
- A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field. 1865.
- Theory of Heat. 1871.
- A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1873.
- Molecules. Nature, September, 1873.
- On the Results of Bernoulli's Theory of Gases as Applied to their Internal Friction, their Diffusion, and their Conductivity for Heat.
[edita] Enllaços, recursos i referències
- Campbell, Lewis, "The Life of James Clerk Maxwell". 1882. [Digital Preservation]
- Maxwell, James Clerk, "A Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism". Dover Publications, New York. 1873. ISBN 0-486-60636-8 (Vol. 1) ISBN 0-486-60637-6 (Vol. 2)
- Jack, Peter Michael, "Maxwell-equations: A Brief Note". Physical space as a quaternion structure - I.
- Glenlair Today
- Wolfram Research's Maxwell
- MacTutor's Maxwell
- Victorian Web's Maxwell
- Maxwell and the Christian Proposition
- 1911 Britannica Maxwell
- The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation Including a virtual tour of the museum.
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