aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Die Streitereien um das Lizenzrecht und ungenauen, sowie unrichtigen Angaben zur Handhabung von Lizenzen und Trademarks gehören doch nicht auf eine Seite, die den BEgriff Theatersport erklären soll, oder? (Der vorstehende, nicht signierte Beitrag stammt von (Diskussion • Beiträge) 18:02, 13. Dez 2005 (CEST)) -- Siebenneunzig chat 00:36, 9. Feb. 2007 (CET)
RE: Changes to Theatersport entry
I represent the International Theatresports™ Institute based in Calgary, AB Canada. Theatersports™ is a trademark of Keith Johnstone. The changes that have been made have been done so to accurately represent Theatresports™ and the Theatresports™ community. Currently the article is being used not to describe Theatersports™, but rather to make a personal attack against the ITI. As such all of the irrelevant material in the article has been deleted. Please contact the ITI at inquiry@theatresports.org if you want more information. (Der vorstehende, nicht signierte Beitrag stammt von (Diskussion • Beiträge) 22:51, 15. Jun 2006 (CEST)) -- Siebenneunzig chat 00:36, 9. Feb. 2007 (CET)
-- Das ist doch jetzt echt ein bisschen doof, das da irgendjemand schreibt, dass er was an dem Artikel geändert hat, aber wahrscheinlich noch nicht mal der Sprache des Artikels mächtig ist. Und muss wirklich hinter jedem "Theatersport" TM stehen? Es steht doch auch nicht jedes Mal, wenn "Coca Cola" gesagt wird ein TM dahinter. (Der vorstehende, nicht signierte Beitrag stammt von Uiuiui7 (Diskussion • Beiträge) 20:59, 11. Jul 2006 (CEST)) -- Siebenneunzig chat 00:36, 9. Feb. 2007 (CET)
[Bearbeiten] Rechte von Theatersport
In Wikipedia sollte tatsächlich kein Rechtstreit diskutiert werden. Von daher ist es richtig, die "Rechtsfrage" komplett rauszulassen bzw. die Bitte an die Wikipedia, sich bei den europäischen Markenämtern zu informieren, bevor sie wiederholte Falschaussagen des International Theatresports Institute zulassen. Genauso wie die FIFA das Wort und Format "Fussball" nicht markenrechtlich schützen kann, so kann das ITI das Wort und Format "Theatersport" nicht schützen. Europäisches Recht ist da ganz leicht und eindeutig.
Oder mal unter dem Begriff "Marke" in Wikipedia schauen, da steht auch die Begründung, wann eine Marke ihr Recht als Marke verliert (wenn sie denn jemals eingetragen war, Theatersport ist in Europa nirgendwo markenrechtlich eingetragen und war es auch noch nie): "Einige Marken entwickelten sich zu Gattungsbegriffen. Man spricht dann von einem Begriffsmonopol." (Der vorstehende, nicht signierte Beitrag stammt von (Diskussion • Beiträge) 22:39, 9. Sep 2006 (CEST)) -- Siebenneunzig chat 00:32, 9. Feb. 2007 (CET)
[Bearbeiten] Löschungen
Please do not delete parts of the article. This article is not about "theatersportsTM" but about "Theatersport", which seems not to be a registered trademark by european law, but a common word. -- Siebenneunzig chat 00:55, 9. Feb. 2007 (CET)
[Bearbeiten] Theatersport Licensing
I am writing in English so that I can be as clear as possible.
As Wikipedia has a policy of not taking sides on controversies, it only makes sense to remove the material in the Theatersport entry which is intended to (1) state that the International Theatresports Institute has no claim on the 'Theatersport' name (which we disagree with) and (2) inform individuals of how to get around Theatresports licensing.
Once again, I would ask that in the interests of keeping this article as informative and uncontroversial as possible, only information that pertains to what is Theatresport be reported. This should not include controversies that surround Theatresports. This is in the interests of retaining Wikipedia's impartiality.
- The text you removed (and wich I restored) did not state that ITI has no claim on the name. It states that the name is protected in the US, but not in Europe (is this incorrect? Then that part of the article should of couse be changed.). It takes no side in any controversy. It implies that there is a controversy, and how both sides react to it. As this controversy seems to be important to both sides, it is certainly imprtant enough to be included into the article. -- Semper 01:08, 9. Mär. 2007 (CET)
--The ITI does hold the trademark on the Theatresports name in Europe. Regardless, it is not my position nor responsability to argue this case in the 'Court of Wikipedia'. The final paragraph acts solely as a means of telling people how to get around licensing. Would Wikipedia accept an article about how to avoid being arrested in an article about police?
Please do not revert this artilce, as the last two paragraphs add no additional information about Theatresports itself. Perhaps additions about what Theatresports actually is would be of more benefit to everyone. I am unable to write these additions as I do not speak German.
- You mean to say that using another name is a legal way to avoid licencing? If it wasn't, the text wouldn't be telling people how to avoid licensing. Why should we refrain from informing about something legal? Also, this article doesn't state this is a way to avoid licensing, go ahead and do it, but only reports in a neutral way on groups doing that, without endorsing or condemning it. Would Wikipedia accept an article containing information about how to avoid being arrested by the police? Certainly, if it was legal.
- Anyway, please stop editing german articles if you don't understand the language. You might guess some of what is being said, but you certainly don't understand the nuances and implications. -- Semper 01:38, 9. Mär. 2007 (CET)