From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This user is a Citizen of the World (Terra, ⊕). |
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This user contributes to the Chemicals Wikiproject |
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This user contributes to the Pharmacology WikiProject. |
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This user is a member of the Molecular & Cellular Biology WikiProject |
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This user contributes to the Neuroscience WikiProject |
My interest is "Molecular Biology" - the science field that studies the structure, metabolism and function of all the organic and inorganic molecules and ions, both natural and synthetic, that make our bodies - so it is very likely to find my addition to any article that has relation to it. As Basic is not my native language my writings have spelling and grammar mistakes, if you spot any, please correct them. Thank you.
Most of the time i help in WikiProject_Molecular_and_Cellular_BiologyFA, A, GA, B, S, N, D, T, U, and less in WikiProject_ChemicalsFA, A, GA, B, S, N, D, T, U, WikiProject_DrugsFA, A, GA, B, S, N, D, T, U, and WikiProject_NeuroscienceFA, A, GA, B, S, N, D, T, U.
italic - info table | bold - created | [r] - reference part | * - image | dp - (data page)
Contents |
[edit] Goals
Inserting the watchlist's pages into the database (currently at Adrenergic receptor).
Biochemicals category tree (Carcinogens).
Articles - List_of_drugs ==> Abafungin.
Adding images to pharmacology stubs ==> Avobenzone.
Dictionary_of_chemical_formulas ==> Pentafluoroethyliodide
[edit] Tools
Interiot's tool | Deep View Swiss-PdbViewer
[edit] Code
{{unicode|⇌}} = ⇌ | → = → | <br style="clear:both;" /> | #REDIRECT[[Article's name]]
[edit] Colors
1 | H rgb(220,220,220); |
He rgb(206,255,255); |
2 | Li rgb(185,116,232); |
Be rgb(146,194,029); |
B rgb(232,164,164); |
C rgb(000,000,000); |
N rgb(000,000,255); |
O rgb(255,000,000); |
F rgb(135,194,194); |
Ne rgb(167,232,244); |
3 | Na rgb(161,086,229); |
Mg rgb(104,174,029); |
Al rgb(191,166,166); |
Si rgb(229,190,152); |
P rgb(232,116,034); |
S rgb(228,197,064); |
Cl rgb(029,191,029); |
Ar rgb(128,209,227); |
4 | K rgb(143,064,212); |
Ca rgb(046,154,029); |
4* | Ga rgb(183,140,143); |
Ge rgb(102,143,143); |
As rgb(189,128,180); |
Se rgb(210,156,051); |
Br rgb(166,041,041); |
Kr rgb(092,184,209); |
5 | Rb rgb(112,046,176); |
Sr rgb(029,134,029); |
5* | In rgb(175,116,115); |
Sn rgb(095,115,120); |
Sb rgb(148,099,140); |
Te rgb(192,112,038); |
I rgb(148,022,148); |
Xe rgb(066,158,176); |
6 | Cs rgb(087,023,143); |
Ba rgb(029,114,029); |
6* | Tl rgb(166,084,077); |
Pb rgb(087,089,097); |
Bi rgb(108,069,096); |
Po rgb(171,092,026); |
At rgb(117,079,069); |
Rn rgb(066,130,150); |
7 | Fr rgb(066,015,102); |
Ra rgb(019,094,019); |
7* | Uut rgb(?); |
Uuq rgb(?); |
Uup rgb(?); |
Uuh rgb(?); |
Uus rgb(?); |
Uuo rgb(?); |
4* Transition metals | Sc rgb(218,218,218); |
Ti rgb(190,193,198); |
V rgb(166,166,171); |
Cr rgb(138,153,199); |
Mn rgb(156,122,199); |
Fe rgb(244,102,051); |
Co rgb(229,137,152); |
Ni rgb(073,191,073); |
Cu rgb(200,128,051); |
Zn rgb(125,128,176); |
5* Transition metals | Y rgb(112,194,194); |
Zr rgb(126,191,191); |
Nb rgb(115,194,201); |
Mo rgb(084,181,181); |
Tc rgb(059,158,158); |
Ru rgb(036,143,143); |
Rh rgb(021,125,140); |
Pd rgb(020,105,105); |
Ag rgb(192,192,192); |
Cd rgb(232,197,129); |
6* Transition metals | # | Hf rgb(070,176,232); |
Ta rgb(070,150,232); |
W rgb(033,148,214); |
Re rgb(038,125,171); |
Os rgb(038,102,150); |
Ir rgb(023,084,135); |
Pt rgb(208,208,224); |
Au rgb(232,190,034); |
Hg rgb(184,184,208); |
7* Transition metals | ## | Rf rgb(255,146,185); |
Db rgb(246,126,166); |
Sg rgb(239,106,149); |
Bh rgb(232,091,137); |
Hs rgb(225,076,125); |
Mt rgb(218,061,113); |
Ds rgb(211,046,101); |
Rg rgb(204,031,089); |
Uub rgb(?); |
# Lanthanides | La rgb(101,192,232); |
Ce rgb(232,232,180); |
Pr rgb(164,194,150); |
Nd rgb(134,194,150); |
Pm rgb(114,194,150); |
Sm rgb(074,194,150); |
Eu rgb(044,194,150); |
Gd rgb(014,194,150); |
Tb rgb(014,194,134); |
Dy rgb(014,194,118); |
Ho rgb(014,194,102); |
Er rgb(014,194,090); |
Tm rgb(014,180,070); |
Yb rgb(014,170,035); |
Lu rgb(014,160,010); |
## Actinides | Ac rgb(102,156,229); |
Th rgb(034,168,232); |
Pa rgb(034,146,232); |
U rgb(034,129,232); |
Np rgb(034,116,232); |
Pu rgb(034,097,232); |
Am rgb(079,086,229); |
Cm rgb(120,092,227); |
Bk rgb(138,079,227); |
Cf rgb(138,054,212); |
Es rgb(138,032,212); |
Fm rgb(130,031,186); |
Md rgb(122,027,166); |
No rgb(114,020,146); |
Lr rgb(106,010,126); |
[edit] Images
[[Image:Free_text.png]] | [[Image:Free_book.png]]
| [[Image:Free_comment.png]]
| [[Image:Free_review.png]]
[edit] Layout
CSS | Naming_conflict | Navigation popups | Template names...
1. infoBox
2.Introduction - :e.g. "La2O3 is a chemical compound of lanthanum and oxygen with the formula La2O3."; with the names, molecular (when possible) or empirical formulas for extended structure), highlight sentence - what is this stuff well-known for? Are hydrates known (mainly for inorganic salts such as metal halides). Are there compounds with which yours can be confused (usually not).
3. Properties and structure - for inorganic species, the structure may require explanation; properties, more than a restatement of the chem box info. perhaps comparison/contrast with related cmpd to highlight a principle
4. Synthesis - one sent descriptoin of the synthesis using balanced equations; if more than one synthesis applies, then describe others
6. Reactions - what does the stuff do, CHEMICALLY - it reacts with what to give what under what conditions? Balanced eq's
7. Applications - how are people making money with your compound or how is the cmpd benefiting mankind? This section is less chemical and less important
8. Safety considerations - no more than a sentence or two unless something special is required
9. See also
10. External links
11. References
[edit] Scripts
Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_scripts | InfoBoxFunctions.js | monobook.js | MolBioForm.js | NatOrganicBoxInfo.js | SynOrganicBoxInfo.js
[edit] Templates
{{merge|OTHER PAGE}} | {{mergefrom|SOURCE PAGE}} | {{mergeto|SOURCE PAGE}}
- Images - {{ImageInfo|}} | {{NaturalCompoundImage|}} | {{ProteinImageInfo|}} | {{SynthCompoundImage|}}
- InfoBoxes - {{OrganicBox complete}}
{{OrganicBox small}} |
{{Protein |Name= |image= |caption= |Symbol= |AltSymbols= |HGNCid= |Chromosome= |Arm= |Band= |LocusSupplementaryData= |ECnumber= |OMIM= |EntrezGene= |RefSeq= |UniProt= }} |
{{OrganicBox small | height=no | synthetic=yes | image= [[Image:.png|px|name]] | name= | C= | H= | N= | O= | P= | S= | Se= | F= | Cl= | Br= | I= | mass= }} |
- Stubs - {{biochem-stub}} Cat | {{chem-stub}} Cat | {{chem-stub}} Cat | {{med-stub}} Cat | {{Pharma-stub}} Cat
- Other - {{Complement system}} | {{Lipoproteins}}
[edit] Wiki references
[edit] Work done on
[edit] Bacteriology
[edit] Cell biology
AMPAR | Anaerobic respiration | Apolipoprotein | Arp2/3 complex[r]
BK channel[r]
Chylomicron | Competitive inhibitor | Complement system
GAPs | Glycolysis* | GPCRs**
IDL | Inhibitor |Iron-sulfur protein
- Check
- Metabotropic_glutamate_receptor 04:40, 30 December 2005 (UTC)
- Edit
- TRAPP complex. Needs a major reconstruction. 22:50, 10 February 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Inorganic
[edit] Mycology
[edit] Nucleic acids
[edit] Polypeptides
EcoRI | EGF[r] | EGFRibi | ExoIII
GLUD1* *[r] | GNRH1ibi | GNRHR[r] | CYP2D6ibi
- Check
- Telomerase 04:40, 30 December 2005 (UTC)
- Edit
- P-glycoprotein 22:03, 2 January 2006 (UTC)
- Antidiuretic_hormone 14:53, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
- E-cadherin - create the article and clear the E-cadherin info from the Cadherin article. 19:32, 1 February 2006 (UTC)
- Calpain. The refs. 22:50, 10 February 2006 (UTC)
- Leptin 06:02, 10 March 2006 (UTC)
- Quick 3-day response
[edit] Polysaccharides
[edit] Small molecules
ACC[r] | AIB | Aladp, [r] | Alliin | Aminocaproic_acid* | Anisomycin[r] | Argdp, [r] | ArgSu* | Asndp, [r] | Aspdp, [r] | Atropine
Carboxyglutamate[r] | Carnitine | Citrulline | Cocaine | Creatine* | Cuscohygrine | Cysteamine* | Cysdp
D-dopa | Dehydroalanine[r]
Ephedrine[r] | Ergine | Ergoline | Erythritol*
Ferulic acid[r] | fMet[r] | Fucitol*, dp | Fuc* [r]
Glc | Glndp | Gludp, [r] | Glydp, [r]
Hcy[r] | Hisdp | Histamine* | Hydroxytropacocaine* | Hygrine
Paclitaxel | Palmitic acid | Papaverine[r] | PGI2* | Phe | Pr3,4,5(3h)Be* | Py*
- Edit
- 3h3mBu 20:22, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
- Quick 3-day response
[edit] Synthetic
Aceclidine* | Acepromazine* | Acetohexamide* | Agomelatine | Albendazole* | Alclometasone* | Alfuzosin* | Altretamine* | AM251* | Amiloride* | Aminosalicylic acid | Amprenavir* | Anileridine* | Apomorphine* | Astemizole* | Atovaquone* | Avobenzone | Azimilide* | Azlocillin*
βMet* | βMet17,21(di)Pr* | Beclometasone_dipropionate* | Beclomethasone* | Betazole* | BHT | Bromocriptine* | Bromodifluoroacetylchloride*
Dextropropoxyphene* | Dichlorodifluoroethylene* | Diethylcarbamazine* | Dihydrexidine*
Fenoldopam* | Fentanyl | Flupentixol* | Fumonisin_B1*
Inversine* | Iodotrifluoroethylene* | Isometheptene* | Isomalt*
Levopropoxyphene* | Loperamide | LSD*
Mebendazole* | Mecamylamine* | Methadone | Mifepristone* | Misoprostol* | Minocycline*
Oxalyl fluoride* | Oxycodone | Oxymorphone*
Pentachlorofluoroethane* | Pentafluoroethyliodide*, dp | Perfluoroethanamine*, dp | Pethidine | Phenylpropanolamine | Piperacillin* | Pyritinol
Raclopride* | Raloxifene* | Remifentanil*
SCH_23390* | SKF 38393* | SKF 82958* | Spiperone*
Tramadol | Trichloroacetyl chloride* | Trifluoromethylisocyanide* | Tropane
- Edit
- Minocycline - to vikify the references. 19:32, 1 February 2006 (UTC)