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Patrás (en Griego: Πάτρα) griego antiguo Πάτραι Pátrai, Latín Patrae) es la tercera ciudad más grande de Grecia. Patras tiene una conurbación de 250.000 habitantes. Es el centro político, económico, administrativo y cultural del oeste de Grecia. Durante los cuatro milenios de su historia, la mayoría en época romana, Patras ha asumido muchas veces el papel de centro cosmopolita del mundo mediterráneo .
Es una ciudad del Peloponeso, con más 200,000 habitantes incluyendo sus suburbios. Es la Capital Europea de la Cultura de 2006.
Tiene una universidad, la Universidad de Patrás.
Tabla de contenidos |
[editar] Ciudades hermanas
Bydgoszcz, Polonia
Chişinău, Moldavia
Bari, Italia
Ancona, Italia
Gjirokastër, Albania
Canterbury, Australia
Reggio di Calabria, Italia
Limassol, Chipre
Craiova, Rumania
Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Ammochostos, Chipre
Saint-Étienne, Francia
Plantilla:Infobox Town GR
La ciudad es la capital de la prefectura de Grecia de Acaya y de la periferia de Grecia occidental as well as the first urban centre of the peninsula of Peloponnese. Patras is of great significance to Christianity as the place where according to Christian Tradition the Fist-called Apostle Saint Andrew met his martyrdom. The city is the seat of a Greek orthodox archbishopric, while there is a living community of Roman catholics and a historical iglesia anglicana .
Patras está considerada como la Puerta del Oeste de Grecia, a title which is justified by its role as international commercial center and busy port, with excellent car-ferry links with the islas jonias y el mayor dem los puertos italinaos del Adriático ports of Italy, and as a functioning nodal point for the entry of goods, people, ideas and cultural influences from the European West. Having two Universities and a Technological Institution and their connected research institutes, the city is an important scientific centre, with a field of excellence in technical education. Furthermore the city is renowned for its european mediterranean-style carnival, whose main features are the mammoth satyrical floats and the extravagant balls and parades. The indigenous cultural scene revolves around the performing and plastic arts and modern urban literature. Patras está situada a 200 km al oeste de Atenas, en la costa nororiental del Peloponeso al pie del monte Panachaikon, overlooking the Gulf of Patras), which is, in fact, an inlet of the Ionian sea. The area has a pleasant Mediterranean climate, with relatively cool yet humid summers and very mild winters.
[editar] Historia
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[editar] Enlaces externos
Commons alberga contenido multimedia sobre Patrás.
- The official website of the city
- Patras 2006 European Capital of Culture
- University of Patras
- Technological Educational Institute of Patras
- Patras Port
- The official website of the Carnival of Patras
- Patras Tourist Info
- Media in Patras
- - Patras
- Patras en EL FORASTERO Reportaje sobre Patras (Español/Inglés)
- GTP - Patras
- GTP - Municipality of Patra/Patras
- GTP - Ancient Patras
- Indexmundi - Patras
- Patras Municipal and Regional Theater
- Patras Port Live Camera
- Patra info and photos
- local news portal
- News portal