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Þis gewrit hæfþ wordcwide on Nīwum Englisce. |
Gēarhundredu: | 10e gēarhundred - 11e gēarhundred - 12e gēarhundred |
Gēartīenas: | 1030s 1040s 1050s - 1060s - 1070s 1080s 1090s |
Gēar: | 1063 1064 1065 - 1066 - 1067 1068 1069 |
[ādihtan] Belimpas
- 5 Æfterra Gēola - Forþfērde Ēadweard cyning Englalandes, and menn hātaþ hine þone Andettere.
- 6 Æfterra Gēola - Harold II fēng tō his rice.
- Tostig Godwinson and Harold Hardrāda cyning Norweges inswōgodon Englaland.
- 25 Hāligmōnaþ - Harold II forhīenode his broðor Tostige and Harold Hardrāda on þǣm Beade on Stānfordbrycge, and ofslōh hīe bēgen.
- 28 Hāligmōnaþ - Norman Conquest: Wilhelm se Gehīersumiend, dux Normandiges, inswōgode Englaland.
- 14 Winterfylleþ - In Englalande on Sandlacuhylle þe nū hǣtte Senlac Hill, sēofon mīla of Hǣstingum, the Norman invasion forces of William se Gehīersumiend defeat the Englisc innhere and kill cyninge Harold II Englalandes. Of Wilhelme wearþ acenned se Normannisca cynecynn Englalandes. Nǣnig æfterra spēow inswōgiende Englaland ongēan oþþæt Wilhelm stedeholdere Niðerlandes inswōgode on 5 Blōtmōnaþ, 1688 and wearþ Wilhelm III cyning Englalandes (and II Scotlandes) ēan gefeohte.
- Slavonisc here fōr in Denemearce and fordyde þone Wīcingiscan port Heiðabȳ
- Man onginnþ tō būenne nīwe cirican æt Monte Cassino in Italiam.
- In Brytene man seah þā cometam þe nū hǣtte Halley's Comet.
[ādihtan] Byrda
[ādihtan] Dēaðas
- 5 Æfterra Gēola - Ēadweard se Andettere, Cyning Englalandes
- 25 Hāligmōnaþ - Tostig Godwinson, Eorl Northumbria and broðor Harold Godwinsones
- 25 Hāligmōnaþ - Harold III Norþweges
- 14 Winterfylleþ - Harold Godwinson, se endenīehsta Seaxisca cyning Englalandes