Geānlǣht Rīcu American
Fram Wikipedian
Þēodlic Cwide : (1776 - nū) E Pluribus Unum (Lǣden : « Of manigum ān ») (1956 - nū) In God We Trust (Nīwu Englisc sprǣc : « In Gode trēowaþ wē ») |
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Ambihtlicu sprǣc | Nān; Nīwu Englisc is þæt gemǣne gereord. 1 | ||||
Hēafodstōl - Hǣrarōd |
Wascington 38° 53' N, 77° 02' W |
Hēafodburg | Nīwe Eoforwīc | ||||
Lēodweard - Foresittend - Underforesittend |
Nǣmingce Lēodarīce George W. Bush Dick Cheney |
Ǣwfæstnes | Crīstendōm | ||||
Brādnes. - Gerīm - Wæter (%) |
3a stæpe 9 629 047 km² 2,20% |
Menniscu. - Hēafodgerīm (2005) - Þiccnes |
3a stæpe 295 267 686 būenda 30,25 būend/km² |
Þēodstefn | American | ||||
Selfdōm - Āstellung - Cenning - Nǣming |
Fram Englalandum 13 Þrimilcemōnaþ 1607 (Iohn Smiþ ǣt Iemstūne) 4 Mǣdmōnaþ 1776 3 Hāligmōnaþ 1783 |
Þēodlic ymen | Sē Stēorrena-Specfāga Gierela | ||||
Feoh | Americanisc Doler (USD) |
Tīdgyrdel | UTC -5 tō -10 |
Betwuxnettes lēodstafas | .us |
Feorspræcan forerīm | +1 |
1 Nis ambihtlicu sprǣc in þǣm Nǣmingcum ambihtum, ac ealle þā ambiht sprecaþ Nīwe Englisce. Ǣghwilc rīc mæg cēosan his āgen ambihtlic gereord, oþþe nān. |
Þā Geānlǣtan Rīcu American is trēowiendlicu cynewīse þe ligþ mǣst in Norðamerican. Hīe gebyrdaþ norþ Canadan and sūþ Mexico. Hīe habbaæ 50 rīca and āne trēowiendlice scīre, and habbaþ sume foldan mid syndrigum gradum sibbe. Man spricþ ymbe hīe, in syndrigum fiellum, swā þā Geānlǣhtan Rīcan, America[1], þā U.S., þa U.S.A., þā U.S. of A., þā Rīcu, oþþe (leōþlīce) Columbia.
Rīcu in Norðum American |
Antīga and Barbūda | Bahāmas | Barbēdos | Belīs | Canada | Costa Rīca | Cuba | Domīnica | Domīnican Cynewīse | Se Neriend | Grenēda | Guatemala | Haīti | Hondūras | Iamaica | Mecsico | Nicaragua | Panama | Sanctus-Kitts and Nefis | Sancta Lucīa | Sanctus-Finsent and þā Grenadingas | Þrines and Tobāgo | Geānlǣht Rīcu |
Nēatlandu: Anguilla | Arūba | Bermiūda | Bryttisc Īega Idese | Cēman Īega | Grēneland | Guadelūp | Martinīc | Mongserrā | Nafāssa-Īeg | Niðerlandisc Antilles | Port Rīce | Sanctus-Petrus and Micelong | Turcena and Caicena Īega | U.S. Īega Idese |