Wikipedia:Gecorene gemynddagas/19 Solmōnaþ
Fram Wikipedian
19 Solmōnaþ: Aashurah in Islam (2005)
- 1942 - Lyftrāda wiþ Darwin: Þone hēafodstōl Norþunderrīces in Australian awēston 242 bombelyftcræftas and feohtlyftcræftas þæs Iapaniscan Cāserlican Sciphere.
- 1942 - U.S. Executive Order 9066 onsett se americanisc foresittend for āgieldan þā wiþlǣdung and hæften þāra Iapaniscan Americana in Iapaniscan hæftenwīc.
- 1985 - BBC1 premieres its first soap opera in two decades, EastEnders, on the night of the first ident change since 1969.
- 1986 - Sēo Sofiet Gesamnung launched Mir rōmstation.
Nīwlice dagas: 18 Solmōnaþ – 17 Solmōnaþ – 16 Solmōnaþ