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Wikipedia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Solmōnaþ

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Se Æfterra Gēola - Solmōnaþ - Hrēþmōnaþ - Ēastermōnaþ - Þrimilcemōnaþ - Sēremōnaþ - Mǣdmōnaþ - Wēodmōnaþ - Hāligmōnaþ - Winterfylleþ - Blōtmōnaþ - Gēolmōnaþ

Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Frīgedæg, 7 Hrēþmōnaþ, 2008; hit is nū 12:02 (UTC)

1 Solmōnaþ: Imbolc and Sancta Brigide Dæg in Īrlande

Segn þǣre endesande Columbia

  • 1796 - Man wende hēafodstōl Ūpcanades of Newark (nū Niagara-on-þǣm-Mere) tō Eoforwīce (nū Toronto), þe man dēmde þæt hit wǣre geborgenra tō gefeohte of þǣm Geānlǣhtum Underrīcum.
  • 1884 - Þone forman fascicle þǣre Oxenfordes Engliscan Wordbēc ābēonn man.
  • 1946 - Norwegisc politician Trygve Lie wæs gecoren swā se ǣresta UN Þegn-General.
  • 1958 - Ægypt and Syria hīe geānlǣhton tō macienne þā Geānlǣhtan Arabiscan Cynewīsan.
  • 2003 - The NASA Space Shuttle Columbia gebrytte ofer Texas in ryne edinganges in þone Eorþanlyfthelm on his 28an and endesande. Þis wæs se ōðer forlyre Rūmwægnes.

Nīwlice dagas: 31 Æfterra Gēola – 30 Æfterra Gēola – 29 Æfterra Gēola

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2 Solmōnaþ: Candelmæsse (Western Crīstendōm); Grundhogg Dæg in Canadan and þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum.

Foresittend F.W. de Klerk

  • 962 - Pāpa John XII bēagode Otto se Grēata swā Hālig Romanisc Cāsere, se forma æfter nēah 40 gēarum.
  • 1848 - Se Mexicisca-Americisca Gūþ endode with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, granting to þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum the Mexican Cession.
  • 1925 - Medical supplies to combat an outbreak of diphtheria reached Nome, Alaska on hundscridas, inspiring the annual Iditarod race across Alascan.
  • 1943 - Se Beadu Stalingrades endode, and 91,000 wērige and hungrige Þēodisce cempan lǣhte se Rēadhere.
  • 1990 - Foresittend F.W. de Klerk declared the end of Apartheid in Sūþafrican.

Nīwlice dagas: 1 Solmōnaþ – 31 Æfterra Gēola – 30 Æfterra Gēola

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3 Solmōnaþ:

Landing capsule of Luna 9

  • 1488 - Bartholomeu Diaz of Portugale siglede ymbe þone Næss Gōdes Hyhtes æt þǣm sūðernan anginne Affrican and landode in Mossel Flēote.
  • 1867 - Gecorōnod Æðeling Mutsuhito nōm þone Iapaniscan cȳnestōl, ongann þā Meiji Ielde.
  • 1959 - Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and The Big Bopper gefōron in lyftcræftes gelimpe on "The Day The Music Died".
  • 1966 - Se Sovietisca rūmcræft Luna 9 wierþ se forma rūmfandere tō gelendenne on þone Mōnan and tō ūtsendenne onlīcnessa þæs mōnelican oferblican tō þǣre Eorðan.
  • 1969 - Yasser Arafat wearþ lāttēow þæs Palestine Liberation Organization.

Nīwlice dagas: 2 Solmōnaþ – 1 Solmōnaþ – 31 Æfterra Gēola

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4 Solmōnaþ: Selfdōmdæg in Sri Lanka (1948)

Fana Sri Lanka

  • 1859 - Constantin von Tischendorf fand þæt Codex Sinaiticus, 4an ielde yncelic gewrit þǣre Nīwan Cȳðnesse, in sumum mynstre under Munte Sinai in Ægypte.
  • 1862 - Bacardi, ān þǣre worulde mǣsta rum macere, wæs gestaðelod swā smæl drīpungweorchūs in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
  • 1899 - Sēo Philippine-American Gūþ ongann.
  • 1945 - Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Iosef Stalin mētton ofer þone Yalta Conference.
  • 1957 - USS Nautilus, se forma cyrndrifena undersǣbāt, wrāt hire 60,000an sǣlican mīlan, geefnode þā þolemōdnesse þæs lēasspellican Nautilus āscrifen in Jules Vernes bēc "20,000 Lēowena Under þǣm Sǣ".

Nīwlice dagas: 3 Solmōnaþ – 2 Solmōnaþ – 1 Solmōnaþ

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5 Solmōnaþ: Gesetednes Dæg in Mexico (1917)

Leopold II Belgiumes

  • 1885 - Se Leopold II cyning of Belgice staðelode þone Congo Free State swā his āgen rīce in Affrican.
  • 1859 - Alexander John Cuza Æðeling of Wallachia and Moldavia mengde his twēgen ealdordōmas tō macienne Rumǣnian.
  • 1924 - Stundlicu Grēnewīctīman Bēacen of þǣm Royal Greenwich Observatory wǣron ǣrest gewīdmǣrsod fram þǣm BBC.
  • 1988 - Se forma Rēad Nosu Dæg raised £15 milliona in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Cynerīce for ælmesgiefe.
  • 2004 - Wiðerfeohtend of þǣm Revolutionary Artibonite Resistance Front onfēngon þā burg Gonaïves, ongunnon þā 2004 Haiti wiðerfeohtunge.

Nīwlice dagas: 4 Solmōnaþ – 3 Solmōnaþ – 2 Solmōnaþ

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6 Solmōnaþ: Waitangi Dæg in Nīwum Sǣlande (1840)

Thomas Stamford Raffles

  • 1819 - Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles staðelode Singapore swā nīwe trading post for the British East India Company.
  • 1820 - Sponsored by the American Colonization Society, the first 86 African American immigrants established a settlement in present-day Liberia.
  • 1922 - Francland, Italy, Iapan, se Geānlǣhta Cynerīce, and þā Geānlǣhtan Rīcu signed the Washington Naval Treaty to limit flotherelic armaments.
  • 1952 - The Duchess of Edinburgh ascended to the British throne while visiting Kenya. She then came down from a trēohūs swā Elizabeth II cwēne.
  • 1959 - Jack Kilby filed the patent for the first integrated circuit.

Nīwlice dagas: 5 Solmōnaþ – 4 Solmōnaþ – 3 Solmōnaþ

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7 Solmōnaþ: Selfdōmdæg in Grenadan (1974), Sapporo Snāwfrēols in Iapan onginþ (2005)

Ēadweard II Englalandes

  • 1301 - Ēadweard Caernarvone, eft Ēadweard II cyning, wearþ se forma Englisca ierfa, þe hæfþ þone tītul "Æðeling Wēalena" genumen.
  • 1940 - Pinocchio, þæt Academy Award-gewinnende Disney ātīefrede filmen gecumen of sagan Carlos Collodis, wæs fyrst ūtālǣded.
  • 1984 - NASA astronaut Bruce McCandless II dyde þone forman uncnytedan rūmgang mid bryce Gemannodes Gangendes Tōles.
  • 1992 - Þæt Maastricht formāl, þe tōgelǣdde þā gesceapennesse þǣre Europiscan Gesamnunge, nōm þā naman þāra landa in Maastricht, þǣm Niðerlandum.

Nīwlice dagas: 6 Solmōnaþ – 5 Solmōnaþ – 4 Solmōnaþ

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8 Solmōnaþ: Scrōf Tīwesdæg, Mardi Gras (2005).

Mary I, cwēn Scottum

  • 1587 - Mary I, cwēn Scottum ācwealde man æt Fotheringhay Castle on suspicion of having been involved in the Babington Plot to murder her cousin, Elizabeth I cwēn Englalandes.
  • 1904 - se Russisc-Iapanisc Guþ onginnþ mid a surprise torpedo attack by the Japanese on Russian ships near present-day Lüshunkou, China.
  • 1971 - Trading began in NASDAQ, the world's first electronic stock exchange.
  • 1979 - Colonel Denis Sassou-Nguesso hæfþ man gecoren swā nīwe foresittend þǣm People’s Republic of the Congo.

Nīwlice dagas: 7 Solmōnaþ – 6 Solmōnaþ – 5 Solmōnaþ

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9 Solmōnaþ: Æsc Wōdnesdæg, Cinisc Nīwe Gēares Dæg (Gēar þæs Cocces), Tết Nguyên Ðān in Vietnam (2005)

Joseph McCarthy, U.S. Senator

  • 474 - As the seven-year old Leo II was deemed too young to rule, man gecorōnode his fæder Zeno swā efencāsere þæs Bysantīniscan Rīca.
  • 1895 - Volleyball was invented at a YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
  • 1943 - Ōðru Woruldgūþ: Allied forces secured Guadalcanal of the Solomon Īege from the Iapanisc here, concluding the Battle of Guadalcanal, a key victory in the Pacific War.
  • 1950 - Red scare: Senator Joseph McCarthy accused the U.S. State Department of being filled with Communists.
  • 1960 - Joanne Woodward man weorþode mid þǣm ǣreste stēorran on þǣm Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Nīwlice dagas: 8 Solmōnaþ – 7 Solmōnaþ – 6 Solmōnaþ

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10 Solmōnaþ: Festival of Muharram in Islam (2005, A.H. 1426 begins)

Prince Albert, consort of Victoria cwēn

  • 1258 - Hulagu Khan and þā Mongolas ābrǣcon Baghdad, a cultural and commercial centre in the Islamic world at the time.
  • 1763 - In þǣre Wǣre Parise, Francland forlēas almost all of its colonies in the Americas to Brytten and Spēonlande, erasing Nīwe Francland off the map.
  • 1840 - Æt þǣm Chapel Royal in St James's Palace, Victoria cwēn þæs Geānlǣhtan Cynerīces beweddode þone æþeling Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
  • 1996 - IBM's Deep Blue computer defeated Garry Kasparov in a game of chess for the first time.

Nīwlice dagas: 9 Solmōnaþ – 8 Solmōnaþ – 7 Solmōnaþ

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11 Solmōnaþ: National Foundation Dæg in Iapane (660 BC)


  • 1873 - Amadeo I cyning Spēonlandes āgeaf his cȳnedōm, and hē onbēad tō þǣm Cortes þæt þæt Spēonisce folc wǣre unrīcsiendlic, and beglād þæt rīce.
  • 1963 - Þā Beatles onginnaþ bewrītan hiera forman sangsamnunge, Please Please Me.
  • 1979 - Ruhollah Khomeini ayatollah wierþ lādmann in Irane.
  • 1990 - Man onlīesde Nelson Mandela, gēanbyrdend wiþ apartheid and politicisc herenuma for 27 gēarum, of carcerne ūtweard Cape Townes in Sūþafrican.

Nīwlice dagas: 10 Solmōnaþ – 9 Solmōnaþ – 8 Solmōnaþ

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12 Solmōnaþ: Darwines Dæg (1809), Lincolnes Gebyrddæg (Arizona, 1892)

Xuantong, the last Emperor of China

  • 1541 - Santiago, Chile was founded by Pedro de Valdivia.
  • 1825 - Se Creek folc ceded the last of their lands in Georgia tō þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum government, and migrated west.
  • 1912 - Xuantong Cāser, se endenīehsta Cāser Cīnan, abdicated.
  • 2001 - NEAR Shoemaker wierþ se forma rūmcræft to land on an asteroid, the Eros.

Nīwlice dagas: 11 Solmōnaþ – 10 Solmōnaþ – 9 Solmōnaþ

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13 Solmōnaþ:

Dēadsǣlic Ymelan

  • 1689 - Wilhelm and Mary man gebēad swā efenwealdendas Englalandes.
  • 1880 - Thomas Edison oferseah þone Edison Effect, the basis for the vacuum tube diode.
  • 1894 - Auguste and Louis Lumière patented the Cinematographe, a combination movie camera and projector.
  • 1955 - Israhēl underfēng fēower seofonum Dēadsǣlic Ymelan.
  • 1984 - Konstantin Chernenko æfterfolgode þone late Yuri Andropov as General Secretary of the Communist Party of þǣre Sofietan Gesamnung.

Nīwlice dagas: 12 Solmōnaþ – 11 Solmōnaþ – 10 Solmōnaþ

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14 Solmōnaþ: Hālga Valentines Dæg

Alexander Graham Bell

  • 842 – Ludwig se Þēodisc and Carl se Calu swōren þā Strasburgere Āðas. Þæt in ealdhēahþēodisce and ealdfrencisce man hæfþ gehealden swā gewrit mid ieldeste andweard folcssprǣclic bōc.
  • 1779 - Þone Engliscan flotmann James Cook cwellode þā inlendan þǣm Sandwic Īege.
  • 1876 - Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell each filed a patent for þǣm feorrsprecan.
  • 1945 - Bombing of Dresden in Woruldgūþ II: Se Britisc Royal Air Force and se United States Army Air Force onginnaþ fȳrbombian Dresden, hēafodsetl þǣm Þēodiscan land Seaxlande.
  • 1989 - Khomeini ayatollah Iranes forscyldigode þā bōc The Satanic Verses swā "bismersprǣc wið Islam", and reord sum fatwa calling for the cwalu þæs wrīteres, Salman Rushdie.

Nīwlice dagas: 13 Solmōnaþ – 12 Solmōnaþ – 11 Solmōnaþ

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15 Solmōnaþ: Fanan Dæg in Canadan

Fana Canadan

Nīwlice dagas: 14 Solmōnaþ – 13 Solmōnaþ – 12 Solmōnaþ

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16 Solmōnaþ: Statehood Day in Lithuanian (1918)

Fidel Castro

  • 1923 - Tutankhamunes līcstōwe openode man for ǣrest tīd.
  • 1959 - Fidel Castro wierþ Forma Minister Cuban.
  • 1978 - The first circolwyrdlic bulletin board system is created (CBBS) in Chicago, Illinois).
  • 1983 - Þā Æsc Wōdnesdæg bushfires in Victoria and South Australia claimed the lives of 71 people in Australia's worst ever fires.
  • 1989 - Pan Am flight 103: Investigators announced that the cause of the crash was a bomb hidden inside a radio-cassette player.

Nīwlice dagas: 15 Solmōnaþ – 14 Solmōnaþ – 13 Solmōnaþ

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17 Solmōnaþ: Tanis Diena

Fana Orange Free State

  • 1819 - The United States House of Representatives passes the Missouri Compromise.
  • 1854 - Se Geānlǣhtan Cynerīce recognize the independence of the Orange Free State in todæges Free State Province in Sūþafrican.
  • 1867 - The first ship passes through the Suez Canal.
  • 1895 - Þæt ballet Swan Mere was first performed at full length with music by Tchaikovsky in Saint Petersburg, Russland.
  • 1979 - About 120,000 troops of the People's Liberation Army of China crossed into northern Vietnam, starting the Sino-Vietnamese War.

Nīwlice dagas: 16 Solmōnaþ – 15 Solmōnaþ – 14 Solmōnaþ

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18 Solmōnaþ: Selfdōmes Dæg in Gambian, (1965)

Fana þǣm Gambian

  • 1294 – Se mongolisca hēafodmann and cāser Kublai Khan dēadode.
  • 1861 - Jefferson Davis was inaugurated swā se forma (and ānlīepiga) Foresittend þāra Confederate Underrīca American.
  • 1885 - Sēo forme Grēate Americisce Bōc, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn fram Mark Twain, wæs fyrst ingefeallen. Hēo wearþ þǣræfter banned.
  • 1930 - Clyde Tombaugh onfund Plūton, þone nigoðan planētan in ūserum Solar system.

Nīwlice dagas: 17 Solmōnaþ – 16 Solmōnaþ – 15 Solmōnaþ

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19 Solmōnaþ: Aashurah in Islam (2005)


  • 1942 - Lyftrāda wiþ Darwin: Þone hēafodstōl Norþunderrīces in Australian awēston 242 bombelyftcræftas and feohtlyftcræftas þæs Iapaniscan Cāserlican Sciphere.
  • 1942 - U.S. Executive Order 9066 onsett se americanisc foresittend for āgieldan þā wiþlǣdung and hæften þāra Iapaniscan Americana in Iapaniscan hæftenwīc.
  • 1985 - BBC1 premieres its first soap opera in two decades, EastEnders, on the night of the first ident change since 1969.
  • 1986 - Sēo Sofiet Gesamnung launched Mir rōmstation.

Nīwlice dagas: 18 Solmōnaþ – 17 Solmōnaþ – 16 Solmōnaþ

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20 Solmōnaþ:

Shetland Īege

  • 1472 - Orkneye and Shetlande undersette cynerīce Scotlandes of Norðwege.
  • 1913 - King O'Malley ondraf þæt forma oferscēawungsprot for mearcian weorces frumtīd þǣre timbrunge Canberran.

Nīwlice dagas: 19 Solmōnaþ – 18 Solmōnaþ – 17 Solmōnaþ

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21 Solmōnaþ: International Modorsprǣces Dæg, Foresittendes Dæg in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum (2005)

Communist Manifesto

  • 1613 - Sum national assembly Russlandes ānrǣdlīce cēas Mikhail I swā tsar, and se Romanov dynasty Cāserlican Russlandes ongann.
  • 1804 - The first self-propelling steam engine or steam locomotive made its outing at the Pen-y-Darren ironworks in Wēalas, it was built by Richard Trevithick.
  • 1848 - The Communist Manifesto, commissioned by the Communist League and written by founding Communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, was first published.
  • 1965 - Foremǣre blæc nationalist Malcolm X ācwealdon menn þæs Nation of Islam in New York City.

Nīwlice dagas: 20 Solmōnaþ – 19 Solmōnaþ – 18 Solmōnaþ

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22 Solmōnaþ: Selfdōmdæg in Saint Lucia (1979)

Fana Saint Lucia

  • 1632 - Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is published.
  • 1819 - By the Adams-Onīs Treaty, Spēonland sealde Floridan þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum wiþ fīf millionum U.S. dollarum.
  • 1943 - Members of the Hwīt Rose Fēolagscipe were found guilty of treason and guillotined by the Nazi regime in Þēodisclande.
  • 1956 - Heartbreak Hotel propelled Elvis Presley onto the music charts.
  • 1997 - Scientists at the Roslin Institute in Scotlande ābudon þā byrde twifealdodes scēapes, gehāten Dolly.

Nīwlice dagas: 21 Solmōnaþ – 20 Solmōnaþ – 19 Solmōnaþ

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23 Solmōnaþ: Defenders of the Motherland Day in Russlande (1918), Republic Day in Guyana, (1970), Lantern Festival in the Chinese lunar calendar (2005).

Gutenberges Bibleþec

  • 1455 - Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz ongann printing þā Gutenberges Biblioþecan.
  • 1893 - Rudolf Diesel received a patent for the diesel engine.
  • 1903 - Guantanamo Bay in Cuban ālǣnde man ēce tō þǣm Geānlǣhtan Rīcum.
  • 1947 - The International Organization for Standardization was founded. It is responsible for worldwide industrial and commercial ISO standards.

Nīwlice dagas: 22 Solmōnaþ – 21 Solmōnaþ – 20 Solmōnaþ

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24 Solmōnaþ: Selfdōmdæg in Estland (1918)

Gregorius XIII pāpa

  • 303 - Se Rōmānisca cāsere Galerius ongann his ēhtunge wiþ crīstenan.
  • 1582 - Gregory XIII pāpa ābēonn þā Gregoriscan gerīmbōc, āwendednes of þǣm Iuliscan gerīmbōce þæt man brēac fram 45 BC.
  • 1803 - Marbury v. Madison staðelode judicial review in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum.
  • 1848 - Louis-Philippe, Orleanisc cyning Franclandes, āgeaf his cȳnedōm and scōc tō Englalande.
  • 1946 - Juan Perōn colonel hæfþ man gecoren forman sīðe swā Foresittend Argentinan.

Nīwlice dagas: 23 Solmōnaþ – 22 Solmōnaþ – 21 Solmōnaþ

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25 Solmōnaþ:

Elizabeth I cwēn Englalandes

  • 138 - Hadrian cāsere hæfþ Antoninus Pius tō sunu genumen, making him heir.
  • 1570 - Pius V pāpa ābenn þæt Regnans in Excelsis papal bull, þæt hæfþ Elizabeth I cwēn Englalandes āmānsumod.
  • 1901 - J.P. Morgan incorporated U.S. Steel.
  • 1986 - Ferdinand Marcos foresittend þā Philippines geflēah.

Nīwlice dagas: 24 Solmōnaþ – 23 Solmōnaþ – 22 Solmōnaþ

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26 Solmōnaþ:


  • 1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte of Elban ūtābærst.
  • 1935 - Adolf Hitler bēad þe þone Luftwaffe man scolde nīwe āstellan.
  • 1966 - The Saturn IB rocket flēag for the first time.
  • 1993 - Sum van bomb exploded under þǣm World Trade Center.

Nīwlice dagas: 25 Solmōnaþ – 24 Solmōnaþ – 23 Solmōnaþ

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27 Solmōnaþ: Selfdōmes Dæg in þǣre  Dominicaniscan Cynewīsan (1844)

Henri IV Franclandes

  • 1594 - Henric IV bēagode man swā cyning Franclandes.
  • 1902 - John Steinbeck is in Salinas, California geboren.
  • 1933 - Man forbarn þā witena gemōtes bȳtlunge Þēodisclandes.
  • 1991 - Dæl Gūþ: Bush foresittend ābēonn "Cuwait is ālīesed."

Nīwlice dagas: 26 Solmōnaþ – 25 Solmōnaþ – 24 Solmōnaþ

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28 Solmōnaþ:

John Wesley

  • 364 - Valentinianus I wearþ Romanisc cāsere.
  • 1784 - John Wesley onstealde þā Methodiscan Cirican.
  • 1935 - Wallace Carothers āhogode nīlon.
  • 1947 - Fela manna sturfon in Taiwanes Belimp 28 Solmōnaþes.
  • 1983 - Sēo æftemesta sendung M*A*S*H wæs tōsāwen in þǣm Geānlǣhtum Underrīcum.

Nīwlice dagas: 27 Solmōnaþ – 26 Solmōnaþ – 25 Solmōnaþ

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29 Solmōnaþ: Bises in þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc.

Desmond Tutu, Sūþafricanisc arcebiscop

  • 1712 - Æfter 29 Solmōnþe cōm 30 Solmōnaþ in Swēolande, in anginne tō adilgienne þā Swēoniscan gerīmbōc.
  • 1940 - Hattie McDaniel wearþ se forma Swearta tō gewinnenne Oscar.
  • 1988 - Man hæftede Sūþafricaniscne arcebiscop Desmond Tutu mid 100 ōðrum prēostum ofer fīfdæglanges wiþīewunge wiþ apartheid in Cape Town.
  • 2004 - Jean-Bertrand Aristide ofgiefþ swā foresittend Haitin æfter wiþfeohtenda wiþfeohtunge.

Nīwlice dagas: 28 Solmōnaþ – 27 Solmōnaþ – 26 Solmōnaþ

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Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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