Wikipedia:Gecorene gemynddagas/20 Winterfylleþ
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20 Winterfylleþ:
- 1827 - Geānlǣht Britisc, Frencisc, and Russisc sciphere ofslōgon geānlǣhtan Turcisc and Ǣgyptisc flēt in þǣm Beadwe Navarino, a decisive moment in þǣm Greciscan Selfdōmes Gūþe.
- 1883 - Peru and Chile signed the Treaty of Ancōn, ending Perus involvement in the War of the Pacific.
- 1968 - Former Americanisc First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy beweddode Grecisc shipping business magnate Aristotle Onassis.
- 1973 - Elizabeth II cwēn openode þæt Sydney Operahūs.
Nīwlice dagas: 19 Winterfylleþ – 18 Winterfylleþ – 17 Winterfylleþ