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Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Frīgedæg, 7 Hrēþmōnaþ, 2008; hit is nú 12:02 (UTC)

1 Winterfylleþ: Þēodlic Dæg in þǣm Folclicre Cynewīsan Cīnan (1949); Selfdōmdæg in Cypruse & Nigerian (bū 1960), Tuvalu (1978) and Palau (1994)

Coat of Arms, People's Republic of China
  • 331 BC - Beadu Arbela: Þēah þe man hine rīmum micelode, Alexander se Micela Macedones forhīende Darius III Persian, and man him gebēagod swā "Cyning Asian" in gescrife in Arbela (nū Arbil, Irac gehāten).
  • 1936 - Se heretoga Francisco Franco wearþ rīcehēafod ofer Spēonland and wealdode swā tictator oþ þæt hē stearf in 1975.
  • 1944 – Massacre æt Marzabotto: Wehrmacht and SS ācwellodon ofer 800 manna be Bologna.
  • 1949 – Mao Zedong ābēad þā Folces Lēodþing Cīna.
  • 1977 - Brasilisc fōtclywe star Edson Arantes do Nascimento, bet cūþ swā Pelé, played his last professional football game .

Nīwlice dagas: 30 Hāligmōnaþ – 29 Hāligmōnaþ – 28 Hāligmōnaþ

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2 Winterfylleþ: Selfdōmdæg in Guinean (1958)

Rīcesfana þæs Lēodþinges Guinean

  • 1187 - Þridda Crusade: Saladin and þā Seljuk Turcas genōmon Hierusalem.
  • 1535 - Frencisc āsēcere Jacques Cartier seglode ūp þā Sanctes Lawrences Ēa and reahte Iroquois burh on þǣre īege þæt is nū Montréal gehāten.
  • 1835 - Mexican dragoons dispatched to disarm settlers at Gonzales, Texas encountered stiff resistance from a Texian militia in the Battle of Gonzales, þus ongann sēo Texas Wendung.
  • 1944 – Sēo Warscauer Wiðerwunnung endode mid þǣre forlǣtunge þǣre Poliscan Fierde and sēo forlēosung þæs rīces fram þǣm Þēodiscmannum.
  • 1955 – ENIAC, þæt man þone ǣrostan circolwyrde teohhaþ, wæs ofgescytt.
  • 1968 - The Tlatelolco massacre: A peaceful student demonstration in Tlatelolco, Mexico City ended at sunset, when here and police forces began firing into the crowd.

Nīwlice dagas: 1 Winterfylleþ – 30 Hāligmōnaþ – 29 Hāligmōnaþ

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3 Winterfylleþ: Rosh Hashanah, 5766 onginnþ æt þǣm sunnansetlgange (2005); Selfdōmdæg in Irace (1932); Dæg þæs Þēodiscan Ānhāda.

Þēodisc fana

  • 2333 BC - Dangun, a mythical figure, onstealde þæt cynerīce Go-Joseon (nū Corea).
  • 1283 - David ap Gruffydd, Ealdormann Wēala, se æftemesta gecynda rīcsere Wēala tō wiðerstandenne Engliscne dryhtscipe, wæs ācweald mid dragunge and snīðunge on fēower dǣlum.
  • 1935 - Italia inswēog Ethiopian, onǣlde þā Ōðere Italiscan-Abyssiniscan Gūðe.
  • 1990 - Þēodisc edgeānlǣcung: Þā fīf edstaðelodan Þēodiscan rīcu (Bundesländer) Ēastþēodisclandes geǣndon ambihtlīce Westþēodiscland.
  • 1993 - Beadu Mogadishu: Cempan of Malaysian, Pakistani, and U.S. gewǣpnode hergas ongann fōn Sōmaliscne wīgfrēan Mohamed Farrah Aidid, swā gewriten in bēc and þonne in filmenne getītelod "Black Hawk Down" ("Blæc Hafoc Dūne").

Nīwlice dagas: 2 Winterfylleþ – 1 Winterfylleþ – 30 Hāligmōnaþ

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4 Winterfylleþ: Selfdōmdæg in Lesotho (1966); Labour Day in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and Sūþ Australian (2004).

Lesothos Fana

  • 1830 - Belgian Revolution: A provisional government in Brussels declared the creation of the independent and neutral state of Belgium, in revolt wiþ þæt Geānlǣhtan Cynerīce þǣm Niðerland.
  • 1910 - Manuel II, the last cyninge Portugales, fled to Grēatbryttene when a revolution erupted in Lisbon and his palace was shelled. A republic was proclaimed the next day.
  • 1957 - Sofiet spacecraft Sputnik 1, ǣrest artificial satellite to orbit þā Eorðan, was launched at 19:12 UTC by a R-7 rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.
  • 1993 - Russian Constitutional Crisis: Tanks bombarded the Hwīthūs in Moscow, a government building that housed the Russisc parliament, where demonstrators wiþ þone foresittend Boris Yeltsin rallied outside.

Nīwlice dagas: 3 Winterfylleþ – 2 Winterfylleþ – 1 Winterfylleþ

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5 Winterfylleþ: Republic Day in Portugal (1910)


  • 1864 - Colcata in Indian wæs almost fullīce destroyed by a cyclone þe ācwealde 60,000 leoda.
  • 1877 - Æfter þǣm þe hīe wigon U.S. gewǣpnode hergas for ofer þrim mōnþum, onwundon ofer 1,000 mīla ofer Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, and ādrugon fīfdæglice ofsetennesse, Chief Joseph and his Nez Perce band finally surrendered.
  • 1908 - Prince Ferdinand wearþ tsar æfter the autonomous principality of Bulgaria proclaimed selfdōm of þǣm Ottomaniscan Rīce.
  • 1969 - Se fyrmesta spelldǣl Monty Pythones Flēogendes Circus wæs wīdworpen on BBC1.
  • 1970 - Wælwulfas of þǣm Front de Libération du Québec genōmon Bryttiscne lēodweardspeliend, onǣlde þæt Winterfylleðes Frēcne in Montréale, Canadan.

Nīwlice dagas: 4 Winterfylleþ – 3 Winterfylleþ – 2 Winterfylleþ

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6 Winterfylleþ:


  • 1927 - The first successful talking movie "The Jazz Singer", starring Al Jolson, was released.
  • 1973 – Ūp in þǣm Golanhīehþum ongann sēo Iom-Kippur-Gūþ.
  • 1976 - Se cīnisca fyrmestmann Hua Guofeng hēt hæftan þæt Gang of Four and their associates, putting an end to the Cultural Revolution in Cinan.
  • 1981 - Ǣgyptisc foresittend Mohamed Anwar el-Sadat wæs assassinated.
  • 1995 - Gewrit in þǣm cranice Nature gecȳðde þā āwrigennesse planētan þe ymbhierfþ 51 Pegasi swā se ǣresta cūða būtansunnlica planēta ymbe hēafodgetællicne steorran.

Nīwlice dagas: 5 Winterfylleþ – 4 Winterfylleþ – 3 Winterfylleþ

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7 Winterfylleþ: Symbeldæg for þǣm Sancte Osyþe

Sēo Beadu Lepanto

  • 3761 BCE - Sēo tīd þǣre gengan Hebrēiscan gerīmbōce.
  • 1571 - Beadu Lepanto: Forman sīðe wæs þæt Ottomaniscan Rīce forhīened fram þǣre crīstenan Europan, swā manigþēodlic flota under Don John Ēastrīces gehnyscte þone Turciscne flōthere nēah þǣre Corinthiscan Flēote.
  • 1985 - Þæt Wendelsǣlice gārsecgscip Achille Lauro wæs gefangen fram Palestiniscum brēgeras.
  • 2001 - Sēo U.S. infaru Afghanlandes ongann æt 16:30 UTC mid lyftlicum berstungsearwa wīgsīðe mid Talibaniscum and Al-Qaida hergum swā miercelsas.

Nīwlice dagas: 6 Winterfylleþ – 5 Winterfylleþ – 4 Winterfylleþ

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8 Winterfylleþ:

Līchama for Che Guevara

  • 451 - The Council of Chalcedon, the fourth ecumenical council in Crīstendōm, opened. It repudiated the Eutychian doctrine of monophysitism, and set forth the Chalcedonian Creed.
  • 1600 – Sēo Gesettnes Sanctes Marines wæs genumen and macode ān þāra ǣrestena Þēodþinga in þǣre worulde.
  • 1895 - Queen Min, the last empress Corean, was ācwellode.
  • 1962 - Spiegel scandal: Der Spiegel uncovered the sorry state of the Bundeswehr (se Þēodisc here) facing the communist threat from the east at the time. The magazine was soon accused of treason.
  • 1967 - Che Guevara (pictured), an Argentine-born læce, Marxist revolutionary and Cuban guerrilla lǣdere, wæs genōm in Bolivian.

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12 Winterfylleþ: Yom Kippur begins at sunset in Judaism, Dussehra in Hinduism (2005); Hispanisc Dæg in Spēonlande and Día de la Resistencia Indígena in Venezuelan.

Image:Joshua A Norton2.JPG

  • 1810: Se ǣresta Oktoberfest wæs gemǣrsod in Mynecene, tō gefrēolsienne þā wīfunge æþelinges Ludwiges I Bægwara.
  • 1859: Self-gemearcod "Cāsere þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca and Scieldend Mexicos" Joshua A. Norton (gemēted) 'ordered' the Geānlǣhtra Rīca Þēodgemōt tō tōlīesenne.
  • 1984: The Provisional Irish Republican Army failed in its attempt to assassinate British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and most of her cabinet in the Brighton hotel bombing.
  • 1999: A military coup in Pakistan led by General Pervez Musharraf ousted the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
  • 2002: A series of car bombs exploded in Bali, Indonesia, killing 202 people and injuring a further 209.

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14 Winterfylleþ:

Beadu Hastinges

  • 1066 - Beadu Hǣstingum: The Norman invasion forces þǣm dux Wilhelm se Gehīersumiend forhīendon þā Engliscan innhere and cwealdon hire cyning Harold II Englalandes.
  • 1926 - Sēo cildra bōc "Winnie-se-Pooh", fram A. A. Milne, wæs gewīdmǣrsod forman sīðe.
  • 1947 - Chuck Yeager flew a Bell X-1 faster than the speed of sound, becoming the first person to do so in level flight.
  • 1953 - Qibya massacre: Israeli military commander Ariel Sharon and his Unit 101 special forces were ordered to "inflict heavy damage on the inhabitants" in a village on the West Bank.
  • 1979 - Swā fela swā 100,000 lēoda in Wascingtūn, DC marched in the first gay rights march in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Rīcum.

Nīwlice dagas: 13 Winterfylleþ – 12 Winterfylleþ – 11 Winterfylleþ

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15 Winterfylleþ: Ramadan onginnþ on þǣre Islamiscan gerīmbēc mǣstena Islamiscan landa (2004)


  • 1582 - Gregory XIII pāpa implemented the Gregorisc gerīmbōc. In Italy, Polaland, Portugal and Spēonland, 4 Winterfylleþ of this year was followed immediately by 15 Winterfylleþ, skipping over 10 calendar days. Other countries followed at various later dates.
  • 1815 - Napoleon I Franclandes began his exile on St. Helena, a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • 1894 - The Dreyfus affair: Alfred Dreyfus, a Iudeisc artillery officer in the Frencisc here, was wrongly arrested for treason in a political scandal later exposed by Émile Zola.
  • 1917 - Niðerlandisc exotic dancer Mata Hari, also a courtesan who might have had affairs with many military officers and politicians in Francland, was executed by a firing squad for spying for Þēodiscland.
  • 2003 - China launched Shenzhou 5, their first manned space mission, with Lt. Col. Yang Liwei aboard as the republic's first astronaut.

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17 Winterfylleþ:

Johannes Kepler's original drawing of Supernova 1604
  • 1469 - Ferdinand II of Aragon wīfode Isabella of Castile. Hira gemǣnung lǣdde tō þǣm limplǣcunge Aragones and Castilan intō ān Corōnan, Spēonlande.
  • 1604 - Kepleres Steorra: Þēodisc steorscēawere Johannes Kepler scēawode, þæt an syndriglīce beorht steorra fǣringa wæs geblicon in þǣm tungolmearcung Ophiuchus. Þes "nīwa steorra" wæs rihte sēo endemeste oferūtāberstung gescēawod in ūsere āgenan tungolsamnunge, þǣm Iringes wege.
  • 1989 - Loma Prieta eorþstyren: Sēo grīeteste eorþstyren, þe gēo gelamp on þǣm San Andreas Fault in Californian siþþan 1906, slōg the San Francisco Bay Area at 5.04 pm local time and measured 7.1 on the Richter scale.
  • 2003 - The pinnacle was fitted on the roof of Taipei 101, a 106-floor skyscraper in Taipei, allowing it to surpass the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur by 50 metres (165 feet) and become the World's tallest building.

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20 Winterfylleþ:

Sǣlic beadu Navarino, be Carneray

  • 1827 - Geānlǣht Britisc, Frencisc, and Russisc sciphere ofslōgon geānlǣhtan Turcisc and Ǣgyptisc flēt in þǣm Beadwe Navarino, a decisive moment in þǣm Greciscan Selfdōmes Gūþe.
  • 1883 - Peru and Chile signed the Treaty of Ancōn, ending Perus involvement in the War of the Pacific.
  • 1968 - Former Americanisc First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy beweddode Grecisc shipping business magnate Aristotle Onassis.
  • 1973 - Elizabeth II cwēn openode þæt Sydney Operahūs.

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