Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija ħielsa.
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![]() Opossum ta' Virginia Didelphis virginiana
Scientific classification | ||||||||||||
L-Ameridelphia huwa superordni ta' mammiferi marsupjali, fil-klassi Mammalia, fis-sottoklassi Theria, fl-infraklassi Metatheria, b' 2 ordnijiet (Paucituberculata u Didelphimorphia). Dan is-superordni flimkien ma' l-Australidelphia jiffurmaw l-infraklassi Metatheria.
L-Ameridelphia jinkludi fiħ il-marsupjali kollha taż-2 kontinenti Amerikani, minbarra il-marsupjal kolokolo jew monito del monte Dromiciops gliroides, li għalkemm huwa mifrux mal-kontinent ta' l-Amerika t'isfel jifforma parti mas-superordni Australidelphia.
[editja] Klassifikazjoni
- Superordni Ameridelphia
[editja] Referenzi
- McKenna, M.C. & Bell, S.K. 1997. Classification of mammals: above the species level. New York: Columbia University Press, 631 pp. ISBN 0-213-11013-8
- Nilsson, M.A., Arnason, U., Spencer, P.B.S. & Janke, A. 2004. Marsupial relationships and a timeline for marsupial radiation in South Gondwana. Gene 340:189-196.
- Jansa, S.A. & Voss, R.S. 2000. Phylogenetic Studies on Didelphid Marsupials I. Introduction and Preliminary Results from Nuclear IRBP Gene Sequences. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 7(1):43-77.
- Kirsch, J.A.W., Lapointe, F.-J. & Springer, M.S. 1997. DNA-hybridisation studies of marsupials and their implications for metatherian classification. Australian Journal of Zoology 45:211-280.
- Palma, R.E. & Spotorno, A.E. 1999. Molecular systematics of marsupials bvased on the rRNA 12S mitochondrial gene: the phylogeny of Didelphimorphia and of the living fossil microbiotheriid Dormiciops gliroides Thomas. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 13:525-535.