Christlich Soziale Union
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The Christlich Soziale Union, short CSU is a conservative political party in the German state Bavaria. In the federal parliament of Germany (Bundestag) the CSU and the CDU join in a common parlamentaric caucus. Its chief is Edmund Stoiber.
[edit] History
In 1945 there were two foundings of a CSU on the communal level, in Würzburg and in Munich. In January in 1946 the CSU was founded for whole Bavaria. All state election of Bavaria were won by the CSU. Sometime the CSU had to make some coalitions with the Bayernpartei (Bavarian Party), the FDP or the SPD. In the federal government the CSU joined every time the CDU joined it.
Great scandals were about Franz-Josef Strauß.
[edit] Programme
The CSU is a very conserative party according to the population of Bavaria - mainly living in countryside. Traditionally it tried to make a compromiss between conserative tradition, and social welfare. Currently it chances to more free marked believe instaed of social care.