Hail Mary
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Hail Mary is a Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Anglicans and and Lutheran prayer to Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is also prayed by some Orthodox, Anglicans and Lutherans. The prayer is a part of the rosary.
[edit] The Words
- Hail Mary,
- Full of Grace,
- The Lord is with thee.
- Blessed art thou among women,
- and blessed is the fruit
- of thy womb, Jesus.
- Holy Mary,
- Mother of God,
- pray for us sinners now,
- and at the hour of death.
- Amen.
[edit] External links
- The prayer on roman-catholic-prayers.com
- Ave Maria on video/audio sung by Sharon Janis
- Catholic Encyclopedia 1910: Hail Mary
- Brief commentary on the Hail Mary from the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Ave Maria article in Christian Cyclopedia
- Various Ave Maria hymn Ave Maria(MIDI by JE1EMU)
- Text of the Hail Mary in many foreign languages
- http://www.ewtn.org