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Dina sasatoan, uteuk, otak, atawa encephalon (Yun. "di jero hulu"), ngarupakeun puseur pangaturan sistem saraf puseur. Di kalolobaan sato, uteuk téh ayana dina hulu, ditutup ku tangkorak, sarta deukeut ka parabot tempoan sénsori primér, pangrungu, ékuilibriosépsi, pangrasa, jeung olfaksi.
Di manusa, uteuk téh organ pikeun mikir. Vertebrata lolobana boga uteuk, sedengkeun invertebrata uteukna dipuseurkeun atawa dina bentuk kumpulan ganglion, anapon sato primitif sarupaning spons teu boga uteuk pisan. Uteuk téh wangunna pajeulit pisan. Misalna baé uteuk manusa nu ngandung leuwih ti 100 miliar neuron, nu disambungkeun ka 10.000 neuron lianna.
[édit] Bacaan salajengna
- Junqueira, L.C., and J. Carneiro (2003). Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Tenth Edition, Lange Medical Books McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-121565-4.
- Sala, Sergio Della, editor. (1999). Mind myths: Exploring popular assumptions about the mind and brain, J. Wiley & Sons, New York. ISBN 0-471-98303-9.
- Vander, A., J. Sherman, D. Luciano (2001). Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function, McGraw Hill Higher Education. ISBN 0-07-118088-5.
[édit] Rujukan
- Brain, Wikipédia édisi basa Inggris per 13 April 2007
[édit] Tumbu kaluar
- How Your Brain Works at HowStuffWorks
- Brain Tutorial
- Comparative Mammalian Brain Collection
- Brain Research News from ScienceDaily
- BrainInfo for Neuroanatomy
- Neuroscience for kids
- Answers to several brain related questions of curious kids
- Everything you wanted to know about the brain — Provided by New Scientist.
- Fact sheets on brain injury - causes, effects and coping strategies
- neuroscience wiki
- BrainMaps.org, interactive high-resolution digital brain atlas based on scanned images of serial sections of both primate and non-primate brains
- Scientific American Magazine (September 2003 Issue) Ultimate Self-Improvement
- An orderly article about the brain
- Spastic cerebral palsy symptoms
- Brain.com - Information on the brain
- Brain Research and Information Network (B.R.A.I.N.)