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[编辑] 人类口述和非物质遗产代表作名录
[编辑] 第一批(19项)
- 伽里富纳文化:伯利兹,并得到洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜支持
- 吉拉德舞蹈:贝宁,并得到尼日利亚和多哥支持
- 奥鲁洛狂欢节:玻利维亚
- 崑曲艺术:中国
- 塔巴纳喇叭乐:科特迪瓦
- 圣灵手足之情:多米尼加
- 复调唱法:格鲁吉亚
- 梭梭·巴拉打击乐:几内亚
- 库蒂亚泰姆梵剧:印度
- 西西里傀儡戏:意大利
- 能樂:日本
- 王室宗庙神殿歌舞:韩国
- 木制十字架工艺:立陶宛,并得到拉脱维亚支持
- 德迦玛·艾尔法纳广场的民俗文化:摩洛哥
- 伊富高人的哈德哈德圣歌:菲律宾
- 塞梅斯基人的口述文化:俄罗斯
- 神秘的埃尔切戏剧:西班牙
- 博伊桑:乌兹别克斯坦
- 扎帕拉人的民俗文化:zh-cn:厄瓜多尔;zh-tw:厄瓜多和秘鲁
[编辑] 第二批(28项)
- 阿塞拜疆木卡姆:阿塞拜疆
- 班什嘉年華:比利时
- The Andean Cosmovision of the Kallawaya:玻利维亚
- The Oral and Graphic Expressions of the Wajapi:巴西
- 柬埔寨皇家芭蕾:柬埔寨
- The Oral Traditions of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa:中非共和国
- 古琴艺术:中国
- The Carnival of Barranquilla:哥伦比亚
- La Tumba Francesa, Music of the Oriente Brotherhood:古巴
- The Al-Sirah al-Hilaliyya Epic:埃及
- The Kihnu Cultural Space:爱沙尼亚
- 口诵吠陀经:印度
- Wayang Puppet Theatre:印度尼西亚
- 伊拉克木卡姆音乐:伊拉克
- The Maroon Heritage of Moore Town:牙买加
- 人偶净琉璃文乐木偶剧:日本
- 韩国清唱板索里:韩国
- The Art of the Akyns, Kirghiz Epic Tellers:吉尔吉斯斯坦
- Woodcrafting Knowledge of the Zafimaniry:马达加斯加
- The Indigenous Festivity dedicated to the Dead:墨西哥
- 马头琴传统音乐:蒙古
- Lakalaka, Dances and Sung Speeches of Tonga:汤加
- The Arts of the Meddah, Public Storytellers:土耳其
- 瓦努阿图沙画:瓦努阿图
- 雅樂 (Nha Nhac,越南的古代宮廷音樂:越南
- 萨那歌曲:也门
- The Baltic Song and Dance Celebrations:爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛
- Shashmaqom Music:塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦
[编辑] 第三批(43项)
- Albanian folk iso-polyphony (Albania)
- Ahellil of Gourara (Algeria)
- 簧笛古調:亞美尼亞
- Baul songs (Bangladesh)
- Processional giants and dragons in Belgium and France (Belgium and France)
- The mask dance of the drums from Drametse (Bhutan)
- Samba of Roda from Recôncavo Baiano (Brazil)
- The Bistritsa Babi (grandmothers of Bistritsa) – Archaic polyphony, dances and ritual practices from the Shoplouk region (Bulgaria)
- Sbek Thom,高棉皮影戲(Cambodia)
- 新疆木卡姆:中國
- The cultural space of Palenque de San Basilio (Colombia)
- Oxherding and oxcart tradition in Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
- Slovácko Verbuňk, Dance of recruits (Czech Republic)
- Cocolo dancing drama tradition (Dominican Republic)
- Rabinal Achí Ballet (Guatemala)
- Ramlila: the traditional performance of the Ramayana (India)
- Indonesian Kris (Indonesia)
- The A Tenore Song of the Sardinian pastoral culture (Italy)
- 歌舞伎:日本
- The cultural space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum (Jordan)
- Vimbuza Healing Dance (Malawi)
- Gule Wamkulu (Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia)
- 瑪蓉舞劇(Malaysia)
- The cultural space of the Yaaral and Degal (Mali)
- 蒙古族長調民歌:蒙古、中國
- The Moussem of Tan-Tan (Morocco)
- Chopi Timbila (Mozambique)
- El Güegüense (Nicaragua)
- Ifa Divination system in Nigeria (Nigeria)
- The Palestinian Hikaye (Palestine)
- Taquile and its textile art (Peru)
- Darangen Epic of the Maranao People of Lake Lanao (Philippines)
- 江陵端午祭:韓國
- The Căluş (Romania)
- Yakut Heroic Epos - Olonkho (Russian Federation)
- The Kankurang, or Manding initiatory rite (Senegal and Gambia)
- Fujara - Musical instrument and its music (Slovakia)
- The Patum of Berga (Spain)
- The Mevlevi Sema Ceremony (Turkey)
- Bark cloth making in Uganda (Uganda)
- The space of Gong culture in the Central Highland of Vietnam (Vietnam)
- The Makishi Masquerade (Zambia)
- Mbende/Jerusarema dance (Zimbabwe)
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