- 这篇文章是关于 西岸城市伯利恒。其他同名城镇参见伯利恒(消歧义).
伯利恒(天主教译为白冷), (标准希伯来语:בית לחם,意思是面包籃子,Bet léḥem / Bet láḥem;Tiberian 希伯来语 Bêṯ léḥem / Bêṯ lāḥem;希腊语: Βηθλεέμ;阿拉伯语:بيت لحم Bayt Laḥm 意为"肉篮子"; ) 位於耶路撒冷以南10千米,屬西岸以色列佔領區。是大衛王、耶穌的養父約瑟的故鄉。耶穌亦在此出生。
伯利恒 是一座位于巴勒斯坦西岸的城市,同时也是巴勒斯坦文化和旅游业的一个中心。
这座城市对基督教而言意义重大,因为人们相信她是耶稣的出生地。城外有对犹太教有重要意义的拉结墓。伯利恒还有中东最大的巴勒斯坦基督徒社区之一。位于耶路撒冷以南10千米,海拔765米,比耶路撒冷高30米。小镇Beit Jala和Beit Sahour也属于伯利恒agglomeration, 其中Beit Sahour在圣经中也有重要意义。 圣诞教堂,由康斯坦丁大帝建造 (公元330年),位于伯利恒的中心,它是建在一个叫“圣穴”的地穴之上, 据基督教传统这里是耶稣降生的地方。这也许是世界上现存的最古老的教堂。Close to it is another grotto, where Jerome the Latin father is said 花了三十年时间将圣经翻译成拉丁语。(参见Vulgate).
目录 |
[编辑] 历史
[编辑] Biblical
该城位于多山的犹大王国,最初叫Ephrath (创世纪35:16, 19; 48:7; 路得记4:11). 又名 Beth-lehem Ephratah (弥迦书5:2), Beth-lehem-judah (1 Sam. 17:12), and "大卫之城" (路加福音2:4)。圣经里第一次提到这里,是拉结死在这里,埋葬在"路边," directly to the north of the city (创世纪. 48:7)。The valley to the east was the scene of 故事of 路得 Moabitess。There are the fields in which she gleaned, and the path by which她和拿俄米回到the town.
[编辑] 大卫之城
非常重要的是,伯利恒是以色列第二位国王大卫的出生地,and it is also the place where he was anointed as king by 撒母耳 (撒母耳记上16:4-13); and it was from the well of 伯利恒 that three of his heroes brought water for him at the risk of their lives when he was in the cave of Adullam (2 Sam. 23:13-17).
[编辑] 耶稣的降生地
这使伯利恒与众不同。"伯利恒以法他阿,你在犹大诸城中为小,将来必有一位从你那里为我而出,在以色列中作掌权者;祂是从亘古,从太初而出。" (弥迦书5:2),这里就是弥赛亚将要降生的地方。根据福音书(路加福音 2:4和马太福音 2:1),耶稣正是他们等待的弥赛亚,降生在伯利恒,尽管他在拿撒勒长大。马太记载希律在耶稣降生后杀害了"伯利恒所有两岁以下的孩子,and in all the coasts thereof"(Matt. 2:16, 18; Jer. 31:15).
[编辑] 罗马和拜占廷时期
The city was wrecked during Bar Kokhba's revolt (132-135 AD) and the Romans set up a shrine to Adonis on the site of the Nativity。Only 326年 was第一座基督教堂constructed,海伦娜,第一位基督徒皇帝的母亲, Constantine,访问伯利恒。
During the Samaritan revolt of 529年,伯利恒 was sacked and its walls and 毁坏圣诞教堂,不久重建 on the orders of 皇帝Justinian。614年,波斯人 invaded Palestine and captured 伯利恒. A story recounted in later sources holds that they refrained from 毁坏圣诞教堂on seeing magi depicted in 波斯 clothing in one of the mosaics.
[编辑] 阿拉伯统治和十字軍
637年,在耶路撒冷被穆斯林军队占领之后不久,Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab访问伯利恒,应许圣诞教堂将继续给基督徒使用。
1099年,伯利恒被十字军占领,who fortified it and built a new monastery and cloister on 圣诞教堂的北面。The town prospered under their rule。1100年圣诞节Baldwin 一世,法兰克耶路撒冷王国的第一位国王,was crowned in 伯利恒,and that year a 天主教 episcopate was also established in the town.
1187年,Saladin captured 伯利恒 from the Crusaders, and the Latin clerics were forced to leave. Saladin agreed to the return of two Latin priests and two deacons in 1192年。丧失了朝圣贸易。伯利恒 was briefly returned to Crusader control by treaty between 1229 and 1244. In 1250, with the coming to power of Rukn al-Din Baibars, tolerance of 基督教衰落, clergy left the town,and in 1263 the walls of the town were demolished. 拉丁 clergy returned to the town over the following century, establishing themselves in the monastery adjoining the Basilica, and in 1347 方济各会 gained possession of Grotto of Nativity as well as the right to administer and maintain the Basilica.
[编辑] 奥斯曼帝国
奥斯曼帝国从1517年开始控制这里,custody of the Basilica was bitterly disputed between 天主教和东正教。
从1831年到1841年,巴勒斯坦在埃及Muhammad Ali of 埃及统治之下。这期间伯利恒经历了一次地震as well as destruction of 穆斯林quarter by troops, apparently as a reprisal for a murder。1841年,伯利恒回到奥斯曼帝国,直到第一次世界大战结束,战后巴勒斯坦由英国托管。
[编辑] 20世纪
1947年,联合国大会解决巴勒斯坦争端,伯利恒包括在由联合国管理的耶路撒冷特别国际飞地内。约旦在1948年以阿战争期间占领该城。1947年- 1948年许多从犹太复国主义者占领区来的难民来到伯利恒,住在城北靠近去耶路撒冷的道路和城南山下和所罗门池之间的地方。后来成为正式的难民营:Beit Jibrin (al-'Azza)、'A'ida (在北面)和南面的Deheisheh。这些难民改变了伯利恒的种族构成。
[编辑] 近期事件
[编辑] 围困圣诞教堂
With the escalation of 以巴冲突,伯利恒 has been the site of many confrontations。2002年5月,during an 以色列 Defense Forces raid into the city,一批当地人(有些是军人)fled into 圣诞教堂。根据senior Tanzim commander Abdullah Abu-Hadid,教堂was specifically chosen due to its abundant 供应 of 食物、水和国际瞩目的焦点[來源請求]。It became the site of a 5周 stand-off。至少40名枪手禁止在里面的人(120-240之间)离开 [2][3]。Several groups of civilians 在五周的围困期间被允许离开教堂 [4]。围困期间,几名在教堂里的巴勒斯坦人被以色列snipers射杀。围困 ended with an agreement for 13 militants to 经塞浦路斯送往不同的欧洲国家,其余26人送往加沙。The rest were set free。The IDF stated that 发现并移除40枚炸弹 from the compound after the standoff was concluded. [5]
[编辑] 运动 restrictions
伯利恒, Beit Sahour and Beit Jala are currently surrounded by 以色列checkpoints and roadblocks, with 到耶路撒冷的主要道路cut off at the burder of 耶路撒冷的municipal area [6] - at Rachel's Tomb. Bethlehem residents are only allowed into Jerusalem (the main social, economic and religious centre of the region) with special permits that are usually refused。到西岸巴勒斯坦控制区其他地方旅行is also impeded and sometimes prevented. The city has periodically been placed under strict curfew, preventing residents from leaving their homes. 巴勒斯坦人不允许进入城外的犹太圣地拉结墓。Since 伯利恒and the nearby biblical 所罗门池位于Area A,以色列公民没有允许不得去那里 from 以色列military authorities.
The construction by Israel of 西岸barrier has had a severe impact on 伯利恒. The barrier runs along the northern side of the town's built-up area, within metres of houses in 'A'ida refugee camp and the 耶路撒冷 municipality.
[编辑] 种族变化
伯利恒现任市长Hanna Nasser说伯利恒在2000年- 2003年期间有2000名基督徒移居外地。五年以前,伯利恒还以基督徒为主。今天,已经是穆斯林占多数。 [7]
[编辑] 加利利的伯利恒
有些研究者认为新约把耶稣的降生地弄错了,声称真正的降生地是加利利的伯利恒。The site featured the ruins of a church和a synagogue直到19世纪晚期,and was found to have archeological evidence of a prosperous city; many scholars place 加利利的伯利恒as one of 出生地of Rabbinical 犹太教 — it is by all accounts a logical place for a spiritual leader with 小组 of followers to develop his doctrines。这也解决了新约中耶稣何以在六个小时内从拿撒勒来到这里的难题 。
以色列 archeologist Aviram Oshri of 以色列Antiquity Authority, who has excavated and mapped the site[8], found solid evidence of a flourishing Jewish community at the site well before the year 1, and a wall built around the settlement later (though neighbouring Jewish towns never built one).[9] To some archeologists this is a sign of a separatist cult community of some sort, which probably feared 宗教wrath of their 邻居 rather than more 敌人.
In comparison, 伯利恒地区 south of 耶路撒冷 has never produced any archeological evidence of a town existing in about 1 AD,until the first 拜占庭 town in that area some time in 3世纪。Judean 伯利恒 location was the preferred mythical 基督的降生地,backing up his lineage to 大卫王。
[编辑] 参见
[编辑] 外部链接
- 伯利恒 Municipality
- Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land website - pages on 伯利恒
- 伯利恒 2000 project
- Open 伯利恒civil society project
- 伯利恒大学
- Deheisheh Refugee Camp site (in Arabic)
- Wikitravel: 伯利恒
- Craft products from 伯利恒