包皮環切術 指手術切除部份或全部的包皮,有時陰莖腹面靠近尿道口的包皮繫帶(frenulum)也一併切除,稱為'frenectomy'。
目录 |
[编辑] 相關條目
[编辑] 簡介
例行性、非治療性地為男嬰割包皮惹來不少爭議。美國、加拿大和澳大利亞的醫學會並不建議對嬰兒施行包皮環切術,部份學會建議醫師為預期讓孩子割包皮的父母分析優缺點。"生殖器健全運動"(Genial integrity)是一個團體,它讉責非治療的嬰兒包皮環切術如同女性被割除陰部,是一種侵犯人權的行為,而另一方面也有團體鼓吹包皮環切術的好處。
[编辑] 包皮環切術的手術方法
包皮環切術是一種將陰莖上的包皮切除的手術。嬰兒的包皮環切術常使用各種鉗子類的器械 ([1])。這些器械是為了保護龜頭不致於在手術中受傷,同時可夾緊包皮以達到止血的目的。如果是用 Gomco 或 Mogen 式包皮鉗,必須先在包皮的背側縱切,才能用鉗子夾住包皮,然後把多餘的包皮切除。至於另一種常用的 Plastibell 式包皮鉗,則是在夾好鉗子後,等 3-7天後包皮會跟鉗子一起自動脫落。
據一項 1998 年的研究顯示,約有 45% 實施男嬰包皮環切術的醫師會使用麻醉劑 ([2]),最常用的麻醉法是陰莖背神經叢阻斷術。值得注意的是,婦產科醫師上麻醉的比例 (25%) 顯然低於小兒科和家庭醫學科的醫師。
成人的包皮環切術大多以局部麻醉進行,由泌尿科醫師執刀,而且通常不使用包皮鉗,而是用手術刀或組織剪切除包皮。醫師大多會保留一小段包皮,以免勃起時太過緊繃,甚至迸裂傷口。縫合用的線材大多可以吸收,如羊腸線,平均在 10-14 天後線結會自行脫落。手術後 4-6 星期,傷口癒合還不完全,必須避免性行為或是自慰 ([3])。
[编辑] 倫理方面的考慮
[编辑] 知情同意
[编辑] 對情緒的影響
[编辑] 合法性
[编辑] 幼兒的宗教性割禮
In some parts and cultures of the world, it is customary or obligatory for minors of both sexes to be circumcised for religious reasons. Many believe that this practice is protected by the principle of freedom of religion. Others disagree, arguing that no right has precedence over the rights of bodily integrity of a child. Still others contend that freedom of religion only applies to belief, not action involving others. Female circumcision is prohibited in most western countries, and Sweden has restricted religious male infant circumcision. [4]
[编辑] Medical Aspects
Recently there has been increasing cost-benefit analysis of the medical aspects of neonatal circumcision. Largely these have compared the average cost of neonatal circumcision, to the expected reduction in lifetime health costs, both financial and longevity, associated with reduced incidence of disease.
These studies have been conflicting but have formed the basis of public health policies. The American Academy of Pediatrics (1999) said the medical benfits of circumcision are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision, but that it should be the decision of informed parents.[5]
[编辑] 包皮環切術的風險
包皮環切術算是一項手術,發生併發症的風險在所難免。美國小兒科醫學會(AAP)、美國醫學會(AMA)和美國家庭科醫學會(AAFP)依據大規模的統計,公佈此項手術的併發症比率約在 0.2% 到 0.6%。兒童保護署(CPS)認同以上數據,但引用另一篇統計指出 2% 到 10% 更接近實情。皇家亞澳醫師學會(Royal Australasian College of Physicians)的一份資料表示嬰兒割包皮的併發症比率從 0.2%~0.6% 到 2%~10%,另一篇資料則為 1%~5%。以上的資料顯示併發症比率高低取決於包皮手術的狀況和所謂 "併發症" 如何定義,故有不同的數據差異。
[编辑] HIV
The March 2005 Cochrane review concluded that while individual studies are of variable quality, there are clear indicators that circumcision can significantly reduce the chances of female-to-male HIV infection in an African population, when compared against an non-circumcised control group.[7] The review commented that the results of the three randomised controlled trials will be essential. The results of the first trial were published in November 2005, reporting 60% protection against HIV infection.[8] The World Health Organization stresses that the protective effect offered by male circumcision in Africa has to be confirmed by further studies, and is not reliable enough to replace, or undermine, sex education and safer sex practice as a means to combat AIDS. Currently, several more studies are under way to investigate the protective effect of circumcision against HIV infections, but the results will not be available until 2007.[9]
In 2000, Szabo and Short suggested that the foreskin's langerhans cells might provide an entry point for the virus, which Patterson et al confirmed in their 2002 study.[10] McCoombe et al found that these cells were close to the surface and that the layer of protective keratin above them was thin or nonexistent.[11] Langerhans cells, a part of the human immune system, can be infected by the HIV virus.[12]
There is some debate, even among the medical community, as to whether or not circumcision can prevent certain infectious diseases, including HIV. Some authors are of the opinion that the prepuce has an important immunological function, and that its removal increases the chances of infections[1]. Their hypothesis has been criticised on technical grounds.[13] [14]
[编辑] HPV
Several studies have shown that non-circumcised men are at greater risk of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection.[15] [16] [17] While most genital HPV strains are considered harmless, some can, but not necessarily do, cause genital warts or even cancer. One study found no statistically significant difference between men with foreskins for HPV infection than those who are circumcised, but did note a significantly higher incidence of HPV lesions and urethritis [18].
[编辑] Hygiene
Circumcision reduces the amount of smegma produced by the body. Smegma, a transliteration of the Greek word σμήγμα for soap, is a combination of exfoliated (shed) , epithelial cells, transudated skin oils and moisture that can accumulate under the foreskin of males and within the female vulva area, with a characteristic strong odor and taste. Smegma is common to all mammals, male and female. While smegma is generally not believed to be harmful to health, the strong odour may be considered to be a nuisance giving the impression of lacking hygiene. In rare cases, accumulating smegma may play into causing balanitis.
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Canadian Pediatric Society emphasize that an non-circumcised infants penis should be left alone and requires no special care. Attempts to forcibly retract the foreskin, e.g. to clean it, are painful, often injure the foreskin, and can lead to scarring, infections and pathologic phimosis. It is recommended that, while there is no special age where the foreskin should be retractible, once the foreskin becomes retractible, the child should gently wash it with soap and water. It has been suggested, however, that excessive washing of the foreskin and the glans will make infections such as balanitis more likely.
[编辑] Infectious and chronic conditions
Non-circumcised children and men tend to have higher rates of various infections and inflammations of the penis, and of the foreskin, than circumcised men.[19] The reasons are unclear, but several hypotheses have been suggested:
- The foreskin may harbor bacteria and infect if it is not cleaned enough.[20]
- The foreskin may become inflamed if it is cleaned too often with soap.[21]
- The forcible retraction in boys can lead to infections.[22]
There are less invasive treatments than circumcision for posthitis (an inflamed foreskin) [23] and balanitis (inflammation of the glans) [24][25][26]. However, these are not as successful in treating balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) [27] [28] [29], which is harder to treat [30] [31].
Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (LSA) produces a whitish-yellowish patch on the skin, and is not believed to be always harmful or painful, and may sometimes disappear without intervention. Some consider balanitis xerotica obliterans to be a form of LSA that happens to be on the foreskin, where it may cause pathological phimosis. Circumcision is believed to reliably reduce the threat of BXO. [32]
[编辑] 陰莖癌
Penile cancer is cancer of the penis, i.e. on the glans or the foreskin. The lifetime risk is estimated to be 0.17% for a non-circumcised male, [33] and 80% of the cases are men over the age of 70. [34]
Circumcision and penectomy may be necessary to treat 陰莖癌. Less invasive treatments may include freezing of the tumor, chemical treatment, radiotherapy, and minimally invasive surgery. [35]
In 1998, the American Cancer Society labelled some claims about a relationship of circumcision with penile cancer misleading. It said:
- However, the penile cancer risk is low in some non-circumcised populations, and the practice of circumcision is strongly associated with socio-ethnic factors, which in turn are associated with lessened risk. The consensus among studies that have taken these other factors into account is circumcision is not of value in preventing cancer of the penis. (1998, [36])
However, in 2005, the society said:
- Recent studies have found that circumcised men are less likely to be infected with HPV, even after this risk is adjusted for differences in sexual behavior. Other studies suggest that circumcision may reduce the risk of more invasive forms of penile cancer. However, it is important that the issue of circumcision not distract the public's attention from avoiding known penile cancer risk factors – poor hygiene, having unprotected sex with multiple partners (increasing the likelihood of human papillomavirus infection), and cigarette smoking. (2005, [37])
While in another 2005 statement, they state:
- In the past, circumcision has been suggested as a way to prevent penile cancer. This suggestion was based on studies that reported much lower penile cancer rates among circumcised men than among non-circumcised men. However, most researchers now believe those studies were flawed because they failed to consider other factors that are now known to affect penile cancer risk. (2005, [38])
[编辑] Urinary tract infections
Several studies and statistics have indicated that neonatal circumcision reduces the occurrence rate of UTI in male infants by a factor of about 10.[39] Some of these studies have been criticised in not taking other factors (especially for non-circumcision) into account.[40] A Swedish study found that the cumulative incidence of UTIs in boys under 2 years of age was 2.2%.[41]
The Canadian Pediatric Society poses the question of whether increased UTI and balanitis rates in non-circumcised male infants may be caused by forced premature retraction. [42]
[编辑] Sexual
The sexual effects of circumcision are controversial. Only a few studies have been made about the sexual function of the foreskin and the ridged band. Surveys however indicate that the majority of circumcised males are satisfied with their state.
[编辑] Intercourse
There are few studies on partner preference for circumcised or non-circumcised penises, with inconclusive results; they are discussed more fully in the full article.
The American Academy of Pediatrics states "a survey of adult males using self-report suggests more varied sexual practice and less sexual dysfunction in circumcised adult men. There are anecdotal reports that penile sensation and sexual satisfaction are decreased for circumcised males."[43] The American Academy of Family Physicians states "no valid evidence to date, however, supports the notion that being circumcised affects sexual sensation or satisfaction."[44]
[编辑] 包皮環切術的歷史
It has been variously proposed that circumcision began as a religious sacrifice, as a rite of passage marking a boy's entrance into adulthood, as a form of sympathetic magic to ensure virility, as a means of suppressing (or enhancing) sexual pleasure, as an aid to hygiene where regular bathing was impractical, as a means of marking those of lower (or higher) social status, as a means of differentiating a circumcising group from their non-circumcising neighbors, as a means of discouraging masturbation or other socially proscribed sexual behaviors, to remove "excess" pleasure, to increase a man's attractiveness to women, as a symbolic castration, as a demonstration of one's ability to endure pain, or as a male counterpart to menstruation or the breaking of the hymen. It is possible that circumcision arose independently in different cultures for different reasons.
[编辑] 古代的包皮環切除
在古代閃族人之中,割包皮並非全面性,但相當普遍。《耶利米書》成書於西元前六世紀,書中將埃及人、猶太人、Edomites、Ammonites和默阿布人均列為有割包皮文化的民族。古代史學家希羅多德於西元前五世紀時又加上了科爾基斯人、zh-cn:埃塞俄比亞; zh-tw:衣索比亞人、腓尼基人以及敍利亞人。
In the aftermath of the conquests of Alexander the Great, Greek dislike of circumcision led to a decline in its incidence among many peoples that had previously practiced it. The writer of the 1 Maccabees wrote that under the Seleucids, many Jewish men attempted to hide or reverse their circumcision so they could exercise in Greek gymnasia, where nudity was the norm. First Maccabees also relates that the Seleucids forbade the practice of brit milah (Jewish circumcision), and punished those who performed it–as well as the infants who underwent it–with death.
[编辑] 十九世紀和二十世紀前半的包皮環切術概況
Several hypotheses have been raised in explaining the American public's acceptance of infant circumcision as preventive medicine. The success of the germ theory of disease had not only enabled physicians to combat many of the postoperative complications of surgery, but had made the wider public deeply suspicious of dirt and bodily secretions. Accordingly, the smegma that collects under the foreskin was viewed as unhealthy, and circumcision readily accepted as good penile hygiene.[45] Secondly, moral sentiment of the day regarded masturbation as not only sinful, but also physically and mentally unhealthy, stimulating the foreskin to produce the host of maladies of which it was suspected. In this climate, circumcision could be employed as a means of discouraging masturbation.[46] All About the Baby, a popular parenting book of the 1890s, recommended infant circumcision for precisely this purpose. Interestingly, a 1410-man survey in the United States in 1992, Laumann found that circumcised men were more likely to report masturbating at least once a month.
With the proliferation of hospitals in urban areas, childbirth, at least among the upper and middle classes, was increasingly undertaken in the care of a physician in a hospital rather than that of a midwife in the home. It has been suggested that once a critical mass of infants were being circumcised in the hospital, circumcision became a class marker of those wealthy enough to afford a hospital birth.[47]
By the 1920s, advances in the understanding of disease had undermined much of the original medical basis for preventive circumcision. Doctors continued to promote it, however, as good penile hygiene and as a preventive for a handful of conditions local to the penis: balanitis, phimosis, and penile cancer.
Routine infant circumcision was taken up in the English-speaking parts of Canada, the United States and Australia, and to a lesser extent in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Although it is difficult to determine historical circumcision rates, one estimate[48] of infant circumcision rates in the United States holds that 30% of newborn American boys were being circumcised in 1900, 55% in 1925, and 72% in 1950.
[编辑] 1950年以後的包皮環切術概況
In 1949, a lack of consensus in the medical community as to whether circumcision carried with it any notable health benefit motivated the United Kingdom's newly-formed National Health Service to remove routine infant circumcision from its list of covered services. One factor in this rejection of circumcision may have been Douglas Gardiner's famous paper, The fate of the foreskin, which revealed, that for the years 1942–1947, about 16 children per year had died because of circumcision in England and Wales, a rate of about 1 per 6'000 performed circumcisions. [49] Since then, circumcision has been an out-of-pocket cost to parents, and the proportion of newborns circumcised in England and Wales has fallen to less than one percent.
In Canada, individual provincial health services began delisting circumcision in the 1980s. At present, only Manitoba pays for the procedure. The infant circumcision rate in Canada has fallen from roughly 50% in the 1970s to 13.9% in 2003. However, the figures varied from 29.5% on Prince Edward Island to zero in Labrador and Newfoundland. [50]
In South Korea, circumcision has rapidly gown in popularity following the establishment of the United States trusteeship in 1945 and the spread of American influence. More than 90% of South Korean high school boys are now circumcised, but the average age of circumcision is 12 years [51]. It is now considered to be an initiation into manhood, as well as a necessary hygienic measure, and is a source of great pride among the newly circumcised.
In South Africa circumcision has roots in several belief systems, and is performed most of the time to teen aged males :
- "...The young men in the eastern Cape belong to the Xhosa ethnic group for whom circumcision is considered part of the passage into manhood... A law was recently introduced requiring initiation schools to be licensed and only allowing circumcisions to be performed on youths aged 18 and older. But Eastern Cape provincial Health Department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo told Reuters news agency that boys as young as 11 had died. Each year thousands of young men go into the bush alone, without water, to attend initiation schools. Many do not survive the ordeal..." [52].
The major medical societies in Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand do not support routine non-therapeutic infant circumcision. Major medical organizations in the United States state that parents should decide what is in their child's best interests, explicitly not recommending the procedure for medical reasons. Neonatal circumcision remains the most common pediatric operation carried out in the U.S. today.
國家 | 年份 | Neonatal circumcisions (%) |
United States | 2002 | 60.1% [53] |
Canada | 2003 | 11.5% [54] |
Australia | 2004 | 12.7% [55] |
New Zealand | 1995 | 0.35%* [56] |
United Kingdom | 1972 | 0.41% [57] |
[编辑] 全球施行包皮環切術的比率Prevalence of circumcision worldwide
Estimates of the proportion of males that are circumcised worldwide vary from one sixth[58] to one third[59].
Except for Muslims and Jews, most males are not circumcised in:
- Europe, Latin America, China, India, Australia and South-East Asia.
The majority of males are circumcised in the following countries, in most of which the predominant religion is Islam, which endorses circumcision:
- Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, "Palestine", Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, "Somaliland", Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus", Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, "Western Sahara", and Yemen.
In other countries where circumcision predominates it is endorsed by religion and/or by local customs and traditions:
- Israel, Philippines, Samoa, South Africa, South Korea, Togo, Tonga, the United States, and Vanuatu
[编辑] 美國
Statistics from different sources give a somewhat different picture of the prevalence of circumcision in the United States.
The National Center for Health Statistics stated that the overall rate of neonatal circumcision was 64.3% in 1979 and 65.3% in 1999. However, the rate for white infants was 0.3% lower in 1999 than 1979 and the circumcision rate for black infants increased by 6.5% over this time [60]. Also, strong regional differences developed. In the West, circumcision declined from 63.9% to 36.7%, but this was counterbalanced by rises in the Midwest and South. [61] The decline in the West has been partly attributed to increasing births among Latin Americans, who usually do not circumcise [62].
A recent study, which used data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (a sample of 5-7 million of the nation's total inpatient stays, and representing a 20% sample taken from 8 states in 1988 and 28 in 2000), stated that circumcisions rose from 48.3% in 1988 to 61.1% in 1997.[63]
Figures from the Nationwide Hospital Discharge Survey (a sample of 270,000 inpatient stays), state that circumcision rates declined from 64.7% in 1980 to 59.0% in 1990, then rose to 64.1% in 1995, and fell again to 60.1% in 2002. Overall, the West saw the most significant change, declining from 61.8% in 1980 to 32.6% in 2002 (see Table 44, page 51 of the National Hospital Discharge Survey, 2002) [64].
Sixteen states no longer pay for the procedure under Medicaid [65]. One study in the Midwest of the US found that this had no effect on the newborn circumcision rate but it did affect the demand for circumcision at a later time.[66]
[编辑] See also
- Bioethics of neonatal circumcision
- Brit milah
- Brit shalom
- Circumcision advocacy
- Circumcision and law
- 割禮
- Circumcision scar
- Female genital cutting
- Foreskin restoration
- 包莖
- Forcible retraction of the foreskin
- Frenectomy
- Genital integrity
- Genital modification and mutilation
- History of male circumcision
- Holy Prepuce
- Medical analysis of circumcision
- Sexual effects of circumcision
- Zeved habat
[编辑] External links
[编辑] General information
- American Academy of Family Physicians position paper
- American Academy of Pediatrics circumcision statement
- American Medical Association Circumcision Report
- Australasian Association of Pediatric Surgeons circumcision statement
- British Medical Association guideline
- Canadian Pediatric Society circumcision assessment
- Queensland Law Reform Commission research paper
- Royal Australasian College of Physicians summary statement
[编辑] Circumcision techniques
- Description of an adult circumcision from the AAFP.
- Description of an infant Gomco circumcision from the AAFP.
- Description of a Plastibell circumcision from the Medical College of Georgia.
- Description of an infant Mogen circumcision from Euroband.
- Video footage of mass adult circumcision in Uganda
- Video footage of a single circumcision lead by a doctor while teaching the procedure
[编辑] 反對割包皮
- Info-Circumcision: Canadian circumcision opposition
- National Organization of Circumcision Information and Resource Center
- National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Men
- CIRP.org, Circumcision Information and Resource Pages
- Circumcision resource center
- History of Circumcision pages
- Jews Against Circumcision pages
[编辑] 贊成割包皮
- Benefits of circumcision: medical, health and sexual a literature review by Professor Brian Morris
- Circumcision: a lifetime of medical benefits by Dr Edgar Schoen
- Circuncisión en Español Circumcision discussion (in Spanish and English)
- International Circumcision Information Reference Centre
- Circlist an Internet-based circumcision discussion group
- Circumcision Independent Reference and Commentary Service
[编辑] References
- ↑ [{{{URL}}} Immunological functions of the human prepuce]. {{{work}}}. 访问日期[[{{{year}}}]][[{{{date}}}]]
- Billy Ray Boyd. Circumcision Exposed: Rethinking a Medical and Cultural Tradition. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1998. (ISBN 0-89594-939-3)
- Anne Briggs. Circumcision: What Every Parent Should Know. Charlottesville, VA: Birth & Parenting Publications, 1985. (ISBN 0-9615484-0-1)
- Robert Darby. A surgical temptation: The demonization of the foreskin and the rise of circumcision in Britain. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. (ISBN 0-226-13645-0)
- Aaron J. Fink, M.D. Circumcision: A Parent's Decision for Life. Kavanah Publishing Company, Inc., 1988. (ISBN 0-962-13470-8)
- Paul M. Fleiss, M.D. and Frederick Hodges, D. Phil. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision. New York: Warner Books, 2002. (ISBN 0-446-67880-5)
- Leonard B. Glick. Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. (ISBN 0-19-517674-X)
- David L. Gollaher. Circumcision: A History of the World's Most Controversial Surgery. New York: Basic Books, 2000. (ISBN 0-456-04397-6)
- Ronald Goldman, Ph.D. Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma. Boston: Vanguard, 1996. (ISBN 0-964-44895-3-8)
- Brian J. Morris, Ph.D., D.Sc. In Favour of Circumcision. Sydney: UNSW Press, 1999. (ISBN 0-86840-537-X)
- Rosemary Romberg. Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma. South Hadley, MA Bergan & Garvey, 1985. (ISBN 0-897-89073-6)
- Edgar J Schoen, M.D. Ed Schoen, MD on Circumcision. Berkeley, CA: RDR Books, 2005. (ISBN 1-57143-123-3)
- Edward Wallerstein. Circumcision: An American Heath Fallacy. New York: Springer, 1980 (ISBN 0-826-13240-5)
- Gerald N. Weiss M.D. and Andrea W Harter. Circumcision: Frankly Speaking. Wiser Publications, 1998. (ISBN 0-966-72190-X)