GDP: $5760 亿美元(2003); $6480 亿美元(2004 估计)。
实际增长率: 8.2% (2003)
人均GDP: $543 (2003); $602 (2004 估计)
自然资源: 煤、铁矿石、锰、云母、铁铝氧石、铬铁矿、钍、石灰石、重晶石、钛矿石、钻石、原油。
农业: 占GDP的22.7%。农产品——小麦、大米、谷物、油料作物、糖、棉花、黄麻、茶叶
工業:占GDP之26.6%。工業產品包括: 棉蔴紡織、 加工食品、鋼鐵、機械、運輸設備、水泥、鋁業、肥料、礦產品、石油、化學品、電腦軟體等。
貿易部份: 輸出共 $62 billion,包括項目:農產品、工業產品、貴重礦石、棉布織品、 珠寶珍品、手工藝品、茶葉等。 而軟體輸出共$12.5 billion。 輸入共$76 billion,包括項目: 石油、機械與運輸設備、電子產品、食用油、 肥料、化學品、黃金、織品、鋼鐵等。
Real GDP growth for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004 was 8.17%, up from the drought-depressed 4.0% growth in the previous year. Growth for the year ending March 31, 2005 is expected to be between 6.5% and 7.0%. Foreign portfolio and direct investment in-flows have risen significantly in recent years. They have contributed to the $120 billion in foreign exchange reserves at the end of June 2004. Government receipts from privatization were about $3 billion in fiscal year 2003-04.
However, economic growth is constrained by inadequate infrastructure, a cumbersome bureaucracy, corruption, labor market rigidities, regulatory and foreign investment controls, the "reservation" of key products for small-scale industries and high fiscal deficits. The outlook for further trade liberalization is mixed. India eliminated quotas on 1,420 consumer imports in 2002 and has announced its intention to continue to lower customs duties. However, the tax structure is complex with compounding effects of various taxes.
The United States is India's largest trading partner. Bilateral trade in 2003 was $18.1 billion and is expected to reach $20 billion in 2004. Principal U.S. exports are diagnostic or lab reagents, aircraft and parts, advanced machinery, cotton, fertilizers, ferrous waste/scrap metal and computer hardware. Major U.S. imports from India include textiles and ready-made garments, internet-enabled services, agricultural and related products, gems and jewelry, leather products and chemicals.
快速成長的軟體產業部門是印度的主要輸出服務項目亦是印度的現代化經濟產業。於2004-2005年的獲利預估可超過200亿美元。2003-2004年之軟體輸出為125 亿美元。電腦使用率為千分之八,預估2005年將成長到千分之十。行動電話市場將由目前的36 million名使用者大幅進展到2005年的50 million名使用者。印度目前有52 million的有線電視消費者。
The United States is India's largest investment partner, with total inflow of U.S. direct investment estimated at $3.7 billion in 2003. Proposals for direct foreign investment are considered by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board and generally receive government approval. Automatic approvals are available for investments involving up to 100% foreign equity, depending on the kind of industry. Foreign investment is particularly sought after in power generation, telecommunications, ports, roads, petroleum exploration/processing and mining.
India's external debt was $112 billion in 2003, up from $105 billion in 2002. Bilateral assistance was approximately $2.62 billion in 2002-03, with the United States providing about $130.2 million in development assistance in 2003. The World Bank plans to double aid to India to almost $3 billion over the next four years, beginning in July 2004.÷
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