反模式(英文:Anti-patterns或pitfalls), 是指用来解决问题的带有共同性的不良方法。它们已经经过研究并分类,以防止日后重蹈覆辙,并能在研发尚未投产的系统时辨认出来。
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[编辑] 軟體開發中公認的反模式
[编辑] 管理上的反模式
- 缺乏管理︰在所有情況下長期不見管理者。
- All You Have Is A Hammer︰One-dimensional management where the same technique is used on all subordinates.
- Cage Match Negotiator: When a manager uses a “victory at any cost” approach to management.
- Doppelganger: A manager or colleague who can be nice and easy to work with one moment, and then vicious and unreasonable the next.
- Fruitless Hoops: The manager who requires endless (often meaningless) data before making a decision.
- Golden Child: When special responsibility, opportunity, recognition, or reward is given to a team member based on personal relationships or contrary to the person’s actual performance.
- Headless Chicken: The manager who is always in a panic-stricken, fire-fighting mode.
- Leader Not Manager: Being a great leader doesn’t necessarily mean being a great manager.
- Managerial Cloning: The hiring and mentoring of managers to all act and work the same; identically to their bosses.
- Manager Not Leader: The manager who is proficient at their administrative and managerial duties, but lacks leadership ability.
- Management Meeting Mania: The manager whose only function in the organization is to schedule useless meetings.
- Metric Abuse: The malicious or incompetent use of metrics and measurement.
- 好好先生︰管理者努力和所有人成為朋友。
- Proletariat Hero: The “everyman” worker who is held up as the ideal, but is really just a prop for management’s increasing demands and lengthening production targets.
- Rising Upstart: The potential stars who can’t wait their time and want to forego the requisite time to learn, mature and find their place.
- Spineless Executive: The manager who does not have the courage to confront situations, take the heat for a failure, or protect their subordinates.
- Three-Headed Knight: The indecisive manager.
- Ultimate Weapon: Phenoms that are relied upon so much by their peers or organization that they become the conduit for all things.
- Warm Bodies: The worker who barely meets the minimum expectations of the job and is thusly shunted from project to project, or team to team.
[编辑] 環境(組織)上的反模式
- Ant Colony : On the surface, a model society where everyone understands, and is content with, their role. Beneath the surface, discontent within the society is policed aggressively.
- Atlas Shrug: Organizations that have had too much recent success lose energy and focus.
- Autonomous Collective : The myth of equality and uniformity of employees within organizations.
- Boiling Frog Syndrome : Gradual negative changes in the work environment are too subtle to be noticed, until it is too late.
- Burning Bag of Dung : An outgoing manager leaves a situation that is so bad that there is no way to resolve it without getting dirty or burned.
- Buzzword Mania : Organizations obsessed with buzzwords that most do not really understand.
- Divergent Goals : Individuals or teams that work on hidden agendas not aligned with the goals of the organization.
- Dogmatic About Dysfunction : Obsession with an incorrect or inefficient technique or process.
- Dunkirk Spirit : Despite terrible planning and awful decision-making, valiant efforts by good people, usually ‘on the front lines,’ get the job done.
- Fairness Doctrine : Blind obsession with fairness and uniformity to avoid dealing directly with underachieving people, teams or units.
- Founderitis : The inability of the founder of an organization to relinquish responsibility and control when he job has outpaced them.
- French Waiter Syndrome: An uncivil environment where rudeness prevails and interpersonal dynamics are bad.
- Geek Hazing : The practice of assigning to junior employees the undesirable and mundane tasks that senior employees don’t like to do…a favorite in the software industry is maintenance – in essence assigning the next generation of engineers to fix the errors of their senior colleagues!
- Institutional Mistrust : A pervasive absence of trust in the abilities and motives across an organization resulting in duplication of tasks and a focus on individual performance at the expense of organizational success.
- Kiosk City : When institutional and organizational knowledge is retained by experienced individuals rather than captured, codified and disseminated across the enterprise.
- Mediocracy : An organization that has consistently promoted and rewarded personnel beyond their abilities and competencies. Often promotion is based on individual performance and subjective comparison that fosters self-interest and divisive competition.
- One Eyed King: When the leader or technical lead is just someone with a tiny bit more knowledge than everyone else, and perhaps a whole lot more moxie.
- Potemkin Village: Any situation in which a fancy but superficial façade masks substantial defects or shortcomings.
- Process Clash : The friction that can arise when advocates of different processes must work together.
- Rubiks Cube : Confused organizational structure resulting from a multidimensional matrix management strategy.
[编辑] 项目管理上的反模式
- 水中望月(Smoke and mirrors):向人演示还没有实现的功能看上去会是什么样的。英文缘自一项魔术手法:放出烟雾并趁机用镜子遮住一件物体,使它看起来像是消失了。
- 软件膨胀:随着版本的升级,软件越来越消耗系统资源。
- 不良管理︰在未對主題有足夠認識的情況下管理一個專案。
[编辑] 一般设计上的反模式
- 反抽象:需要的功能并不暴露给用户,导致用户要在较高层次重新实现一些功能。
- 四不像:往往一个设计模型可以暴露不同的接口给用户,不同的接口表现了模型的不同方面。然而把不同方面的功能混在一起是常见的不良设计。
- 乱麻球:系统没有可辨认的结构,就像一团乱麻一样。
- 万应灵:一个对象了解的东西太多,或者要做太多的东西,就好像无所不能一样。
- 屠龙术:没有必要的复杂设计。
- Input kludge: Failing to specify and implement handling of possibly invalid input
- Interface bloat: Making an interface so powerful that it is too hard to implement
- Magic pushbutton: Implementing the results of user actions in terms of an inappropriate (insufficiently abstract) interface
- Re-Coupling: Introducing unnecessary object dependency
- Stovepipe system: A barely maintainable assemblage of ill-related components
- 競爭危害(Race Hazard): 缺乏預見事件以不同順序發生的後果。
[编辑] 物件導向設計上的反模式
- BaseBean: Inheriting functionality from a utility class rather than delegating to it
- Empty subclass failure: Creating a (Perl) class that fails the "Empty Subclass Test" by behaving differently from a class derived from it without modifications
- 萬能物件︰在單一的部件設計(類別)中,聚集了太多的函式。
- Object cesspool: Reusing objects whose state does not conform to the (possibly implicit) contract for re-use
- 吵鬧鬼︰建立某物件的目的只是為了傳送訊息給其它的物件。
- 溜溜問題︰因結構(例如繼承)極度破碎冗長,而必須花費極大力氣來了解它。
[编辑] 编程上的反模式
- Accidental complexity: Introducing unnecessary complexity into a solution
- Action at a distance: Unexpected interaction between widely separated parts of a system
- Accumulate and fire: Setting parameters for subroutines in a collection of global variables
- Arcanum: Using a cryptic naming scheme for functions and variables (usually based on abbreviatures) instead of self-descriptive names
- Blind faith: Lack of checking of (a) the correctness of a bug fix or (b) the result of a subroutine
- Boat anchor: Retaining a part of a system that no longer has any use
- Busy spin: Consuming CPU while waiting for something to happen, usually by repeated checking instead of proper messaging
- Caching failure: Forgetting to reset an error flag when an error has been corrected
- Checking type instead of interface: Checking that an object has a specific type when only a certain contract is required
- Code momentum: Over-constraining part of a system by repeatedly assuming things about it in other parts
- Coding by exception: Adding new code to handle each special case as it is recognised
- Double-checked locking: Checking, before locking, if this is necessary in a way which may fail with e.g. modern hardware or compilers.
- 硬編碼(Hard Code):或稱寫死。在實現某系統用途上設死該系統的運作環境。
- Lava flow: Retaining undesirable (redundant or low-quality) code because removing it is too expensive or has unpredictable consequences
- Magic numbers: Including unexplained numbers in algorithms
- Procedural code (when another paradigm is more appropriate)
- 紊亂代碼︰幾乎無法理解的結構,特別是因為代碼結構的濫用。
- 超布林邏輯︰不必要的比較,或是過於抽象的布林計算。
- 無用的例外處理︰Inserting conditions to prevent a runtime-exception, but throw it manually if the condition fails. (
if A not null then process(A) else throw null-exception endif
[编辑] 方法上的反模式
- 剪貼編程(Copy-n-paste programming):寧願拷貝(並修改)現存代碼而非創造通用的解決方案。
- De-Factoring: 「移除功能性並以註解取代」的過程。
- Golden hammer: 假設個人偏好的解決方案是世界通用。
- Improbability factor: Assuming that it is improbable that a known error becomes effective
- Premature optimization: 根據不足資訊優化
- Reinventing the wheel: 拒絕採納現有的解決方案,重寫一個。
- Reinventing the square wheel: 當一個優秀的方案存在時,創造一個蹩腳解決方案。
[编辑] 結構管理上的反模式
- 相依性地獄:由于需要的产品版本不匹配造成的种种问题,特別是在UNIX/Linux。
- DLL地獄:由于动态连接库的版本、存在與否、和重复所造成的种种问题,特別是在Microsoft Windows。
- JAR地獄:源自於不同版本或位址的JAR檔案所造成的問題,常造成載入模組的欠缺。
- 延伸衝突︰源自於Mac OS不同的延伸嘗試修補相同的系統部分。
[编辑] 一些组织方面的反模式
- 分析麻痹症:项目分析过程已经长得不成比例,却听之任之。
- 摇钱树项目:或者叫吃老本,一件有利可图的产品让新产品固步自封。
- 永远革命:总是要不停地不计代价将现有系统移植到新的环境。
- Creeping featurism: Adding new features to the detriment of the quality of a system
- Design by committee: The result of having many contributors to a design, but no unifying vision
- Escalation of commitment: Failing to revoke a decision when it proves wrong
- I told you so: When the ignored warning of an expert proves justified
- Management by numbers: Paying excessive attention to quantitative management criteria, when these are inessential or cost too much to acquire
- Management by perkele: 軍隊式管理。沒有容忍異議的空間。
- Mushroom management: Keeping employees uninformed and abused
- Scope creep: 允許專案範圍增長而沒有適當控制
- Vendor lock-in: Making a system excessively dependent on an externally supplied component
- Warm body: A person whose contribution to a project is in doubt, especially if taken on in panic
- Single head of knowledge: SHOK applies when a single individual in the entire organization controls vital domain know-how or information on system internals.
- Knight in shining armor: KISA happens when an individual who can do no wrong shows up on the scene and tries to fix everything without communicating what changes he/she has/will make and why.
[编辑] 參閱
- 代碼氣味
- 軟體開發哲學的列表
[编辑] 參考資料
- Perl設計模式 – 一部開放的線上書籍。
- Brown,William J.; Raphael C. Malveau, Hays W. McCormick III, 和 Thomas J. Mowbray (1998). 反模式:软件重构、架构及项目危机,John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-19713-0.
- Laplante,Phillip A.; and Colin J. Neill (2005). Antipatterns: Identification, Refactoring and Management,Auerbach Publications. ISBN 0-8493-2994-9.