[编辑] 美国食物名单
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- American Recipes
- Key Ingredients: America by Food - An educational companion web site to the Smithsonian Institution’s Museums on Main Street traveling exhibit on American food ways. The site tells the history of food and dining across the country and includes the American Cookbook Project an initiative to collect recipes and stories related to them.
美洲烹饪 |
阿根廷·巴巴多斯·巴哈马·巴拉圭·巴拿马·巴西·百慕大·秘鲁·波多黎各·玻利维亚·伯利兹·多米尼加共和国·厄瓜多尔·哥伦比亚·哥斯达黎加·格林納達·格陵兰·圭亚那·古巴·海地·洪都拉斯·加拿大·美国·墨西哥·尼加拉瓜·萨尔瓦多·圣基茨和尼维斯·苏里南·特立尼達和多巴哥·危地马拉·委内瑞拉·乌拉圭·智利 |