雪茄 是香煙的一類,由乾燥及經過發酵的煙草捲成的香煙, 吸食時把其中一端點燃,然後在另一端用口吸咄產生的煙霧。
雪茄是英文 cigar 的音譯。
雪茄的煙草的主要生產國是:巴西、喀麥隆、古巴、多明尼加共和國、洪都拉斯、印尼、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜和美國。古巴生產的雪茄普遍被認為是雪茄中的極品,但有不少的專家認為洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜頂級雪茄同樣俱競爭力。古巴雪茄的優勢在於大阿瓦奧(Vuelta Abajo)地區適宜煙草生長的小氣候,同時歸功於當地雪茄製作人的手藝。
目录 |
[编辑] 歷史
[编辑] 來源
公元十九世紀,吸食雪茄比吸食香煙更為普及。在雪茄生產工驟未機械化之前,雪茄工業曾經是重要的工業,製造廠顧用大量工人。很多現代的雪茄製造商為了保持傳統及威望,依然沿用人手捲製煙草,所以部分的雪茄盒上依然會印有Hecho a Mano,人手製造的證據。
[编辑] 美國實施的古巴禁運
1962年2月7日,美國前總統甘迺迪為制裁菲德爾·卡斯特羅Fidel Castro的共產政權,對古巴實施禁運,而雪茄問題也隨之而生。不僅美國國民因此失去購買當時公認為最上乘的雪茄,而古巴雪茄也因而失去龐大的美國巿場。根據Pierre Salinger的敍述,2月6日傍晚,甘迺迪總統要求他代為購買千支古巴H. Upmann雪茄,而翌日的早上,當雪茄到步,甘迺迪便簽署禁運法案。
[编辑] 90年代的雪茄熱
[编辑] 生產
[编辑] 煙草加工
[编辑] 發酵過程
[编辑] 甄選過程
[编辑] 完成和保存
部分雪茄,尤其是頂好的牌子,會使用不同的煙葉作茄心和茄衣。長茄心雪茄,"Long filler cigars",是高級的雪茄,用長煙葉捲製。長茄心雪茄更用上第三類煙葉--茄套--填充茄衣及茄心。這個造法可以支持用更精巧和更吸引的煙葉作茄衣。這類高級的雪茄多數混合多種煙葉,即使是古巴的長茄心雪茄也會混合島上不同的煙葉以達至更豐富的口味。低級的雪茄會使用煙葉碎屑作為茄心,長煙葉或煙紙作為茄衣。
[编辑] 成份
[编辑] 茄衣 (Wrappers)
- 青褐色(Double Claro)--最淺色,略帶青綠色(也稱為小雪茄烟,Candela、 美洲巿場之選American Market Selection或翡翠,jade),製法是採摘未成熟的煙葉並盡快去除水份,常見於美國康涅狄格州。
- 淺褐色(Claro)--淺茶色或黃色,表示是陰暗地方生長的煙葉制。
- 自然色(Natural)--淺棕至棕色,即是陽光下生長的煙葉。
- 暗红褐色( Colorado、Rosado)--暗红褐色。
- 咖啡般的深褐色(Maduro)--非常深褐色。
- 美洲巿場之選,American Market Selection (AMS)--同青褐色(Double Claro)。
- 英國巿場之選,English Market Selection (EMS)--介乎淺褐色(Claro)至深褐色( Colorado Maduro)。
- 西班牙巿場之選,Spanish Market Selection (SMS)--咖啡般的深褐色(Maduro)或近黑色(Oscuro) 。
[编辑] 茄心 (Fillers)
雪茄的主要成份是茄心,由一捆的煙葉包紮而成。雪茄的獨特味道源自於混合不同濃度的煙葉。煙葉越多的油脂,茄心便更強更乾。而種類就分味道輕淺的 Seco,中等濃度的 Volado 和最濃厚的 Ligero。直徑較大的雪茄能包紮更大量的茄心,所以更能產生完滿和複雜的味道。
[编辑] 茄套(Binders)
[编辑] 形狀大小
The size of a cigar is measured by two dimensions: its ring gauge (its diameter in sixty-fourths of an inch) and its length (in inches). For example, most non-Cuban robustos have a ring gauge of approximately 50 and a length of approximately 5 inches. Robustos which are of Cuban origin always have a ring gauge of 50 and a length of 4 7/8 inches.
[编辑] 直的雪茄 (Parejo)
最通常的雪茄式样是直的雪茄, 有一个桶型的身体, 一面是笔直的, 一头已经被切开, 在另外一头通常是一个小洞或者是一个切口用于吸食. Parejas are designated by the following terms:
- Coronas
- Petit Corona (5" x 42)
- Corona (5 1/2" x 42)
- Corona Extra (5 1/2" x 46)
- Robusto (5" x 50), also called Rothschilds after the Rothschild family
- Long Corona (6" x 42)
- Toro (6" x 50)
- Lonsdale (6 1/2" x 42), named for Hugh Cecil Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale
- Grand Corona (6 1/2" x 46)
- Julieta a.k.a. Churchill (7" x 47), named for Winston Churchill
- Giant Corona (7 1/2" x 44)
- Double Corona (7 3/4" x 49)
- Panatelas – longer and generally thinner than Coronas
- Small Panatela (5" x 33)
- Short Panatela (5" x 38)
- Slim Panatela (6" x 34)
- Panatela (6" x 38)
- Long Panatela (7 1/2" x 38)
[编辑] Figurado
Irregularly-shaped cigars are known as figurados and are sometimes considered of higher quality because they are more difficult to make. Figurados include the following:
- Torpedo - Like a parejo except that the cap is pointed.
- Pyramid - Has a broad foot and evenly narrows to a pointed cap.
- Perfecto - Narrow at both ends and bulged in the middle.
- Presidente/Diadema - shaped like a parejo but considered a figurado because of its enormous size and occasional closed foot akin to a perfecto.
- Culebras - Three long, pointed cigars braided together.
Arturo Fuente, a large cigar manufacturer based in the Dominican Republic, has also manufactured figurados in exotic shapes ranging from chili peppers to baseball bats and American footballs. They are highly collectible and extremely expensive, when publicly available. In practice, the terms Torpedo and Pyramid are often used interchangeably, even among very knowledgeable cigar smokers. Min Ron Nee, the Hong Kong-based cigar expert whose work "An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars" is considered to be the definitive work on cigars and cigar terms, defines Torpedo as "cigar slang." He adds, "In the old days, [torpoedo] could mean a perfecto or a pyramid shape cigar. After the [Cuban] Revolution the meaning leans toward the pyramid rather than the perfecto. Some cigar authorities insist that the correct meaning of a torpedo should be referring to a perfecto and not a pyramid. The majority of people [who use torpedo to mean pyramid] have got it wrong. I find it rather funny that a slang word can be incorrectly misunderstood by the majority." In other words, Nee thinks the majority is right (because slang is defined by majority usage) and torpedoes are pyramids by another name.
[编辑] 口味
Virtually all cigar aficionados enjoy the practice because of the rich and varied flavors one observes when smoking, although some eschew the connoisseurial qualities in favor of other factors. For those drawn by taste, each brand and type of cigar carries different qualities of taste. Generally, cigars with lighter colored wrappers are milder in flavor and have less of a smoky aftertaste. Darker wrappers are typically richer in flavor, although the specific flavors are not unique to any particular style or type of tobacco.
不同于香烟, 雪茄只有非常少的烟味, 通常是一些发酵过的烟草和其他的味道. 一些好的雪茄特别是如古巴早期到1990年份的雪茄基本上没有烟的味道.
- 皮革味
- 香料
- 可可 / 巧克力
- Peat / 慕斯 / earth
- 咖啡
- 坚果
- 苹果
- 香草
- 蜂蜜
- 桃
Non-smokers subjected to second-hand cigar smoke typically describe the smell in far less flattering terms--one comparison being to a charnel house on fire.
The most ardent enjoyers of cigar smoking will sometimes keep personal journals of cigars they've enjoyed, complete with personal ratings, description of flavors observed, sizes, brands, etc. The qualities and characteristics of cigar tasting are very similar to those of wine, Scotch, beer, cognacs and tequila. Within a given specification, there are endless varieties. This dynamic is part of the appeal to which cigar smokers are continually drawn.
[编辑] 流行文化
Cigars are often presented as stereotypical rich man's accessory. Cigars are often smoked to celebrate good fortune, especially the birth of a child. Some buy and keep a cigar 'for luck' with regard to a bet, with the intention of smoking it after winning the bet.
King Edward VII enjoyed smoking cigarettes and cigars, but his mother, Queen Victoria, did not like smoking. After her death, legend has it, King Edward said to his male guests at the end of a dinner party, "Gentlemen, you may smoke." In his name, a line of cheap American cigars has long been named King Edward.
It is perhaps important for the cigar smoker to ritualize the habit and to smoke fine and expensive cigars, for the addictive element of cigarettes is also present in the cigar: nicotine. The smoker can minimize their risk of addiction, and resulting cancers, by treating the cigar as a special occasion, and as noted above logging their smokes. This comes closest to the Native American use of the tobacco plant.
The risk of addiction is lowered by today's anti-smoking forces which would not have credited the smells and the litter of a midcentury American railway "lounge" car, nor that of a home where the paterfamilias had his favorite Sunday afternoon cigar, and cigar smoking today returns to its ritual origins because of anti-smoking pressure.
Two men who died during the zenith of the cigar's popularity owing ultimately to nicotine addiction and the consequent oral cancer were President Ulysses S. Grant of the USA and Dr. Sigmund Freud.
Although Grant was able for the duration of the Civil War to stop drinking, he was most often seen with a cigar and after his Presidency, Grant contracted cancer. Not wishing to leave his wife Julia penniless, Grant decided to write and publish his memoirs while in great pain.
Freud likewise succumbed in the 1930s to a habit which he seems to have been reluctant to psychoanalyze. Challenged on the "phallic" shape of the cigar, Freud is supposed to have replied, "Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar."
Interestingly, two famous men with the name Marx were cigar smokers. Karl Marx and Groucho Marx were both heavy cigar smokers.
Famous quotes about the cigar include not only Freud's but also from a Rudyard Kipling poem: "A woman is only a woman: but a good cigar is a smoke." Also: "What this country needs is a good five cent cigar." The cigar was also a staple for vaudeville jokes and slapstick, from the overexcited new father who says "have a baby, my wife just had a cigar" to the exploding cigar which may have been a coded proletarian gesture of resistance to the cigar, which with the top hat and tails was the semiotic for "capitalism" in the early 20th century.
Several storylines in Seinfeld revolve around or pay regard to a box of Cuban cigars in season 4.
Since apart from certain forms of heavily cured and strong snuff, the cigar is the most potent form of self-dosing with tobacco, it has long had associations of being a male rite of passage, as it may have had during the pre-Columbian era in America. Its fumes and rituals have in American and European cultures established a "men's hut"; in the 19th century, men would retire to the "smoking room" after dinner, to discuss serious issues.
Also, the third installment of Hideo Kojima's famous Metal Gear Solid series, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, features a brief portion in which the main character describes why he thoroughly enjoys cigars, somewhat awkwardly describing the experience as "almost sensual."
A large variety of fictional characters have smoked cigars:
- Numerous characters from Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo, including the title character, Albert de Morcerf, and Baron Franz d'Epinay
- Bender from Futurama
- Archie Bunker from All In The Family
- Cosmo Spacely from The Jetsons
- James Bond, in both Live and Let Die and Die Another Day
- Franz Sanchez, villain from the Bond film Licence to Kill
- Xenia Onatopp, female henchwoman from the Bond film GoldenEye
- Boss Hogg from The Dukes of Hazzard TV series and movie.
- Pops Racer and Inspector Detector from Speed Racer
- Boss from Hamtaro (although the cigar is brushed out in American edits of the anime)
- Jayne Cobb of Firefly (smokes a cigar as he plays snooker during the opening of Shindig)
- Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop
- John Hannibal Smith and Faceman from The A-Team
- Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3
- Tony Soprano from "The Sopranos"
- the Man with No Name from "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
- Toby Ziegler from The West Wing
- Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld
- Columbo played by Peter Falk
- J. Jonah Jameson from Spider-Man
- Alan Shore (James Spader) and Denny Crane (William Shatner) of Boston Legal
- Dr. Gregory House from the television series House
- Dr. Otto Octavius, "Dr Octopus" from the movie Spider-man 2.
- Kara "Starbuck" Thrace from the television series Battlestar Galactica
- Wolverine, member of the X-Men
- Captain Steven Hiller from the movie Independence Day.
[编辑] 健康問題
由於吸食雪茄和吸食香有煙的不同,典型的雪茄吸食者是不會把雪茄的煙吸入到達肺部,而是讓煙在口腔流連, 所以,雪茄吸食者患上肺氣腫和肺癌的比率比起香煙吸食者低,但比非吸煙者為高。
[编辑] 相關條目
- 雪茄盒
- 小雪茄
[编辑] 外部連結
- Cigar Aficionado: Cigar 101 - a guide to shapes and sizes from Cigar Aficionado
- Internet Cigar Community - Friendly cigar forum, cigar reviews, cigar trading, hot cigar deals and more
- Club Stogie Cigar Forum - Home of the Lowland Gorillas: cigar forum, cigar reviews, and cigar trading
- Top 25 Cigar - "NO CIGAR SNOB" cigar ratings, cigar reviews, and cigar news
- Stogie Fresh - The Art and Science of Storing and Aging Cigars
- Cigar Weekly - Online magazine
- alt.smokers.cigars - Cigar Smokers on Usenet (also viewable from Google Groups)
- Herfers' Paradise - "The Best Damn Cigar Site On Earth!"
[编辑] 資料來源
ZT雪茄鉴赏, http://www.cchere.com/article/400951 ,2005年05月23日更新 迷途博客,《雪茄知識-雪茄生產加工全部過程》, http://blog.chinaitlab.com/user1/47317/archives/2005/16472.html ,2005年10月3日更新