User talk:Gboy
你好,欢迎加入,我对于同性恋史比较感兴趣,不过我知道的不多,我想最早呈于文字的个案大概是苏格拉底吧,再之前就属于神话传说范畴了,比如阿耳忒弥女神或亚马逊族,对了,在希腊神话中,人最初的形态是:男男、男女以及女女,后来大神将人一分为二,男与女成为个体,需要结合,虽然是神话,但是男男与女女这种结合方式的确是首先存在过的,不过人类的前史大多属于禁忌史,好了,祝你在这里快乐。LiYan 2003年7月16日 05:41 (UTC)
- hehe, thank you. I don't know much about that,but it's very rare that people from mainland will get interested in that kind of stuff. :D I am trying to get more information about that, but now I am just focusing on translating the English stuff into Chinese, then I will try to get down to writing that article. I am more interested in the topic like "the oppression on homosexuality" or "under the oppression of heterosexuality" or something like that, even though that's a tough thing. :P...brb so proud of being gay!
- D --Gboy 2003年7月16日 07:31 (UTC)
[编辑] 完成的條目
- Homosexulity(Done)
- Same-sex marriage(Done)
- Sexual orientation(Done)
- Same-sex marriage in the Netherlands(Done)
- Same-sex marriage in the United States(Done)
- Gay right(Done)
- Gay community(Done)
- Pride parade(Done)
- Queer(Done)
- Queer culture(Done)
- Queer studies(Done)
- Homophobia(Done)
- Homophobic hate speech(Done)
- Pink triangle(Done)
- Black triangle(Done)
- Rainbow flag(Done)
- List of gay-related topics(en,zh,Done)
- Religion and homosexuality(Done)
- Gay Games(Done)
- Gay plague(Done)
- International Lesbian and Gay Association(Done)
- Stonewall roits(Done)
- Unification Church views of sexuality(Done)
- Sodomy law(Done)
- Homosexuality and morality(Done)
- The Closet(Done)
- Heterosexism(Done)
- People
- George Michael(Done)
- Tennessee Williams(Done)
- Greg Louganis(Done)
- Walt Whitman(Done)
- Queer As Folk(en, sub)
- gay-bashing(Done)
- Homosexuality and medical science(Done)
If you wanna connect with me, just email me at my emailbox! :D
[编辑] 不確定的翻譯
- gay community 同性恋社群 (採用了“同性戀社區”)
- gay pride 同性恋自豪/光荣/骄傲 (採用了“同性戀自豪”)
- queer 酷儿
- homophobic 恐同?/homophobe 同性恋恐惧者/homophobia 同性恋恐惧 (採用了“對同性戀的恐懼”)
- drag queen 易装皇后
- gay-bashing 打压同性恋 (採用了“同性戀打壓”)
- gay plague 同性恋瘟疫
- Unification Church:統一教團
- Civil unions:公民結合
- Domestic partnerships:家庭關係
- registered partnerships:註冊伴侶關係
- Gay Liberation Front:同性戀解放陣綫
- A Gay Manifesto:一個同性戀者的宣言
- Human Rights Campaign:人權戰綫
- National Gay and Lesbian Task force,NGLTF:全国男女同性恋特遣组织
- Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,PFLAG:女男同性恋双亲和朋友
- Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,GLAAD:反诽谤男女同性恋联盟
- common-law marriages:共同法婚姻
- Employment Nondiscrimination Act,ENDA:《就业非歧视法案》
你的文章写得真不错!欢迎你继续在wikipedia上撰写条目--Shizhao 09:27 2003年8月19日 (UTC)
[编辑] World Outgames
我想問一問各下,由於Gay Games是「同性戀運動會」,那麼現在有另一個世界同性戀運動會名為「World Games」,那麼應該釋作甚麼呢?該是世界XX運動會呢?請到Talk:同性戀運動會討論。不勝感激。 --支持港隊! 19:15 2006年12月19日 (UTC)