Star Wars Empire: "General" Skywalker
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"General" Skywalker | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Star Wars Empire: "General" Skywalker is a two-part story arc in the Star Wars: Empire series of comic books written by Ron Marz. The first issue was published on 10 November 2004 by Dark Horse Comics. The story is set in the Star Wars galaxy approximately seven months after the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Contents |
[edit] Synopsis
[edit] Issues
- Star Wars Empire 26: "General" Skywalker, Part 1
- Star Wars Empire 27: "General" Skywalker, Part 2
[edit] Dramatis personae
- A-1707 ("Able"); clone trooper (human male clone)
- Aayla Secura; Jedi Knight (Twi'lek female) (Memory)
- An’ya Kuro ("Dark Woman"); Jedi Master (human female) (Memory)
- Anakin Skywalker; Padawan (human male) (Memory)
- Bennington Narra; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Leader, Red Squadron (human male)
- C-3PO; protocol droid (masculine programming) (Memory)
- Camax; lieutenant, Alliance Military (human male)
- Chewbacca; co-pilot, Millennium Falcon (Wookiee male) (Memory)
- Darth Sidious; Sith Lord (human male) (Memory)
- Darth Vader; Sith Lord (human male) (Memory)
- Grievous; general, Confederacy of Independent Systems (Kaleesh male cyborg) (Memory)
- Han Solo; smuggler; captain, Millennium Falcon (human male) (Memory)
- Kit Fisto; Jedi Master (Nautolan male) (Memory)
- Leia Organa; princess, Alderaan (human female)
- Luke Skywalker; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Five, Red Squadron (human male)
- Mace Windu; Jedi Master (human male) (Memory)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi; Jedi Master (human male) (Memory)
- Padmé Amidala; queen, Naboo (human female) (Memory)
- Palpatine; Supreme Chancellor, Galactic Republic; Emperor, Galactic Empire; Sith Lord (human male) (Memory)
- R2-D2; astromech droid
- Saesee Tiin; Jedi Master (Iktotchi male) (Memory)
- Shaak Ti; Jedi Master (Togruta female) (Memory/Mentioned)
- Wedge Antilles; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military; Red Two, Red Squadron (human male)
- Wilhuff Tarkin; Grand Moff, Galactic Empire (human male) (Memory)
- Yoda; Jedi Master (Memory)
- Zev Senesca; X-wing pilot, Alliance Military (human male)