Barry Buzan
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Barry Buzan is 'n professor in internasionale verhoudinge aan die London School of Economics en 'n ere professor aan die Universiteit van Kopenhagen. Hy publiseer in die veld van internasionale politiek.
[wysig] Belangstellings en biografie
Hy defineer sy belangstellings as:
- die konsepsuele- en streeksaspekte van internasionale sekuriteit;
- internasionale geskiedenis en die evolusie van die internasionale stelsel sedert die voorgeskedenis;
- internasionale verhoudings teorie, veral strukturele realisme; en
- internasionale gemeenskap en die Engelse skool se benadering tot internasionale politiek.
Barry Buzan voltooi sy eerste graad aan die Universiteit van Britse Columbia (1968), en sy doktersgraad aan die London School of Economics (1973).
Hy was van 1988 tot 2002 Projek Direkteur aan die Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI). Van 1995 tot 2002 was hy navorsing professor in internasionale studies aan die Universiteit van Westminster, en voor dit professor in internasionale studies aan die Universiteit van Warwick. Gedurende 1993 was hy besoekende professor aan die Internasionale Universiteit van Japan, en in 1997-8 was hy die Olof Palme besoekende professor in Swede.
Die breinkaart ontwikkelaar Tony Buzan is sy broer.
[wysig] Werke
- Seabed Politics (1976)
- Change and the Study of International Relations: The Evaded Dimension (1981) editor with R. J. Barry Jones
- People, States & Fear: The National Security Problem in International Relations (1983; revised second edition 1991)
- An Introduction to Strategic Studies: Military Technology and International Relations (1987)
- The International Politics of Deterrence (1987) editor
- Anticipating the Future: Twenty Millennia of Human Progress (1988) with Gerald Segal
- European Security Order Recast: Scenarios for the Post-Cold War Era (1990)
- The Logic of Anarchy: Neorealism to Structural Realism (1993) with Charles Jones and Richard Little
- Security: A New Framework for Analysis (1997) with Ole Waever, Jaap De Wilde
- The Arms Dynamic in World Politics (1998) with Eric Herring
- International Systems in World History: Remaking the Study of International Relations (2000) with Richard Little
- Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security (2003) with Ole Waever
- Does China Matter?: A Reassessment (2004) editor with Rosemary Foot
- From International to World Society: English School Theory and the Social Structure of Globalization (2004)
- The United States and the Great Powers: World Politics In The Twenty-First Century (2004)
Boek met Tony Buzan
- The Mind Map Book (2000)