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About Brodo:
He likes vermicelli. Performs nudging edits when necessary. Brodo once thought this was amusing: American Republicans are the dinosaurs of this age. Large, noisy, powerful, and doomed.
Sometimes he forgets to log in.
When I'm hanging out in my backyard, I like to have a copy of that day's newspaper and a rifle which I've bought through the mail-- it's fun!
Image:Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Jim A. Leavelle.jpg
Cipher machines
Rotor machines: CCM | Enigma | Fialka | Hebern | HX-63 | KL-7 | Lacida | M-325 | Mercury | NEMA | OMI | Portex | SIGABA | SIGCUM | Singlet | Typex |
Mechanical: Bazeries cylinder | C-36 | C-52 | CD-57 | Cipher disk | HC-9 | Kryha | Jefferson disk | M-94 | M-209 | Reihenschieber | Scytale |
Teleprinter: 5-UCO | BID 770 | KW-26 | KW-37 | Lorenz SZ 40/42 | Siemens and Halske T52 |
Secure voice: KY-3 | KY-57 | KY-58 | KY-68 | OMNI | SIGSALY | STE | STU-II | STU-III | VINSON | SCIP | Sectéra Secure Module |
Miscellaneous: Cryptex | JADE | KG-84 | KL-43 | Noreen | PURPLE | Pinwheel | Rockex |
History of cryptography | Cryptanalysis | Cryptography portal | Topics in cryptography |
Symmetric-key algorithm | Block cipher | Stream cipher | Public-key cryptography | Cryptographic hash function | Message authentication code | Random numbers |
Here's a little something we'll call work in progress:
Image:Harry shearer.jpg Coming soon: my own Harry Shearer-style portraits of myself and loved ones. (Probably not really)
Contents |
[edit] Armando Codina
Armando Codina, a Cuban-American magnifico in Miami, was among the 25 Florida electors for President Bush in the 2000 Presidential Election, and the 27 electors chosen in the 2004 Presidential Election. A prominent figure in Miami politics, Florida Energy, and real estate, Codina's close ties to the Bush dynasty
[edit] Coming to America
[edit] It's Not That Which One Knows; But Indeed Whom
Codina gave Florida Governor Jeb Bush his first job in Miami in the early 1980s after acting as the chair of George H. W. Bush's Florida campaign for the Republican Presidential Nomination in 1980.
[edit] Status as Premier Corporate Illuminatus
Since 2002, Codina has sat on the Board of Directors for General Motors.
[edit] Insider Stock Dealings
As reported in 2002, he owns 44,554 shares in BellSouth Florida (NYSE:BLS) worth $1,135,681.46 as of March 2005. In 2003, he purchased 5,000 shares of interest in the FPL Group, worth approximately $197,450 today.
Essentially, then: Sr. Codina's personal worth is enhanced whenever a Floridian eats, flushes the toilet, utilizes electricity, commutes, logs on to the Internet, seeks shelter from the variegated elements or exercises their democratic rights.