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< User:Dsp13 | exactmatcheswithdates
Wikipedia link | NACO external link | LC recommended name form | Titles in LC | Year of birth | NACO match category |
Boris Anrep | no2005-43283 | Anrep, Boris, 1883-1969 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ernest Ansermet | n80-133189 | Ansermet, Ernest, 1883-1969 | 1298 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Eberhard Arnold | n80-50485 | Arnold, Eberhard, 1883-1935. | 197 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Robert Atkinson (architect) | n90-691252 | Atkinson, Robert, 1883-1952 | 27 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Olav Aukrust | n88-648966 | Aukrust, Olav, 1883-1929. | 44 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marius Barbeau | n85-64798 | Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969 | 260 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Otto Bartning | n84-45153 | Bartning, Otto, 1883-1959. | 44 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Oskar Baum | nr93-37886 | Baum, Oskar, 1883-1941 | 33 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arnold Bax | n82-144206 | Bax, Arnold, 1883-1953 | 784 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Celal Bayar | n84-17852 | Bayar, CelaÃÇl, 1883- | 91 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Víctor Andrés Belaúnde | n85-328525 | BelauÃÅnde, ViÃÅctor AndreÃÅs, 1883- | 144 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Eric Temple Bell | n50-6509 | Bell, Eric Temple, 1883-1960 | 238 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hjalmar Bergman | n81-97667 | Bergman, Hjalmar, 1883-1931 | 267 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Michele Bianchi | no91-14994 | Bianchi, Michele, 1883-1930 | 7 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Abel Bonnard | nr88-691 | Bonnard, Abel, 1883-1968. | 52 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Libero Bovio | no94-40681 | Bovio, Libero, 1883- | 45 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Brophy (labor) | n86-114044 | Brophy, John, 1883-1963. | 44 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charlotte Hawkins Brown | n87-916218 | Brown, Charlotte Hawkins, 1883-1961. | 75 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walter Buch | no94-21643 | Buch, Walter, 1883-1949 | 27 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Olaf Bull | n87-806343 | Bull, Olaf, 1883-1933. | 61 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Francis X. Bushman | n85-151982 | Bushman, Francis X., 1883-1966 | 50 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gus Cannon | n97-39724 | Cannon, Gus, 1883-1979 | 36 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edwin Carewe | nr2001-31190 | Carewe, Edwin, 1883-1940 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfredo Casella | n81-111993 | Casella, Alfredo, 1883-1947 | 607 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Felice Casorati | n83-15477 | Casorati, Felice, 1883-1963. | 82 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Umberto Cassuto | n50-34390 | Cassuto, Umberto, 1883-1951. | 216 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Coco Chanel | n50-36299 | Chanel, Coco, 1883-1971 | 229 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Hal Chase | n2001-101891 | Chase, Hal, 1883-1947 | 10 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Theodore Christianson | n81-112116 | Christianson, Theodore, 1883-1948. | 37 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marguerite Clark | n81-51954 | Clark, Marguerite, 1883-1940. | 15 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Chase A. Clark | n2004-78076 | Clark, Chase A. (Chase Addison), 1883-1966 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Homer Croy | n85-151905 | Croy, Homer, 1883-1965 | 141 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Imogen Cunningham | n50-18743 | Cunningham, Imogen, 1883-1976. | 230 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Margaret Curtis | n97-35089 | Curtis, Margaret, 1883-1965 | 4 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Vernon Dalhart | no91-7920 | Dalhart, Vernon, 1883-1948 | 116 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jo Davidson | n89-644950 | Davidson, Jo, 1883-1952 | 69 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edmund Ezra Day | no96-40605 | Day, Edmund Ezra, 1883-1951 | 69 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Demuth | n79-139634 | Demuth, Charles, 1883-1935. | 224 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Otto Erich Deutsch | n50-1787 | Deutsch, Otto Erich, 1883-1967 | 257 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Martin Dibelius | n79-7381 | Dibelius, Martin, 1883-1947. | 248 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Theo van Doesburg | n79-133763 | Doesburg, Theo van, 1883-1931 | 211 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Kenji Doihara | n87-884141 | Doihara, Kenji, 1883-1948 | 20 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Donahey | n91-51002 | Donahey, William, b. 1883 | 31 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Eurico Gaspar Dutra | n84-7313 | Dutra, Eurico Gaspar, 1883-1974 | 35 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
George Dyson (composer) | n86-98874 | Dyson, George, Sir, 1883-1964 | 128 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfred Evensen | n92-75041 | Evensen, Alfred, 1883-1942 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Douglas Fairbanks | n50-11599 | Fairbanks, Douglas, 1883-1939 | 371 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gottfried Feder | no94-31039 | Feder, Gottfried, 1883-1941 | 112 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Bogdan Filov | nr90-7809 | Filov, Bogdan, 1883-1945 | 70 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Otokar Fischer | n83-215052 | Fischer, Otokar, 1883-1938 | 91 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Martin Flavin | n87-896318 | Flavin, Martin, 1883-1967 | 138 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Max Fleischer | n85-248141 | Fleischer, Max, 1883-1972. | 359 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Adam Fox | n50-23142 | Fox, Adam, 1883- | 76 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Fred F. French | n94-40432 | French, Fred F. (Fred Fillmore), 1883-1936 | 17 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alberto Gerchunoff | n83-175034 | Gerchunoff, Alberto, 1883-1950 | 147 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Richard Gerstl | n84-154154 | Gerstl, Richard, 1883-1908 | 26 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marie Gevers | n82-164091 | Gevers, Marie, 1883-1975 | 95 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Rube Goldberg | n79-52236 | Goldberg, Rube, 1883-1970 | 101 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Arthur Charles Gook | n82-152252 | Gook, Arthur Charles, 1883-1959. | 21 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walter Gropius | n80-76591 | Gropius, Walter, 1883-1969 | 586 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Sam Hardy | n87-911996 | Hardy, Sam, 1883-1935 | 18 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Will Harridge | no2004-57891 | Harridge, Will, 1883-1971 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Henry Harris | n86-99987 | Harris, William Henry, 1883-1973 | 31 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jaroslav Hašek | n50-41476 | HasÃåek, Jaroslav, 1883-1923 | 640 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ichirō Hatoyama | n88-164516 | Hatoyama, IchiroÃÑ, 1883-1959 | 40 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Josef Matthias Hauer | n80-117224 | Hauer, Josef Matthias, 1883-1959 | 213 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Erich Heckel | n50-27378 | Heckel, Erich, 1883-1970 | 283 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Napoleon Hill | n91-42381 | Hill, Napoleon, 1883-1970 | 406 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Sisley Huddleston | n80-70277 | Huddleston, Sisley, 1883-1952 | 153 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
T. E. Hulme | n50-34378 | Hulme, T. E. (Thomas Ernest), 1883-1917. | 184 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Patrick J. Hurley | n86-81381 | Hurley, Patrick J. (Patrick Jay), 1883-1963. | 65 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gunnar Jahn | no94-40497 | Jahn, Gunnar, 1883-1971 | 13 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Stefan Jaracz | n84-20135 | Jaracz, Stefan, 1883-1945. | 17 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Karl Jaspers | n78-95410 | Jaspers, Karl, 1883-1969 | 1372 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Joachim Ringelnatz | n50-66182 | Ringelnatz, Joachim, 1883-1934 | 291 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ernest Everett Just | n83-26542 | Just, Ernest Everett, 1883-1941 | 49 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Franz Kafka | n81-63091 | Kafka, Franz, 1883-1924 | 4513 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Nikos Kazantzakis | n79-100889 | Kazantzakis, Nikos, 1883-1957 | 978 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
R. P. Keigwin | n82-83478 | Keigwin, R. P. (Richard Prescott), 1883- | 77 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John Maynard Keynes | n79-4113 | Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 | 1564 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frank King | n85-247609 | King, Frank, 1883- | 15 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Stanley King | nr2001-21041 | King, Stanley, 1883-1951 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Károly Kós | n81-21886 | KoÃÅs, KaÃÅroly, 1883- | 72 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Alfred Kreymborg | n82-119448 | Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966 | 291 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jan Kunc | no92-12691 | Kunc, Jan, 1883-1976 | 10 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marie Laurencin | n50-39791 | Laurencin, Marie, 1883-1956 | 166 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Pierre Laval | n50-39770 | Laval, Pierre, 1883-1945 | 196 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Paul Levi | n83-217758 | Levi, Paul, 1883-1930. | 38 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Clarence Irving Lewis | n81-66133 | Lewis, Clarence Irving, 1883-1964 | 170 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Max Linder | n92-103507 | Linder, Max, 1883-1925 | 46 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Matthew Luckiesh | n87-102456 | Luckiesh, Matthew, b. 1883 | 157 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Compton Mackenzie | n79-71096 | Mackenzie, Compton, Sir, 1883-1972 | 703 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Louis Massignon | n80-13400 | Massignon, Louis, 1883-1962 | 255 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edward Maufe | no00-38366 | Maufe, Edward, Sir, 1883-1974 | 8 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
John McDuffie | no2003-43044 | McDuffie, John, 1883-1950 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ivan Meštrović | n50-36945 | MesÃåtrovicÃÅ, Ivan, 1883-1962 | 232 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jean Metzinger | n82-13115 | Metzinger, Jean, 1883- | 50 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Polly Moran | n86-75612 | Moran, Polly, 1883-1952. | 3 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
R. H. Mottram | n50-6663 | Mottram, R. H. (Ralph Hale), 1883- | 235 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Leonard Mudie | n85-378943 | Mudie, Leonard, 1883-1965. | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Benito Mussolini | n78-95482 | Mussolini, Benito, 1883-1945 | 2551 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Scott Nearing | n50-32718 | Nearing, Scott, 1883- | 571 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Margaret Morse Nice | no95-29418 | Nice, Margaret Morse, b. 1883 | 84 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edwin Griswold Nourse | n79-120924 | Nourse, Edwin Griswold, 1883- | 149 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Jules Van Nuffel | n80-149644 | Nuffel, Jules van, 1883-1953 | 53 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Edna May Oliver | n86-138549 | Oliver, Edna May, 1883-1942. | 83 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
José Clemente Orozco | n50-2371 | Orozco, JoseÃÅ Clemente, 1883-1949. | 530 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lester Patrick | n80-83063 | Patrick, Lester, 1883-1960. | 29 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Waite Phillips | nr92-29703 | Phillips, Waite, 1883-1964 | 16 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Fritz Platten | n87-906334 | Platten, Fritz, 1883-1942 | 20 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Indalecio Prieto | n84-80010 | Prieto, Indalecio, 1883-1962 | 168 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Paul Radin | n50-52440 | Radin, Paul, 1883-1959. | 412 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Adolf Reinach | n81-50340 | Reinach, Adolf, 1883-1918? | 34 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lauri Kristian Relander | n79-144585 | Relander, Lauri Kristian, 1883-1942. | 9 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Austin Roberts | n85-341449 | Roberts, Austin, 1883-1948. | 56 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Sax Rohmer | n50-20802 | Rohmer, Sax, 1883-1959 | 552 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Bernhard Rust | n2002-69084 | Rust, Bernhard, 1883-1945 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Rudolph Ruzicka | n82-122379 | Ruzicka, Rudolph, 1883-1978 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Umberto Saba | n79-109118 | Saba, Umberto, 1883-1957 | 331 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar | n50-29006 | Savarkar, Vinayak Damodar, 1883-1966 | 258 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henry F. Schricker | n91-70085 | Schricker, Henry F. (Henry Fredrick), 1883-1966 | 2 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Gino Severini | n79-129023 | Severini, Gino, 1883-1966. | 225 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Charles Sheeler | n79-67889 | Sheeler, Charles, 1883-1965. | 250 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Henk Sneevliet | n81-111944 | Sneevliet, Henk, 1883-1942 | 43 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ned Sparks | n86-75613 | Sparks, Ned, 1883-1957. | 35 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frederick Steiwer | n93-97615 | Steiwer, Frederick, b. 1883 | 3 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Ford Sterling | n86-140006 | Sterling, Ford, 1883-1939. | 43 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Mauritz Stiller | n80-63110 | Stiller, Mauritz, 1883-1928 | 42 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Lothrop Stoddard | n80-25692 | Stoddard, Lothrop, 1883-1950 | 160 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Kotaro Takamura | n80-14350 | Takamura, KoÃÑtaroÃÑ, 1883-1956 | 468 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Václav Talich | n83-56938 | Talich, VaÃÅclav, 1883-1961 | 185 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Walter Dorwin Teague | nr94-40480 | Teague, Walter Dorwin, 1883-1960 | 33 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy | n79-131908 | Tolstoy, Aleksey Nikolayevich, graf, 1883-1945 | 1029 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Marie Under | n87-829983 | Under, Marie, 1883-1980 | 66 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
J. V. Uspensky | n86-864668 | Uspensky, J. V. (James Victor), b. 1883. | 67 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Maurice Utrillo | n50-46516 | Utrillo, Maurice, 1883-1955 | 472 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Vittorio Valletta | n82-249214 | Valletta, Vittorio, 1883-1967. | 8 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Frits Van den Berghe | n79-70119 | Berghe, Frits van den, 1883-1939. | 58 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Fernand Verhaegen | n2004-7775 | Verhaegen, Fernand, 1883-1975 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Elizabeth O'Neill Verner | n83-145358 | Verner, Elizabeth O'Neill, 1883-1979 | 50 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Carl Vinson | n81-63176 | Vinson, Carl, 1883-1981. | 68 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Augustinas Voldemaras | no91-6202 | Voldemaras, Augustinas, 1883- | 19 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Otto Heinrich Warburg | n82-80099 | Warburg, Otto Heinrich, 1883- | 62 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Albert Warner | n96-54419 | Warner, Albert, 1883-1967 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Anton Webern | n79-75510 | Webern, Anton, 1883-1945 | 1237 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Rudolf Weigl | no2003-54242 | Weigl, Rudolf, 1883-1957 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Oscar Westover | n2002-126265 | Westover, Oscar, 1883-1938 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
William Carlos Williams | n79-60075 | Williams, William Carlos, 1883-1963 | 2022 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Estelle Winwood | no2003-113737 | Winwood, Estelle, 1883-1984 | 0 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Sam Wood | n85-151535 | Wood, Sam, 1883-1949. | 200 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Yoichi Ueno | n85-382696 | Ueno, YoÃÑichi, 1883-1957. | 51 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
August Zaleski | n85-330436 | Zaleski, August, 1883-1972. | 22 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Riccardo Zandonai | n85-26766 | Zandonai, Riccardo, 1883-1944 | 239 | 1883 | ExactMatchesWithDates |
Dsp13 11:05, 12 August 2006 (UTC)