Epic poetry
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The epic is a broadly defined genre of poetry, and one of the major forms of narrative literature. It retells in a continuous narrative the life and works of a heroic or mythological person or group of persons. In the West, the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Beowulf and Nibelungenlied; and in the East, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Shahnama and Epic of King Gesar are often cited as examples of the epic genre. The composition of epic poetry, or of long poems in general, has become uncommon in the Western world since the early 20th century. The meaning of the term epic, however, has evolved to refer to prose works, films, and similar works which are characterized by great length, multiple settings, large numbers of characters, or long span of time involved. As a result of this change in the use of the word, many prose works of the past may be retroactively called "epics" which were not composed or originally understood as such.
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[edit] Oral epics or world folk epics
The first epics were products of preliterate societies and oral poetic traditions. In these traditions, poetry is transmitted to the audience and from performer to performer by purely oral means.
Early twentieth-century studies of living oral epic traditions in the Balkans by Milman Parry and Albert Lord demonstrated the paratactic model used for composing these poems. What they demonstrated was that oral epics tend to be constructed in short episodes, each of equal status, interest and importance. This facilitates memorisation, as the poet is recalling each episode in turn and using the completed episodes to recreate the entire epic as he performs it.
Parry and Lord also showed that the most likely source for written texts of the epics of Homer was dictation from an oral performance.
Epic: a long narrative poem in elevated stature presenting characters of high position in adventures forming an organic whole through their relation to a central heroic figure and through their development of episodes important to the history of a nation or race.
Epics have 6 main characteristics: a) the hero is of imposing stature, of national or international importance, and of great historical or legendary significance b) the setting is vast, covering many nations, the worlds or the universe c) the action consists of deeds of great valor or requiring superhuman courage d) supernatural forces--gods, angels, demons--interest themselves in the action e) a style of sustained elevation is used f) the poet retains a measure of objectivity
Conventions of Epics: 1. Opens by stating the theme or subject matter of the epic 2. Writer invokes a Muse, one of the nine daughters of Zeus. The poet prays to the Muses to provide him with divine inspiration to tell the story of a great hero. 3. Narrative opens in medias res, or in the middle of things, usually with the hero at his lowest point. Usually flashbacks show earlier portions of the story. 4. Catalogues (?) and geneologies are given. These long lists of objects, places, and people place the finite action of the epic within a broader, universal context. Oftentimes, the poet is also paying homage to the ancestors of audience members. 5. Main characters give extended formal speeches. 6. Use of the epic simlie (?) 8. Heavy use of repetition or stock phrases.
[edit] Epics in literate societies
Literate societies have often copied the epic format; the earliest European examples of which the text survives are the Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes and Virgil's Aeneid, which follow both the style and subject matter of Homer. Other obvious examples are Nonnus' Dionysiaca, Tulsidas' Sri Ramacharit Manas, which follows the style and subject matter of Valmiki's Ramayana, and the Persian epic Shahnama by Ferdowsi.
Classical epic conventions include:
Invocation (prayer to the inspiring muse [of the epic]), praepositio (introduction of the epic's theme), enumeratio (counting the fighting heroes and their armies), the principles termed "in medias res" (starting from the middle of an event), Deus ex machina (divine intervention), anticipatio (prediction), and Epithet (permanent attributes of a heroic figure).
[edit] Notable epic poems
- This list can be compared with two others, National epic and List of world folk-epics.[1]
[edit] Ancient epics (to 500)
- 20th century BC:
- 18th century BC:
- Atrahasis (Mesopotamian mythology)
- 8th to 6th century BC:
- Enuma Elish (Babylonian mythology)
- Iliad, ascribed to Homer (Greek mythology)
- Odyssey, ascribed to Homer (Greek mythology)
- Works and Days, ascribed to Hesiod (Greek mythology)
- Jaya, ascribed to Vyasa (Hindu mythology)
- Lost Greek epics ascribed to the Cyclic poets:
- Epic Cycle including Cypria, Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Sack of Troy, Return from Troy, Telegony
- Theban Cycle including Oedipodea, Thebaid, Epigoni (epic), Alcmeonis
- Others: Titanomachy, Heracleia, Capture of Oechalia, Naupactia, Phocais, Minyas, Danais
- 7th to 5th century BC:
- Bharata, ascribed to Vaisampayana (Hindu mythology)
- 6th to 4th century BC:
- Mahabharata, ascribed to Ugrasravas (Hindu mythology)
- Ramayana, ascribed to Valmiki (Hindu mythology)
- Lost Greek epics: poems by Aristeas (Arimaspeia), Asius of Samos, Chersias of Orchomenus
- The Book of Job
- 3rd century BC:
- 2nd century BC:
- 1st century BC:
- De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things) by Lucretius
- Aeneid by Virgil
- 1st century AD:
- Metamorphoses by Ovid
- Pharsalia (Bellum Civile or Civil War) by Lucan
- Punica (Bellum Punicum or Punic War) by Silius Italicus
- Argonautica by Gaius Valerius Flaccus
- Thebaid by Statius
- 2nd century:
- Buddhacarita by Aśvaghoṣa (Indian epic poetry)
- Saundaranandakavya by Aśvaghoṣa (Indian epic poetry)
- 2nd to 5th century:
- The Five Great Epics of Tamil Literature:
- Cilappatikaram by Prince Ilango Adigal
- Manimekalai by Seethalai Saathanar
- Civaka Cintamani by Tirutakakatevar
- Kundalakesi by a Buddhist poet
- Valayapati by a Jaina poet
- The Five Great Epics of Tamil Literature:
- 3rd century:
- Posthomerica by Quintus of Smyrna
- 4th century:
- Evangeliorum libri by Juvencus
- KumÄrasambhava by KÄlidÄsa (Indian epic poetry)
- Raghuvamsa by KÄlidÄsa (Indian epic poetry)
- 5th century:
- Dionysiaca by Nonnus
[edit] Medieval Epics (500-1500)
- 8th to 10th century:
- 9th century:
- Bhagavata Purana (Sanskrit "Stories of the Lord") written from earlier sources
- 10th century:
- Shahnameh (Persian mythology) (epic poem detailing Persian legend and history from prehistoric times to the fall of the Sassanid Empire)
- Waltharius by Ekkehard of St Gall, Latin version of the story of Walter of Aquitaine
- The Battle of Maldon, brief Old English epic describing a recent battle
- 11th century:
- Poetic Edda (Norse mythology) (collection of poems of Norse mythology from various sources; dates of composition vary within the collection, but the majority of poems existed before the 12th century based on the excerpts in the Prose Edda)
- Ruodlieb, Latin epic by a German author
- Digenis Akritas (Byzantine epic poem)
- La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland)
- Epic of King Gesar (Tibetan epic; compiled from earlier sources)
- Epic of Manas (possibly later)
- 12th century:
- The Knight in the Panther Skin by Shota Rustaveli
- Alexandreis, Latin epic by Walter of Châtillon
- De bello Troiano and the lost Antiocheis by Joseph of Exeter
- Carmen de Prodicione Guenonis (Latin version of the story of the Song of Roland)
- Architrenius, satirical Latin epic by John of Hauville
- Liber ad honorem Augusti by Peter of Eboli, Latin narrative of the conquest of Sicily by Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor
- 13th century:
- Nibelungenlied (Germanic mythology)
- Brut by Layamon
- Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise ("Song of the Albigensian Crusade"; Occitan)
- Epic of Sundiata
- El Cantar de Mio Cid, Spanish epic of the Reconquista
- De triumphis ecclesiae, Latin literary epic by Johannes de Garlandia
- 14th century:
- Cursor Mundi by an anonymous cleric (c. 1300)
- Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy) by Dante Alighieri
- Africa, Latin literary epic by Petrarch
- The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
- The Tale of the Heike (Japanese epic war tale)
- 15th century:
[edit] Modern Epics (from 1500)
- 16th century:
- Orlando furioso by Ludovico Ariosto (1516)
- Os LusÃadas by LuÃs de Camões (c.1555)
- La Gerusalemme liberata by Torquato Tasso (1575)
- Ramacharitamanasa (based on the Ramayana) by Goswami Tulsidas (1577)
- Lepanto by King James VI of Scotland (1591)
- Matilda by Michael Drayton (1594)
- The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser (1596)
- 17th century:
- The Barons' Wars by Michael Drayton (1603; early version 1596 entitled Mortimeriados)
- Szigeti veszedelem, also known under the Latin title Carmen Obsidionis Szigetianae, a Hungarian epic by Miklós ZrÃnyi (1651)
- Paradise Lost by John Milton (1667)
- Paradise Regained by John Milton (1671)
- Prince Arthur by Richard Blackmore (1695)
- King Arthur by Richard Blackmore (1697)
- 18th century:
- Eliza by Richard Blackmore (1705)
- Redemption by Richard Blackmore (1722)
- Henriade by Voltaire (1723)
- Alfred by Richard Blackmore (1723)
- Utendi wa Tambuka by Bwana Mwengo (1728)
- Leonidas by Richard Glover (1737)
- Epigoniad by William Wilkie (1757)
- The Works of Ossian by James MacPherson (1765)
- Caoineadh Airt UÃ Laoghaire** by EibhlÃn Dubh NÃ Chonaill (1773)
- Der Messias by Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1773)
- Rossiada by Mikhail Matveyevich Kheraskov (1771-1779)
- Vladimir by Mikhail Matveyevich Kheraskov (1785)
- Athenaid by Richard Glover (1787)
- 19th century:
- Columbiad by Joel Barlow (1807)
- Milton: a Poem by William Blake (1804-1810)
- Hyperion by John Keats (1818)
- L'Orléanide, Poème national en vingt-huit chants, by Philippe-Alexandre Le Brun de Charmettes (1821)
- Don Juan by George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1824)
- Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz (1834)
- Smrt Smail-age Čengića by Ivan Mažuranić (1846)
- Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot (1849 Finnish mythology)
- The Prelude by William Wordsworth
- The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1855)
- La Fin de Satan by Victor Hugo (written between 1855 and 1860, published in 1886)
- La Légende des Siècles (The Legend of the Centuries) by Victor Hugo (1859-1877)
- Clarel by Herman Melville (1876)
- Canigó by Jacint Verdaguer (1886)
- 20th century:
- Lahuta e MalcÃs by Gjergj Fishta (composed 1902-1937)
- The Ballad of the White Horse by G K Chesterton (1911)
- Mensagem by Fernando Pessoa
- The Hashish-Eater; Or, The Apocalypse of Evil by Clark Ashton Smith (1920)
- Savitri by Aurobindo Ghose (1950)
- AstronautilÃa-HvÄ›zdoplavba by Jan KÅ™esadlo
- The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel by Nikos Kazantzakis (Greek verse, composed 1924-1938)
- The Cantos by Ezra Pound (composed 1915-1969)
- A Cycle of the West by John Neihardt (composed 1921-1949)
- "A" by Louis Zukofsky (composed 1928-1968)
- Paterson by William Carlos Williams (composed c.1940-1961)
- The Maximus Poems by Charles Olson (composed 1950-1970)
- Aniara by Harry Martinson (composed 1956)
- Libretto for the Republic of Liberia by Melvin B. Tolson (1953)
- Mountains and Rivers Without End by Gary Snyder (composed 1965-1996)
- The Changing Light at Sandover by James Merrill (composed 1976-1982)
- Omeros by Derek Walcott (1990)
- The Descent of Alette by Alice Notley (1996)
- Cheikh Anta Diop: Poem for the Living by Mwatabu S. Okantah (1997)
[edit] Prose "Epics"
- The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian and Persian mythology) (prose and verse)
- Alpamysh (Central Asian) (prose and verse) [1]
- Táin Bó Cúailnge (Irish mythology) (prose and verse)
- Hervarar saga (Norse mythology) (prose)
- Völsunga saga (Norse mythology) (prose)
14th century
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Chinese author Luo Guanzhong (1330-1400)
16th to 18th Century
- Journey to the West by Chinese author Wu Cheng'en (1590)
- Don Quixote Parts I & II by Miguel de Cervantes (prose 1605/1615)
- The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding (prose 1749)
19th Century
- The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, père (prose 1844)
- Moby-Dick by Herman Melville (prose 1851)
- Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (prose 1862)
- War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (prose 1869)
- Venezuela Heroica, by Eduardo Blanco (history 1881)
20th Century
- The Making of Americans by Gertrude Stein (prose composed 1906-1908, published 1925)
- À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust (prose composed 1913-1922, published 1914-1927)
- Ulysses and Finnegans Wake by James Joyce (prose 1922 and 1939)
- The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien (prose 1954 and 1977)
- The Recognitions and J R by William Gaddis (prose 1955 and 1975)
- Gravity's Rainbow, Mason & Dixon and Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon (prose 1973, 1997 and 2006)
- Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace (prose 1996)
- The Stand by Stephen King 1978, 1990
[edit] Other "Epics"
- The Anathemata by David Jones (1952)
- The Waste Land and Four Quartets by T. S. Eliot
- Der Ring des Nibelungen by Richard Wagner (opera)
[edit] See also
- Chanson de geste
- Duma (Ukrainian epic)
- Hebrew and Jewish epic poetry
- Indian epic poetry
- Serbian epic poetry
- Yukar (Ainu epic)
- List of world folk-epics
- Monomyth
- National epic
- Bible
[edit] Notes
- ^ According to that article, world folk epics are those which are not just literary masterpieces but also an integral part of the world view of a people, originally oral, later written down by one or several authors.
[edit] External links
- WorldChronicle.net
- Clay Sanskrit Library publishes classical Indian literature, including the Mahabharata and Ramayana, with facing-page text and translation. Also offers searchable corpus and downloadable materials.
- Humanities Index has notes on epic poetry.
[edit] Bibliography
- Jan de Vries: Heroic Song and Heroic Legend ISBN 0-405-10566-5