List of technologies
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Technology refers to all tools and procedures. It is the state of knowledge and development at any given time on controlling our surroundings, and includes all tools (utensils, devices, machinery, inventions, and structures), all methods (skills, processes, and techniques), and all applied materials (both raw and manufactured). In the most general sense, technology is Man's ability to control Nature. The term can be applied generally, or to specific areas, such as in "construction technology", "computer technology", and "medical technology". Specific areas of technology include:
Contents |
[edit] Advances in technology or fundamental tools
[edit] Media technologies
[edit] Electrical Technology
[edit] Information technology
- Electronics
- Klystron tube
- Relay
- Vacuumey tube
- Semiconductor
- Diode
- Transistor
- Integrated circuits or IC's
- Very-large-scale integration or VLSI integration
- System-on-a-chip
- Computing technology Index of hardware and software computing related topics.
- Cryptology
- Cryptography
[edit] Uncategorized-alphabetical
[edit] -A-B-C-
Automated teller machine Abacus Double-entry accounting Advertisement Aerial photography Aerospace Engineering Aerosol Agriculture Air conditioner Airplane Airport Alarm Alcohol Algebra Aluminum Amniocentesis Anchor Anesthetic Antibiotics Antenna Aqueduct Arch Arena Artificial limbs Artificial sweetner Assembly line Asphaltic concrete Aspirin Athletic supporter Atomic bomb Atomic energy Audio cassette Automobile
Backgammon Backhoe Baggage Ball bearings Balloon Ballpoint pen Bandage Bar Barbed wire Barbie doll Bar code scanner Barette Barometer Base Baseball Baseball (the game) Basketball Basketball (the game) Bat Bathing suit Bathroom Batteries-dry Batteries-wet Bazooka Bed Beaker Beam Beer Bellows Belt Belt drive Bicycle Big bang Bikini Blanket Blanket (electric) Blood transfusion Blower Body piercings Boobs Books Boots Boomerang Bottle Boxing Boxing gloves Bow and arrow Box Brace[disambiguation needed] Bracelet Brakes Braziere Bread Bricks Bridges Broadcasting Broom Brush Bubble gum Bucket Buildings Bulldozer Bullet Bumper Bus Butane Butter Button
C++ Cabinetry Cable television Cable (wire) Cake Calculator Calculus Calendar Caliper Camera Can Can opener Canal Candle Candy bar Canning Carburetor Cartridge Carriage Carpet Cart Cartoons Cave painting Cast iron Cathode-ray tube (CRT) Cell phones Central heating Cement Centrifuge Ceramics Chair Chalk Chalkboard Chalk line Chandelier Charge card Checkers Chemical disinfection Chemical Engineering Chewing gum Christmas ornaments Chronometer Cigars Cigarettes Cipher Circular (power) saw Circumnavigation of globe Circuit breaker Cities Civil Engineering Clamp Clarinet Clip Clippers Clock Clock (electric) Clock (pendulum) Clock (water) Cloning Cloth Coke (fuel) COBOL Coca-Cola Code Coffee Coins Coliseum Collar Column Comb Compact Disk Compactor Compass Compressor Computer Computer keyboard Computer (mechanical) Computer software Concrete Construction Contact lens Container shipping Contraceptives Contracts Cookies Copper Copying (Xerography) Crane Crank handle Crayons Crop rotation theory Crushed rock Crutches Crystal radio Cuisinart Cup Currency Culvert Cymbal
[edit] -D-E-F-
Darts Decibel Dentistry Dentures Deodorant Desk Diaper (disposable) Dice Dish washer Disk (floppy) Distillation Distributor Ditch DLP DNA map Door Door knob Drill Drill bit Drinking glass Drums Dust pan DVD Dynamite
Earmuffs Ear-ring Email Electricity Electric chair Electric generating station Electrical Engineering Electric eraser Electric motor Electricity meter Electrocardiogram Electroencephalogram Electronic keyboard Elevated water tank Elevator Embryo transplant Epoxy Eraser Erector set Escalator
Fan Faucet Fax machine Fence Fetal surgery Fiber optics Filter Fire Fireplace Fishing Fishing pole Flask Flute Forge Food coloring Food processor Football Football (the game) Fork Forms FORTRAN Frame French fries Fuel cell Fuse
[edit] -G-H-I-
Gallon Garbage disposal Gasoline Genetic engineering Genetically-enhanced crops Geodesic surveying Germ theory of disease Glassblowing Glass Glasses (eye) Global Positioning System Globe Glue Golf Great Wall of China Grill Grout Guitar Guitar (electric) Gum (chewing) Gun Gunpowder Gyroscope
Hair coloring Hairbow Hairdo Hamburgers Hammer Hand dryer Handle Hand grenade Handrail Hair drier Harbor Harness (horse) Head phones Hearing aid Heart transplant Heater Helicopter Heliocentric theory Highway Hinges Hole (donut) Hole punch Hook Horseshoe Housing Human Genome Project Hydrogen bomb
Inch Ink Ink jet printer Insulation Interchangeable parts Internal combustion engine Internet Irrigation Intravenous line
[edit] -J-K-L-M-N-
LP record Label Lace Lamp Landfill Landscaping Land survey system Laser Latch Lathe Lawn mower LEGO toys Lens (optics) Level Light bulb The Game of Life Lighthouse Lime or quicklime (chemical) Linotype (typesetting) Lipstick Local area network LISP Lock (device) Loom Loudspeaker Lunch meat
Machine gun Magazine Mammogram Map Mat Mattress Measurement Mechanical engineering Mechanical pencil Metal forging Microphone Microscope Microwave oven MIDI Mile Mirror (metal) Monopoly (game) Mortar (masonry) Mortar (weapon) Mortar and pestle Motorcycle Motion pictures Mouse (computer) Movie theater Mummification Musical instruments
Nanotechnology NMR imaging Nair Necklace Needle Neurology Newspaper Notebook Nuclear reaction Numerical-controlled machines Nylon
[edit] -O-P-Q-R-S-
Object-oriented programming Obsetrics Oil Oil lamp Oil tanker (ship) Ontology Orange juice Organ transplant Oven Ounce
Pacemaker Padding Paint Paint brush Paintings Pam Pan Panel (electric) Paneling Pants Parking lot Pap test Paper Paper towel Paperback book Pagerbag Parachute Parchment Pasteurization Patent system Paved roads PDA (personal digital assistant) Pedagogy Pedal Pen Pencil Pencil sharpener Pepsi Cola Perfume Petroleum engineer Pet rock Photovoltaic cell Photography Piano Pictographs Pier (foundation) Pier (harbor) Pin Ping-pong Pipe (material) Pipeline Plane (aircraft) Plane (tootl) Plastic Plate Playing cards Plug (electric) Plug (water) Polar magnetism identified Polaroid camera Pot Pound Pound-force Powder Pressure meter Pressure relief valve Printing/moveable metal type Pressure tank Prism Projector Protractor Psychology Psychiatry Pump Pyramid
Rack Radar Radar detector Radio Radio waves Radiology Razor Rayon Recliner Refrigerator Ritlin Robot Rocket Roller bearings Root beer Rouge Router Rubber Ruler Runway
SST (supersonic plane) Satellite (artificial) Saw Scissors Screw pump Screw (machine) Screw driver Scrubber Septic tank Sewage system Sewing Sewing machine Shackles Shampoo Shaving cream Sheet rock Shelving Shingles Shirt Shock therapy Shoes Shovel Shreader Sidewalk Siding Sink Siren Skates Skateboard Skyscrapers Slide rule Sling Smoke detector Soap Soccer Socket Socks Sonar Song writing Space Shuttle Space flight Spatula Spark plug Spear Speedometer Spinning wheel Spoon Spring Sprinkler Sprinkler system Square (carpentry) Stainless steel Stake (anchoring) Stamp Staple (fastener) Staple gun Starter Steam engine Steel/Iron Steering wheel Steamboat Stereo Stereograph Sterilization (germs) Stethoscope Sticker Stint Stirrup Stocks/Bonds Stock market Stonehenge Storm sewer Stove Strain meter Strap Street lights Submarine Subway Suez Canal Sundial Supercomputer Surround sound Surveying Switch
[edit] -T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z-
TCP/IP Television TV (high definition) TV dinner Table Tachometer Tamborine Tampon Tank (storage) Tank (military) Tape Tea Teflon Tennis Tennis ball Tent Telegraph Telephone Telescope Test tube Test tube baby Thread Threshold Thermostat Tiles Timing light Tinker toys Tire Toaster Toilet Toilet paper Toothbrush Toothpaste Torque wrench Tortilla Track Trading cards Traffic light Traffic jam Trailer Train Transatlantic cable Transatlantic flight Transcontinental railroad Transistor Transmission Tray Treadmill Truck Trumpet Trunk Trowel Tub Tubing Tupperware Turbine Tylenol Typewriter
Umbrella Underwater equipment Underwear Universal joint Urinal
Vacuum cleaner Vacuum pump Vacuum tube Valve Vasoline Vault Velcro Venturi tube VHS Viagra Video camera Video card Video recorder Vinyl Violin Vise Visual Basic Voice recognition Volleyball Volleyball (the game)
Wall Wallpaper Water heater Waterwheel Water treatment Water well Weather forcasting Weaving "Weedeater" Weights (lifting) Wheel Wheel chair Windmill Window Wine Wire Wrench Wrist watch Woodwork World Wide Web Writing
[edit] External links
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