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- This article is about Finnish mixed with English. For Persian (Farsi) mixed with English, see Fingilish.
The term Finglish was introduced by professor Martti Nisonen in 1920s in Hancock, Michigan to describe a linguistic phenomenon he encountered in America. As the term describes, Finglish is a mixture of English and Finnish. In Finglish the English lexical items are nativized and inserted into the framework of Finnish morphology and syntax. The Finnish immigrants to USA and Canada are one group that speak Finglish, but Finglish is also found in any place in Finland, where international contacts and popular culture exists, including Finnish language learners. History of Finglish is divisible in Old Finglish and New Finglish.
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[edit] History
Old Finglish originated amongst the first and second generation Finnish immigrants in US and Canada. Since few of them had any higher education or language skills, many of them ended up in menial and industrial jobs, where they learned English in practise. The language skills of the first generation American Finns remained always limited; second and third-generation American Finns usually were more or less bilingual. Finglish emerged as a pidgin with something they already knew (Finnish) and something they were bound to learn (English).
Most of the Finnish immigrants were from provinces Savo, Häme and Pohjanmaa, and the grammar also reflected those dialects. The most common characteristic of Old Finglish were
- almost all voiced consonants in English are replaced by their voiceless counterparts in Finglish; /f/ is likewise replaced with /v/:
- lumperi (lumber), piiri (beer), rapoli (trouble), karpetsi (garbage), vörnitseri (furniture)
- three contiguous vowels are not allowed. They are broken up by inserting either a back or front glide depending on the phonetic environment:
- leijata (to play) sauveri (shower)
- syllabic consonants are modified by inserting a vowel in front of them:
- kaluna (gallon) hanteli (handle)
- words should end in a vowel. The preferred word-final vowel is /i/ but /a/ is also encountered:
- reimi (frame) kaara (car), heerkatti (haircut), loijari (lawyer)
- when the word in English begins with two or three consonants, all but the last consonant are dropped before the word is acceptable for Finglish:
- raikki (strike), touvi (stove), rosseri (grocery)
- vowels are written phonetically, as in Finnish:
- reitti (straight), raippi (stripe)
- disappearance of possessive suffix:
- meitin haussi (pro meidän talomme, "our house")
Words used in US Finglish often have completely different meanings in Finnish; they have become expressive loans: ruuma (room; in Finnish "cargo hold"), piiri (beer; "district"), leijata (to play; "to hover"), reisi (crazy; "thigh") or touvi (stove; "halyard"). US Finglish compound words can produce combinations completely incomprehensible to native Finnish speakers, like piirikäki (beer keg; "district cuckoo").
Old Finglish is not bound to survive, and its native speakers are now in their 80s and 90s. The descendants of most American Finns are today either completely monolingual, or, if they have kept their ties to their foreparents' language, speak ordinary Finnish beside English.
Example of old Finglish:
Frank ja Wilbert oli Saran kanssa kaaralla käymäs vilitsis. Ne kävi haartveerstooris ostamas loonmouverin ja Sara kävi ottaan heerkatin piutisaluunasa. Kun ne tuli haussiin, niin mamma laitto äpylipaita.
which translates as
"Frank and Wilbert were with Sara visiting the village by car. They went to hardware store to buy a lawn mower, while Sara had a haircut at beauty salon. When they came back to home, mom served apple pie."
For comparison, without Anglicisms:
Frank ja Wilbert olivat Saran kanssa käymässä autolla kylässä. He kävivät rautakaupassa ostamassa ruohonleikkurin ja Sara kävi ottamassa kampauksen kauneushoitolassa. Kun he tulivat kotiin, niin äiti laittoi omenapiirakkaa.
[edit] Today
New Finglish originates in Finland. Its sources are technology, popular culture, various sub-cultures and fandom. It differs from slang in the sense it uses also some English linguistic structures. Examples of some popular culture Finglish expressions include vörkkiä (to work), biitsi (beach), spreijata (to spray), hengailla (to hang out), finanssi (a finance) kruisailla (to cruise with an automobile) and hevijuuseri (heavy user). New Finglish is also heavily influenced by exchange students and expatriates in United States. While Old Finglish was distinctively a lower-class language, New Finglish is that of the youth (who often consider using English as "cool") and middle class, especially professionals. New Finglish is considered a transitionary phase of absorption of new terms and ideas from English into Finnish before the full nativization of the words, especially in situations where English expresses a concept with one word, while Finnish would require multiple. New Finglish is not to be confused with Helsinki slang, though. While today's Helsinki slang has absorbed a lot of English loans, they are not the same.
The characteristics of New Finglish are
- preservation of voiced consonants /b/, /d/ and /g/ and /f/:
- biitsi (beach), bugi (bug, as programming error), dellata (to delete), digata (to dig, in sense "to feel affection") giikki (geek), fleimi (nasty Internet reply);
- preservation of consonant clusters in the beginning of the words as in Southwestern Finnish dialects:
- kreisi (crazy), printteri (printer), skipata (to skip, to pass something), steissi (station or stage), trabeli (trouble);
- word ending in a vowel as in Old Finglish, almost exclusively in /i/. Duplication of the English final consonant before the final /i/:
- keissi (case), disketti (diskette), floppi (flop, failure);
- Vowels written out phonetically as in Old Finglish, umlaut denoting frontal vowel:
- staili (stylish), bändi (band, orchestra), nörtti (nerd), räppi (rap music);
- replacement of English /c/ with /k/ or /s/, /ch/ with /ts/, /th/ with /d/, /x/ with /ks/, /j/ as /ds/ and /w/ with /v/:
- klikata (to click), tsekata (to check), fiksata (to fix), biifdsööki (beef jerky), pätsätä (to patch), vörkkiä (to work);
- conceptual switch of Finnish instructive "mene" (go with) as "ota" (take):
- ota juna pro mene junalla, ota itäreitti pro mene itäreittiä;
- you-impersonal (sinä-passiivi); using sinä (you) as the formal subject of an impersonal sentence. This may actually be an older phenomenon than English influence, as it also has appeared in certain Karelian dialects.
- Jos sinä et syö, sinä et elä. (If you don't eat, you don't live) pro Jos ei syö, niin ei elä.
An example of today's Finglish might be
Mä lainasin faijan autoo ja me mentiin Mikan, Jennin ja Hannan kanssa kruisaamaan. Ensin haettiin gasoo, sitten käytiin syömässä Mäkissä bögöt ja lopulta mentiin biitsille.
which translates as
"I borrowed Dad's car and we went together with Mika, Jenni and Hanna cruising around. We first went to get some gasoline, then went to McDonalds (Mäkki < Mäkdonalds < McDonalds) to have burgers and in the end we went to beach."
For comparison, without Anglicisms, but still colloquial:
Mä lainasin faijan autoo ja me mentiin Mikan, Jennin ja Hannan kanssa ajelulle. Ensin haettiin löpöö, sitten käytiin syömässä pikaruokalan purilaiset ja lopulta mentiin rantsuun.
And, in literal Finnish:
Lainasin isäni autoa ja menimme Mikan, Jennin ja Hannan kanssa ajelulle. Ensin haimme bensiiniä, sitten kävimme syömässä pikaruokalan hampurilaiset ja lopulta menimme rannalle.
[edit] Techspeak
Finglish is today used most commonly in technology speech, where the majority of the loans originate in English. Since the English and Finnish language morphologies are vastly different and English pronunciation seldom fits in the Finnish speech immediately, the loan's orthography and pronunciation are nativized. Direct Finglish teknopuhe (techspeak) expressions include printteri ("printer" - it is currently being ousted by the native word tulostin), modeemi ("modem") and prosessori ("processor", there is even a puristic word, suoritin, which is heard often enough, but is still less common than prosessori). Acronyms in Finglish include seepu (CPU; Central Processing Unit, in Finnish keskusyksikkö), and dimmi (DIMM; Dual In-Line Memory Module). Finglish is usually considered a transitionary phase from literal loans into translationary loans (calques). Examples of Finglish calques are emolevy (motherboard), näyttö (display), ulkoistaa (to outsource) and sähköposti (electronic mail - the Finglish word iimeili or meili is still quite common). An example of a word where the transition is partial, is webbiselain (web browser), where the word web has not yet been translated into Finnish verkko.
An example of Finnish techspeak:
Mä tsekkasin sen serverin. Siinä oli täys snafu päällä. Siitä oli poveri kärtsännyt ja se oli sitten krässännyt totaalisesti. Kun sitä ei oltu ajettu hallitusti alas, siitä oli käyttispartitio korruptoitunut eikä se enää buutannut. Mä fiksasin siihen uuden poverin ja buuttasin sen korpulta.
which would translate in English:
"I checked the server. It was in a complete SNAFU. Its power supply had burnt out and it had then crashed totally. As it was not shut down in an orderly manner, its operating system partition was corrupted and it no longer booted. I fixed it with a new power supply and booted it from a floppy disk."
and in a less Anglicised, but still colloquial Finnish:
Mä tarkistin sen palvelimen. Se oli täysin hajalla. Siitä oli virransyöttö kärtsännyt ja se oli sitten mennyt aivan jumiin. Kun sitä ei oltu ajettu hallitusti alas, siitä oli käyttisosio pilalla eikä se enää käynnistynyt. Mä hoidin siihen uudet virransyötöt ja käynnistin sen korpulta.
[edit] Neologisms
Sometimes English words are used as basis of Finnish conceptual neologisms, like nörtti, computer enthusiast, from English "nerd" or nyypiö (or noobi) beginner, from English "newbie"; influenced by the native Finnish "hyypiö" meaning a freak or eccentric person).
Since most New Finglish speakers are fluent in both Finnish and in English, direct translations are sometimes used in humorous or oxymoronic concept, such as julkinen talo (public house) for pubi or käytännöllinen pila (practical joke, shenanigan) for native Finnish kepponen.
English loans which originate in Latin are usually amalgamated in Finnish by using the Latin and not English orthography and grammar.
[edit] External links
Pseudo-dialects: |
Englog | Engrish | Euro-English | Globish | Greeklish | Franglais | Internet slang | Leet | Serblish | Swenglish | Spanglish | Valspeak |
Mixed languages: | Chinglish | Czenglish | Denglisch | Finglish | Hinglish | Inglés de escalerilla | Konglish | Llanito | Namlish | Poglish | Runglish | Taglish | Tinglish | Yeshivish | Yinglish | Portinglês |