Talk:Full Tilt! Pinball
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[edit] Pinball 95
“ | I noticed your edit to Full Tilt! Pinball and I was a bit...skeptical. Where did you get this copy? Does it have all three tables? Which Space Cadet screenshot does it more resemble? If it was bundled with any Microsoft product, it's most probably a rebranded version of the Space Cadet table only and thus not the whole game. ~ Oni Lukos ct 13:49, 3 August 2006 (UTC) | ” |
“ | My copy of Pinball 95 came as part of a Maxis software package (The Ultimate Family Collection) that also contained SimCity 2000, SimTown and Marty and the Trouble with Cheese, with all four games presented on one CD. The edition of Pinball 95 contains all three tables, plus a brief FMV introduction. I got it many, many years ago and am unaware of its origins, but I'm pretty sure it's authentic. I'll see if I can dig up the packaging and take a few screenshots to prove my case. Ppk01 14:37, 3 August 2006 (UTC) | ” |
“ | Hmm, intriguing. I'd be interested in seeing this packaging and FMV on that. FT!P does indeed have a small FMV, but it says "Full Tilt! Pinball" at the end. Was this changed to "Pinball 95"? Hm. Should we move this conversation to Talk:Full Tilt! Pinball? It will probably be more appropriate there. Also, I've never heard of that last title. Weird. ~ Oni Lukos ct 14:54, 3 August 2006 (UTC) | ” |
After a Google search, this review also refers to the game as Pinball 95. The search also returned many foreign-language links, which leads me to believe that the game was released as Full Tilt! in the USA and Pinball 95 in other countries. Bear in mind that this is original research, and not verifiable. Ppk01 15:28, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
Here it is; a screenshot of the logo, taken from the opening FMV sequence. I also dug out the old Family Collection and scanned the box a couple of times, and I took a screenshot of Space Cadet. The results can be found at Flickr. Please reply if you'd like any more screenshots. --Ppk01 18:38, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
Huh. Weird. Seems identical to me. I can't spot any differences other than the logo and name. More screenshots from the FMV would be nice, however. To see if that's the same, except for the logo. ~ Oni Lukos ct 19:40, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
Okay. Using my less-than-stellar, practically non-existant image-editing skills, I have compiled nine screen shots into one handy image for your viewing pleasure. (It's on the Flickr page.)
I'm almost 100% confident that the games are identical other than name; the "Pinball 95" demo on the Maxis demo disc I got with the family pack is actually a Full Tilt! demo. --Ppk01 21:16, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
Yep, that definitely appears to be the same FMV. I guess it's 99% safe to say that this is just a different title for the same game. Very strange. ~ Oni Lukos ct 01:49, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
I wouldn't say it's that strange, per se - many games are given different names in different countries for no apparent reason, even to this day. A recent example would be (coincidentally) the pinball game Super Mario Ball (changed to Mario Pinball Land in America, then changed back to Super Mario Ball for the UK release). --Ppk01 18:58, 16 August 2006 (UTC)