Bill Brown
Bill Brown (s. 1969, San Diego, California) on amerikkalainen säveltäjä.
Sisällysluettelo |
[muokkaa] Ura
Brown on tehnyt ja tuottanut musiikkia moneen elokuvaan, kuten Ali, Any Given Sunday ja Finding Forrester. Hän on myös tehnyt musiikkia peleihin, kuten Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Rainbow Six ja Command & Conquer: Generals. Hän on myös tehnyt musiikkia ohjaajille ja tuottajille, kuten Steven Spielberg, Oliver Stone, Clive Barker, Michael Crichton, Gus Van Sant, Michael Mann ja Tom Clancy. Kesällä 2005 hän sävelsi musiikit televisiosarjaan CSI: NY.
[muokkaa] Tuotanto
[muokkaa] Videopelit
- The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (2005)
- Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm (2004)
- Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour (2003)
- Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (2003)
- Command & Conquer: Generals (2003)
- Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle (2003)
- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2003)
- Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (2002)
- The Sum of All Fears (2002)
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001)
- Undying (2001)
- Rainbow Six: Ghost Recon (2001)
- Rainbow Six: Black Thorn (2001)
- Shadow Watch (2000)
- Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (1999)
- Rainbow Six (1998)
- Jurassic Park: Trespasser (1998)
[muokkaa] Videot
- Evil Deeds (2004)
- Lady Death (2004)
- Behind Enemy Lines: The Making of 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' (2001)
[muokkaa] Tv sarjat
- "CSI: NY" (2004) TV Series
- "Trapped" (2001) (TV)
[muokkaa] Elokuvat
- Any Given Sunday (1999) (songs "Spiritual," "Rock the Sharks," "Sharks' Theme")
- War of the Angels (1999)
[muokkaa] muut
- Scorcher (2002)
[muokkaa] Palkinnot
- BMI 2005 TV Music Award for "CSI:NY" Season 1
- ITVA Golden Reel GOLD Award for Kennedy Space Center "Gateway to the Universe" soundtrack
- Music4Games - M4G Editor's Choice Award for "The Sum of All Fears" (PC)
- Best Music Award - PCXL Magazine's 1998 All-Star Awards for "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six"
[muokkaa] Ehdokkuudet
- Game Audio Network Guild (G.A.N.G.) 2003 Awards Nominee for Lineage II: the Chaotic Chronicle (NCSoft), in the following categories: Best Live Performance Recording, Best Cinematic / Cut-Scene Audio, Best Original Vocal Song - Choral
- British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) 2003 Games Awards Nominee in the Music category: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War
- British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) 2003 Games Awards Nominee in the Music category: Command and Conquer: Generals
- Golden Reel Nominee: Feature Film Ali (Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures Entertainment)
- Golden Reel Nominee: Feature Film Any Given Sunday (Warner Bros.)
- British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) 2001 Interactive Entertainment Award Nominee in the Music category: "Clive Barker's Undying"
- Best Original Music Nominee by L.A. Weekly: Blue Sphere Alliance's live theatrical production "Nagasaki Dust"
- Golden Reel Nominee: Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (Renaissance Pictures/Universal)
- Golden Reel Nominee: In the Presence of Mine Enemies (Showtime Pictures)