Gender studies
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Gender studies is a field of interdisciplinary study, analyzing the phenomenon of gender. It examines both cultural representations of gender and people's lived experience of it. Gender Studies is sometimes related to studies of class, race, ethnicity and location.[1]
The philosopher Simone de Beauvoir said: “One is not born a woman, one becomes one”[2]. In Gender Studies the term "gender" is used to refer to the social and cultural constructions of masculinities and femininities. It does not refer to biological difference, but rather cultural difference.[3] This emerged from a number of different areas: in sociology during the 1950s (see Sociology of gender); from the theories of the psychoanalyst Jaques Lacan; and in the work of feminists (such as Judith Butler). Each field, came to regard 'gender' as a practice, sometimes referred to as something that is performative[4].
- See also: Gender#In feminist theory and Guattari#1980s to 1990s
Contents |
[edit] Studying gender
Studies of the role of gender have been undertaken in many academic areas, such as: literary theory, drama studies, film theory, performance theory, anthropology, sociology, and psychology (to name but a few). These studies have different focuses on how and why they study gender. For instance in anthropology, sociology and psychology gender is often studied as a practice. Whereas in Cultural Studies representations of gender are more often examined.
[edit] Influences of gender studies
[edit] Gender studies and psychoanalytic theory
[edit] Sigmund Freud
Some feminist critics have dismissed the work of Sigmund Freud, considering his view of women, as kinds of mutilated men who must learn to accept their "deformity" - the "lack" of a penis, to be sexist[citation needed] On the other hand, feminist theorists such as Juliet Mitchell, Nancy Chodorow, Jessica Benjamin, Jane Gallop, Shoshana Felman and Jane Flax have argued that psychoanalytic theory is vital to the feminist project and must, like other theoretical traditions. Shulamith Firestone, in "Freudianism: The Misguided Feminism", discusses how Freudianism is almost completely accurate, with the exception of one crucial detail: everywhere that Freud writes "penis", the word should be replaced with "power".
[edit] Jacques Lacan
Some critics accuse Jacques Lacan of maintaining a sexist tradition in psychoanalysis.[citation needed] Conversely Judith Butler and Jane Gallop have offered readings of Lacan's work that developed new possibilities for gender theory. His theory of sexuation (sexual situation): the development of gender-roles and role-play in childhood breaks-down concepts of gender identity as innate or biologically determined.[5]
[edit] Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva, in her work on abjection, argues that the way in which an individual excludes (or abjects) their mother as means of forming an identity is similar to the way in which societies are constructed. She contends that patriarchal cultures, like individuals, have had to exclude the maternal and the feminine so that they can come into being.[6]
[edit] Men and feminist theories
[edit] The post-modern influence
The emergence of post-feminism affected gender studies,[5] causing a movement in theories identity away from the concept of fixed, or essentialist gender identity to post-modern fluid, or multiple identities .[7]
See Donna Haraway (The Cyborg Manifesto) as an example of post-identity feminism.
[edit] Masculinities and femininities
[edit] The development of gender theory
[edit] Judith Butler
The concept of gender performativity is at the core of Butler's work and explains her notion of it in Gender Trouble. In Butler’s terms the performance of gender, sex, and sexuality, is about power in society. [4] She locates the construction of the "gendered, sexed, desiring subject" in "regulative discourses." A part of Butler's argument concerns the role of sex in the construction of "natural" or coherent gender and sexuality. In her account, gender and heterosexuality are constructed as natural because the opposition of the male and female sexes is constructed as natural.[4]
[edit] Women's studies
[edit] Men's studies
[edit] Criticism
Rosi Braidotti (1994), interviewed by Judith Butler, criticized gender studies as, "the take-over of the feminist agenda by studies on masculinity, which results in transferring funding from feminist faculty positions to other kinds of positions. There have been cases...of positions advertised as 'gender studies' being given away to the 'bright boys'. Some of the competitive take-over has to do with gay studies. Of special significance in this discussion is the role of the mainstream publisher Routledge who, in our opinion, is responsible for promoting gender as a way of deradicalizing the feminist agenda, re-marketing masculinity and gay male identity instead."
Calvin Thomas (2000) counters that, "as Joseph Allen Boone points out, 'many of the men in the academy who are feminism's most supportive 'allies' are gay,'" and that it is "disingenuous" to ignore that mainstream publishers such as Routledge, and their marketing strategies, have helped feminist theorists.
Gender studies is criticized by Paul Nathanson and Katherine K. Young for being a discipline that "philosophizes, theorizes and politicizes on the nature of the female gender" as a social construct, to the point of excluding the male gender from analysis.[8]
Nancy Lewis-Horne responds to Nathanson and Young's saying that their work is "seriously flawed" due to its lack of theoretical connection, "especially in its use and misuse of feminist theory." She challenges the comment that "work on gender means work about women, there is an excellent literature examining the social construction of masculinity." She also states that the methodology used by Nathanson and Young "selectively examines some examples of popular culture and not others and then asks [readers] to accept their interpretation as relevant." She contends that "Nathanson and Young promote sexism and gender polarization in their oppositional approach to gender." [9]
[edit] Theorists associated with gender studies
- Julia Kristeva
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Otto Weininger
- Judith Butler
- Hélène Cixous
- Donna Haraway
- Luce Irigaray
- Evelyn Fox Keller
- Gayle Rubin
- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
- Simone de Beauvoir
- Judith Halberstam
- Aaron Devor
- Shari Thurer
- Michel Foucault
- bell hooks
- Audre Lorde
- Kate Bornstein
- Christine Delphy
- Colette Guillaumin
- Haraway Gave
- Marie-Helene Bourcier
- Gayle Rubin
- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
- Jeff Hearn
- Anthony Giddens
- Chantal Nadeau
- Kaja Silverman
- Joan W. Scott
[edit] See also
- Gender
- Gender Differences
- Gender and sexuality studies
- Feminist theory
- Queer Theory
- Masculinism
- Androcentrism
- Post-feminism
- Misandry
- Homophobia
- Misogyny
- postgenderism
- transgender
- Gender Identity
- Genderqueer
- Sex/gender distinction
- List of transgender-related topics
- Teaching for social justice
[edit] References
- ^ Healey, J. F. (2003). "Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Class : the Sociology of Group Conflict and Change".
- ^ de Beauvoir, S. (1949, 1989). "The Second Sex".
- ^ Garrett, S. (1992). "Gender", p. vii.
- ^ a b c Butler, J. (1999). "Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity", 9.
- ^ a b Wright, E. (2003). "Lacan and Postfeminism (Postmodern Encounters)".
- ^ Kristeva, J. (1982). "Powers of Horror."
- ^ Benhabib, S. (1995). "Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange." and Butler, J. (1995) "Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange.".
- ^ Nathanson, P. and K. K. Young (2006). "Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Descrimination Against Men." Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press
- ^ Lewis-Horne, Nancy. Book Review PAUL NATHANSON and KATHERINE K. YOUNG, Spreading Misandry. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association. Retrieved on 2007-01-06.
[edit] Bibliography
- Boone, Jospeh Allen and Michael Cadden, eds., (1990), Engendering Men, New York: Routledge. ISBN ISBN 04159-0255-X
- Butler, Judith, 1993. "Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of 'Sex", New York: Routledge. ISBN 0415-90366-1
- Butler, Judith, "Feminism by Any Other Name", in differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies June, 1994
- Butler, Judith, 1999. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge. ISBN 04159-2499-5
- Cranny-Francis, Anne, Joan Kirkby, Pam Stavropoulos, Wendy Waring, eds., 2003. "Gender studies : terms and debates", Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0333-77612-7
- De Beauvoir, Simone, 1989. The Second Sex. New York: random House Inc. ISBN 06797-2451-6
- Foucault, Michel, 1988. "Care of the Self the History of Sexuality", Random House Inc. ISBN 0394-74155-2
- Foucault, Michel, 1990. "History of Sexuality: An Introduction", London: Random House Inc. ISBN 06797-2469-9
- Foucault, Michel, 1990. "Use of Pleasure: The History of Sexuality", London: Random House Inc. ISBN 0394-75122-1
- Foucault, Michel, 1995. "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison", translated by Allen Sheridan, London: Random House Inc. ISBN 0679-75255-2
- Fraser, Nancy, Judith Butler, Seyla Benhabib and Drucilla Cornell, 1995. "Feminist Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange." New Yotk: Routledge. ISBN 0415-91086-2
- Frug, Mary Joe. "A Postmodern Feminist Legal Manifesto (An Unfinished Draft)," in "Harvard Law Review", Vol. 105, No. 5, March, 1992, pp. 1045 - 1075.
- Healey, Joseph F., 2003. Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Class : the Sociology of Group Conflict and Change. London: Pine Forge. ISBN 07619-8763-0
- Kristeva, Julia, 1982. "Powers of Horror. Trans. Leon Roudiez." New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 02310-5347-9
- Wright, Elizabeth, 2000. Lacan and Postfeminism. London: Icon Books Ltd. ISBN 18404-6182-9
- McElroy, Wendy, 2001. Sexual Correctness: The Gender-Feminist Attack on Women, Jefferson: McFarland & Company. ISBN 0786-41144-9
- Oyewumi, Oyeronke, ed., 2005. African Gender Studies: A Reader, London: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 1403-96283-9
- Scott, Joan W. "Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis," in Gender and the Politics of History (New York: Columbia University Press, 1988).
- Spector, Judith A, ed., 1986. Gender Studies: New Directions in Feminist Criticism, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 0879-72351-3
- Thomas, Calvin, ed., 2000. "Introduction: Identification, Appropriation, Proliferation", in Straight with a Twist: Queer Theory and the Subject of Heterosexuality. Champaign: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0252-06813-0
[edit] External links
- Department of Gender Studies from Indiana University Bloomington
- xy: men, masculinities and gender politics
- Project "Women's History and Gender History in Westphalia" (in German)
- uniGENDER - online journal (in Polish)
- WikEd - Gender Inequities in the Classroom
- Children’s Gender Beliefs
- Gendercide Watch: a project of the Gender Issues Education Foundation (GIEF), a registered charitable foundation based in Edmonton, Alberta
Categories: Articles to be expanded since January 2007 | All articles to be expanded | Articles with unsourced statements since January 2007 | All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements since February 2007 | Articles with sections needing expansion | Critical theory | Gender | Branches of sociology (interdisciplinary) | Social philosophy | Gender studies | Interdisciplinary fields