विकिपीडिया:चौपाल/पुरालेख 2
विकिपीडिया, एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोष से
[बदलें] 'Wiktionary'अंग्रेजी शब्द विक्षनरी या विक्शनरी ?
'Wiktionary' अंग्रेजी शब्द का कौनसा लेखनतंत्र हिंदीभाषा व्याकरण के अनुसार सही है ? विक्शनरी या विक्षनरी. हिंदी विक्षनरीके प्रबंधक पश्चिमी विद्वान है| ऊनके द्वारा 'विक्षनरी' क्ष का ऊपयोग विक्शनरी नेमस्पेसेस(नामविश्व) हूवा है|मराठी भाषा व्याकरण के अनूसार विक्शनरी शब्द मे 'श' अक्षर का प्रयोग होता है, 'क्ष' का नही| मै विक्शनरी नामविश्व मे लेखन करने के पहले कोनसा हिंदी भाषामे लेखन प्रयोग सही है ? इस बारेमे आश्वस्त होना चाहता हूं| मेरी इस सिलसीलेमे मदद करकर मूझे उपकृत कंरे |
Mahitgar १४:४६, ६ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- मेरे विचार से विक्षनरी ही सही है।जूहोमि १७:१५, ६ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- हिंदी का एक नियम है:- क्+श=क्श और क्+ष=क्ष। श और ष के उच्चारण/ध्वनि में अंतर है। श तालव्य है और ष मूर्धन्य। अंगरेज़ी के डिक्शनरी शब्द को हिंदी में लिखने के लिए क्श का प्रयोग होता है। इससे मिलती-जुलती ध्वनि होने के कारण विक्शनरी में भी क्श का प्रयोग उचित है। -- पूर्णिमा वर्मन ०४:४९, २५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- कृपया बांग्ला विक्शनरी देखें। वहाँ উইকি-অভিধান ("विकि-अभिधान") प्रचलित होता है, शायद हिंदी विक्शनरी का नाम "विकि-शब्दकोष" या "विकि-शब्दकोश" हो सकता है। कृपया आपका मतामत दें। धन्यवाद। --वुल्फ़वार्ता ०८:५०, २५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- विकी शब्दकोश बहुत आसान और जल्दी से समझ में आने वाला है। भविष्य में इसकी लोकप्रियता के लिए भी अच्छा है। -- पूर्णिमा वर्मन ०६:५०, २६ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- मैं भी सोचता हूँ कि विकि शब्दकोश अच्छा है. विकि-शब्दकोश भी अच्छा है- टैक्सवाला २०:४४, २६ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- श/ष भेद exists in Sanskrit, not in Hindi. Hindi pronounces both as something between the two. So it doesn't really matter which is used. Maquahuitl १३:०२, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- हिंदी में श और ष का भेद नहीं है यह सोचना ग़लत है। लिखने में तो इनका सही प्रयोग ज़रूरी है ही बोलने में भी अंतर को स्पष्ट महसूस किया जा सकता है। श के उच्चारण में तालु (palate) का सहयोग होता है और ष के उच्चारण में मूर्धा (तालु और कंठ के बीच का स्थान)का, क्यों कि जीभ को श की अपेक्षा भीतर की ओर ले जाना होता है। । इसीलिए ष को मूर्धन्य ष भी कहते हैं। श और स के अलग-अलग उच्चारण के लिए किसी अतिरिक्त प्रयत्न की ज़रूरत नहीं होती है। यह स्वाभाविक है। टकार (ट ठ ड ढ ण)के के साथ उच्चारण में स्वाभाविक रूप से आता है जैसे तुष्ट, कोष्ठ, कृष्ण। इसके अतिरिक्त र के साथ अपवाद रूप में श का ष हो जाता है जैसे पुरुष या पुष्कर में। -- पूर्णिमा वर्मन ०६:११, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- श/ष भेद exists in Sanskrit, not in Hindi. Hindi pronounces both as something between the two. So it doesn't really matter which is used. Maquahuitl १३:०२, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- मैं भी सोचता हूँ कि विकि शब्दकोश अच्छा है. विकि-शब्दकोश भी अच्छा है- टैक्सवाला २०:४४, २६ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- विकी शब्दकोश बहुत आसान और जल्दी से समझ में आने वाला है। भविष्य में इसकी लोकप्रियता के लिए भी अच्छा है। -- पूर्णिमा वर्मन ०६:५०, २६ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- कृपया बांग्ला विक्शनरी देखें। वहाँ উইকি-অভিধান ("विकि-अभिधान") प्रचलित होता है, शायद हिंदी विक्शनरी का नाम "विकि-शब्दकोष" या "विकि-शब्दकोश" हो सकता है। कृपया आपका मतामत दें। धन्यवाद। --वुल्फ़वार्ता ०८:५०, २५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- हिंदी का एक नियम है:- क्+श=क्श और क्+ष=क्ष। श और ष के उच्चारण/ध्वनि में अंतर है। श तालव्य है और ष मूर्धन्य। अंगरेज़ी के डिक्शनरी शब्द को हिंदी में लिखने के लिए क्श का प्रयोग होता है। इससे मिलती-जुलती ध्वनि होने के कारण विक्शनरी में भी क्श का प्रयोग उचित है। -- पूर्णिमा वर्मन ०४:४९, २५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- पूर्णिमा जी, the difference is only in writing as you have mentioned. Sometimes even this is not clear as in कोश and कोष. You advised कोश when the actual(original) spelling is कोष. This itself points to that fact.
- You can feel that difference between the two in speech, because you know about it. Most of the people don't know about it at all.
- You are right that श is तालव्य(Palatal) and ष is मूर्धन्य(Retroflex). But the current pronounciation of both of them is approximately the English 'sh', which is palato-alveolar. I don't about the term for it in Sanskrit/Hindi but it can be something like तालु-वायुकोशा. Maquahuitl १३:२२, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- You advised कोश when the actual(original) spelling is कोष. This itself points to that fact.
आप द्वारा दिया गया उपरोक्त तथ्य पूर्णतया ग़लत है। शब्दकोश के लिए कोष शब्द का प्रयोग कभी भी नहीं किया गया न ही आज किया जाता है। कोष एक अलग शब्द है जिसका प्रयोग अन्य अर्थों में होता है। हिन्दी भाषा में जितने भी शब्दकोश हैं उनमें किसी मेन भी शब्दकोष नहीं मिलेगा। जैसे आप्टे का संस्कृत हिन्दी कोश, सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण " मानक हिन्दी कोश " ५ भागों में है, वृहत् हिन्दी कोश इसी तरह अन्य सभी शब्दकोश हैं "शब्दकोष" नहीं। "श" ऊष्म है। हिन्दी की वर्णमाला संस्कृत भाषा से है जो नितान्त वैज्ञानिक है और इसमें अपनी मनमानी नहीं चलती ...... इसलिए यह बहस का विषय नहीं है । "कोष" धन सम्बन्धी खजाना और "कोश" शब्द सम्पदा । शब्दकोश का प्रयोग हमेशा से होता रहा है और आज भी हो रहा है ।डॉ॰ जगदीश ००:३६, २ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
१४:१८, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- "शब्दकोश" ही सही वर्तनी है -शब्दकोष लिखना गलत है। कोश संकलन होता है और कोष खज़ाना। कविता कोश के नाम में भी "कोश" प्रयोग किया जाता है कोष नहीं। --Lalit Kumar १८:३६, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- Friends, I agree that Sanskrit alphabet is scientific. I agree that Hindi alphabet is from Sanskrit(that's true for all Indian languages). I looked up the meaning for कोश and कोष and there is a slight difference, I agree that I was wrong there. I also agree that there is a difference between the actual pronounciation of श and ष but I am just making a point that it exists only in Sanskrit. Majority of Hindi speakers don't know anything about this differentiation and their pronounciation is not the same as in Sanskrit. Both श and ष are pronounced in the same way by them. That's it, this is the only point I am trying to make.Maquahuitl २०:२५, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
समग्र हिन्दी साहित्य में कहीं भी "शब्दकोष" का प्रयोग नहीं हुआ है "शब्दकोश" का ही प्रयोग मान्य है। डॉ॰ जगदीश ००:३४, २ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] एक प्रश्न और सुझाव
इस समय विकिपीडिया के पृष्ठ हैं: मणिपुरी १२,००० - बांग्ला १२,००० - मराठी ७,००० - हिन्दी ४,५०० - क्या हम भारत में किसी सेठ अथवा संस्था से धनराशि नहीं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं जिसका प्रयोग हिन्दी विकिपीडिया को अधिक शीघ्र बढावा देने में किया जा सकता है? यूरोप की भाषाऔं के जिन्हें १० या २० लाख लोग ही बोलते हैं लाखों में पृष्ठ हैं। क्या भारत सरकार इसके बारे में कुछ नहीं कर सकती?
क्या कालेजों के हिन्दी और संस्कृत विभाग विद्यार्थियों से यह मांग नहीं सकते कि उन्हें डिग्री के लिये कुछ निर्धारित हिन्दी और संस्कृत विकिपीडिया के पृष्ठ पूरे करने हों। जूहोमि १७:२८, ६ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- विकिपीडिया पर धनराशी कैसे खर्च करेगे? जरूरत है कि ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोग विकिपीडिया के महत्व को पहचाने। हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर लेखो की संख्या के साथ-साथ गुणवत्ता पर भी ध्यान दे। अधिक लोग हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर आए, इसके लिए जरूरी है कि लोग विकिपीडिया का आंनद ले, अधिक गम्भीर होने पर लोगो को विकिपीडिया शायद आकर्षित न करे। और इसके लिए जरूरी है कि सबसे पहले आप विकिपीडिया का आंनद ले। आप सक्रिय योगदान करते रहे - लेखो के साथ, अपनी टिप्पणियों और सुझावो के साथ। जो भी करते हुए आपको आंनद आता है करे। हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर धीमा मगर निरंतर विकास हो रहा है। एक अच्छा हिन्दी विकिपीडिया समुदाय बन रहा है (जी हाँ, आप भी इसके सम्मानिय सदस्य है)। जल्द ही हिन्दी मे भी काफी लेख होगे, ऐसा मेरा विश्वास है।
- --मितुल २०:३७, ११ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- About Juhomi ji's prashna, it is a valid question. The other wikipediae that have been listed above (besides Marathi) have such high number of articles because they have used bots. Bots (as used here) are repetitive programs which generate articles automatically once we feed data in a format. The bots have generated more than 5000 articles in both Bangla (Ragibbot) and Manipuri (Usinghabot); and Tamil (most probably Ganeshbot). Bots require tidious work as well so please dont ever feel cheated or that they used unfair means! I have been trying to learn how to use the bots and these guys are helping me as well. Once the bots are operable, I intend to run them on all the devnagari wikipediae. If anyone else is also intending to run bots, please go ahead. For the moment being I need a Bangla to Devnagari transliterator to generate data from the bangla script data. Can anyone help me find one? Also, I am trying to develop a common transliterator for South Asian languages so that we can actually overcome this barrier of scripts and share the articles, templates and other media. There isnt much differences between languages and we are wasting a lot of time developing everything from scraps rather than sharing them. The European languages have large number of articles because they can copy and paste directly from engish as all of them use latin script. Such a difference can even be seen in the South East Asian languages where thai and lao have relatively less articles as compared to basa sunda or other regional languages of indonesia written in latin. Also, number of articles is not the only parameter. One can easily see that the number of edits per article in Hindi is greater than in other languages of south asia. So, lets work for the common good and good faith. Thank you.--Eukesh २०:४१, २३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- Perhaps you guys can look at विकिपीडिया:भाषांतर प्रयोगराजा रामबात करो ०३:१८, २४ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] निर्वाचित लेख
If we are to continue with the निर्वाचित लेख - Featured Article which we have introduced on the front page, one of the administrators will have to introduce a Featured Article system. This could be similar to the ones on the English, Bengali, French or German Wikipedias. The system has a Featured Articles main page, page which describes the requirements for a Featured Article, and administrators will have the ability to "feature" an article, which places a small star on the top right corner of the article.
Please give this suggestion a serious thought, because it will be necessary to continue with the Featured Articles on the front page. Thank you, Wolf १६:२७, ११ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- I fully agree with you. Lack of time is holding me right now. Soon, I foresee myself spending more time. Till then you have to take the lead to establish a system. You have done wonderful job so far, keep it up.
- --मितुल २०:३९, ११ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- Hmmm, I am not sure how to, just copying the pages from the English Wikipedia won't do it ... or will it? And one more thing, it isn't worth changing the India article until this is done. Please give your opinion. --Wolf १३:३७, १३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
A Featured Article system has been implemented here: विकिपीडिया:निर्वाचित लेख. --Wolf १६:०५, १३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] kyaa aap jaante hai is up
See विकिपीडिया:क्या आप जानते है for the way to get new pages on Mukhpush. Send your suggestions to Template talk:क्या आप जानते है.राजा रामबात करो २२:२६, २३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] change this page name
This page "gao ka pump" doesnt do justice to hindi wiki by using english word. If you look at the interwiki links, they use works that mean "meeting place". Perhaps "Wikipedia:Sammelan" or "Wikipedia:Paricharchaa",. for en:Wikipedia:Village pump (policy) it could be "vyaashthaa ka paricharchaa" or something along those lines.राजा रामबात करो २२:४२, २३ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- There was a previous discussion on this, but no agreed upon name. I thought any of the suggestions were fine, and that we should move to something in Hindi. विकिपीडिया:चौपाल seemed to have support, including from me. - Taxman ०४:५२, ३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
- Ok, I considered you as supporting also so I made the move. There are a couple links that need to be fixed that need an admin. Those on user and talk pages don't really need to be fixed. - Taxman २०:०८, ५ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
- I'm not sure what chooupall means but it sure makes more sense than gao ka pamp. I myself though of nadi (you know the image of those ladies with pots of water on their heads).राजा रामबात करो ०२:५३, ६ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
- Oh, well my dictionary has it as a community gathering place, so I thought that was particularly apt. I was hoping it was a common word that everyone would know. Now I need to remember where the Mediawiki page is that can put the link to this page on the left toolbar in विकि-यात्रा या औज़ार-सन्दूक. - Taxman १६:३७, ६ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] निर्वाचित लेख
एक निर्वाचित लेख सिस्टम अब हिंदी विकिपीडिया पर है। सब उम्मीदवार इस पृष्ठ पर है। कृपया वहाँ आपका मतामत दें; आपका प्रस्ताव कर सकता है। हिंदी विकिपीडिया का निर्वाचित लेख कर सकता शक्ति है! --Wolf १६:३७, २५ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] अविश्वसनीय ख़बर!
16 जनवरी 2007 पर हिन्दी विकिपीडिया में 5000 लेख से ज़्यादा है। अब, विकिपीडिया पर 6000 से ज़्यादा लेजिटिमेट कॉन्टेंट लेख है! सब को कॉनग्रैट्युलेशंस! There will be more than 10,000 articles on the Hindi Wikipedia before you can say Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch! --Wolf १४:४९, २७ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Times of India
Dear Indian friend,
The leading Indian National Daily Times Of India has praised improtance of simple still user friendly ideas like Wikipedia, an online free encyclopedia, in T.o.I.'s editorial Dated 31st January 2007.
Wikipedia is a non profit activity very usefull in benefitting all Indian languages. Please read on the linked editorial and forward it to all proud Indian friends you know by email.
Mahitgar ११:३३, ३१ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
Please click on the link below to go to the page. If you think someone you know would like to read it too, do mail it to them. Check This Out!!!
- माहितगार,इस अच्छे लेख के बारे मे बताने के लिए धन्यवाद।
- --मितुल १६:४४, ३१ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Request for deletion
Dear Hindi Wikipedia Sysops ,
I kindly request to delet article गाँव का पम्प from main name space ; which got created by a technical bug in input box I created at this page.After realising the mistake I have customised and tested input box properly. and now you can use naya saMvada button comfortably.
Sorry for the inconvinience during my absense.
Mahitgar १४:१९, ३१ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
- Done.. Thank you Mahitgar..
- --मितुल १६:४१, ३१ जनवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] रामायण
A final request for the "featurisation" of रामायण has been made here. --वुल्फ़वार्ता १६:२३, १ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] विकिपरियोजना इतिहास
देखे: विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना इतिहास --मितुल ०२:५१, ४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] सबस्टब और स्टब - दोबारा
At विकिपीडिया वार्ता:स्टब, we're looking again at finding a Hindi word to use instead of स्टब. Unless anyone has any objections, or a much better word, I thought it would be best to go ahead with आधार which seems like it was one of the more common suggestions last time this was discussed. So {{आधार}} is what we would use instead of {{स्टब}} or {{सबस्टब}}. The template needs a little work, but we can do that too. Thanks all - Taxman ००:१९, ८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
आधार अच्छा आइडिया है । Deeptrivia १९:५९, ८ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
- कर दिया है. विकिपीडिया:आधार - Taxman ०३:२७, १२ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] विकिपीडिया का हिन्दी ब्लॉगजगत मे उल्लेख
देखे:फुरसतिया ब्लाग पर ब्लाग, विकिपीडिया और हिंदी
--मितुल १९:२६, १३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] about hindi
i want to contribute in hindi wikipedia, but its difficult for me to write in hindi, because the change option dont write in devnagri(hindi)font, please help me in this matter
- Namaste, we'd love to have your contributions. We have a page for instructions here. A more detailed page (all in English) is here. That should help you get the right settings. You can either set up your keyboard to type in devanagari with a keyboard overlay, or install a program like baraha that allows you to type in devanagari. अगर और सहायता चाहते है, तो पूछिएगा - Taxman २२:४४, १५ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] pagfe count
We have 7440 pages on hindi wiki now.राजा रामबात करो ०१:४३, १७ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
- That's awesome. Let's shoot for 10,000, and then focus more on quality of articles. Preferrably, we would make sure we have entries for everything in en:Wikipedia:Vital articles and विकिपीडिया:कुछ प्रारंभिक लेख जो कि हर भाषा के विकिपीडिया में होने चाहिए. 10,000 is enough articles for a good start, and if they are reasonable enough quality, that I believe will be the tipping point in drawing more users. People have been doing an excellent job creating articles from विकिपीडिया:कुछ प्रारंभिक लेख जो कि हर भाषा के विकिपीडिया में होने चाहिए and should be commended for it. - Taxman २३:१२, २३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] हिन्दी विकिपीडिया के बारे मे बातचीत
हिन्दी विकिपीडिया के बारे मे बातचीत करते हुए मैने हिन्दीनी ब्लॉग पर दो प्रविष्ठियाँ लिखी है -
मै यहाँ आगे और लिखूँगा।
--मितुल १८:१४, २० फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Thanks
- Marathi Language Wikipedia achives 1000 registered membership mark today!
With registration of userKrishna Londhe, Marathi Language Wikipedia has achived 1000 registered membership mark today!
Thanks to all Wikipedians who have been supporting Marathi Wikipedia through various means like interwiki linking etc.
With warm regards to you all,
Mahitgar 09:19, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
- Its a remarkable benchmark. Congratulations!!--मितुल १६:०३, २३ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] विकिपीडिया:शब्द आविष्कार
We need some discussion there. राजा रामबात करो ००:१९, २४ फरवरी २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Truth in Numbers: The Wikipedia Story
देखे: Truth in Numbers: The Wikipedia Story कहानी विकिपीडिया की, पॉडकास्ट के जरीए।
[बदलें] eukeshbot
A good way to increase the number of pages is to transliterate here.राजा रामबात करो ००:४०, १ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Wikimania 2007
Hi! I'm sorry I don't know your language but Wikimania team would like you to present your local Wikipedia projects at the international Wikimania conference in Taipei! Have a look at the wm2007:Call for Participation. Can you please also distribute this message among other languages that you know? It would be nice to have a presentation or poster about the Wikimedia wikis in multiple languages that are spoken in India, for example - we want presentations from many countries! Greetings, de:Benutzer:JakobVoss.
[बदलें] शायद अगली होली पर..
अंग्रेजी विकिपीडिया के पृष्ठ en:Wikipedia_talk:April_Fool's_Main_Page जैसा कुछ, शायद अगली होली पर... :) --मितुल ०५:४३, २ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Congrats
होलिया के मुख मा हमार विकिपीडिया मा ८००० लेख होइ गवा ! सब को बधाइयां ! अब ई होली कि अन्त तक १०,००० लेख पहुँच जावे तो अउर बढिया होवत! --युकेश ०४:२१, ३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Very exciting. Congratulations to everyone. I can recall when Hindi sat at 1,100 articles for a long time. User:Magicalsaumy laid a lot of groundwork, and great work has been done since. Keep it up! - ०४:२१, ५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I am not so excited. It's mostly because of EukeshBot, which is creating blank articles about years. Of course, meaningful editing is increasing too. Deeptrivia १६:२९, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Yeah, I'm not sure the year articles are helpful, there's no content in them other than being templates; the city articles at least have some data from the census. That's why I was saying above we should really focus on article quality and making sure we start with the core articles, such as having an article for everything in. We're beginning to hit critical mass, and if we build from the core out, we can really make sure things keep improving smoothly. It is indeed great that meaningful editing is increasing. - टैक्सवाला १५:०८, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] stub categories
Please place all stub categories in the श्रेणी:आधार श्रेणियाँ for easy organization.राजा रामबात करो ०७:५५, ४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] collaboration
Did anyone see en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/2007-02-26/Interwiki_report, especially about the scandinavian language collaboration.राजा रामबात करो ०१:२६, ५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Interesting, but the Scandinavian languages are nearly mutually intelligible and nearly all use the same modified latin script from what I recall. What did you have in mind to adapt it for Indic languages? - Taxman ०४:१६, ५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Perhaps start out with Marathi, Sanskrit,Nepali Bhasa, and Kashmiri which all use Nagari.राजा रामबात करो ००:१५, ६ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Nice pointer Kingram. Yes, we should start a project to showcase featured article from another wikipedia. We can have a section on main page for that as well. This will also help to bring high quality in hindi wikipedia article as well. Translation of the summary in hindi on main page can be main requirement. This project could be part of wikiproject विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना अन्य भाषा निर्वाचित लेख अनुवाद.--मितुल १६:५६, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- What should we do with the main page then? Should we make it three columns? --वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:५७, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Nope, just an extra section like "क्या आप जानते है?", we can call it something like "अन्य भाषा के विकिपीडिया से.."--मितुल २३:३२, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- We NEED to work together. The south asian wikipediae have a total of nearly a lakh articles. However, there is very less co-ordination between us. Script is not a problem as girgit can transliterate the Indian scripts except nastaleeq. Hindustani languages are not very un-intelligible and their versions in English can be checked if needed. Besides we have many multi-lingual users such as Mitul Gujrati-Hindi, Wolf Bangla-Hindi, KingRam Tamil-Hindi, daGizza Sanskrit-Hindi, Yann Francois-Hindi, Eukesh Nepali-Nepal Bhasa-Hindi etc. who will not have much problem in translating. Besides, users like Mahitgar from Marathi, Zaheen from Bangla, Desiphral from Romani, NatKareen from Tamil etc are willing to help if needed. --युकेश १८:२७, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- There you go. Thats what I am talking about.--मितुल २३:३२, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Talking about the front page, there are little feautured articles in other languages (other than Marathi and Bengali). But I think that the front page needs to be re-worked to be able to fit everything in. I will start that job at User:Wolf/मुखपृष्ठ.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १४:२९, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- There you go. Thats what I am talking about.--मितुल २३:३२, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- What should we do with the main page then? Should we make it three columns? --वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:५७, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Nice pointer Kingram. Yes, we should start a project to showcase featured article from another wikipedia. We can have a section on main page for that as well. This will also help to bring high quality in hindi wikipedia article as well. Translation of the summary in hindi on main page can be main requirement. This project could be part of wikiproject विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना अन्य भाषा निर्वाचित लेख अनुवाद.--मितुल १६:५६, ८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Perhaps start out with Marathi, Sanskrit,Nepali Bhasa, and Kashmiri which all use Nagari.राजा रामबात करो ००:१५, ६ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] watchlist
I would request all active contributors to watchlist the following to speed up the running of hindi wiki:
- विकिपीडिया:निर्वाचित लेख उम्मीदवार
- विकिपीडिया:Requests for adminship - (which needs a hindi name being discussed at the link below)
- विकिपीडिया:शब्द आविष्कार
- विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना अन्य भाषा निर्वाचित लेख अनुवाद
- विकिपीडिया:भाषांतर प्रयोग
Perhaps the next features article can be जांग चिंग. The only limitation is my knowledge of Hindi, and a large number of stubs that need to be created for the article.राजा रामबात करो ०१:१५, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I put all those on my watchlist. If everyone does we can have some good discussion. As for the stubs, you don't really have to do all those, just make sure the article itself is solid. The redlinks should help encourage others to add the needed articles over time. - टैक्सवाला १५:११, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Typing devanagari directly
On Nepali wikipedia, by default, devanagari appears when one types. There is a checkbox to switch scripts-- from devanagari to roman. On Hindi wikipedia, there is no way to write in devanagari directly. Could we have that system here? Deeptrivia १७:११, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I think we can have that system here once consensus is reached. We had implemented that system in Marathi as well. It was removed some days later as its a bit irritating for people who are following other input methods. Also, we can install it here with the checkbox switched off like in Gujrati where we recently installed it.--युकेश १८:४०, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Yes, that would be great, have it off by default, but allow people to check the box to input devanagari. Do you know how to do that Yukesh or Kingram? - टैक्सवाला २१:२०, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I am extremely sorry about this late response. I did not see it earlier. Yes, I know about it. In fact, I had started a project in metawiki and incubator about it. User Tatari of Arhimic created the devnagari version from Arhamic version which he developed from Cyrillic version. Now, as a continuation of the project, I have implemented this system in Nepal Bhasa, Nepali, Pali, Kashmiri, Bhojpuri, Oriya, Panjabi, Gujrati, Assamese. A partial input has also been implemented in Tibetan and Dzonkha. Also, Usinghajee has recently installed it in Manipuri and people have implemented it in Bangla as well. Natkareen of Tamil is positive about it for Tamil. Telegu wikipedia also implemented it right after I notified them (they were very quick on this one and I think they might be looking for implementing it from earlier). I dont have much contact with Kannada and Malayalam people, I can help install this system in those wikipedia as well if they need it. The Marathi people had implemented it for a while and left it because this system tends to slow the loading of pages a bit but have kept it in their wiktionary for the moment being. I would like to implement this system here and in sanskrit as well. For that we need a person with sysop access to fix it in monobook. Sorry abt all the bragging but I wanted to show the clear picture. Thanks. --युकेश ००:५७, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] मुखपृष्ठ
To make welcome our collaboration between other Wikipedias, I have made a re-design of the front page, starring a featured article from another Wikipedia, as requested by Mitul and Eukesh. Please give your thoughts. If the design is approved of by the majority of everyone here, I will upload it onto the front page. My design is here: विकिपीडिया:मुखपृष्ठ. Please feel free to improve it.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १८:०६, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- wonderful work. I did my wiki-puja by modifying it ;) check it out and comment. We will need those small strips at the talk pages of the article, suggesting original source. And to put on the talk page of the original article to show that we picked their article. You simply rock. --मितुल ०१:३१, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Nice design! I think it would be a good idea to inform the people at Marathi wikipedia before proceeding with this.--युकेश १८:४६, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Sure, will do now.--मितुल ०१:३२, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- It looks great, except the table of contents doesn't seem to fit it well. Is there a way to make it either as wide as the other boxes below it, or should be just not include it? Other projects don't have it do they? - टैक्सवाला २१:२८, ९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Corrected. --मितुल ०१:३२, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Yes, I think the विश्वकोष section is nice. I actually got the script from the Arabic Wikipedia, which (I think) got it from the French Wikipedia. Shall I upload it now then?--वुल्फ़वार्ता ०८:०४, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Hang on, do we need to translate the अन्य संस्करणों में article? Because it's not really the Hindi Wikipedia's article, so I see no need to translate it. See the Norwegian and Danish Wikipedias, which have just taken the Scandinavian article and not modified it. If there is a Hindi person with Marathi as a foreign language, or a Marathi person with Hindi as a foreign language, it is OK to just keep it in the original language. Please give your thoughts.--वुल्फ़वार्ता ०८:०८, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Well the real point is to encourage translation and the writing of great articles in all languages. So if we highlight the featured article from the other languages and provide a link to the Hindi version, that should help with the process of improving the Hindi version, and vice versa on the other projects. The other good thing about this is we can share references. - टैक्सवाला १६:२६, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- OK, so then we will keep it translated. I have also made a suggestion for next month (of which the translation needs to be checked) here. Shall I upload it now then?--वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:०५, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I am already liking the article on Bangladesh, it can easily be improved a lot. Will check the translation also. I will expect active wikipedians to pitch in and start correcting the translations and freely adding more information. Could be from another wikipedia, like english or other sources. Lets wait few more days to finish the first article (पुणे) before changing front page. What say you!! --मितुल १७:३०, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Well, I think that the whole point of having it on the front page is as Taxwala said; to let people look, and then help make the article better on the Hindi Wikipedia with information on the Marathi Wikipedia - as part of WikiProject other language featured article translation. It doesn't have to be featured on the Hindi Wikipedia too! What do you think?--वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:३८, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Actually I think the article passage should stay in the other language on our main page but include a prominent link to the Hindi version. That way people that read the Marathi version or whatever and know Marathi will be encouraged to contribute to the Hindi version. And of course link to the full Marathi version. - टैक्सवाला १८:३८, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I agree, that's what I suggested earlier. What does everybody else think? We could have a link to विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना अन्य भाषा निर्वाचित लेख अनुवाद. The article doesn't have to be feautured on this Wikipedia; but users will be encouraged to translate. Please express your opinions.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १९:३०, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- If you put section in native language, most of the people won't be able to read that section at all. So, I will vote to put translated hindi section with ofcourse links to native article. --मितुल १८:०१, १२ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- What we need more than this are some articles that will become featured on Hindi wikipedia. I dont know which articles you guys have in mind but I think जांग चिंग will make a good candidate once some people help translate the chunks of angrezi in the article.राजा रामबात करो ०१:०२, ११ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Good point, adding this section should not mean that we lose focus on bringing feature articles on Hindi Wikipedia. About जांग चिंग, it need more work before we can promote it as Featured article. --मितुल १८:०१, १२ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Perhpaps it would help a little in that if the निर्वाचित लेख section on the main page linked to विकिपीडिया:निर्वाचित लेख and maybe even directly to विकिपीडिया:निर्वाचित लेख उम्मीदवार. There is already a link to विकिपीडिया:निर्वाचित लेख उम्मीदवार in विकिपीडिया:निर्वाचित लेख, though so maybe that's all we want. Also, the templates in विकिपीडिया:निर्वाचित लेख उम्मीदवार need to be cleaned up too, but I'm not a template expert. Editors of the candidates shouldn't see the template code when editing, they should just get sent to the candidate page to edit that. - टैक्सवाला १३:१९, १३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I agree, that's what I suggested earlier. What does everybody else think? We could have a link to विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना अन्य भाषा निर्वाचित लेख अनुवाद. The article doesn't have to be feautured on this Wikipedia; but users will be encouraged to translate. Please express your opinions.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १९:३०, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I am already liking the article on Bangladesh, it can easily be improved a lot. Will check the translation also. I will expect active wikipedians to pitch in and start correcting the translations and freely adding more information. Could be from another wikipedia, like english or other sources. Lets wait few more days to finish the first article (पुणे) before changing front page. What say you!! --मितुल १७:३०, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- OK, so then we will keep it translated. I have also made a suggestion for next month (of which the translation needs to be checked) here. Shall I upload it now then?--वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:०५, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] New edit button
Most of our articles are one-liners. New articles can contain more than one line if a format is made for the purpose. I have created a button for the same reason. Please incorporate this into the edittools if you find it useful. It is already present in Nepal Bhasa. The code is-
var Framework = '<!-- Inspired by French "see also button", creates a basic framework for articles, please comment at :new:User:Eukesh -->\n' + '{{Infobox \n' + '|-\n' + '}}\n' + '{{PAGENAME\n' + '}} [[Media:Example.ogg]] एक है/था।\n' + '== प्रथम श्रेणी शिर्षक ==\n' + '[[चित्र:Example.jpg|thumb|right]]\n' + '===दुसरा श्रेणी शिर्षक===\n' + '== टिका ==\n' + '<references/>\n' + '== यह भी देखिए ==\n' + '=== सम्बन्धित लेख ===\n' + '* [[लेख नाम]]\n' + '*\n' + '=== बाहरी कडियां ===\n' + '*\n' + '{{Template}}\n' + '[[श्रेणी:श्रेणी नाम]]\n' + '\n' + '[[en:]]\n'; addCustomButton('http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Button_base.png',Framework,'',''); Please express your opinions as well. Thank you.--युकेश १३:२१, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Sorry Eukesh, I don't really understand what this does. Please explain. Thank you.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १३:३९, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Sorry abt the bad intro. We have a lot of articles with content like "eka lekhaka hai" etc. Once we cross 10K, people will start expecting much more than that in an article. So, this button was made which can help expand the page a bit more than the single lines we have without wasting time. A typical output is given below-
Template:Infobox चौपाल/पुरालेख 2 (pagename command used) Media:Example.ogg एक (meant to be filled) है/था।
[बदलें] प्रथम श्रेणी शिर्षक
[बदलें] दुसरा श्रेणी शिर्षक
[बदलें] टिका
[बदलें] यह भी देखिए
[बदलें] सम्बन्धित लेख
- लेख नाम
[बदलें] बाहरी कडियां
Template:Template [[श्रेणी:श्रेणी नाम]] (place to add the category name)
[[en:]] (place to interlink)
If a user presses the button, s/he will simply have to fill up the spaces to create a bit more meaningful article than the single line artilces that we have at the moment. It basically provides a better look for the short articles with less effort. Thank you.--युकेश १४:०६, १० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Infobox
हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर Infobox का प्रयोग हो सकता है? राष्ट्रपति का infobox कहाँ है?
- I'm not entirely sure of your question, but the correct word for infobox in hindi is gyAnsanduk like in Template:ज्ञानसन्दूक मन्दिर.राजा रामबात करो ०४:००, १३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- He had edited अमेरिका की राष्ट्रपति सूची, so I think he was asking where the infobox for that is. I believe the answer is the infobox hasn't been created yet, but using the one you linked above as an example, it could be done. - टैक्सवाला १३:११, १३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] हिन्दी लेखौं के बारे मै
हमारा विकिपीडिया अब जल्द हि १०,००० लेखौं का "थ्रेसहोल्ड" पार कर रहा है। यह द्वार पार करने के बाद हमारे समुदाय बहुत सारे लोगों की नजरौं मे आने लगेगा ( एट लीश्ट इन् विकिपीडिया कम्युनिटी ) । अतः, हमे हमारा रणनीति मै थोडा बदलाव करना पडेगा। अब हमारे सामने दुसरा बडा पडाव २०,००० लेख का है। लेकिन वहाँ पहुँचने से पहले हमे इस विकिपीडिया का गुणस्तर को बढाने मै ध्यान देना होगा क्योंकि अगर हमारे पास कोही अच्छा लेख ना हों तो २०,००० का आंकडा निरर्थक लगेगा। अतः मेरा यह आप लोगों से बिन्ती है कि अब आप किसी एक वा कुछ लेख मै ध्यान केन्द्रित करके उन लेखौं का गुणस्तर बढाएं। विशुद्ध रुप से लेखौं के संख्या बढाने के लिए, कुछ समय के लिए बोट का प्रयोजन हि पर्याप्त हो सकता है ( मेरे पास अभी करीब ५००० लेखौं का निर्माण के क्षमता रखने वाला बोट है जो थोडे मर्मत के बाद प्रयोजन मै लाया जायगा)। अगर आप का विचार इस से भिन्न हों या आप के मस्तिष्क मै कोही दुसरा रणनीति हों तो कृपया चौपाल मै वा मेरे संवाद पृष्ठ मै व्यक्त कीजिए। धन्यवाद।--युकेश १५:२३, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Translation (By Mitul) - Our wikipedia soon cross threshold of 10,000 article. After this we will have much more visibility (at least in wikipedia community). So, we should change our approach little bit. Next threshold would be 20,000 article. But before we reach there we should focus on improving quality because without it 20,000 number would seem meaningless. So, I request you people that you focus on few article, and improve quality. Just to increase the number for sometime, use of bot is suffice. (I have bot which can increase number of article by 5000, with some modification it could be of use). If you think differently or have some other strategy then discuss in Chaupal or at my talk page.
- Can you please give a brief translation? I didn't understand it too well. Sorry!--वुल्फ़वार्ता १५:४५, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- लेखो को बढाने के लिए हमे ऐसे आयोजन और परियोजना करने चाहिए जिससे लोगो को विकिपीडिया के साथ जुडने और वक्त गुजारने मे आनंद आए। बॉट से खाली लेख की संख्या बढाने मे उतना मजा कहाँ? बॉट का प्रयोग ऐसा हो जो लेखो को सुधारे, जैसे श्रेणी का विकास, लेखो को आपस मे जोडना, इंटरविकि या अन्य ऑटोमैटिक सुधार। हिन्दी विकिपीडिया पर एक विकिसमाज बने, हम सब आपस मे एक-दुसरे के साथ जानकारियाँ बाँटे, नए लेखो का विकास आसान बने, अलग-अलग विषयो के बारे मे जाने, नए नए दोस्तो से मिले, विकिपीडिया का प्रयोग आसान बने। इस दिशा मे अगर हम बढे तो लेखो की संख्या, अपने आप तीव्र रफ्तार से बढेगी। --मितुल १५:५९, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- We should have projects and schemes which make people experience on wikipedia enjoyable. How fun is it by increasing article merely by bot? Bot should be use to improve articles, like improving categories, linking articles, interwiki or automatic improvements. There be strong wikicommunity at Hindi wikipedia, we all share information, creating new articles be simpler, we get to know new subjects, make new friends and using wikipedia be easy. If we move in that direction number of article will automatic increase.--मितुल १६:११, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- First of all, I would like to thank Mitulji for the translation. My Hindi is a bit shaky and might be hard to understand at times. Well, the bot alternative is not intended to be the main strategy. But the way we are creating articles with very little information does not make much sense either. My point is that these "one liners" should be expanded. For that, regular editors can edit on certain articles at a time so as to create more informative articles out of them. Thanks.--युकेश १६:२०, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Point well taken. We both are saying same thing. We very much need to expand one liners. Creating one liners is not the direction we want to move. We would like to have more editors to expand the articles. More and more people will join and expand articles, if they enjoy/like it. --मितुल १८:२२, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- First of all, I would like to thank Mitulji for the translation. My Hindi is a bit shaky and might be hard to understand at times. Well, the bot alternative is not intended to be the main strategy. But the way we are creating articles with very little information does not make much sense either. My point is that these "one liners" should be expanded. For that, regular editors can edit on certain articles at a time so as to create more informative articles out of them. Thanks.--युकेश १६:२०, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- The initiative expressed by Yukeshji is definitely the thing that most of us have been seeking for on Hindi wikipedia. Well,I think, I am already personally involved in that but here is one suggestion for bot(s) operators. Why don't we make a bot operated redirection of all the existing years. What I mean is, cannot we make a bot who will redirect the page of say ७७० to 770, ७७१ t0 771, ७७२ to 772, ७७३ to 773.......९०० t0 900,१०० to 100,१५०० to 1500 and so on... Similarly the days of the years can also be redirected. Like ५ फरवरी to 5 फरवरी. The reason why I am telling this is there are some systems on which the number key on the main keyboard types into Hindi numerals and not Roman ones, so it'll help those users अमित प्रभाकर ०२:०३, १७ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- अमित, वह एक दारुण आइडिया है। How about a bot that redirects English titles to Hindi titles, for example India to भारत and London Borough of Bromley to ब्रॉमली बरो? Then, people who do not have a Hindi typing system could enter the English title into the search bar and get the corresponding Hindi article. Ragib on the Bengali Wikipedia made a bot that does this task; see bn:Bangladesh, it redirects to bn:বাংলাদেশ. What do you think about that suggestion?--वुल्फ़वार्ता ०७:१०, १७ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- That's a great idea. The interlanguage links to the English article can be used as a start for the bot. That's at least one name that should be a redirect. - टैक्सवाला १५:३१, २२ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- अमित, वह एक दारुण आइडिया है। How about a bot that redirects English titles to Hindi titles, for example India to भारत and London Borough of Bromley to ब्रॉमली बरो? Then, people who do not have a Hindi typing system could enter the English title into the search bar and get the corresponding Hindi article. Ragib on the Bengali Wikipedia made a bot that does this task; see bn:Bangladesh, it redirects to bn:বাংলাদেশ. What do you think about that suggestion?--वुल्फ़वार्ता ०७:१०, १७ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I had calculated that English wikipedia has approximately 0.0778% or roughly 0.08% featured articles. Hindi has one featured article out of 10,016 so its approximate featured article percentage is 0.01%. So by the English standard there should be around 7 or 8 featured articles by now. Let us assume the target of maintaining 0.1% articles(not an unreasonable one, as it translates to 1 featured article out of 1,000) as featured at any given date. If it falls well below that standard(as it is now) then the focus should be on improving the quality of articles and expanding stubs. Maquahuitl १३:५३, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Continuation from previous
I started a new section because the above section got a bit "lenghty". Its a very nice idea that Amitji put up. Like Wolfji said, its present in Bangla as well as a number of other wikipedia (including South Indian wikipedias). I think I can do the redirect pages for years. For the transliteration of other pages, I need the Latin/Roman and Devnagari script names of the articles to be redirected. Thank you.--युकेश ०८:३५, १७ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Yes, please do. I don't think the number pages are useful for readers until there is some information in there. But now that it's been done the template is accessible in the history and an editor can access that and use it in the future. That is helpful. - टैक्सवाला १५:३१, २२ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] शुभकामना
१०,००० लेख कट्ने के शुभ अवसर पर सभी सम्पादकौं तथा प्रयोगकर्ताऔं को शुभकामना!--युकेश १८:५६, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Congrats, lets make at least 3-4 more featured articles now.राजा रामबात करो ०१:२३, १५ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Hindi wiktionary
Hindi wiktionary and other Hindi wikiprojects are in a mess. We need to do something about them as well.--युकेश १९:४७, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
Is it possible to create a bot that uses an online dictionary like www.shabdkosh.com to create wiktionary entries automatically? Deeptrivia २१:२०, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- It is possible. However, it would be much easier if we could have a database of words and their meanings in the form of a spreadsheet.--युकेश २३:०३, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] विकिपीडिया:लेख कैसे परिवर्तित करें
इस पृष्ठ का नाम होना चाहिये " लेख कैसे संशोधित करें " अथवा " लेखों का संशोधन कैसे करें " Deeptrivia २२:४८, १४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Category:जीवनी
I'm noticing a large number of useless articles not marked as stubs that just say "pralukh vyakti" and etc. To all our article creators, please mark biographies as {{जीवनचरित-आधार}} and do try to provide a little context.Saee क्लियोपाट्रा ७ which was an example. I added the line noting she was a queen of egypt. At least there is context in that page now (with her birthdate).Pages with no content really do not help anyone and not marking it as AdhAr ensuresthat nobody except the creator will ever look for the page or gain any knowledge (the "gyaan" in "gyaanakoSha").राजा रामबात करो ००:३४, २१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I agree... There are a lot of articles. which don't say anything about the subject matter at all. --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०१:००, २१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Can we ask a bot to mark all these as stubs? --मितुल १४:५७, २१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Yes, but m:MWiki-Browser might be a good tool to use instead. It aids manually adding the tags but still allows previewing to make the final decision. The same thing could stand to be done for everything in Special:Uncategorized pages. There are over two thousand articles with no categories. It's likely they are stubs too. - टैक्सवाला १५:२७, २२ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- m:MWiki-Browser का प्रयोग करने का विचार काफ़ी अच्छा है। मैंने शुरुआत की है, आधार, stub और substub वाले पन्नों को सही आधार-श्रेणी में डालने की। विकी ब्राउज़र से काम बहुत आसान हो गया है। बिना श्रेणी वाले पन्नों पर {{आधार}} नोटिस डालने का प्रयास भी किया लेकिन समझ नहीं आया कि विकी ब्राउज़र में क्या "Replace Rule" बनाया जाए। कुछ सुझाव? -- दाढ़ीकेश ०५:०३, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- इसीं कम्प्यूटर में विकी ब्राउज़र भाग नही कर सकता, लेकिन मेरा ख़्याल है कि replace rule में "replace" का डब्बा कुछ नही डालें और "with" का डब्बा {{आधार}} डालें. अगर वह ठीक नही है, ता सोचता हूँ कि "append" डब्बा है. अगर वह तो है, "append" का डब्बा प्रयोग करें. इस रात या कल दोबारा विकी ब्राउज़र को देखूँगा. - टैक्सवाला १४:२२, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Actually, it would be more productive to write one liner descriptions. Example: "Nefertiti egypt maiM ek raanI thI 1400's BCE maiM Template:JIvanacharit-AdhAr".राजा रामबात करो १६:१८, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Oh, yes, absolutely. If you know anything about the topic add that to the article, ideally also with an [[en:whoever]] interwiki link so the interwiki bots can start adding other languages. - टैक्सवाला १८:३८, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- The users creating the jivani pages have added all relevant interwiki links, but the usefulness of a page which says "prasiddh vyakti"is low. Perhaps we should write a short one line description on each of these pages (about 100-300 or so) so that there is some relative context. Once Eukeshbot created all the "year" pages, we can ask eukesh to create year categories (1492 janam or something) so that they can be placed in relevant cats.राजा रामबात करो १९:५९, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Oh, yes, absolutely. If you know anything about the topic add that to the article, ideally also with an [[en:whoever]] interwiki link so the interwiki bots can start adding other languages. - टैक्सवाला १८:३८, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Actually, it would be more productive to write one liner descriptions. Example: "Nefertiti egypt maiM ek raanI thI 1400's BCE maiM Template:JIvanacharit-AdhAr".राजा रामबात करो १६:१८, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Turns out meta wikibrowser doesn't have the append and prepend functions, so you have to find something that's in each article to replace. In this case it's the category tag, and if you load the list from the category, all of them will have it. For the rules use Replace [[श्रेणी:जीवनी]] with {{जीवनचरित-आधार}} [[श्रेणी:जीवनी]] . Leaving a blank line in between makes the code on the page nicer, as here. But as above, if you know anything at all about them, please add to the articles. Also, I should have wikified it by putting the page title in bold and turning it into a sentence. Replacing विख्यात व्यक्ति with '''{{Subst:PAGENAME}}''' एक विख्यात व्यक्ति है or similar will handle that part. Sorry about answering in English दाढ़ीकेशजी, but I´m not sure you´d understand me if I tried to say it in Hindi. :) I can email you the xml settings file I´m using if you´d like. - टैक्सवाला ०३:२६, २७ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- इसीं कम्प्यूटर में विकी ब्राउज़र भाग नही कर सकता, लेकिन मेरा ख़्याल है कि replace rule में "replace" का डब्बा कुछ नही डालें और "with" का डब्बा {{आधार}} डालें. अगर वह ठीक नही है, ता सोचता हूँ कि "append" डब्बा है. अगर वह तो है, "append" का डब्बा प्रयोग करें. इस रात या कल दोबारा विकी ब्राउज़र को देखूँगा. - टैक्सवाला १४:२२, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- m:MWiki-Browser का प्रयोग करने का विचार काफ़ी अच्छा है। मैंने शुरुआत की है, आधार, stub और substub वाले पन्नों को सही आधार-श्रेणी में डालने की। विकी ब्राउज़र से काम बहुत आसान हो गया है। बिना श्रेणी वाले पन्नों पर {{आधार}} नोटिस डालने का प्रयास भी किया लेकिन समझ नहीं आया कि विकी ब्राउज़र में क्या "Replace Rule" बनाया जाए। कुछ सुझाव? -- दाढ़ीकेश ०५:०३, २३ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Yes, but m:MWiki-Browser might be a good tool to use instead. It aids manually adding the tags but still allows previewing to make the final decision. The same thing could stand to be done for everything in Special:Uncategorized pages. There are over two thousand articles with no categories. It's likely they are stubs too. - टैक्सवाला १५:२७, २२ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Can we ask a bot to mark all these as stubs? --मितुल १४:५७, २१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] disambiguation
What is the correct word in Hindi for it?राजा रामबात करो ००:३६, २१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] अर्थशास्त्र
विकीपेडिया पर अभी अर्थशास्त्र शीर्षक से लेख कौटिल्य रचित पुस्तक को इंगित करता है। अर्थशास्त्र विषय(economics) के लिये कोई लेख नहीं है। मेरा सुझाव है कि अर्थशास्त्र शीर्षक से मुख्य लेख विषय के संदर्भ में होना चाहिये और पुस्तक के लिये "अर्थशास्त्र (पुस्तक)" शीर्षक का लेख बनाना चाहिये। दोनों लेखों के प्रारम्भ में एक दूसरे की कडी देनी चाहिये। इस विषय में संपादकों की राय क्या है? — इस अहस्ताक्षरित संदेश के लेखक हैं - Vishalsingh (वार्ता • योगदान) ०५:४९, २४ मार्च २००७.
- मैं विचार से पूरी तरह सहमत हूँ। -- दाढ़ीकेश १७:२३, २४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] विकिपीडिया:ज्ञान पहेली
विकिपीडिया:ज्ञान पहेली पर सबका स्वागत है। अंग्रेजी विकिपीडिया पर en:Portal:India/Quiz की सहायता से भारत-सम्बन्धित लेख काफी सुधर गए है। आशा है कि हिन्दी विकि को सुधारने में यह नया विचार कुछ काम आएगा। और साथ ही कुछ मज़ा भी आएगा! -- दाढ़ीकेश १७:१३, २४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Template:ज्ञानसन्दूक चीन प्रदेश
Can someone help with translation, look etc?राजा रामबात करो २१:११, २४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] featured article
Ram Navami is coming to an end, and its time for a new featured article.राजा रामबात करो २१:१५, २४ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I think an easy way to create featured article is by translating from Bangla and Marathi, then adding a few features from English and doing a bit of research (esp regarding external links and citations via search engines). Bangla has Bangladesh as a featured article and Dhaka university is a very long article there amongst others. Marathi wikipedia change their featured articles every month. They have had pune (most of which is translated to Hindi), genghis khan and Mumbai as featured articles. Also, we can translate from Tamil as well. It is easier this way than starting from nothing. Thank you.--युकेश १५:३७, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Bad news, even if पुणे gets completely translated from Marathi, it will still not be a featured article because there is more translatable content from the English article and adequate references are not provided; the English Wikipedia cannot be used as a source.
--वुल्फ़वार्ता १५:४४, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Bad news, even if पुणे gets completely translated from Marathi, it will still not be a featured article because there is more translatable content from the English article and adequate references are not provided; the English Wikipedia cannot be used as a source.
- Having an article which can be considered for featured article is better than not having it. We can search for the factual links ourselves and brush it up to make it featured; i.e. we will be a step closer to having a featured article.--युकेश ०२:४८, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Wolf is right, we need a page where the hindi content is at least bigger than the english content. Also, since aravindan is not here, there is no outlet to translate from Tamil. The Tamil I speak is a hybrid Malayalam-Tamil, and I have very poor Tamil reading skills. This makes the Tamil pages harder to understand (for me) than even marathi or gujarati. The easiest thing is to find pages more or less unique to hindi wiki (Mahadevi Varma) or those not related to Hindi-speaking countries with more content than english versions (जांग चिंग, मा परिवार सेना).राजा रामबात करो १५:३१, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- A query: is it necessary to have Hindi citations for information for the featured articles? It will be really tough because information in Hindi is very low compared to that in English, on the net. Maquahuitl १३:५७, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- We should avoid making too much direct translations. We can borrow some part, reference them but avoid direct translation. Featured article need not be long, they should just be complete information, e.g. at english wikipedia en:Indian Standard Time. I don't agree with Yukesh that we should just rush to make featured articles. Idea is to make benchmark articles, giving full information about the subject with references. Its ok to have few featured article than to make incomplete or borrowed articles as featured. Maquahuitl, citation in any language is good. -- १५:१८, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- A query: is it necessary to have Hindi citations for information for the featured articles? It will be really tough because information in Hindi is very low compared to that in English, on the net. Maquahuitl १३:५७, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I don't think we should, at this stage demand quality as well as originality in the articles. Let's have some more featured articles first, and then we can aspire for creativity and originality in the material and presentation. At this stage it is important to improve the quality as fast as possible. Maquahuitl १९:१३, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Transliteration Issues(Very important)
Though I am relatively new to wiki in general, I am quite comfortable with it now. I would like to ask for the attention of Hindi Wikipedians towards a serious discussion- transliteration. Thinking from the point of view of an average Hindi speaking Indian, it is very likely that I would look up for pages on other Indian states with names in other languages etc. So what would I look for? कल्कत्ता/कलकत्ता(traditional Hindi name for Calcutta) or कोल्काता /कोलकाता(Bengali name for Calcutta but since Hindi is an official language of the GoI this spelling might come up in several official documents)? Please give your views on a scheme for the title of India-related articles in Hindi and the pronounciation support following it. I will give my views after some suggestions. Maquahuitl ०२:२७, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Wikipedia should use Redirects for the problem you described in general. Read an article on redirects here. That should help you clarify some aspects of redirects. If you have questions after that, feel free to ask again. --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:४१, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Redirects is not what I am talking about. You can keep the title of the article as you wish, and have as many redirects as there can be possible queries. But you HAVE to choose a title, and also explain the correct pronounciation in the native language. How do we do both of these? Maquahuitl १०:२६, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- as far as Calcutta (old name now) is concerned कोलकाता is officially accepted spelling in Hindi and Kolkata in English. पूर्णिमा वर्मन १२:४२, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Redirects is not what I am talking about. You can keep the title of the article as you wish, and have as many redirects as there can be possible queries. But you HAVE to choose a title, and also explain the correct pronounciation in the native language. How do we do both of these? Maquahuitl १०:२६, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
माक्वाहिटल, हिंदी विकिपीडिया पर आपका स्वागत है। I think that the "official" or most used spelling should be the one used. For example फ़्रेद्रिक राइनफ़ेल्त (the prime minister of Sweden), has only one mention on the internet, on BBC Hindi, and that is फ्रेडरिक रीनफेल्द, which is the complete wrong pronounciation. If we had multiple sources on this, then फ्रेडरिक रीनफेल्द would definately be used. So, the "official"/most used name for Kolkata is probably कोलकाता, because major news websites (including Hindustan Dainik, BBC Hindi, Deutsche Welle Hindi, Jagran and VOA) and Government of India all use कोलकाता. Now if it was a German or French word for example, majorly used spellings would be used, and if they were not available spellings would be used which correspond to the actual foreign pronounciation. If anyone understands Bengali this page on the Bengali Wikipedia would be a very good page to look at. They have the International Phonetic Alphabet transliteration guide, and have started projects for separate languages. Maybe we could do something similar here. Thank you.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १३:५५, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- User Wolf, you have only resolved part of my query. That is about the transliteration of new words. But what I was referring to was pronounciation help too. In English we provide IPA, but since IPA is not very commonly understood, there is a scheme called IAST for Indian languages. I was referring to an adoption of a parallel schema in Devanagari. If we carefully analyse, Unicode provides Devanagari characters like ळ(/La/ of marathi and Kannada, Tamil, etc.),ऴ(/zha/ of Tamizh),ऒ,ऎ(short 'o' and 'e' of Dravidian languages) which can be employed to show the pronounciation very easily compared to IPA(the system can be explained in one page). Please note that this is no original research, because the letters already exist and are just being put to use, but just a policy which can be adopted by Hindi wiki. It is just a parallel to IAST(just a policy).
Example how the Kerala article starts: केरल(IPA:['keːɹəˌɭɐ] मलयालम:കേരളം ध्वनात्मक:कॆरळं) दक्षिण भारत का.... There is no difference except for a parallel transliteration in Devanagari instead of IAST in Roman alphabet. Why I advocate this is because it makes the job of the reader very easy, as he has to learn only the letters not used in Hindi but exist in Devanagari. Maquahuitl १५:२२, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- OK, but I think the Kerala article could start like this:
केरल (अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ध्वन्यात्मक लिपि: ['keːɹəˌɭɐ], मलयालम: കേരളം कॆरळं) दक्षिण भारत का...
As it does in the English Wikipedia: What do you think?--वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:३४, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I like Wolf's idea. It makes it clear that कॆरळं is how the native speakers pronounce it, while the pronunciation in Hindi is केरल. Actually, I would suggest moving the IPA pronunciation at the end, since this represents pronunciation in Malayalam, not Hindi. केरल ( मलयालम: കേരളം कॆरळं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ध्वन्यात्मक लिपि: ['keːɹəˌɭɐ],) दक्षिण भारत का... If, for some word, the Hindi spelling was way off the Hindi pronunciation (can't think of a suitable example, Devanagari is quite phonetic) then Maquahuitl's scheme would make sense, since then, the IPA pronunciation would represent the true pronunciation in Hindi. -- दाढ़ीकेश १७:४९, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
If this is approved of, I think it should be implemented:
केरल (मलयालम: കേരളം सहायता·सूचना कॆरळं, अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ध्वन्यात्मक लिपि: ['keːɹəˌɭɐ]) दक्षिण भारत का...
It is nice with the ऑडियो template!--वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:५५, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Thanks for a positive response :). However, we must not forget that the pronounciation in Devanagari will have no meaning unless the scheme is properly explained. For that we need a separate page.(Because to the Hindi reader it would not be apparent what ळ stands for and also that some suppressed vowels in Hindi have to be spoken completely. We can link that page as a reference beside the transliterated word) Where do we plan to keep it- in Wikipedia namespace(since it is just a policy) or in proper article namespace? Maquahuitl १९:०८, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I propose that we do the same as the Bengali Wikipedia: they have
- Foreign language (IPA) transliteration in Bengali
- German transliteration
- Norwegian transliteration
- Portugese transliteration
- French transliteration
- Mandarin Chinese transliteration
- Latin transliteration
- Swedish transliteration (started by me!)
- Spanish transliteration.
- Since I can read/pronunce Bengali, I will copy over those pages, translate/transliterate and start the main page here विकिपीडिया:हिन्दी में विदेशी शब्द का लिप्यान्तरण. I have made a Template:उच्चारण मलयालम. Look at this:
केरल (मलयालम: കേരളം सहायता·सूचना कॆरळं, अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ध्वन्यात्मक लिपि: ['keːɹəˌɭɐ]) दक्षिण भारत का...
The source code is:
'''केरल''' ([[मलयालम भाषा|मलयालम]]: {{ऑडियो|Kerala.ogg|കേരളം}} {{उच्चारण मलयालम|कॆरळं}}, [[अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय ध्वन्यात्मक लिपि]]: ['keːɹəˌɭɐ]) दक्षिण [[भारत]] का...
What do you think?--वुल्फ़वार्ता ०६:४८, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I think your scheme is perfect. :) We can have a common page for Indic transliterations , and you can add it to your list here. Maquahuitl ०७:४२, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Deleting Pages
Hi all,
First of all let me just say that it makes me extremely happy as one of the people in the original team who started the hindi wikipedia, to see that hindi wikipedia has got a community of users who contribute REGULARLY to adding valuable information to the wikipedia. Thats exactly where we should be, a community that is consistently and steadily adding useful content.
Here is my rationale behind page deletion. It looks like there are hundreds (probably thousands) of pages that have no useful text except interwikis. These kind of sub-sub-stubs are counter-productive to wikipedia's goals. They just add clutter and pretty-much get in the way of accessing the articles that have legitimate content. Wikipedia's mission is not to just get a dump of everyone's thoughts and information, but also to organise it in a methodical, efficient and accessible way.
E.g. If an article on Chola vansh has a list of 12 rajas that were part of that dynasty, if a user creates 10 articles titled by those kings' names and has only a sentence saying "blah was a king of chola dynasty", that is completely redundant. It doesn't provide *ANY* extra information other than whats already present in the parent page.
A year back when I was very active, there were many articles like that, some of which I cleaned up, some of the more important such titles, I kept as placeholders hoping that people will later come and write those articles. Which has not happened yet. But thats ok, I am very happy that so many people are contributing to the wikipedia. If some articles, generally considered important are not written yet, then maybe they are not as important as we initially thought, then they should just go. What we should have is a structure that shapes itself as an interface to a new user such that he can access all the information thats already available in an organised way, and not bump into empty placeholder pages all the time.
I have started deleting such articles which are empty. Some of them need to be redirected to a bigger article and so on.
Above is just a start of this discussion. And I haven't addressed all the issues that I've seen. Feel free to raise questions and participate in the discussion.
--स्पंदन (Spundun) १५:३७, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- मैं बहुत सॉरी हूँ, लेकिन I have to disagree with you. I think that one-liners/placeholders should be expanded, not deleted. That's why they're called आधारs; stubs/bases; these articles need to be worked on. Deletion will simply make those who created the articles recreate the articles. For example ग्रीनफ़र्ड, a stub about a suburb of London article I made. I do not speak good Hindi at all, and I could only make the one-liner, for someone who is interested will hopefully come along and expand it. If I couldn't make these one-liners I would be useless to the Hindi Wikipedia (in terms of article creation), unless I want to write a load of junk. As the Bengali phrase goes: নেই মামার চেয়ে কানা মামা ভাল - नेइ मामार चेए काना मामा भालो - a blind uncle is better than no uncle at all. I am sorry to disagree with you, but that's just how I feel about the matter. --वुल्फ़वार्ता १५:५२, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Dear Wolf. Thanks for making an effort to contribute to the hindi wikipedia even though you are not proficient in hindi. Its really great to know how many people feel sentimental about the national language. But you don't need to create one-liner placeholders to be of help. You can help in organising all the information thats already there. You can help create templates and make already existing templates more consistent. You can help categorize pages. You can help with things like picture of the day and interwikis. I haven't addressed all the issues that you have talked about but now I have to go to work. I will post more discussion later. By that time hopefully there will be more participants. --स्पंदन (Spundun) १६:२३, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- In case of say kings of "asdf" dynasty, we can place a template that says that the article will be merged with the main article of asdf dynasty in no one expands the article for a certain amount of time and also put up a notice in wikiproject itihaasa abt it. If no one expands the page after the time passes, it can be deleted. Also, we can form teams in related wikiproject (itihaasa in this case) which searches for information such as date of birth and death, important activities etc. and also place a infobox biography on the page. The wikiprojects have been largely defunct, this kind of stimulus will activate them. Thank you.--युकेश १५:५५, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I agree with you Eukesh on that one. We could create placeholders and put a time-out of ... say a month or two on them. and see how many placeholders actually get some information in. Even then you will probably want to create significantly less number of placeholders and see how it goes from there. Because realistically, with the given amount of work-force there are only so many articles we can create on a couple of months --स्पंदन (Spundun) १६:२६, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
Hello, I also agree that creating just stubs is not a good idea. It is better to do other things if one cannot write a lot of Hindi text. Best regards, Yann २०:५०, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] The sentimental issue of 10000 articles
Now I understand that any active team wants to have a lot of articles on their wikipedia. But I strongly believe (as Eukesh mentioned on my talk page) that this is against the spirit of wikipedia. More importantly this is against the attitude that made wikipedia a success. Wikipedia didn't get a million articles because that was their target. They got there because they wrote information in an organized way such that it attracted users. Frankly, I'd feel better about the wikipedia that I am contributing to if it looked like a serious encyclopedia and had accessible content where I could keep clicking on links and would get a mouthful of great information on any click, rather than if the article count said 10000. Its not about that number.
Also, if we put in hundreds of such placeholder articles, we will be discrediting our wikipedia. We will be discrediting all the legitimate work that we have put in it. This reminds me of a joke that one of the bald guys in my family used to say. About a bald guy who everyone called "the bald guy". To get rid of that name, he started wearing a toupee. Now he had two names, The bald guy and The bald guy with a toupee. :).
Its funny, but when you think about it, wikipedia is going to look only as good as the amount of effort we put into it. There is no shorcut. And we don't need no stinking 10000 milestone to make our work worthy or credible!
--स्पंदन (Spundun) १६:१८, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- 10k is more or less a threshold, one that we need so the wikipedia can be visible.राजा रामबात करो १६:२४, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I do not think that the statistics are the main thing. I just think that if one-liners are there people will be able to expand them. So, does this mean that all one-liners will be deleted? Have a look at the लंदन series. People can edit these one-liners. If you would like, we could start a विकिपरियोजना एक-वाक्य लेख WikiProject. The goal could be that all one-liners should contain at least one paragraph by the end of the year. My contributions will then not be of use; because my Hindi is so bad. Do you mind if I finish the लंदन series; or will all of those articles be deleted? We should also encourage clicking on किसी एक लेख पर जाएं button and editing straight away.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १६:३२, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Thank you wolf, I agree. The main people writing pages are the people least able to express themselves in hindi (you and me). I would hope native-Hindi speakers would take like 10 sec to add a para of info to each one liner they find. When I write one liners I add wikilinks and interwiki, in the hope that someone will translate the rest or that I will come back and finish a little more.राजा रामबात करो १६:४१, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- So look at this: people may go to the English article about Northolt, and since a bot has added interwiki links, if they are interested and speak Hindi they will look at "in other languages" and click हिन्दी. Then hopefully translate the one-liner नॉर्थहॉल्ट.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १६:५१, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Lets give it a week or something like that to come-up with a policy before you start adding new oneliners. Meanwhile we should discuss this issue and try to resolve it.
- To Ram and Wolf: Whats your estimate of the number of these one-line articles on hindi wikipedia? --स्पंदन (Spundun) १७:५३, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- By stubs myself and wolf created about (1-300). By pages that say "pramukh vyakti" aand etc, take a look at Category:जीवनी, Category:आधार. On a pessimistic note, I guess they are probably the majority of content on this wikipedia.राजा रामबात करो १८:०२, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Looks like about half of the articles are empty placeholders or onliner substubs, is my estimate right? Also to Wolf, we can't add links to empty articles in other wikipedias just so that we get more visibility. The purpose of those links is that they suggest the hindi wikipedia already has an article where theuser may find information, not an empty article. It would not only add clutter to our wikipedia but also to all the 200 or so other wikipedias. --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:३४, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- By stubs myself and wolf created about (1-300). By pages that say "pramukh vyakti" aand etc, take a look at Category:जीवनी, Category:आधार. On a pessimistic note, I guess they are probably the majority of content on this wikipedia.राजा रामबात करो १८:०२, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- There are lot people who are really spending lot of time on hindi wikipedia. Many of these people do have sentiments with statistics and numbers of articles. Especially when there is comparision with other language wikipedias. So, there was a rush to reach 10,000 article. And many sub-stub quality articles were created. But this could not hide the fact that during same time whole look of hindi wikipedia was changed, many quality contents was also added, attempts were made for Wikiprojects, people are working to improve the quality of wiki and what not. Overall in a nutshell "Very positive outlook".
- Deleting sub-stub article is not very positive message for the contributors. We need steps to add more contributors and to make hindi wikipedia popular. Quality of content will improve, give it sometime. I got to say that We should not rush and delete those articles overnight. Sure, We will take steps to discourage creation of chain of sub-stub articles.
- I liked the work of wolf, kingram and almost all the people working here. I just wish that I had lot of time to expand everyone's work. Its hard to keep up with amazing amount of content added so fast. At the same time I have my own choices on which I want to contribute. Come on guys!! lets work together, make it simpler to contribute, improve the quality and at the same time enjoy wikipedia and have some fun too. --मितुल २३:२३, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- As I said above we should not be sentimentally attached to the 10k number like this. Our primary goal should be a neat and clean wikipedia with some amount of quality. Deletion of substubs should not be taken wrongly by any contributor. Of course everyone values everyone-elses contributions. We just need to find the right direction to apply our energies in, and creating empty placeholders is not it.
- I agree having many contributors does seem positive and I am very happy for that. But as you said, the people with hindi skills are not able to keep up with the pace at which these placeholders are being created. Placeholders should be created at much slower pace and contributors should work on other aspects of wikipedia maintenance. --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:३४, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- So look at this: people may go to the English article about Northolt, and since a bot has added interwiki links, if they are interested and speak Hindi they will look at "in other languages" and click हिन्दी. Then hopefully translate the one-liner नॉर्थहॉल्ट.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १६:५१, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I think that this "issue" is an amalgam of a lot of issues and bears a lot of significance (even quiet Yann had his say!) as to where we are headed. Here's my take of it all-
- Abt 10k: Although 10k is just a number, it bears a sinificance to many. Its just like the clock striking 00:00:00 into new millenium is just another second, but it has its significance. The people at other wikipedia create a different logo to commemorate such event and even English wikipedia, had a message congratulating all the users/editors. Also, it brings a new confidence to many. I think that even if the oneliners will be deleted a number of times and articles drop to 9000, people will create a lot of "quick articles" to reach 10,000 and then the creation of "quick articles" will decrease drastically. Any such landmarks tend to bring stability. So, I think that it might just be better to keep the article count within 10,000 even if deleting lest there will be these quick articles which might come as multi-liners but of equally poor quality.
- Abt oneliners: We had a discussion on this on the eve of the 1st crossing of 10k(i sound like a historian!). According to the discussion, I believe most of those who participated here wanted to improve the quality of oneliners and substubs. People are trying out ways to tackle this problem. I think that we need to get a rough estimate of these oneliners, then tackle them using bots and manual editors and create a basic framework button which increases the feasibility of multi-liners. From my POV, it might be a good idea to allow a significant amount of time for oneliners to develop and also help in its development rather than deleting them unilaterally. I have deleted many short pages in Nepali wikipedia and have found that I didnt delete just the article but the editor as well. So, lets be a bit flexible about it.
- Abt Hindi aspect: Hindi thrives because it has many people who are not proficient in Hindi working for it. We have Yann, Wolf, King Ram (and to some extent even me) who do not have perfect Hindi yet we are trying to write here. It takes a lot of courage to do this. I have asked a lot of people who have intermediate knowledge of Nepal Bhasa to write at least a few lines in Nepal Bhasa but none of them are ready because they say that "they dont want appear as a fool with bad command over the language". So, I think that we need to keep in mind that we have a lot of editors with intermediate knowledge of Hindi and must allow them some space and much support to work here. A cut-throat "core spirit" of wikipedia might need to be eased a little for the community to proliferate. If the community does not exist, wikipedia wont.
- Abt quality: This is something on which we need to focus at the moment. There are zillions of ways to create useless articles and also to increase number of articles, their depth and other such parameters. As we are in a stable phase now, we need to avoid all that. We specifically need to focus on
- Research-searching for encyclopedic materials and for ways of improving navigation and editing
- Factual improvement-adding a lot of citations, searching for the most reliable information
- Translation- translation of featured content from other wikipedia
- Navigation-adding of templates, infoboxes and other navigation boxes
- User friendly-improving system messages and enabling Devnagari perhaps
- Creation-based on our research, we can create new articles(rather than just translating) and also new edit tools and navigation tools,
- Editors, please think about these issues. Thank you.--युकेश ०१:५६, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Abt 10k: See in your own rhetoric lies the very reason why these empty placeholders need to go. The reason people celeberate reaching a milestone like that is because it means something. 10k legitimate articles to-be precise. Even on the statistics page if you see they use the expression "legitimate articles". What we need is to get to the 10k point the way that we can really feel pround of our acheivement, not just hollow placeholder acheivement.
- Abt oneliners: If I have estimated the extent of the placeholders, there is no way we can turn them into even stubs anytime soon! And even if we are able to acheive it after a year (which I seriously doubt, not to discourage though) it would be at that time, after a year that we should really be celeberating and announcing the milestone. not now.
- Abt Hindi aspect: I completely agree with you. It amazes me to see these volunteers wanting to contribute and I want to provide them as much support as I can. We should work as a team and devide work into the parts which require hindi proficiency and the parts that don't require. And we shoul also encourage beginner and intermediate level hindi speakers to write articles that should as soon as possible be reviewed by people with better skills
- Abt quality: I completely agree.
- Regards --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:३४, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
I fully agree with the legitimate article thing but now that we have crossed 10k, why not work at legitimizing them than crossing 10k 10k times with deleting and low quality successions? Abt oneliners, its not that pessimistic situation. With careful statistical data, database, bot and editors, we can create a "long-stub" within months. But we need to focus specifically on them. Thanks.--युकेश ०२:५६, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- How about this, everyone go to Special:Shortpages and try and expand at least 100 pages each in the next couple of months, that way we will keep > 10k and we will begin getting acceptable quality pages. And only create newpages for articles in विकिपीडिया:कुछ प्रारंभिक लेख जो कि हर भाषा के विकिपीडिया में होने चाहिए or ugly glaring redlinks.राजा रामबात करो १५:३९, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] About common misspellings
Dealing with common misspelling is simple. All you need to do is create a redirect to the correct spelling. I.e. instead of having a line that says "blahh is actually blah" just say "#REDIRECT [[blah]]"
--स्पंदन (Spundun) १६:१८, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- The problem is that the better hindi speakers spend too much time on the easy stuff, and the poorer and lazier hindi speakers do much of the
writingexpansion of pages (much of the page count is due to myself and wolf, neither of whom are native hindi speakers). राजा रामबात करो १६:२२, २८ मार्च २००७ (UTC)- Your entusiasm is commendable, in future we should try to have some kinda review process, so that your content can be reviewed by people with better hindi skills, and that way you will also improve your hindi by looking at the changes they make. You could setup some kinda simple template/category system where there is a banner on articles that you start which encourages other users to correct your mistakes, and those pages also appear in a category of its own. --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:००, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Common misspellings is "a part of the package" of the oneliners. What I had written in your discussion page was that one-liners also serve to eliminate problems of hraswa and dirgha (plus all these nufta and other characters) which are commonly misspelt. I don't think that it is feasible to create a redirect page for all the commonly misspelt words, at least at the moment, and redirecting into blank pages isnt a good idea either. So, while the stubs are there, they serve as a place to maintain the grammar as well (and not that stubs are there only to correct grammar). In case of just correcting grammar, redirects are better option, like you mentioned. Thank you. --युकेश ००:२५, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Even in those cases redirecting would be better. Sub-stubs would only add to the bloat. Also we want to control the amount of redirects we have, sometimes we might have to leave some misspellings without creating anything. By the way I hope I understood you correctly, if not, could you give an example about what you are trying to say? --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:००, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- What I meant was that among the very few purposes served by substubs (let aside potentials), having a page with correct spelling is a major one. The Nepalese wikipedians had a presentation in Jagadamba-Madan Guthi, one of the most renouned places in Nepalese literaturare and linguistics and the critics there questioned about spellings and suddhata which was a bit difficult to handle. Grammar and correctness is a bit difficult in Sanskrit derived languages (also there are different rules in different languages which makes it harder for multi-lingual editors), so these substubs, if present, serve as a model title to work onto. I do not favor creating more of these types (in a situation where we have 10,000 articles already) but I do not favor the immediate deletions of those created hitherto. A correction/redirection bot is be a better option for the purpose undoubtly, but keeping these pages that we already have wont harm as well. Thank you.--युकेश ०२:१४, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I am still not sure what you mean. Are there such substub already existing? Then they should be categorised separately so that we can look at them and come up with a better strategy to resolve the issues. We can't get hung up on a small things like that and create substubs at will, we should just create a redirect and mention the other spell/grammar on the main article saying that this is an alternative wat to say the same thing. --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:३९, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- There arent. I was talking about the oneliners and minimal stubs with very little information.--युकेश ०२:५०, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I am still not sure what you mean. Are there such substub already existing? Then they should be categorised separately so that we can look at them and come up with a better strategy to resolve the issues. We can't get hung up on a small things like that and create substubs at will, we should just create a redirect and mention the other spell/grammar on the main article saying that this is an alternative wat to say the same thing. --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:३९, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- What I meant was that among the very few purposes served by substubs (let aside potentials), having a page with correct spelling is a major one. The Nepalese wikipedians had a presentation in Jagadamba-Madan Guthi, one of the most renouned places in Nepalese literaturare and linguistics and the critics there questioned about spellings and suddhata which was a bit difficult to handle. Grammar and correctness is a bit difficult in Sanskrit derived languages (also there are different rules in different languages which makes it harder for multi-lingual editors), so these substubs, if present, serve as a model title to work onto. I do not favor creating more of these types (in a situation where we have 10,000 articles already) but I do not favor the immediate deletions of those created hitherto. A correction/redirection bot is be a better option for the purpose undoubtly, but keeping these pages that we already have wont harm as well. Thank you.--युकेश ०२:१४, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Even in those cases redirecting would be better. Sub-stubs would only add to the bloat. Also we want to control the amount of redirects we have, sometimes we might have to leave some misspellings without creating anything. By the way I hope I understood you correctly, if not, could you give an example about what you are trying to say? --स्पंदन (Spundun) ०२:००, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Persian/Arabic words
While we all prefer sanskrit words, I think a healthy use of persian words when no Hindi equivalent is available may prove to be beneficial. For example en:Bakhsh for district/township or en:Shahrestan (note the shahar part of it) for metropolitan area, and other useful words. Also, since hindi is not the purest modern IA language it doesnt matter if we borrow a bit, it would however matter on marathi where their language is much more honest to its sanskrit origins.राजा रामबात करो १७:२३, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- What is the necessity to employ these words when words like जिला and महानगर क्षेत्र are already in official use?
Speaking generally, I agree that in common usage heavy usage of either archaic Persian/Arabic or Sanskrit words is not in prevalence. But we must not forget then that common language is Hindustani, not Hindi or Urdu. If Hindi and Urdu are registers of Hindustani under some particular parameters then we should stick to those definitions. I am not advocating use of क्लिष्ट भाषा but I believe that it is very much possible to write in a good level of Hindi which is शुद्ध but at the same time not क्लिष्ट | Maquahuitl २२:०७, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I am using the actual Persian/Arabic words in the articles related to iran, ayatollah khomeini, White Revolution. Because words like "Imam", "inquilab", "safed", "Islam", "ayatollah", etc are also in Hindi, theres no need to reinvent the wheel here. I know one admin had reservations about the "x"-e-"y" titles but Inquilab-e-saphed is quite intelligible to a hindi speaker though "shweta kraanti" might be more शुद्ध.राजा रामबात करो २३:०७, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] One liners
One liners have been the much focussed topic here. We need to work on that. विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना एक-वाक्य लेख has been established to tackle them systematically. Thanks.--युकेश ०२:२३, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I agree with the spirit of both sides. We need good encyclopedic content on the wikipedia for sure, but there is an element of pride (however much false) associated with the 10k figure. I am glad Spundun has brought this issue to the forefront of discussion. It's time we did some major quality improvement in here. What I propose has already been touched above, and can be tackled by this Wikiproject.
- Identify one-liner stubs (or worse than stubs) through the Random article link and Google site search. example: elements Google site search will also give an estimate of the number.
- For each of such groups, make a three-fold assessment:
- How important is the subject of the article group? (low-mid-high maybe) The elements group above will get a 'high' for sure.
- How easy is it to expand the article? In other words how much information is easily available on other wikis and Internet to expand them? (easy-mid-difficult?)
- What is the quality of other material in there? (low-mid-high maybe) The London articles created by Wolf are categorized, have a nice template and a map associated.. They will definitely rank 'high' on this one. Of course, this is a relative assessment, within these one liner articles. Things to be considered: Categorization, interwiki links, appropriate stub notice, a unifying template, something unique to each article in the group, etc.
- A group that ranks low-difficult-low on the categories above can be strongly considered for deletion. There is very little probability that it will be expanded any time soon, and it is not adding any value at all sitting there.
- Identify bot actions that can be helpful in expanding and categorizing the article groups. The elements group can have a lot of material added with the help of bots.
- At the risk of sounding scandalous, identify other areas in which such one liner articles can be created. (10k is good, but 25k is much better! :-D) Of course since this Wikiproject will be creating these with the help of bots, they will be 'high-quality' stubs..
- What say? -- दाढ़ीकेश ०६:१५, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- The time out on these empty articles cannot be as long as a year... thats just wayy too long.
- THe scheme of eveyont making 100 new stubs is flawed. The strength of wikipedia is peer review. Meaning people look at eachothers content and improve that. Thats where quality comes from. If we all try to make indiependent articles, and that too with a hard dead line, the quality will go out of the window, and the robot in us will again take over and we will start copy pasting. (by the way did I tell you that I deleted a place holder that said kunti was a king of yadu vansh? :) ).
- Please forget about 10k, we are NOT at 10k, we are NO WHERE NEAR 10k. Just have fun with IMPROVING wikipedia. and don't make new place holders. THere is no point in having more than 5% of articles as placeholders at any time! --स्पंदन (Spundun) १६:५२, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I never said craete 100 placeholders, I said expand 100 substubs each by the end of the month.राजा रामबात करो १७:०१, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Yes Yes, when I said new stubs, I meant stubs from the already existing placeholders. --स्पंदन (Spundun) १७:१३, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I never said craete 100 placeholders, I said expand 100 substubs each by the end of the month.राजा रामबात करो १७:०१, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- To दाढ़ीकेश: Forget about 25k. Everyone forget about 10k. No decision on wikipedia policy can be made base on the 10k milestone. The only goals we have are Community, and Quality. --स्पंदन (Spundun) १८:१२, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Spundun, lets not make high comments like "only goals". Yes! for sure we need quality. It should come from community. Give community what they want, community will give what you want. It is as simple as that. If community think 10k milestone is important so let it be like that. We can not and should not impose goals to community, may it be quality or number of articles. We need to give freedom to the contributors. If 100 contributors will create 1000 one liners, one person will create at least one quality article. This is reality and we got to live with it. If we want just the perfect contributors. Good Luck!! Take any wikipedia, what is the percentage of perfect contributors?! I bet no more than 1% or even fewer. We are talking about building a community. So, one of our goal should be - take actions which should encourage contributors.
- I personally, don't care of number of articles now. But, initially I too wanted to see more number of articles. But once I spent more time here, it was clear that quality is more important than quantity. Guess most of the wikipedians have similar thoughts. Let contributors spend time on wikipedia, there skill will improve, quality will improve. If initially, they are creating one-liners, so be it.
- We need to come to an agreement on what should be deleted from one-liners. We do have lot of pages on Years, days of years which we are assuming will be filled out with important events, births etc. I would save those from deletion. As दाढ़ीकेश suggested, we can also rank the articles. Wolfs work on London's borough is nice example on how to develop bunch of inter-related articles. He also developed nice templates on his way. I would want to spare those articles too from deletion.
- At the same time, we should not get distracted with this issue of one liners and 10K sentiments and all that. We are picking up nice pace. We are creating good articles, we are improving as a community as a whole, we are adding new features, getting to know each other little bit, and what not. Spundun, you are one of members from original team. Your thinking and actions will have huge impact. I just tried to give my 2 cents. If you think it is important for us to delete lot of articles. I will support you. --मितुल २१:४३, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I want to answer all of your questions but only after I or someone else is able to get some concrete statistics on this. --स्पंदन (Spundun) १६:०७, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Spundun, lets not make high comments like "only goals". Yes! for sure we need quality. It should come from community. Give community what they want, community will give what you want. It is as simple as that. If community think 10k milestone is important so let it be like that. We can not and should not impose goals to community, may it be quality or number of articles. We need to give freedom to the contributors. If 100 contributors will create 1000 one liners, one person will create at least one quality article. This is reality and we got to live with it. If we want just the perfect contributors. Good Luck!! Take any wikipedia, what is the percentage of perfect contributors?! I bet no more than 1% or even fewer. We are talking about building a community. So, one of our goal should be - take actions which should encourage contributors.
[बदलें] The next task
- The first thing we need to do is separate all these place holders from the legitimate stubs. So first of all all the people who have created all these stubs need to put them in some kind of hirarchical placeholder categories. like Place holders->Indiarelated plcae holders, placeholders not related to india.. etc. We should do that using a template. --स्पंदन (Spundun) १६:५२, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I think the next steps are to agree on a process to deal with the placeholders/one-liners, setup the wikiproject, invite membership to the project, and start working on the goals of the project. The identification and categorization of placeholders will be an ongoing process and the wikiproject members will be the ones doing it. We can not reasonably wait for the article creators to do this for us. I can work on setting up the wikiproject, if the community agrees on the general ideas I outlined above. -- दाढ़ीकेश १७:०२, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Bot request
Hello! This message is because I would like to let my bot run on this wikipedia. Its name is Synthebot. Its main activity is fixing interwiki links. For doing this, it uses the interwiki.py script of the Pywikipedia package. It runs on demand, for specific categories based on the Interlingua wikipedia.
Some extra information about myself is that I am an administrator in the Interlingua wikipedia, and I actively collaborated in the Interlingua, English and Spanish wikipedias. For further questions, do not hesitate in contacting me at my talk page. Regards, Julian Mendez २१:५५, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I've put a request on meta:Requests for bot status. It will take a week to get approved --स्पंदन (Spundun) २३:२९, २९ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Thank you very much. Julian Mendez ०२:१९, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- Bots for batch work - We need bots like Ganeshbot on English wiki which created articles for Indian cities and towns. We can have similar bots, provided a database is available, for batch work like stubs on:
Languages of the world, Countries, Towns and Districts, Ethnic groups, Rivers, Mountains, etc. I agree that article quality is what matters to the readers but at the same time popularity has a chance of increase if the Hindi wiki turns up at the top of the wiki lists.:) Maquahuitl २२:३८, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I have the database of Ganeshbot and also of all cities of Nepal. However, I am having my exams right now. So, will be able to work on that after a week. Also, if soemone has database of other entities (cities, rivers) please provide it to me. I am also working on US cities that can add 10,000 articles. However, its upto the community to decide whether to let me create those articles. There is another bot in English which creates articles about American cities (I forgot the name sorry abt that). If someone can get me that database, it would be even better. Also, I am working on satellites and redierction bots. If someone can lend me a hand, please feel free to do so. Thank you.--युकेश १६:३१, ६ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- They are similar to the articles created by Ganeshbot. Its legitimate stub but still its stub. I just wanted to express that we can create similar articles, but its upto the community to decide whether we need them or not. Personally, I would be happier to work on oneliners but I dont have database or even list of such oneliners. Thanks.--युकेश १७:२१, ६ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- I think we should forget about everything, and just focus on clicking on किसी एक लेख पर जाएं and making one-liners have at least a paragraph. Have a look at the Tamil Wikipedia; they have very little articles, but every time you click random article an article with at least one paragraph comes up.--वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:२७, ६ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- The idea behind stubs is to have enough information to define the importance of the subject. So the stubs are not entirely worthless. See en:WP:Stub. By that definition, one liners can act as stubs too, especially for obscure topics like small cities in India. And seeing the work of Ganeshbot on enwiki, I am sure that information will be enough to qualify as a stub, definitely much more than just a oneliner. The example of Tamil wikipedia is good, but there is also the Telugu wikipedia, who have 25k (and the only Indian language on the enwiki sidebar), where most of the articles are one liners. Both are extremes, in my opinion. What I propose is that we do not get stuck on the issue of one-liners. If an automated process is able to create articles that can qualify as stubs for that particular subject, then let's do it. -- दाढ़ीकेश १७:४८, ६ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] विश्वकप
विश्वकप क्रिकेट निबंध को निर्वाचित करने लिए वह विषय का अंग्रेज़ी लेख से अनुवाद कर सकता है।--वुल्फ़वार्ता १७:४४, ३० मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] Suggestions about assessment
First of all I think we need to have an assessment department. Also, can't we have three categories- featured(निर्वाचित लेख), good(श्रेष्ठ लेख) and start-class(प्रारम्भिक or मूलभूत- name can be discussed) and of course stub(आधार)(4 level system unlike 6 level stub,start,B,GA,A,FA system of English wiki). Because if we don't an assessment deparatment then how will we know which article stands where, and for this the articles need to be classified better. We just can't haphazardly start working on any article. Some people might like to know those articles which have good quality and can be upgraded to featured with some effort while some might want to work on some articles for which some basic material is available. Categorisation of articles into classes of similar standard is needed. Maquahuitl ०७:५३, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- OK, so here's the list:
- एक-वाक्य
- आधार
- मूलभूत (प्रारम्भिक is used for आधार, see Template:आधार
- श्रेष्ठ
- निर्वाचित
- श्रेष्ठ
- मूलभूत (प्रारम्भिक is used for आधार, see Template:आधार
- आधार
- How shall we organise them? In a विकिपीडिया:लेख निर्धारण page or what?--वुल्फ़वार्ता ०८:०९, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- I spport this idea. A wikiproject (something like विकिपीडिया:विकिपरियोजना लेख मूल्यांकन) should be set up. A template can be added to each article's talk page, specifying the result of the assessment. We also need to define the criteria for labeling these articles in the five categories. -- दाढ़ीकेश २०:५९, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
- स्तर आँकलन or स्तराँकलन is a better term for assessment.
- assessment के लिए बेहतर शब्द होगा मूल्यांकन -- पूर्णिमा वर्मन ११:२६, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- A few sources I have give निर्धारण as the right word, as वुल्फ़ has above. क्या निर्धारण आप लोगों को स्वीकार्य हैं? My sources are रजबाशा अंग्रेज़ी-हिन्दी शब्दकोश और अंग्रेज़ी-हिन्दी कोश. The former lists a lot of the official government words. Those in common use are good candidates to use for this type of thing. - टैक्सवाला १२:५४, ९ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
- assessment के लिए बेहतर शब्द होगा मूल्यांकन -- पूर्णिमा वर्मन ११:२६, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
Actually we can have an assessment taskforce for separate wikiprojects because of two benefits:
1.The load will be distributed projectwise, so responsibilities will be limited to only the articles of that wikiproject.
2.Members who don't want to write anything for a wikiproject can still contribute through assessment.
What do you people think?Maquahuitl ००:१५, १ अप्रैल २००७ (UTC)
Someone please check Template:निर्वाचित तस्वीर अप्रैल२००७, it goes on the front page tomorrow, and the translation is by me, so there will be lots of mistakes! Please check it! So sorry for saying so late!--वुल्फ़वार्ता ०८:०५, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)
[बदलें] क्या आप जानते हैं
मुखपृष्ठ के इस भाग को सुधारने के लिए क्या समय-सीमा है? हर हफ्ते या हर महीने? सुझाव पृष्ठ पर कुछ नए सुझाव दिख रहे हैं। नए लेख यदि नियमित रूप से मुखपृष्ठ पर दिखेंगे तो सदस्यों को नए लेख लिखने को प्रोत्साहन मिलेगा। -- दाढ़ीकेश २०:४९, ३१ मार्च २००७ (UTC)