Ordine della Luna Crescente
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L'Ordine della Luna Crescente fu istituito nel 1464 da Renato d'Angiò, re di Gerusalemme, di Sicilia e di Aragona.
L'insegna è rappresentata da una luna crescente in oro sulla quale è incisa al bulino la parola LOZ. Il crescente era sospeso mediante tre catenelle al collare composto da tre catene d'oro.
(English translation of above: The Order of the Increasing Moon was instituted in the 1464 from Renato d' Angiò, king of Gerusalemme, Sicily and Aragon. The standard is represented from an increasing moon in gold on which word LOZ is recorded to the burin. The crescent was suspended by means of three chain stitches to the collar composed from three chains of gold.)
Additional information concerning Ordine Della Luna.
The Ordine Della Luna is also known as the worlds oldest coven. It was a mystical order that carried the influences of Platonists such as Georgius Gemistos Plethon and other ecclesiastics of the Byzantine Church to the Council of Ferrarra; and hence also influenced the Medici Court. The Paleologus dynasty ruled Constantinople from 1261 to 1453 and the Ordine Della Luna was the sanctioned Chivalric Order dedicated to the Blessed Virgin (the Queen of Heaven and Mother of God). However earlier bases for the Ordine Della Luna can be traced back to 328 AD.
Later English Connection (Ordine Della Luna Nova)
During the late 1960's Alex Sanders of Eastbourne (the founder of Alexandrian Wicca) received charter from Prince Palaeologus (a direct ascendent of the original royal family) and was knighted as the Grand Prior of the Ordine Della Luna for England and Wales. Alex Sanders especial work within his charter of the Ordine Della Luna was (a) as chivalric vessel for the Holy Mother under her guise as the Goddess by various Celtic names of England and (b) the continuation of the Byzantine esoteric whom Alex developed a especial system of Angelic and Planetary magics. Alex Sanders called his Order Ordine Della Luna Nova. The work of Ordine Della Luna Nova continues today (with its Byzantine Orthodox Rite of Constantinople) within the aegis of the 'Ordrine Scatere Stellae'