出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
エレオノーラ・ドゥーゼ(Eleonora Duse, 1858年10月3日 - 1924年4月21日)は、イタリアの女優。
[編集] Early life, acting career
She was born in Vigevano and 子供の時にentered acting (家業)。 She came to fame in Italian versions of rôles made famous by サラ・ベルナール. 成人して、ヨーロッパとアメリカを旅行し , and was particularly associated with Gabriele d'Annunzioの戯曲。
1879年、ナポリで、journalist Mattino Cafieroに逢い, and became involved in a fast paced love affair with him. しかし, less than a year later, while she was in mid-pregnancy, 彼は彼女のもとを去った。赤子は did not survive birth, その後まもなくCafieroもまた死んだ。ドゥーゼはDuse then joined Caesare Rossi's theater company、俳優Teobaldi Checciに逢い、二人は1881年に結婚した。1885年までに、1人の娘をもうけたが、しかし but divorced following her becoming involved in an affair with Flavio Andoという名前の別の俳優. [1]
この時までに、 her career was in full swing and her popularity人気は上昇し始めた。She travelled on tour to 北アメリカ, and upon her return a year later she formed her own company. 1895年に、彼女はダヌンツィオに逢い、二人は became involved romantically while collaborating professionally. When d'Annunzio gave the lead in the play La Città morta to Bernhardt instead of Duse, there was a furious fight, and Duse ended the affair with d'Annunzio.
She became well known and respected for her assistance of 若い俳優、女優 during her career. 1911年に引退したが, but returned to the stage in 1921 in a series of engagements in both America and Europe.[2]
1923年7月30日に、 she became the first woman ever to be featured on the cover of 『Timeタイム』誌。その Her naturalistic and individual style was in contrast to Bernhardt's high emotionalism, and 二人は多年にわたって好敵手であった。
彼女は死去した 65歳で in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania while on tour in the 合衆国.