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ブラッドリー・ジョセフ(Bradley Joseph、1965年、ミネソタ州ウィルマー生まれ)は、アメリカの作曲家、ピアニスト、キーボード奏者、編曲家、レコーディング・アーティストである。 彼は、グラミー賞受賞者のシーナ・イーストンの国際的なステージでキーボード奏者および共同音楽ディレクターとして長年活動してきた。そして、ヤニー(Yanni)の6つの大きなコンサートツアーでキーボード奏者を勤めている。彼は、1993年12月25日にアクロポリスで行われたヤニーのライブにも参加しており、このライブのアルバムとビデオ「アクロポリスの幻影~ヤニー・ライブ」(Yanni Live at the Acropolis)はプラチナX10アルバムになっている。また、2003年にはヤニーの世界ツアーEthnicityに参加している。
1994年からは自分自身を表現したいという欲求に駆られて単独活動を始め、デビューアルバムHear The Massesを発表した。1997年には第2作Raptureをナラダ・プロダクションから発表した。続く7作は彼自身のレコードレーベル Robbins Island Music から発表しており、これによりそれまで同様ツアーを続けながらも十分に時間をかけて作曲をすることができるようになった。彼の音楽は、ピアノソロからオーケストラの作曲に及び、編曲はコンテンポラリーインストゥルメンタル、イージーリスニング、スムーズジャズ、ニューエイジミュージック、クラシック音楽の聴衆に心地よく届くものである。
目次 |
[編集] Biography
Bradley was born and raised in Willmar, Minnesota. With his father as an influence, he started playing classical piano at age eight. While playing in the jazz band in junior high, he took a concert field trip which left no doubt that music was the only possible path in his future: "I saw Buddy Rich perform, I sat in the first row and when Buddy's sax player stood up to take his first solo something just clicked - the world closed in around me. I felt the power of music and knew that it was something special, a gift to be shared."[1] He later played trombone, sax, and guitar with the jazz band and choir through high school and college, studying music at Moorhead State University. He then settled down to the piano and keyboards; coming of age as a musician in the Twin Cities' rock and roll scene, heading up many of his own bands.[2]
[編集] Early career
[編集] Yanni
In 1988, Joseph caught the attention of contemporary instrumental artist, Yanni, via mutual friend, guitarist Dugan McNeill. When Yanni heard a demo tape of Joseph's compositions and arrangements, Joseph was hired to join his core band, replacing John Tesh.[3][4]
After moving to Los Angeles at age 23, Joseph composed, arranged, and performed alongside Yanni for over six years as his lead keyboardist and composer-collaborator, touring throughout the United States and abroad as Yanni was approaching the doorstep of worldwide fame.[5] Some of these early tours included the "Reflections of Passion", "Dare to Dream", "Yanni Live, The Symphony Concerts" 1993 and 1994 concert tours, as well as performing in-concert in Germany that was broadcast throughout Europe and seen by 30 to 40 million viewers.[6] Joseph is also featured on the 10 x platinum album and video, "Yanni Live at the Acropolis", the second best-selling music video of all time.[7] He later returned as a featured instrumentalist on Yanni's 2003 "Ethnicity World Tour", utilizing his Korg Triton keyboards.
[編集] Sheena Easton
Additionally, Joseph performed with Grammy-winner, Sheena Easton, for five years as her co-musical director and lead keyboardist. "It was a great transition from Yanni because it made me musically aware again", he said in reference to Easton's R&B style. "I went back to where I started but it felt like a new invention."[2] Extensive tour venues with Sheena Easton included Japan, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, and the United States, as well as routine appearances in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. He also appeared with her on the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" when she performed her new single at the time, "My Cheri".[8]
[編集] Solo career
In 1994, between world tours, Joseph released his debut album, "Hear The Masses", a self-produced, self-published release under the More Core Records label. It consists of 10 original compositions ranging from upbeat piano to lush orchestral ballads. Joseph invited many of his Yanni bandmates to contribute including Charlie Adams (drums, percussion); Ric Fierabracci (fretless bass); Jeanette Clinger (vocals), and Grammy-winning violinist Charlie Bisharat whose virtuostic violin attracts attention in the driving opening song, "Rose Colored Glasses". Other guest artists include Larry Preston (guitar), and Terry Brau, featured on numerous Bradley Joseph recordings, playing trumpet, saxophone and fluegelhorn.
Joseph's style on his debut album attracted the attention of major record label Narada Productions, a Virgin Records subsidiary. This resulted in "Rapture", released in March 1997. Joseph wrote and conducted all of the scores, bringing in a 50-piece orchestra to help bring his musical vision to life. "Rapture" features intimate piano pieces, quartets, and full orchestrations, combining smooth jazz with contemporary instrumental themes. In addition, one of Joseph's compositions, "The Glen", was written for the album "Stories", a Narada Artist Collection, and is now also featured on "20 Years of Narada Piano". His work is included in other Narada compilation projects as well.
An artist in constant evolution, Joseph started his own record label in 1998, Robbins Island Music, composing, producing, recording, and distributing to a world-wide audience. His third album then, "Solo Journey", signifying his independence, was released in 1999, consisting of 11 original solo piano compositions. Later releases include "Christmas Around the World", reaching NAV's top 100 radio playlist;[9] and "One Deep Breath", also holding a position on NAV's top 100 radio chart for over six months.[10] Bill Binkelman of Wind and Wire Magazine writes that "One Deep Breath" departs dramatically from the previous more explosive and dynamic music on his first two recordings, "Hear The Masses" and "Rapture", having two separate "personalities": piano and keyboard-based ambient/new age soundscapes and more adult contemporary/classically-flavored songs.[11]
Joseph wrote his next album after sound checks during Yanni's "Ethnicity" tour resulting in "The Journey Continues" featuring Joseph on solo piano and voted as one of the top 15 recordings of 2003 by Michael Debbage, reviewer for Wind and Wire Magazine.[12] Debbage writes, "One strength of Bradley Joseph as an artist has been his keen ability to write inspiring music with appropriately titled songs that express that thought non-verbally".[13]
Orange Music, located in Singapore, released two Bradley Joseph compilation CDs; "The Road Ahead" and "In The Heart of Everyone", in addition to re-releasing his "Christmas Around the World" album, all being distributed throughout Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia.[14] More recent releases include "For The Love Of It" and "Piano Love Songs" in which Joseph uses piano, orchestra, and soft rhythms to cover popular enduring melodies such as "I'll Never Fall in Love Again" (Burt Bacharach), and "Fields of Gold" (Sting}. Additionally, a DVD was released using Joseph's music throughout, "Isle Royale Impressions" containing footage of wildlife from the Isle Royale National Park in Michigan.
Bradley Joseph was named one of the "Ten Outstanding Young Minnesotans" (TOYM) of 2004.[15][16] The award honors individuals across the state under 40 who make a positive impact on their community. Past recipients include Mark Dayton, Paul Douglas, Marlene Johnson, Walter Mondale, Martin Sabo, Dave Winfield, Tim Penny, Matt Blair, and Wheelock Whitney.
His music can be heard in regular rotation in the United States and Canada by more than 160 major radio networks including XM Satellite Radio, Sirius Satellite Radio, as well as in Japan, United Kingdom, Spain, China, South-East Asia, Germany, Switzerland, and Russia.[17][18]
[編集] Discography
[編集] Studio albums
Date of release |
Title | Professional review(s) | |
1994 | Hear The Masses | Music Outfitters | |
1997 | Rapture | Planet Earth Music | |
1999 | Solo Journey | Solo Piano Publications | |
2000 | Christmas Around the World |
Wind and Wire Magazine | |
2002 | One Deep Breath | Wind and Wire Magazine Solo Piano Publications Instrumental Weekly All Music Guide |
2003 | The Journey Continues | Wind and Wire Magazine | |
2004 | While You Are Gone | ||
2005 | For The Love Of It | ||
2006 | Piano Love Songs |
[編集] Compilations
Date of release |
Title | Professional review(s) | |
2004 | The Road Ahead | ||
2004 | In The Heart of Everyone | "The Newspaper" Yeoh Wee Teck 3/29/05 |
[編集] Credits
Date of release |
Title | Artist | Label | ||
1993 | In My Time | Yanni | Private Music | ||
1994 | Yanni Live at the Acropolis | Yanni | Private Music | ||
1997 | Grand Piano (Narada Anniversary Collection) | Various | Narada | ||
1997 | Narada Smooth Jazz | Various | Narada | ||
1997 | New Age Music & New Sounds Vol. 67 - "Liberty" | Various | Oreade Music | ||
1997 | The Next Generation - Narada Sampler | Various | Narada | ||
1998 | Stories (Narada Artist Collection) | Various | Narada | ||
2001 | 20 Years of Narada Piano | Various | Narada |
[編集] References
- ^ Quote: "Official Bio" .
- ^ a b Mikelson, Terry, "Joseph Has Encountered Fame", Brainerd Dispatch, 1999-07-15.
- ^ Yanni; Rensin, David (2002).Yanni in Words, 318, Miramax Books. 1-4013-5194-8.
- ^ "Reflections bio" .
- ^ "Bradley Joseph to play for Concerts in the Park", Brainerd Dispatch, 1999-07-08.
- ^ Miller, Gary, "Heeeeeere's Bradley", West Central Tribune, 1995-03-21.
- ^ "Yanni Career Highlights" (PDF) .
- ^ Miller, Gary, "Joseph 'Tonight Show'", West Central Tribune Brainerd Dispatch, 1995-03-24.
- ^ New Age Voice, currently "New Age Reporter" .
- ^ "2002 New Age Voice Top 100 Radio Chart" .
- ^ Review: "One Deep Breath". Binkelman, Bill. "Wind and Wire Magazine" .
- ^ "Wind and Wire Magazine (best of 2003)" .
- ^ Review: "The Journey Continues". Debbage, Michael. "Wind and Wire Magazine" .
- ^ Catalog: "Orange Music" .
- ^ Drey, Patricia, "WBL Composer Named Outstanding Young Minnesotan", White Bear Press, 2004-09-15.
- ^ "TOYM Award" .
- ^ "XM Satellite Radio playlist" .
- ^ "Sirius Satellite Radio playlist" .
- ^ AMG- list of credits
Template:Bradley Joseph
[編集] 外部リンク
- 公式サイト
- Bradley Joseph at Minnewiki (Minnesota Music Encyclopedia)
Interviews and media coverage
カテゴリ: 翻訳中 | 修正依頼 | アメリカ合衆国のミュージシャン | アメリカ合衆国のピアニスト | ミネソタ州の人物 | 1965年生