대립 교황
위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.
대립 교황(Antipope)은 가톨릭 교회의 역사에서 비합법적으로 교황권을 행사한 사람을 가리킨다.
[편집] 중세의 대립 교황
Natalius, around 200, later reconciled (see above)
Hippolytus 217–235, later reconciled with Pope Pontian (see above)
Novatian, 251–258
Felix II, 355–365
Ursicinus (Ursinus), 366–367
Eulalius, 418–419
Laurentius, 498–499, 501–506
Dioscorus, 530
Theodore (II), 687
Paschal (I), 687
Constantine II, 767–768
Philip, 768
John VIII, 844
Anastasius III Bibliothecarius, 855
Christopher, 903–904
Boniface VII, 974, 984–985
John XVI (John Filagatto), 997–998
Gregory VI, 1012
Benedict X (John Mincius), 1058–1059
Honorius II (Pietro Cadalus), 1061–1064
Clement III (Guibert of Ravenna), 1080, 1084–1100
Theodoric, 1100–1101
Adalbert or Albert, 1101
Sylvester IV (Maginulf), 1105–1111
Gregory VIII (Maurice Burdanus), 1118–1121
Celestine II (Thebaldus Buccapecus) 1124
Anacletus II (Pietro Pierleoni), 1130–1138
Victor IV (Gregorio Conti), 1138
Victor IV (Ottavio di Montecelio), 1159–1164
Paschal III (Guido di Crema), 1164–1168
Callixtus III (Giovanni of Struma), 1168–1178
Innocent III (Lanzo of Sezza), 1179–1180
Nicholas V (Pietro Rainalducci), 1328–1330
Clement VII (Robert of Geneva), 1378–1394 (아비뇽 공의회)
Benedict XIII (Pedro de Luna), 1394–1423 (아비뇽 공의회)
Alexander V (Pietro Philarghi), 1409–1410 (피사 공의회)
John XXIII (Baldassare Cossa), 1410–1415 (피사 공의회)
Clement VIII (Gil Sánchez Muñoz), 1423–1429(아비뇽 공의회)
Benedict XIV (Bernard Garnier), 1424–1429(아비뇽 공의회)
Benedict XIV (Jean Carrier), 1430–1427(아비뇽 공의회)
Felix V (Duke Amadeus VIII of Savoy), 5 November 1439 – 7 April 1449 (elected by the Council of Basel)
[편집] 20세기의 대립 교황
Manuel Corral (Peter II)
David Bawden (Pope Michael I)
Lucian Pulvermacher (Pope Pius XIII)
Jean-Gaston Tremblay (John-Gregory XVII)
George Abraham Toth