사용자:Bjh13579/레드 얼럿 2
위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.
커맨드 앤 컨커: 레드얼럿(Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2)은 2000년에 웨스트우드 스튜디오에서 내놓은 전작인 레드 얼럿 1의 후속판이며, 커맨드 앤 퀀커 시리즈에 포함되는 2.5D 실시간 전략 시뮬레이션 게임이다. 레드얼럿 2에는 전편에 나온 연합군과 소비에트군이 다시 등장하며, 전편의 "레드 얼럿"에서 나왔던 유닛들과, 여러 건물들이 다시 등장하였다. 레드얼럿 2는 전편보다 그래픽이 좋아지고, 멀티플레이어 지원과, 레드얼럿 스토리를 충실히 따르고 있다. 그러나, 첫번째 레드 얼럿과의 다른 점 때문에, 커맨드 앤 컨커: 타이베리안 시리즈의 줄거리와 일치되는 연결점이 없다.
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[편집] 줄거리: 또다른 세계 제 3차 대전
레드얼럿 2는 매우 공상적이면서, 진짜 세계전쟁의 위기의 깊은 속을 결여하고 있다. 이 스토리는 "적색 경보 1"의 줄거리중, 연합군이 소련을 상대로 승전했다는 줄거리로 이어져 간다. 스탈린이 죽고난후에, 귀족 출신이면서, 평화를 옹호하는 알렉산더 로마노프가 연합군의 추대로 꼭두각시 소비에트의 지도자가 된다. 로마노프의 휘하에서 소련은 제 1차 공산화 전쟁 당시로 복귀하게 된다. 그러나, 연합군은 생각을 못했던 것이, 로마노프는 제 1차 공산화 전쟁에서 승리한 연합군을 굳게 싫어하고 있었고, 비밀리에 무기 기술을 개발시키고, 붉은 군대를 다시 창설하게 된다. 로마노프는 유령 평화 단체인 "세게 공산주의 연맹"을 만들어, 표면상으로 다른 사회주의 국가(특히 이라크, 리비아, 쿠바)에게 평화적인 지원을 해주는 것처럼 보였다. 멕시코에 내란이 벌어지게 되자, 로마노프는 평화 유지군을 파견하게 된다. 전면전을 치를만한 시간을 파악한 후, 로마노프는 미국을 향해 전면전을 하게 된다. 소련은 지난 전쟁에서 미국이 유럽을 도운걸 잊은걸을 현실화 하게 되고, 그들은 미국을 향해 전쟁을 치르기로 결심하게 된다. 러시아가 멕시코에 보낸 평화 유지군은 미국 국경을 침범하게 되고, 붉은 해군과, 붉은 공군은 미국이 가진 태평양과 대서양 해변을 유린하게 된다. 그때 미국 대통령인 마이클 듀간이 소련을 향해서 핵 공격을 하겠다고 협박을 하자, 로마노프의 과학&기술 담당관인 유리가 정신 기술을 이용해서 미국 핵 사일로를 부셔버리게 된다. 소련의 전쟁기계들이 미국을 유린하자, 듀간은 유럽 연합에게 도와달라고 청원하게 된다. 유럽군은 미국이 소련의 핵 사일로를 중립화 시켜 줄때, 동참하게 되고, 전쟁은 3차 세계대전으로 번져, 연합군과 소련군이 다시 전 세계를 놓고 싸우게 되었다.
[편집] 제 1장: 소련의 놀라운 공격, 미국의 고립
The Red Alert video game series follows the convention that the Allied storyline is the one that "actually" happens; Red Alert 2's expansion pack, "Yuri's Revenge", continues the story on the assumption that the Allied storyline is the one that really occurred during the events of the game. The following storyline is what occurs in the Allied campaign
The Soviet Army's ground forces poured into the United States from Mexico, while naval and air forces attacked from all sides, making a major amphibious landing in the Northeast which quickly spread. The Soviets made several amphibious landings on the west coast and advanced inland hoping to capture several key American Air Bases. The scheme of Mutually Assured Destruction broke down: the United States' nuclear arsenal had been destroyed harmlessly in their silos, but the Soviets were unwilling to use full-scale strategic nuclear weapons against American forces, as they wanted to conquer the USA, not destroy it outright. Tactical nukes were used only sparingly by the Soviets.
Using the mind-control powers of Yuri's Psychic Corps, the Soviets converted civilians in conquered territory to total loyalty to the Soviet regime, thus stamping out most resistance before it started and allowing for rapid advancement from the Southwest onwards. Psychic beacons were also used to enable the rapid fall of New York City and Washington, D.C. President Dugan and the Pentagon's military command staff were briefly mind-controlled before being rescued and evacuated from Washington, D.C. before it totally fell to the Soviets. American government and military command relocated to Canada, and struggled in a rapidly losing fight.
The main thrust of the Soviet invasion spread from the Southwest across the Great Plains to the Mississippi, and covering over a quarter of the country, while the Cubans invaded Florida, and the amphibious Soviet salient in the Northeast spread in all directions. The opening wave of the Soviet attack on New York City resulted in the destruction of the Statue of Liberty. From Illinois, the Soviets mounted a drive on Chicago, an offensive which if it succeeded would cut the remaining free parts of the USA (in the Northwest and eastern seaboard) in two. The United States military staged an amphibious attack from across the Great Lakes to retake Chicago soon after the Soviets advanced into the city, and were successful in turning back their advance through the city. They stumbled upon the Soviet's Psychic Amplifier which could do to the country what the Psychic Beacon did to Washington and New York. The American Army succeeded in neutralizing the threat before the country and its leaders totally fell to the Soviets. However, the enraged Soviet General Vladimir ordered a full-scale nuclear bomb dropped on Chicago, destroying the entire American relief army as well as a large portion of the remaining Soviet troops in the city. This was the only time in the war that a full-scale nuclear weapon was used, in order to destroy a major US city. However the loss of Chicago was nothing compared to the loss of the whole nation. With Chicago in nuclear ruins, a major remaining American army destroyed, and the nation cut in two, the United States' situation was dire.
[편집] 제 2장: 유럽의 참전, 전세의 역전
However, the Soviets seemed to have bitten off more than they could chew. European countries such as the United Kingdom, France and Germany had up until this point been unwilling to enter the war to help the United States because they were afraid that in response the Soviet Union would attack them with ICBMs. But the nuclear bombing of Chicago frightened the European leaders, and they afterwards became receptive to American requests for aid. The European nations would join the war, contributing troops and funds, if a US commando mission led by agent Tanya was able to destroy the ICBM silos located along the Polish border. In one of the most important missions of the war, Tanya was successful in slipping her team past the border and destroying the missiles. The Soviets hid their remaining missiles deep inside Russia for safety, however this meant that they were out of range of any European targets and strategically worthless after this point.
The European entry into the war divided the Red Army between the North American and European fronts, taking pressure off of the USA. Perhaps more importantly, Professor Albert Einstein, working in his lab in the Black Forest of Germany, was able to develop new technologies to share with the Americans, such as Prism Tower technology to counter the threat of Soviet Tesla Coils. Using these new assets, American forces staged a large attack on Washington, D.C. and in the ensuing battle the capital was liberated. The tide slowly started turning against the Soviets.
During this time the Republic of Korea, afraid that Soviet warships may attack them, joined the Allies in fighting the Soviets. The Koreans mounted a surprise attack on Vladivostok, but after fierce fighting were repulsed. Despite the fact that the Korean offensive was a failure, The Soviets now had to defend their east coast, dividing their army more and putting pressure off the Europeans.
The Soviet Fleet then attacked Oahu, hoping to wipe out the US Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, and capture the Hawaiian islands in order to stage further attacks on the American west coast once they controlled the Pacific. While the Soviets were able to capture Kauai, they failed to capture Oahu and they were eventually repulsed. This devastated the Soviet Navy since many Soviet ships were sunk, and for the remainder of the war the Soviet Navy played no key role in fighting the Allied Forces.
With battle lines fluctuating, the Soviets mounted a counterattack against St. Louis, Missouri, using another Psychic Beacon to take control of the city. However, Tanya's commando team infiltrated the city and destroyed the Psychic Beacon located in the bombed out Busch Memorial Stadium, and conventional forces were then free to enter the city without fear of mind control. By this point the Allied army had adapted Einstein's Prism Tower technology into mobile Prism Tanks which served as a highly effective artillery unit, whose long range and heavy firepower proved devastating against enemy base defenses. St. Louis was liberated, and the Soviets were again forced into retreat. The Soviets did capture a Prism Tower from a west coast base and tried to reverse engineer it at a lab in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, hidden in the ancient Mayan city of Tulum. However, an assault by veteren American Navy SEALS and some of the population's local resistance freedom fighters were able to wipe out the lab. The Soviets had been completely removed from the Northeast, and were rapidly being pushed out of the few areas of California they still controlled.
[편집] 제 3장: 총계와, 초읽기 작업
By this point in the war, the continental United States had been liberated and US forces were pushing into Soviet-occupied Mexico, but internationally the World Socialist Alliance still held a strong hand. Using their Iraqi and Libyan allies the Soviets confused the Allies by not making a direct march westwards across Europe to Paris as they had done in the last war, but instead attacked through Italy and southern France, and soon Paris was besieged. Soviet Tesla troops rigged the Eiffel Tower into a gigantic Tesla Coil, foiling Allied counterattacks.
During this time, the Soviets started using suicide bombers in a campaign of assassination to take out top Allied generals. One of these attacks claimed the life of General Carville, US supreme commander.
Meanwhile, the Soviets realized that Einstein was greatly responsible for many of the new technologies that the Allies were using to counter the advanced tech the Soviets had ready at the beginning of the war, and that he was working on a new Chronosphere that would prove a grave threat to them. As a result, the Soviets mounted a massive drive from the Polish border westwards, which captured much of southern Germany, as they moved on the Black Forest in the southwest corner of the country (however, Berlin remained under Allied control). In a massive battle, the Soviets attacked Einstein's lab in a three pronged attack using their new Apocalypse tanks, the ultimate land weapons. The Soviets quickly crushed German Forces in the area. However, the Allies were able to stem the tide of the Soviet advance, thanks in no small part to Einstein's new Mirage Tanks, which were capable of disguising themselves as trees for surprise attacks. After a grueling battle, the Soviets were repulsed and Einstein's lab was secured.
[편집] 제 4장: 크로노 침략과 승리
Realizing it would take many years and cost many lives to defeat the Soviets using conventional weapons, the Allies developed the plan to use Einstein's new Chronosphere to chronoshift an invasion force into Moscow.
Unfortunately, Einstein determined that in order to do this, the Chronosphere would have to be constructed at the perfect place within Earth's magnetosphere, and this site turned out to be an island in the Florida Keys, "Only a few short kilometers from Soviet Cuba". The Soviets used fleets of subs and ships, amphibious assaults and endless paratroopers to destroy the surrounding American ore refineries in an attempt to surround the main U.S forces in the area. However, the Americans were able to repulse the attack and successfully construct a Chronosphere on the island. The Soviets, knowing all would be lost if the Chronosphere continued to stand, attempted to launch nuclear missiles off the coast of Cuba to eradicate the Allied Chronosphere. The Allies mounted air and amphibious assaults on Cuba to destroy the nuclear silos there. In the end, the missiles were disabled before the Chronosphere was destroyed.
With the Chronosphere completed, every able-bodied unit was rushed through the Chronosphere for a full-scale Chrono-invasion of Moscow. With the element of surprise and most of the Soviet army out in the field, the Allies were able to push through the city in a fierce urban battle. Even the last Soviet Iron Curtain and a functional Nuclear missile could not stop the determined Allied forces from reaching the Kremlin. Romanov could only look in despair as his most powerful units were being crushed by the Allied units. Eventually the Allied army was able to defeat the Elite Black Guard (which was composed of four elite Apocalypse tanks, two flak cannons, two sentry guns, two nuclear reactors and a tesla coil)units outside the Kremlin. Tanya then chronoshifted into Moscow, and she and her commando team stormed the Kremlin to capture Romanov (hiding under his desk, with his pants down)and forced him to surrender. However, Yuri was nowhere to be found....
[편집] 등장인물
[편집] 연합군
- Michael Dugan — President of the United States of America. Played by Ray Wise.
- Major General Carville — Highly-respected Texan general of the United States Army National Guard. Carville trains and commands new commanders in the military. Played by Barry Corbin.
- Special Agent Tanya Adams — United States commando of a voluptuous appearance who demands to undertake missions her way and with no meddling of any armchair strategist. Tanya first appears in the original Red Alert as a commando for the Allies: she can kill any infantry unit almost instantly and can destroy entire buildings and bridges just by getting close enough to them and attaching a C4 charge. In this game she is played by Kari Wührer.
- Professor Albert Einstein — Scientist who works for the United States. He is responsible for the removal of Adolf Hitler through time using the Chronosphere. He also developed prism technology to aide the Allies during the war. Played by Larry Gelman.
- Lt. Eva Lee — Intelligence advisor. She will guide the Allied player through the entire campaign and regularly provides first-hand mission briefings. Played by Athena Massey.
- General Lyon- Commander of the French Allied forces. He is only seen in one FMV, during which the player is in a meeting with other Allied leaders. He bears a resemblance to Charles de Gaulle, right down to his hat. He is played by Frank Bruynbroek.
- The British Prime Minister. She is seen in one FMV, and bears a resemblance to Margaret Thatcher.
- The German Chancellor. He is only seen in one FMV, where the player is briefed by the European leader and bears a resemblance to Helmut Kohl.
After Tanya disables the Nuclear Missiles, the Chancellor puts Allied Commanders in touch with Albert Einstein.
Note: Despite the fact that the Allies won in Red Alert, German Commander von Esling does not appear, and he is assumed to have retired after the last war. Greek Commander Stavros does not appear either since Greece was destroyed during the beginning of the last war, and it is assumed that Greece was rebuilding during the course of Red Alert 2.
[편집] 소비에트
- Alexander Romanov — Premier of the Soviet Union. A distant relative of the last Russian Czar, Romanov became a Bolshevik, and was appointed by the Allied commanders to (presumably) be the puppet head of the Soviet Union. Instead, he forms the World Socialist Alliance and begins a new war against the United States. His character is played by Nicholas Worth.
- Yuri — Alexander Romanov's aide-de-camp. Yuri's arch-nemesis within the Soviet ranks is General Vladimir. Yuri is responsible for psychic technology the Soviets use to gain control of their enemies. His loyalty to Romanov is questionable and Vladimir is quite suspicious. Played by Udo Kier. Yuri also has a strong resemblance to Vladimir Lenin and Grigori Rasputin. In one of the Soviet campaign briefings, Yuri displays a photo of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin that has been doctored so that Yuri's photo is in place of Lenin's.
- General Vladimir - A loyal general of the Soviet Union. Vladimir is most suspicious of Yuri's intentions and is eventually proclaimed traitor by Yuri. He is the one who leads the attack on the Allied Naval base in Florida. Played by Adam Greggor.
- Lt. Zofia — The Soviet equivalent of Lt. Eva. She is the advisor of the Soviet Commander. Played by Aleksandra Kaniak.
Note: Since Red Alert 2 continues from the Allied forces winning it is assumed that Nadia, Gradenko and Kukov were killed, despite their deaths only being shown in FMVs for the Soviet campaign. In the final Allied mission for Red Alert the Kremlin was destroyed with only Stalin remaining and Greek Commander Stavros killing Stalin shortly after his men found him.
[편집] 참전 국가들
Just like both World Wars both the Allies and Soviets have other nations joining their cause. Each country has a specific unit although only available through multiplayer in Red Alert 2. In Yuri's Revenge some of the country specific units appear in the missions. Each country has their own special unit that can be acquired by constructing an air force command center (allies), or a radar dome (soviets).
[편집] 연합국측
The Allied forces focus on lightning fast attacks and military intelligence in order to win. The European nations from Red Alert with the exception of Greece join the United States along with The Republic of Korea to fight the Soviet onslaught.
- 미국 - 낙하산 부대. Similar to airborne forces, they can be dropped out of cargo planes anywhere on the map, after which they behave like normal GI units. Unlike other countries, who can only obtain paratroopers (Airborne ability) by capturing a neutral airport building, United States automatically receives the ability to paradrop periodically for free after the construction of their airforce command center. The Paratrooper ability has a minor advantage over the Airborne ability in that it can drop in three more reinforcing units than the latter, totaling nine units instead of six. Also, if an American player captures a neutral airport, they will receive the Airborne ability in addition to the Paratrooper ability they receive as part of their country bonus.
- 프랑스 - 그랜드 캐논. A large, long-range defensive cannon with moderate rate of fire. Deals considerable damage to both tanks and infantry. However, it cannot fire at air units. Grand Cannons can also damage friendly units standing too close to where it is firing at. It has a minimum firing range, so it will be unable to fire upon any unit standing close to it.
- 독일 - 구축 전차. A dedicated anti-vehicle vehicle, its armor-piercing shells can quickly destroy any vehicle. When these units are deployed properly, they can even devastate Apocalypse tanks. However, these units are almost useless when firing upon infantry and buildings.
- 영국 - 저격병. Similar to Tanya or Navy SEALS, their rifle is able to kill almost any type of infantry in one shot, but is ineffective against vehicles. Unlike Tanya or Navy SEALS, snipers have very long firing range, although they possess a much slower rate of fire and are also ineffective against buildings.
- 한국 - 보라매 전투기. A stronger, faster and tougher version of the standard Allied Harrier unit, whose missiles also deal more damage. The Black Eagle is the same price as a regular harrier, but its increased firepower makes careful use of air power a realistic option for players.
[편집] Soviets
The Soviet Union focus on pure power and sheer numbers to overwhelm the enemy. The union of Soviet nations in game is explained as a "World Socialist Alliance" that Russia built up since the last war, ostensibly for foreign aide to other socialist countries but which was really a front for a new military alliance to attack the Allies.
- Russia - Tesla Tanks. Whereas the previous Tesla tank in Red Alert 1 was not really a tank but a halftrack (and the prototypes modified captured Allied radar jammers) this new Tesla tank has a full-tracked chassis and twin Tesla 'cannons', making it a true Tesla tank. A mobile, scaled down version of a Tesla Coil is mounted on this tank, which is not as powerful as that of a Tesla Coil defensive structure but more powerful than those used by Tesla Troopers. Damaging to vehicles, infantry, and tanks, Tesla Tanks can fire over walls at their targets.
- Cuba - Terrorists. A suicide bomber, the terrorist is an infantry unit that will run up to enemy units or buildings and blow himself up. Standard Crazy Ivan units also explode when they die, but cannot intentionally self-destruct like terrorists can (unlike Crazy Ivans they cannot plant bombs on other things). Terrorists cost 2/6 the amount of money that Crazy Ivans do, equal to double the cost of a basic Conscript infantry unit, allowing them to be produced en masse. The destructive power of their explosion isn't quite as powerful as that of a dying Crazy Ivan, however while Crazy Ivan is one of the slowest units in the game, terrorists are very fast, allowing them to quickly close in on enemy units.
- Iraq - Desolators. Uses radiation-based attacks, and wear armored suits (similar to the Tesla Troopers) which render them immune to damage from surrounding radiation. They are armed with a "rad gun" which fires a bolt of radiation that is devastating against enemy infantry, though it cannot damage buildings. The Desolator unit is able to deploy (special in-game command) and use their "blacklight" weapon, which spreads a patch of radiation around them roughly the same size as that left by a nuclear missile detonation. This radiation patch will quickly kill any land based infantry unit, and slowly deteriorate the the health of vehicles (with the exception of terror drones and miners) inside the radiation range.
- Libya - Demolition Trucks. Function like the remote control demo truck in Red Alert 1 but have a smaller payload and a human driver. Suicide units, works like the Terrorists (self-destruct upon reaching target). The detonation of this unit is similar to the landing of a Soviet nuclear missile, although less powerful. But when combined with the Iron Curtain superweapon, they can severely devastate an enemy base.
[편집] Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge
- 이 부분의 본문은 Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge입니다.
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge is the expansion pack for Red Alert 2, released in 2001. It features a whole new faction: Yuri's psychic army, which is playable in multiplayer and skirmish modes. The Allies and Soviets each have a new singleplayer campaign of seven missions. The expansion also features upgrades to general game balance, and gives individual voices to each unit in the game.
[편집] 논쟁
Westwood found itself in a storm of controversy regarding Red Alert 2 after the events of September 11, due to the contents of both the game and its packaging, despite the fact that Red Alert 2 was released before the attack on the World Trade Center. In the first mission of the Soviet campaign, you are required to destroy the Pentagon, and in a later mission, capture the Allied Battle Lab at the base of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, once the Battle Lab is captured a Psychic Beacon is built between the twin towers, the player must then defend the Psychic Beacon for a given amount of time to complete the level. Destroying the two World Trade Center towers (or garrisoning Conscripts in them) in that mission made a crate from each of the towers appear. One crate contained funds for building more units and the other made all of the player's nearby units stronger. In addition, the original packaging for Red Alert 2 had a hinged cover that would open to show a scene of New York City under attack by Soviet forces, with the Twin Towers in the center of the image. Westwood immediately pulled all remaining copies of Red Alert 2 in the original packaging from stores, and retooled the box art before reissuing the game. (Note that the game is not 'outdated' by the attacks, as it takes place in an alternate history.) None of the game's content was changed (except for the names of famous landmarks, see below).
Later versions of the game (after patch) would rename the World Trade Center and other famous landmarks (Arc de Triomphe for one) to more generic names (Arch of Winning for example). This has, ironically, caused a bit of controversy among fans who prefer the original "canon" names; fan made patches are available to restore the original authentic names.
[편집] 게임 균형
Like previous Command & Conquer games, the two factions in Red Alert 2 have unique armies with their own strengths and weaknesses. To achieve victory, a player must play to his or her faction's strengths and exploit the other faction's weaknesses.
The primary advantages of the Allied forces are:
- Military Intelligence: The Allies can build two structures which function in an intelligence role: The GAP Generator, which blankets the surrounding area in shroud, making it impossible for the enemy to see what is in the area unless he or she explores it with land units, and the Spy Satellite Uplink, which allows the player to see everything in the game arena, except where shroud is being generated by the enemy. Once the Allies have constructed an Allied Battle Lab, they can produce a unit called the Mirage Tank, which disguises itself as a tree when it is not moving or firing its weapon.
- Mobility: Almost all the Allied land units are very fast, while the Soviet units are slower. This gives them an improved ability to use guerrilla tactics, as their units can destroy an undefended target of opportunity and escape before the enemy can bring reinforcements to the area. The Allies can build a helicopter that does not appear on enemy radar that can transport up to five infantry units around the battlefield, called the Nighthawk Transport Helicopter. A common tactic for Allied commander is to place engineers in the Nighthawk and use them to capture and then sell enemy buildings. One of the allied superweapons, the Chronosphere can teleport groups of vehicles around the battlefield.
- Air Superiority: The Allied air force consists of Harriers and Rocketeers. Although both units are vulnerable to Soviet air defenses, their high speed and, in the case of the Harrier, high firepower, allows them to strike targets of opportunity. The only Soviet air unit is the Kirov Airship, which, despite its offensive power, lacks air-to-air combat ability or the speed to attack mobile units. The Kirov is also one of the most expensive units in the game, costing $2000 to produce.
- Efficient Ore Miners: The Allied ore miner, the Chrono Miner, has the ability to teleport back to the Ore Refinery, cutting its travel time in half. To compensate for this, the Chrono Miner can only carry half the load of the Soviet War Miner. The Allies can also construct the Ore Purifier, this building increases the amount of money the Allied player receives when a Chrono Miner unloads its resources.
The Soviet forces, on the other hand, have the following advantages:
- Tanks: The Rhino Tank is the backbone of the Soviet army. It is more expensive than the Allied Grizzly Tank, and does not move as fast, but its superior armor and weapons make up for this. To engage a Soviet force of Rhino Tanks using only Grizzly Tanks with no other advantage (such as strategic location or infantry support) is a foolhardy tactic for an Allied player. Once the Allied player has constructed a Battle Lab and has begun producing Mirage Tanks, this advantage lessens, although the Soviet Battle Lab allows the construction of an extremely powerful assault tank, the Apocalypse, which can reduce just about any allied vehicle into scrap metal with 1 to 2 rounds. However, this tank costs 1750 where the mirage tanks cost 1000 each, and while 1 on 1 the Apocalypse should win in normal conditions, en masse it is more likely the Mirage Tanks will win as they are harder to target; units will not automatically target a Mirage Tank as with other units, so the player must aim for them.
- Anti-Aircraft capability: While the Allies have the only fast-moving attack aircraft in the game, the Soviet forces have superior anti-aircraft weapons. Soviet AA is mostly flak cannons in various sizes, ranging from shoulder-mounted to naval cannons. The Soviet anti-aircraft weapons are the Flak Trooper, a soldier with a shoulder-fired flak cannon, the Flak Track, a half-track APC, the flak cannon, a stationary defense and the Sea Scorpion, a small, fast boat with an extremely powerful, rapid-fire flak weapon. The Apocalypse tank also has the ability to fire missiles and take down air units. Allied air units tend to move en masse, and because almost all Soviet anti-aircraft weapons do splash damage, a deceptively small number of anti-aircraft weapons can inflict costly losses to an enemy's air force. Also flak weapons are somewhat inaccurate, having a 50/50% chance of missing its airborne target. If the enemy player chooses to invest too much money in an airforce, except in prolonged games, the Soviet forces will be able to overrun the allied player with tanks.
- Cheap infantry: The Soviet Conscript is half the price of the Allied GI. Once a Cloning Vat has been constructed, the player receives one free infantry unit for every one that is built, effectively halving the cost of infantry again.(The cloning vat in Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge has been moved to the Yuri side, and replaced with the Industrial Plant which reduces the cost and build time of units built from the War Factory by 25 percent.) This opens up a wide range of otherwise-expensive tactics to the Soviet player (like garrisoning conscripts in buildings, which is a wise tactic, especially in urban combat maps.)
- Siege weapons: The Soviet army can build the V3 Truck, a portable long-range missile launcher that outranges all defensive structures, even the French Grand Cannon. If an enemy has invested a lot of money in ground defensive structures, they will be vulnerable to Soviet attacks. The Soviet Dreadnought naval unit is also an effective siege weapon, capable of firing two powerful missiles at a very long range. When these 2 weapons are promoted to elite ranks, their missiles gain mini-nuclear warheads in their missiles which are highly devestating to all structures, even heavily armored ones. But due to the slow flying speed of missiles, it can be intercepted by various Allied's SAM.
- Kirov Airship: The Kirov Airship is a large and expensive zeppelin. It is used by the Soviet side as a bomber aircraft. They are able to withstand large amounts of enemy firepower and each bomb can damage an enemy building severely. Their main drawback is that they are very slow and most are shot down before they get to their target. Nevertheless, used in a massed attack, they are almost unstoppable, and ensure the destruction of enemy infrastructure. Kirovs also begin dropping their payload before they reach their target, which can result in damage to the surrounding area.
Kirov Airships are probably named after one of the Bolshevik revolutionaries, Sergei Kirov.
Kirovs also appear in the introduction sequence to the game in a CGI sequence. The airships are seen flying alongside skyscrapers in what seems to be New York City and are reflected in the window glass. The overall effect is rather ominous and a Kirov is given the honour of flying across the screen (causing it to darken) and allowing the words "Westwood Studios proudly presents," to appear on the apparent underside of the airship. The Kirov costs $2000 and can only be built if the player has a Soviet War Factory and a Soviet Battle Lab constructed.
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- The World Trade Center, although mentioned in pre-mission briefings, is identified by tooltips as a simple "building". Other monuments in the game are identified by name. This was changed in the patch, if the player updates his or her game, all famous monuments retain their actual names.
- The Pentagon is destroyed in four segments, not five, though the building graphic does indeed have five sides. This owes to the fact that due to in-game constraints, the Pentagon is made up of four separate buildings placed together to form a square, with each of the four buildings containing a portion of the Pentagon.
- The ribbons that General Carville, Lieutenant Sofia, Lieutenant Eva, and General Vladimir wear on their uniforms are JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) awards and merits.
- In the Soviet Mission in Paris The Eiffel Tower is called The Paris Tower. The game's tower has only three sides and looks very different from the actual tower, including a bulbous upper deck and large, circular floors jutting out from the metal frame. In addition, the Arc de Triomphe is called 'The Paris Arch of Winning', which is also very different from the actual arch, as well as being far from its actual location. This does not tally with cutscene reports which show the real Arc de Triomphe. It is possible that the game's arch is simply a new structure built in the alternate Paris of the game. An early screenshot of the game shows the real-life Eiffel Tower in Paris, but in the released version of the game, the tower is far from realistic.
- Some voice actors for the units in Red Alert 2 also contributed to the unit voices in Emperor: Battle for Dune (most notably the Allied Nighthawk Transport Helicopter and the Atreides Sonic Tank.) Nicholas Worth (actor for Premier Romanov) also plays the Atreides Mentat in Emperor: Battle for Dune and General Marzaq in Tiberian Sun Firestorm.
- The Allied Spy can be disguised as any infantry-class unit (Including all Animals except Squid and Dolphins.).
- The storyline for the original Red Alert established that World War II has never taken place, because a time-travelling Einstein eliminated Adolf Hitler. However, there are several problems with this:
- In Europe, Germany and Poland have their post-1945 borders instead of the historical 1939 borders. This problem also exists in the first Red Alert game, which is even more strange considering that the post-1945 borders are the direct result of arbitrary decisions by a victorious Stalin after the end of WWII. Also, Yugoslavia is presented both as a union state and as separate republics on the maps.
- The main land siege weapon for the Soviets is called the V3 Launcher. The V1 and V2 were developed by the Germans during World War 2 (although in Red Alert the Soviets have a V-2 Rocket Launcher). The real V3 cannon was also a large cannon as opposed to simply an improved version of the V2 rocket, as implied in Red Alert 2.
- One allied mission features the Pearl Harbor base. In that mission there exists an "Arizona Memorial", as a result of the Pearl Harbor Attack in WWII, which never should have took place. It should be noted, however, that while the removal of Hitler might prevent the Nazi party from coming to power, it does not prevent the Pacific War from having taken place.
- The opening Soviet mission has soviet troops attacking Washington DC. In this mission they overrun the Iwo Jima memorial. If World War II never happened, then there would be no memorial. It should be noted, again, that while the removal of Hitler might prevent the Nazi party from coming to power, it does not prevent the Pacific War from having taken place.
- In the first mission of the Allied Campaign in the Yuri's Revenge expansion it is clearly visible that Professor Einstein is using the Star Wars Comtech device as a remote controller.
- In the movie of the Soviet mission #12, Lt. Zofia informs that the Allied Chronosphere is near Point Hope, Alaska. However, the map shows Anchorage, which is very far away from the real location.
- In the Allied mission #12, when Special Agent Tanya enters the Kremlin to arrest Premier Romanov, there is a picture of Konstantin Chernenko in the hallway. However, he did not hold the office until February 9, 1984. (Magazines seen in in-game movies indicate the date as July 31, 1972.) Furthermore, there is small statue-head of Leon Trotsky in some of the Soviet missions, in spite of the Soviet government's historical animosity toward him under Stalin and his successors.
- An assistant in one of the FMVs with President Dugan bears a strong resemblance to Monica Lewinsky. In the scene the president briefly flirts with her.
- Even though the Soviet Union in Red Alert 2 is a whole state (according to FMVs), only the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is playable in Skirmish, a similar error appeared in the original Red Alert, where the Ukrainian SSR and the Russian SFSR are playable. Maps also show the SSRs as post-1991 in date and with separate borders.
- The archived footage of "Red Square" parades in two of the Soviet missions is actually of parades taking place in Palace Square in St. Petersburg.
- Lieutenant Eva on the Allied campaign is actually wearing Lieutenant Colonel ranks (a silver maple leaf) on her blouse collar.
- In the game's opening FMV, one of the lieutenants at the missile command station addresses the other officer as "Jerry." His nameplate clearly reads "Boyd." This identifies the lieutenant as Jerry Boyd. Air Force junior officers routinely call each other by their first names when they hold the same rank.
- In one FMV sequence, Yuri shows the player a picture of him sitting with Stalin. This is a doctored image where Yuri has taken the place of Lenin. The picture of Lenin and Stalin, however, was itself a doctored image created by Stalin to perpetuate the myth that he and Lenin were close friends. Consequently, neither of the people in Yuri's photo were in the original image.
- In Red Alert 2, Yuri explains that he has mind-controlled Giant Squids for the Soviets. However, in Yuri's Revenge these squids remain with the Soviets, who no longer have the necessary mind-control technology.