User:Leonardo Alves
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[edit] About Me
My name is Leonardo Marcondes Alves, wandered in so many Psychology, Letras (Linguistic/Literature) and ultimately in Anthropology.
I am interested in Ethnic Pentecostal Movements, specially in the Italian Pentecostal Movement, and I am making a research on this subject.
[edit] Interests
My interests are very broad, for instance, some of my favorite topics:
- Bible
- Anthropology
- Languages & Linguistics, Writing Systems
- Immigration issues,
- Utopia & Dystopia
- World Literature
- Political Oddities
- Conservative Christianity (Anabaptist, Brethren, Amish, Mennonite, Apostolic Christian Church, Exclusive and Open Brethren, Slavic Evangelicals, Armenian Evangelicals, Assyrian Evangelicals, Primitive Baptists, etc)
- Unique ethnic groups and cultures like the Miskitos, Vlach, Gypsies etc
[edit] Languages
I speak English, Portuguese, Italian and I can handle some French, Spanish, Brasilianhunsrückisch German, Hebrew and Koine Greek.
[edit] My Contributions
I've contributed in many articles, not only at the English Wikipedia but also in the Portuguese, Italian and French ones. You can find some of them at:
Forgotten Brazilian scientists and inventorss
- Luso-American
- Lusitanic
- Portuguese-Americans
- Brazilian-American
- Brazilian diaspora
- Portuguese in the United States
- Portinglês
- Pampas Republic
- Deutschbrasilianer
- Blond Eskimos
- Quebec emigration
- Spanish and Portuguese Jews
- Judeo-Portuguese
- Samaritans
- Native American Spirituality Movements
- Knanaya
[edit] Biography
- Mordecai Manuel Noah
- George Fox
- Ludmila Javorová
- John Glas
- Chief Rabbi Jacob Joseph
- Rabbi Marc D. Angel
- Louis Francescon
- Joseph C. Dylkes
[edit] Sacred Texts
[edit] Rituals
[edit] Religious Movements
- Adamites
- American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church
- Assemblies of God
- Assemblies of God International Fellowship
- International Assemblies of God Fellowship
- United Pentecostal Council of the Assemblies of God, Incorporated
- Brazil for Christ Pentecostal Church
- Christian Church of North America
- Christian Congregation of Brazil
- Circumcellion
- English Dissenters
- Evangelical Orthodox Church
- Italo-Greek Orthodox Church
- History of the Orthodox Church in Italy
- Huguenot
- Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy
- Karamanli Turkish Orthodox Church
- Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church
- Muggletonian
- National church
- Nonconformism
- Pure Church of Christ
- Reformed Church in Hungary
- Rogerenes
- Swiss Reformed Church
- Church of Tuvalu
- Waldensians
- Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia
- Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church
- Evangelical Church of Egypt (Synod of the Nile)
- Assembleias de Deus
- Pentecostal Assemblies of God of America
- World Assemblies of God Fellowship
[edit] Miscelanea
[edit] HISTORY
- Timeline of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact
- Category:Jewish State
- Ararat, City of Refuge
- Timeline of colonization of North America
- Padeira of Aljubarrota
[edit] LINKS
Personal Site
Social Networks
[edit] Book List
Well, abusing a little of Wikipedia resources, I'm posting my suggestion of reading list.
Mesopotamian Literature
Egyptian Literature
Greek Literature
- Euripedes - The Bacchae
- Aesop - Fables
- Aristophanes - Lysistrata Ecclesiazousae The Frogs
- Sophocles - Oedipus the King, Antigone, Electra
- Plato - Dialogues
- Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics Metaphysics
- Herodotus- The Histories
- Hesiod - Theogony
- Homer - Illiad Odyssey
- Plotinus - Enneads
- Menander -The Girl from Samos or Dyskolos
Ancient Persian Literature
- Zoroaster et al. - Avesta
- Cyrus - Cyrus Cylinder
Roman Literature
- Virgil - Aeneid
- Horace
- Ovid - Metamorphoses
- Cicero - Catiline Orations
- Petronius - Satyricon
- Seneca - De Providentia, Sayings
- Apuleius - The Golden Ass
- Juvenal - Satires
Hebrew Literature
- Tanakh
- Ancient Secular Jewish Writers
- Philo - On the Creation, Metaphysics, Allegories
- Flavius Josephus - Jewish Antiquities, Jewish Wars
- Talmud: Rabbinical Literature
- Jewish Apocrypha
- Medieval Hebrew Literature
Christian Literature
- New Testament
- Christian Apocrypha
- Patristic
- Epistle to Diognetus
- Epistles of Clement
- Epistles of Ignatius
- The Epistle of Polycarp
- Martyrdom of Polycarp
- The Shepherd of Hermas
- The fragments of Papias and Quadratus of Athens
- Irenaeus
- Tertullian
- Origen
- Eusebius
- Ambrose
- Augustin - Cofessiones - City of God - Against Haeresies
- Ancient creeds
Medieval Literature
- Carmina Burana
- Pierre Abelard - Historia Calamitatum The Letters of Abelard and Heloise
- Beowulf
- Nibelungenlied
- Chanson de Roland
- Geoffrey Chaucer - Canterbury Tales
- Various Tristan
- Marco Polo Il Milione
- Cantigas de Santa Maria
- Cantigas d'escarnio e maldicer
- Giovanni Boccaccio - Decameron
- Cantar de Mio Cid
- Thomas à Kempis - Imitation of Christ
- John Wycliffe - Trialogus
- Jan Hus - De sufficientia legis Christi, De fidei suae elucidatione, De pace, de ecclesia
- Martin Luther
- 95 Theses
- Smalcald Articles
- Small Catechism
- Large Catechism
- Babylonian Captivity
- Freedom of a Christian
- To the German Nobility
- Against the Murderous, Thieving Peasants
- A Mighty Fortress
- John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion, Commentaries on the Scriptures
- Confessions from the Reformation
- Spanish Mystics: Teresa of Ávila, San Juan de la Cruz
- Radical Reformers
- Andreas Karlstadt Vom Abtun der Bilder,Vom dem Tauff
- Schleitheim Confession
- Dordrecht Confession of Faith
- Thieleman J. van Braght Martyrs Mirror
- John Bunyan - The Pilgrim's Progress
- George Fox - Journal
Renaissance literature
- Giovanni Boccaccio - Decameron
- Macchiavelli - The Prince
- Dante - Commedia
- Erasmus - In Praise of Folly
- Thomas More- Utopia
- Francois Rabelais - Gargantua, Pantagruel
- William Shakespeare
- Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres
- John Milton - Paradise Lost
- Cervantes - Don Quixote
- Camoes
- Moliere - The Misanthrope , Les Précieuses ridicules
- La Fontaine - Fables
Romantic era: European XIX
- Goethe
- Schiller
- Mary Shelley-Frankenstein
- Byron Don Juan
- Alexandre Dumas, père
- Victor Hugo
- Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
- Charles Dickens
- Jules Verne
- Conan Doyle
- H. Rider Haggard
- Rudyard Kipling
- Robert Louis Stevenson
*Frances Hodgson Burnett
North-American Literature
- Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays
- Walt Whitman
- Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter
- Herman Melville Moby-Dick
- Edgar Allen Poe Tales
- Henry David Thoreau Walden
- Mark Twain
- William Faulkner
- Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea
- John O'Hara
- Dan Brown - The DaVinci Code
Modern European Literature
- Franz Kafka
- James Joyce
- George Orwell 1984
- Milan Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being
- Aldous Huxley- Brave New World
- Nikos Kazantzakis-Zorba the Greek
- Arthur C. Clarke- 2001 - A Space Odyssey
- Umberto Eco
- Il Nome della Rosa
- Baudolino
- Il Pendolo di Faucalt
- Jostein Gaarder Sophie's World
- Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange
Jewish Secular Literature
- Sholem Aleichem - Tevye
- Isaac Bashevis Singer -
- Moacyr Scliar
- Anne Frank - The Diary of Anne Frank
- Chaim Potok - The Chosen
Portuguese & Brazilian Literature
Literature in Spanish
- Jorge Luis Borges
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Cien Anos de Soledad
- Isabel Allende
- Anonymous Lazarillo de Tormes
- Federico Garcia Lorca
Russian Literature
- Pushkin Tales Eugene Onegin
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Leo Tolstoy
- War and Peace
- Anna Karenina
- Short Novels
- Anton Chekhov The Tales
- Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
- Boris Pasternack Doctor Zhivago
Arabic & Islamic Literature
- Quran
- Rumi
- Khalil Gibran
- Anonymous Thousand and One Nights
Non- Fiction Thoughts, Philosophical, Political and Scientific Works
- Montaigne - Essays
- Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
- Descartes - Discourse on Method
- Blaise Pascal - Pensees
- Baruch Spinoza - Ethics
- Montesquieu-De l'esprit des lois
- Adam Smith- Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
- Immanuel Kant - A Critique of Pure Reason
- Various - The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America
- David Hume -Treatises
- Charles Darwin -The Voyage of the Beagle
- Karl Marx
- Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time
- Freud
- William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience
Books to read