List of Final Fantasy II locations
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The world of Square Co., Ltd.'s computer role-playing game Final Fantasy II is a diverse landscape of cities and sprawling landscapes that sets the stage for an epic battle between people and Empire. Here are a list of the major locations the player is likely to encounter along the course of the game.
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[edit] Fynn
The kingdom of Fynn (フィン Fin?) lies on the shores of a lake far to the south of Palamecia. The king of Fynn, after realizing the full intentions of the rapidly-expanding Palamecian Empire, began an active rebellion in his country. Unfortunately, Fynn was quickly occupied through a surprise attack by Imperial forces, facilitated by the traitorous Borghen. With their kingdom occupied by the Empire, the people of Fynn were forced to flee to the south, past Imperial grasp, to the secluded city of Altair. Wounded in the escape, the King of Fynn was forced to let his daughter, Princess Hilda, assume control of the rebel forces. After a lengthy struggle, Hilda (along with considerable help by player-controlled characters Firion, Maria, and Guy), eventually succeeded in retaking Castle Fynn and reestablishing control over the nation. The royal insignia of the kingdom of Fynn is the Wild Rose.
[edit] Altair
Altair (アルテア Arutea?) is a small town south of Fynn. Hilda and the surviving members of the resistance fled here after the Imperial attack on Fynn left them without a base of operations. Firion, Maria, and Guy found themselves here after being badly wounded during their attempted escape from the fighting. The rebellion used Altair as their base until reacquiring Fynn from the Empire. During the course of its bid at world domination, the Empire bombed Altair (among other small cities) with its Dreadnought, and eventually destroyed the town completely with a massive cyclone, conjured by the Emperor himself.
[edit] Gatrea
A small hamlet, Gatrea (ガテア Gatea?) is situated slightly south of Fynn in the midst of a lakeside forest. The rebel forces set up their camp across the river from Gatrea in preparation for the retaking of Castle Fynn. Like countless other towns, Gatrea was bombed by the Dreadnought and subsequently destroyed by the Emperor's magical cyclone.
[edit] Paloom
A port town to the east of Altair, Paloom (パルム Parumu?) accessible through the continent only by way of canoe. Ships ran on regular routes from Paloom to the northeastern port of Poft, as well as south to the dragoon isle of Deist. Paloom was home to many pirates and seafaring men until it was destroyed by the Emperor in his quest for glory.
[edit] Poft
Another port town, Poft (ポフト Pofuto?) lies to the north of Paloom and provides ocean access to the nearby cities of Salamand and Bafsk. Cid, a former citizen of the Kingdom of Fynn, left his home country to research the construction of airships in Poft. Cid offered the services of his personal airship to anyone for the right price in Poft's local pub until lending the vessel to Firion, Maria, and Guy after being mortally wounded in an Imperial attack.
[edit] Salamand
Nestled in the northern mountains, Salamand (サラマンド Saramando?) is a quiet, snowy mining town. The men of Salamand were enslaved by the Empire and forced to mine for mythril at Semitt Falls to provide a constant supply of metal to the army. Josef, who aided Firion, Maria, and Guy at several points during their quest, was a loyal citizen of Salamand and kept the townspeoples' morale high through thick and thin.
[edit] Semitt Falls
A cave southwest of Salamand, rich in the legendary metal mythril. The people of Salamand were enslaved to mine mythril for the Imperial army in these caves until Firion, Maria, and Guy freed them from the grasp of their oppressors and claimed the mythril veins for the rebellion. Josef also kept his snowcraft stored in a hidden location within Semitt Falls for use in exploring the vast tundra to the north of the cavern.
[edit] Deist
An island in the northeastern corner of the world map, Deist (ディスト Disuto?) is home to the legendary dragoons and wyverns. Rumor has it that the Empire attacked and killed everyone there. Return here after Ricard dies and ask the woman about dragoons. She will begin to leave but before she does she gives you Excalibur
[edit] Bafsk
Bafsk (バフスク Bafusuku?) is a town east of Poft. The Empire's Dark Knight enslaved the entire population and forced them to work on the Dreadnaught, which is said to be kept in a valley north of the town.
[edit] Mysidia
Mysidia (ミシディア Mishidia?) is a city of mages to the south. They supposedly decided to live there so as not to endanger the rest of the world with their magic.
[edit] Mysidia Cave
A cave east of Mysidia that houses the crysal rod, which is needed to unlock the seal on the Mysidia Tower.
[edit] Mysidia Tower
A tower isolated on an island north of Mysidia. It houses the Ultima Tome -- the ultimate magic. Leviathan, the sea god, is said to dislike trespassers to this tower.
[edit] Palamecia
Palamecia (パラメキア Paramekia?) is an arena near Palamecia Castle. The emperor promises a fabulous prize to the warrior who can defeat the Behemoth.
[edit] Palamecia Castle
The Empire's base of operations, to the southwest. It is said to be impregnable by land or sea. The goddess of the wind Kamkoi, resides there.
[edit] Castle Pandaemonium
The castle that is said to be a gate to hell. Only those who sell their soul to the devil can call forth this castle to the world above.
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