List of indices of freedom
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There are several non-governmental organizations that publish and maintain assessments of the state of freedom in the world and rank countries as being free, partly free, or unfree using various measures of freedom, including political rights, economic rights, and civil liberties.
- Freedom in the World published by Freedom House ranks countries by political rights and civil liberties that are derived in large measure from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Countries are assessed as free, partly free, or unfree.
- The Index of Economic Freedom is an annual report published by The Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation. Countries are assessed as free, mostly free, mostly unfree, and unfree.
- Worldwide Press Freedom Index is published by Reporters Without Borders. Countries are assessed as having a good situation, a satisfactory situation, noticeable problems, a difficult situation, or a very serious situation.
- The Economic Freedom of the World Index is a report published by the Fraser Institute. It is a numeric index and its results are not (yet) included in the table below.
[edit] Current assessments
Here is a table of the assessments in each index for most countries of the world. For exact rankings rather than assessments, refer to the individual index articles.
Index | Scale | |||||||||
Freedom in the World | free | partly free | not free | |||||||
Index of Economic Freedom | free | mostly free | mostly unfree | unfree | ||||||
Worldwide Press Freedom Index | good | satisfactory | problems | difficult | very serious |
Country | Freedom House | Economic Freedom | Press Freedom |
Afghanistan | partly free | n/a | noticeable problems |
Albania | partly free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Algeria | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Andorra | free | n/a | n/a |
Angola | not free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Antigua and Barbuda | free | n/a | n/a |
Argentina | free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Armenia | partly free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Australia | free | free | satisfactory situation |
Austria | free | free | good situation |
Azerbaijan | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Bahamas | free | mostly free | n/a |
Bahrain | partly free | mostly free | difficult situation |
Bangladesh | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Barbados | free | mostly free | n/a |
Belarus | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Belgium | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Belize | free | mostly free | n/a |
Benin | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Bhutan | not free | n/a | difficult situation |
Bolivia | partly free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Botswana | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Brazil | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Brunei | not free | n/a | n/a |
Bulgaria | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Burkina Faso | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Myanmar | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
Burundi | partly free | n/a | noticeable problems |
Cambodia | not free | mostly free | difficult situation |
Cameroon | not free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Canada | free | free | good situation |
Cape Verde | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Central African Republic | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Chad | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Chile | free | free | satisfactory situation |
People's Republic of China (mainland only) | not free | mostly unfree | very serious situation |
Colombia | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Comoros | partly free | n/a | noticeable problems |
Costa Rica | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Côte d'Ivoire | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Congo-Brazzaville | not free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Congo-Kinshasa | not free | n/a | difficult situation |
Croatia | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Cuba | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
Cyprus | free | free | n/a |
Czech Republic | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Denmark | free | free | good situation |
Djibouti | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Dominica | free | n/a | n/a |
Dominican Republic | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
East Timor | partly free | n/a | satisfactory situation |
Ecuador | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Egypt | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
El Salvador | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Equatorial Guinea | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Eritrea | not free | n/a | very serious situation |
Estonia | free | free | good situation |
Ethiopia | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Fiji | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Finland | free | free | good situation |
France | free | free | satisfactory situation |
Gabon | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Gambia | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Georgia | partly free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Germany | free | free | good situation |
Ghana | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Greece | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Grenada | free | n/a | satisfactory situation |
Guatemala | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Guinea | not free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Guinea-Bissau | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Guyana | free | mostly unfree | n/a |
Haiti | partly free | unfree | difficult situation |
Honduras | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Hong Kong | partly free | free | satisfactory situation |
Hungary | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Iceland | free | free | good situation |
India | free | mostly unfree | some problems |
Indonesia | free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Iran | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
Iraq | not free | n/a | difficult situation |
Republic of Ireland | free | free | good situation |
Israel | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Italy | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Jamaica | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Japan | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Jordan | partly free | mostly free | difficult situation |
Kazakhstan | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Kenya | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Kiribati | free | n/a | n/a |
Kuwait | partly free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Kyrgyzstan | partly free | mostly free | difficult situation |
Laos | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
Latvia | free | mostly free | good situation |
Lebanon | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Lesotho | free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Liberia | partly free | n/a | difficult situation |
Libya | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
Liechtenstein | free | n/a | n/a |
Lithuania | free | mostly free | good situation |
Luxembourg | free | free | n/a |
Republic of Macedonia | partly free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Madagascar | partly free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Malawi | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Malaysia | partly free | mostly free | difficult situation |
Maldives | not free | n/a | very serious situation |
Mali | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Malta | free | mostly free | n/a |
Marshall Islands | free | n/a | n/a |
Mauritania | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Mauritius | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Mexico | free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Federated States of Micronesia | free | n/a | n/a |
Moldova | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Monaco | free | n/a | n/a |
Mongolia | free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Morocco | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Mozambique | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Namibia | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Nauru | free | n/a | n/a |
Nepal | partly free | mostly unfree | very serious situation |
Netherlands | free | free | good situation |
New Zealand | free | free | good situation |
Nicaragua | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Niger | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Nigeria | partly free | unfree | difficult situation |
North Korea | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
Norway | free | mostly free | good situation |
Oman | not free | mostly free | n/a |
Pakistan | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Palau | free | n/a | n/a |
Palestinian territories | partly free | n/a | difficult situation |
Panama | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Papua New Guinea | partly free | n/a | n/a |
Paraguay | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Peru | free | mostly free | difficult situation |
Philippines | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Poland | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Portugal | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Qatar | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Republic of China (Taiwan Area only) | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Romania | free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Russia | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Rwanda | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | free | n/a | n/a |
Saint Lucia | free | n/a | n/a |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | free | n/a | n/a |
Samoa | free | n/a | n/a |
San Marino | free | n/a | n/a |
São Tomé and Príncipe | free | n/a | n/a |
Saudi Arabia | not free | mostly free | very serious situation |
Senegal | free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Serbia and Montenegro | free | n/a | noticeable problems |
Seychelles | partly free | n/a | noticeable problems |
Sierra Leone | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Singapore | partly free | free | difficult situation |
Slovakia | free | mostly free | good situation |
Slovenia | free | mostly free | good situation |
Solomon Islands | partly free | n/a | n/a |
Somalia | not free | n/a | difficult situation |
South Africa | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
South Korea | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Spain | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Sri Lanka | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Sudan | not free | n/a | difficult situation |
Suriname | free | mostly unfree | n/a |
Swaziland | not free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Sweden | free | free | good situation |
Switzerland | free | free | good situation |
Syria | not free | mostly unfree | very serious situation |
Taiwan | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Tajikistan | not free | unfree | noticeable problems |
Tanzania | partly free | mostly unfree | satisfactory situation |
Thailand | not free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Togo | not free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Tonga | partly free | n/a | difficult situation |
Trinidad and Tobago | free | mostly free | good situation |
Tunisia | not free | mostly unfree | very serious situation |
Turkey | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Northern Cyprus | free | n/a | noticeable problems |
Turkmenistan | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
Tuvalu | free | n/a | n/a |
Uganda | partly free | mostly free | noticeable problems |
Ukraine | free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
United Arab Emirates | not free | mostly free | difficult situation |
United Kingdom | free | free | good situation |
United States | free | free | satisfactory situation |
Uruguay | free | mostly free | satisfactory situation |
Uzbekistan | not free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Vanuatu | free | n/a | n/a |
Venezuela | partly free | unfree | noticeable problems |
Vietnam | not free | mostly unfree | very serious situation |
Yemen | partly free | mostly unfree | difficult situation |
Zambia | partly free | mostly unfree | noticeable problems |
Zimbabwe | not free | unfree | very serious situation |
According to the rankings of the table above, the most free (the "all-blue") countries are (in alphabetical order):
- Austria
- Canada
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- Germany
- Iceland
- Republic of Ireland
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom
And the least free (the "all-red") are:
[edit] See also
- Freedom House
- Transparency (humanities)
- Media transparency
- Transparency (market)
- Areopagitica: A speech of Mr John Milton for the liberty of unlicensed printing to the Parliament of England