List of lifestyles
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The following is an incomplete list of lifestyles found in the 21st century. This list uses a definition of lifestyle as any habits of social relations, consumption, dress, and recreation that are important enough to significantly influence the lives of a sector of the population, and hence can be used as a basis of social classification.
These are not well-defined nor mutually exclusive categories; there may be considerable overlap between many of them, and an individual may identify as belonging to, or enjoying the activities associated with, more than one group. Many lifestyles can contain subclasses and subcultures.
[edit] General
- Activism
- Asceticism
- Modern Primitivism
- Back to the land
- Bohemianism
- Clothes free
- Communal living
- Groupie lifestyle
- Hippie
- Nomadism
- Quirkyalone
- Rural lifestyle
- Simple living
- Traditional lifestyle
[edit] Income or profession/occupation based lifestyles
[edit] Consumption-based lifestyles
- Conspicuous consumption
- Digital lifestyle
- Straight edge (see also: punk)
- Voluntary simplicity
- Homelessness
[edit] Lifestyles based on social and political issues
[edit] Lifestyle classifications used in marketing
- Achievers
- Affluent
- Belongers (joiners)
- Early adopters
- Empty nesters
- Emulators
- Opinion leaders
- Over consumers
- Survivors
- Young singles
- Yuppies
[edit] Military lifestyles
[edit] Sexual lifestyles
- Celibacy
- Chastity
- Free love
- Leather virginity
- Monogamy
- Open marriage
- Polyamory
- Polyandry
- Polygamy
- Polygyny
- Secondary virginity
- Serial monogamy
- Swinging
- Transvestism
[edit] Lifestyles based on spiritual or religious preferences
- Ahimsa
- Hinduism
- Bahá'í Faith
- Breatharianism
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Cults
- Evangelicalism
- Eremitism (hermit)
- Islam
- Judaism
- Missionary
- Monastic
- Priesthood
- Rasta
- Zen
- Thelema
- World Brotherhood Colonies
- Yoga