List of statistical topics
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See also the list of probability topics, and the list of statisticians.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] A
- Absolute deviation
- Accuracy and precision
- Admissible decision rule
- Akaike information criterion
- Algorithms for calculating variance
- Allan variance
- Alignments of random points
- Analysis of categorical data
- Analysis of rhythmic variance
- Analysis of variance
- Ancillary statistic
- Anomaly time series
- Area compatibility factor
- Arithmetic mean
- Autocorrelation
- Autocovariance
- Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
- Autoregressive integrated moving average
- Autoregressive moving average model
[edit] B
- Baseball statistics
- Basu's theorem
- Bayes' theorem
- Thomas Bayes
- Bayes factor
- Bayesian inference
- Bayesian linear regression
- Bayesian model comparison
- Bayesian network
- Bayesian search theory
- Behrens-Fisher problem
- Belief propagation
- Beta-binomial model
- Beta distribution
- Bhattacharya coefficient
- Bias (statistics)
- Biased sample
- Allan Birnbaum
- Bienaymé-Chebyshev inequality
- Binary classification
- Binomial distribution
- Binomial test
- Block design
- Blocking (statistics)
- Bonferroni correction
- Bootstrap aggregating
- Bootstrap (statistics)
- Bounded real-valued data
- Box-Cox transformation
- Box plot
- Leo Breiman
- Breusch-Pagan statistic
- Ladislaus Bortkiewicz
- Business statistics
[edit] C
- Calibration (probability) - subjective probability
- Calibration (statistics) - the statistical calibration problem
- Canonical analysis
- Canonical correlation
- Categorical variable
- Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
- Central limit theorem
- Characteristic function (probability theory)
- Chauvenet's criterion
- Chebyshev's inequality
- Checking if a coin is biased
- Chernoff bound – a special case of Chernoff's inequality
- Chernoff's inequality
- Chi distribution
- Chi-square distribution
- Chi-square test
- Chow test
- Circular statistics
- Classic data sets
- Clinical trial
- Cochrane-Orcutt estimation
- Cochran's theorem
- Coefficient of determination
- Common- and special-causes
- Complementary event
- Completeness (statistics)
- Compositional data
- Computational learning theory
- Concordant pair
- Concrete illustration of the central limit theorem
- Conditional distribution
- Conditional independence
- Conditional probability
- Confidence interval
- Confidence band
- Confounding factor
- Conjoint analysis
- Consistency (statistics)
- Contingency table
- Continuous distribution
- Control chart
- Control variate
- Copula (statistics)
- Correlation
- Correlation implies causation
- Correlation ratio
- Covariance
- Covariance matrix
- Cricket statistics
- Cronbach's α
- Cross tab
- Cross-validation
- Cumulant
- Cumulative distribution function
- Curve fitting
- Harald Cramér
- Cramér-Rao inequality
- Cramér-von-Mises criterion
[edit] D
- d-separation
- Data clustering
- Data mining
- Data point
- Data set
- De Finetti's theorem
- Decision theory
- Degrees of freedom (statistics)
- Deming regression
- Demographics
- Demography
- Density estimation
- Illustration of density estimation
- Design matrix
- Descriptive statistics
- Design of experiments
- Detection theory
- Deviance (statistics)
- Deviance information criterion
- Dickey-Fuller test
- Dimension reduction
- Discrete distribution
- Dummy variable
- Duncan's new multiple range test
- Dutch book
[edit] E
- Eclectic probability
- Ecological fallacy
- Economic statistics
- Edgeworth series
- Effect size
- Efficiency (statistics)
- Empirical Bayes method
- Empirical distribution function
- Empirical process
- Engset calculation
- T. O. Engset
- A. K. Erlang
- Errors and residuals in statistics
- Errors-in-variables model
- Estimation
- Estimation theory
- Estimation of covariance matrices
- Estimator
- Ewens's sampling formula
- Exact test
- Expected value
- Expectation-maximization algorithm
- Experimental techniques
- Explained sum of squares
- Explanatory variable
- Exploratory data analysis
- Exponential distribution
- Exponential family
- Exponential smoothing
- Extreme value theory
[edit] F
- Failure rate
- F-distribution
- F-test
- Factor analysis
- Factorial experiment
- Fair coin
- False discovery rate
- False negative
- False positive
- Familywise error rate
- Fisher information
- Ronald Fisher
- Fisher's exact test
- Fisher's linear discriminator
- Fisher's method
- Fisher transformation
- Fixed effects estimator
- Forecast error
- Fractional factorial design
- Freedman-Diaconis rule
- Frequency distribution
- Frequency probability
- Functional data analysis
[edit] G
- G-test
- Galton-Watson process
- Galton's problem
- Gamma distribution
- Gauss-Markov theorem
- Generalized canonical correlation
- Generalized linear model
- Generalized method of moments
- Geostatistics
- Gibbs Sampling
- Gini coefficient
- Goodness of fit
- William Sealey Gosset
- Graeco-Latin square
- Graphical model
[edit] H
- Halton sequences
- Hazard ratio
- Heteroscedasticity
- Hidden Markov model
- Hierarchical linear modeling
- Histogram
- Homogeneity (statistics)
- Homoscedasticity
- Hotelling's T-square distribution
- Howland will forgery trial
- Hubbert curve
[edit] I
- Illustration of the central limit theorem
- Imputation (statistics)
- Independent component analysis
- Independent identically-distributed random variables
- An inequality on location and scale parameters
- Inferential statistics
- Information bottleneck method
- Information geometry
- Instrumental variable, Instrumental variables estimation (These two should be merged.)
- Interaction (statistics)
- Interclass dependence
- Interquartile range
- Interval estimation
- Intervening variable
- Item response theory
[edit] J
[edit] K
- Kendall tau distance
- Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient
- Kent distribution
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Kriging
- Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance
- Kuiper's test
- Kullback-Leibler divergence
- Kurtosis
[edit] L
- Latent variable, latent variable model]
- Latent class model
- Latin square
- Latin hypercube sampling
- Law of large numbers
- Law of total cumulance
- Law of total expectation
- Law of total probability
- Law of total variance
- Least squares
- Learning theory (statistics)
- Lehmann-Scheffé theorem
- Levene's test
- Level of measurement
- Lies, damned lies, and statistics
- Life expectancy
- Likelihood principle
- Likelihood-ratio test
- Lilliefors test
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Linear model
- Linear prediction
- Linear regression
- List of probability topics
- List of statisticians
- Local regression
- Location parameter
- Location-scale family
- Logit
- Log-linear model
- Lognormal distribution
- Long-range dependency
- Long-tail traffic
- Lorenz curve
- Loss function
[edit] M
- M-estimator
- Machine learning
- Mahalanobis distance
- Main effect
- Majorization
- Mann-Whitney U
- Mantel test
- MAP estimator
- Margin of error
- Marginal distribution
- Markov chain geostatistics
- Markov chain Monte Carlo
- Mathematical modelling in epidemiology
- Mathematical statistics
- Maximum likelihood
- Maximum parsimony
- McNemar's test
- Mean – see expected value
- Mean deviation
- Mean squared error
- Mean squared prediction error
- Measurement, level of — see level of measurement.
- Median
- Median test
- Memorylessness
- Meta-analysis
- Method of moments (statistics)
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
- Minimax
- Minimum-variance unbiased estimator
- Minimum viable population
- Minque
- Misuse of statistics
- Mixture model
- Model selection
- Modifiable areal unit problem
- Moment (mathematics)
- Moment-generating function
- Moments, method of — see method of moments (statistics).
- Moving average
- Multicollinearity
- Multidimensional scaling
- Multilevel models
- Multiple comparisons
- Multiple correlation
- Multivariate statistics
[edit] N
- National and international statistical services
- Negative binomial distribution
- Negative relationship
- Neyman-Pearson lemma
- Noncentral chi distribution
- Noncentral chi-square distribution
- Noncentral F-distribution
- Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
- Nonlinear regression
- Non-parametric statistics
- Nonprobability sampling
- Normal approximation
- Normal distribution
- Normal probability plot -- see rankit
- Normality test
- Normally distributed and uncorrelated does not imply independent
- Null hypothesis
[edit] O
- Observational error
- Odds
- Odds ratio
- Omitted-variable bias
- Opinion poll
- Order statistic
- Ordered logit
- Ordered probit
- Ordination (statistics)
- Outlier
- Overfitting
[edit] P
- Page's trend test
- Paleostatistics
- Parametric model
- Parametric statistics
- Pareto interpolation
- Partial least squares
- Partial autocorrelation
- Parzen window
- Path analysis
- Path coefficient
- Karl Pearson
- Pearson's chi-square test (one of various chi-square tests)
- Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
- Percentile rank
- Periodic variation
- Peirce's criterion
- Pitman-Koopman-Darmois theorem
- Planning statistical research
- Point estimation
- Poisson distribution
- Poisson process
- Poisson regression
- Population
- Population dynamics
- Population statistics
- Population viability analysis
- Posterior probability
- Prediction interval
- Principal components analysis
- Prior probability distribution
- Probability
- Probability density function
- Probability distribution
- Probability mass function
- Probability of error
- Probability theory
- Probit
- Proper linear model
- Prosecutor's fallacy
- Psephology
- Pseudocount
- Psychological statistics
- P-value
- Pythagorean expectation
[edit] Q
- Q test
- Q-Q plot
- Quadratic form (statistics)
- Quantile
- Quantitative marketing research
- Quantitative psychological research
- Quantitative research
- Quartile
- Queuing theory in teletraffic engineering
- Adolphe Quetelet
[edit] R
- Random data—see randomness
- Random effects estimator, random effects estimation
- Random sampling
- Random sequence
- Randomization
- Randomized controlled trial
- Range (statistics)
- Rankit
- Rao-Blackwell theorem
- Rasch model
- Raw score
- Receiver operating characteristic
- Recurrence plot
- Recursive least squares
- Regression analysis — see also linear regression
- Regression fallacy
- Regression toward the mean
- Rejection sampling
- Relative risk
- Reliability (statistics)
- Reliability theory
- Resampling (statistics)
- Residual. See errors and residuals in statistics.
- Residual sum of squares
- Response variable
- Ridge regression
- Brian D. Ripley
- Robust regression
- Robust statistics
- Rothamsted Experimental Station
- R programming language
- Rule of succession
[edit] S
- Sacramental index
- Sample size
- Sampling (statistics)
- Sampling distribution
- Scale parameter
- Scatterplot
- Schwarz criterion
- Score test
- Scoring rule
- Secular trend
- Secular variation
- Seemingly unrelated regression
- Selection bias
- Selective recruitment
- Semiparametric model
- Semivariance
- Sensitivity (tests)
- Sexual dimorphism measures
- Shapiro-Wilk test
- Sheppard's corrections
- Simpson's paradox
- Skewness
- Small area estimation
- Social statistics
- Spatial analysis
- Spatial dependence
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
- Spearman-Brown prediction formula
- Species discovery curve
- Specificity (tests)
- Spectrum continuation analysis
- S programming language
- Spurious relationship
- St. Petersburg paradox
- Standard deviation
- Standard error
- Standard score
- Stanine
- Statistic
- Statistical arbitrage
- Statistical assembly
- Statistical assumption
- Statistical classification
- Statistical deviance—see deviance (statistics)
- Statistical dispersion
- Statistical efficiency
- Statistical estimation
- Statistical hypothesis testing
- Statistical independence
- Statistical inference
- Statistical learning theory
- Statistical Methods for Research Workers — a book by Ronald Fisher
- Statistical model
- Statistical noise
- Statistical package
- Statistical parameter
- Statistical parametric mapping
- List of statistical phenomena
- Statistical population
- Statistical power
- Statistical process control
- Statistical range -- see range (statistics)
- Statistical regularity
- Statistical sample
- Statistical significance
- Statistical survey
- Statistical theory
- Statistical unit
- Statistics
- Statistics Belgium
- Statistics New Zealand
- Stein's example
- Stein's lemma
- Stepwise regression
- Stochastic kernel
- Studentized residual
- Student's t-distribution
- Student's t-test
- Sufficiency (statistics)
- Sum of squares
- Summary statistics
- Survey sampling
- Survival analysis
- Survival rate
- Survivor function
- System dynamics
- Systematic error (also see bias (statistics) and errors and residuals in statistics)
[edit] T
- t-distribution; see Student's t-distribution
- Taguchi methods
- Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables
- Time series
- Testing hypotheses suggested by the data
- Tolerance interval
- Transect
- Treatment learning
- Trend estimation
- Truncated mean
- Type I and type II errors
[edit] U
[edit] V
- Validity (statistics)
- Variance
- Variogram
- VC dimension
- VC theory
- von Mises-Fisher distribution
- Vysochanskiï-Petunin inequality
[edit] W
- Wald test
- Weibull distribution
- Welch-Satterthwaite equation
- White test
- Wilcoxon signed-rank test
- Window function
- Winsorising
- Wishart distribution
- Wold's theorem