Talk:List of Mega Man Zero characters
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[edit] Clean Up
I'm thinking of cleaning this page up myself, but I want opinions on how to do this. I'm thinking up of splitting the characters into three distinct sections:
Resistance, Neo Arcadia, Others
Dr. Weil, the Hashishinkan and the Dark Elf will fall into the "Others" category.
Unfortunately, this places Elpizo in the Resistance category. Seeing as he is one of the antagonists, this may probably be a bit confusing, having him lumped with the main "heroes" of the story. Putting him in "Others" really isn't a good idea either, because he is a Resistance member, is he not?
|Wolf O'Donnell 21:59 (UTC) 15 Oct 2005
- Well, clean up is done, more or less. It's still missing the bios for a few characters from the new game, which I don't have yet and it's missing the information for a few minor Resistance characters. If anybody else can help me with that, it'd be greatly appreciated.
- |Wolf O'Donnell 13:21 (UTC) 18 Oct 2005
- Eh... Does anyone think that "Caravan" should be included? Neige has been Resistance's assistance but is not of Resistance, others like Tiffon would be in the same case. ~ Polobird 20:19, 20 January 2006 (UTC)
I think that Milan, the Resistance member who died in the begining of the first game should be mentioned if we mention other minor characters...
[edit] Images and In-Depth Character Information
I've begun the ardonus task of putting in pictures for all the characters in the list; if possible I'd like if you could help with this task. - MegamanZero 22:40 31 October 2005
- P.S. I'll add in depth personalities for all the characters later.
- The use of images in this article should be used sparingly and the proper source should be given. Unfortunately, the current rules are a bit too confusing for me, so I don't understand how to do that.
- I'm advocating using only individual images for characters on In-Depth Character Information.
- As for In-Depth character information, I propose turning the names into links. Anyone who clicks on that link will get to a separate article with more in-depth information, where there will be a picture of that individual character.
- However, seeing as many of the characters do not require in-depth, I'm wondering whether this is necessary.
- Wolf ODonnell 15:06, 1 November 2005 (UTC)
Incorrect. All reploids starting from the X series have had personalities. The defining aspect of a reploid in the megaman series is the fact that they can think and have emotions just like humans. For example, the maverick "wire sponge" is a playful, yet mischevious maverick who liked to play with a weather control program, and which is why he was destroyed. Naturally, that only scrathes the surface, and reploids (mavericks included) have much deeper personas than you think; they're not just "bosses you kill". - [[User: MegamanZero
- Regardless, many of the characters featured in the game do not have enough personality to warrant an entire article on it. For these characters, any in-depth personality analysis must be kept within this article.
Wolf ODonnell 11:22, 7 November 2005 (UTC)
- I'm having difficulties getting the pictures to fit in the article without distorting it unnecessarily. Until I can figure out how to put the pictures in so they match with the relevant text, there will be no pictures posted in this article from me.
- Besides, the best source for Megaman pictures is Planet Megaman, which is currently down. I won't be able to find good pictures to use until its Official Artwork section is back up. Wolf ODonnell 11:03, 9 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Reverted Back to Old Page
I was quite displeased at the person that altered the article completely, stripping out information on Dr. Bairu, the Hachishinkan and even some information on the Einherjar.
The reason the article is split up as Resistance, Neo Arcadia and Dr. Weil's Neo Arcadia, is to help categorise the characters according to their belief system, which will help those new to the Megaman Zero series, understand their motives better.
Resistance fight for the rights of Reploids. Neo Arcadians fights to defend humanity. And Dr. Weil's Neo Arcadians fight solely for Dr. Weil and his twisted thirst for revenge, despite thinking that they are fighting for Neo Arcadia and humanity.
Please do not change the style again without at least discussing your proposals and arguing for it on this page.
P.S. I may have accidentally gotten rid of some links to in-depth character articles in reverting the page back to its former format. I apologise for this, but please feel free to put those links back.
Wolf ODonnell 11:22, 7 November 2005 (UTC)
- I haven't stripped out the information on Dr. Weil, omega,Hachishinkan , and the Einherjar, by the way. In fact, I intend to expand upon the information on thier respective characters; making entire links for Weil and Omega, and adding info for the Einherjar in the article "Megaman Zero boss characters" when it becomes more avalible. As for changing around the article, it makes more sense in the current revision because it fouces more on the anylitical aspects of the characters rather than the older revision which focused on gameplay. Sit tight- I'lll be adding in a lot more information to the new article, such as all the individual resistance members and even various mechaniloids. And then after that, I'm starting on the expnansive article explaining the different ares of Megaman Zero. In conclusion, you acted before understanding what's going on with the article; its being expanded, and I'd appreciate your suport and not uour critisism. I fact, I'd like your help; please help with the expansion by downloading images for the various boss characters (Aztec falcon, Maha Ganesheriff, etc.) and uploading them for wikipedia. Then we can make the article for the bos characters more expansive.
- MegamanZero 1:53 7 November 2005 (UTC)
I'm still not very pleased with the way you did it without telling me first. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't dismiss my work on the article just like that, which you have effectively done, without discussion. By converting the article, you removed every single piece of work I have done on it as if it was irrelevant.
Could you at least have been more careful in changing the article to Major and Minor characters? Info on Alouette and Andrew were lost completely. Not only that, but external links to other related pages near the bottom were stripped out.
Well, regardless, the page is far more searchable now thanks to the names of characters being headings. And the Megaman Zero Boss Characters section is done very well.
As for the pictures. It will take me some time. For one, I have to figure out how to load pictures properly with the correct tags, and the current rules are insanely confusing. Secondly, I have to gain permission from Megaman Network to take the pictures from their website.
As for the new layout, it is only good in list form like on Megaman Network. With the amount of text available in the current article, it would be best to split it up into Resistance (split into Major and Minor characters), Neo Arcadia (split into Major and Minor characters), and Other (split into Major and Minor characters). This is best in order to group the characters according to motives, making it easier for newcomers to understand things better.
It is the issue of layout that I was not happy about and I fear that our visions for this article differ too greatly for us to be able to co-operate without some compromise.
I aim to make all criticism constructive and helpful and if it didn't come out that way in my previous entry and this one, then I apologise.
Wolf ODonnell 11:14, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
I deeply apoligize for changing the article and making you feel this way. I didn't mean too. But I did tell you about it- more than once on your talk page. You never replied to me on the subject. But all in all, i'm glad we can come to a comprimise on the subject- and I'm glad to see you're helping with images. As for the megaman-network, I've been a member for awhile, and its okay for the images to be used on wikipedia- for the licesing info put "copyrighted; free for any use" . As for resistance members like Alouette and Andrew, don't worry- I'll be adding them too. We'll make sure this article is up to snuff in no time. As for the sections (resistance, Neo Aracdia) being organized, I don't see any problem with doing that- its just I had based my ordering system off the megaman network's, As I thought it was easier to read and thumb through. Also, like I said earlier, I'm going to make a article on Locations in Mega Man Zero, explaining the areas in megaman Zero in detail. I'd be glad if you could help on that article too when I get started. Oh, and thank you for the complient on my Boss character page; that means a lot coming from a fellow fan of megaman.
- MegamanZero 12:53 8 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] If Alouette isn't a Main Character...
If Alouette isn't a main character, then Cerveau shouldn't be designated as one either. They both help Zero on his quests, Cerveau with fixing Zero's weapons, and Alouette by helping him feed the Cyber Elves.
I can understand why Alouette wouldn't be considered a main character, despite the fact that she is very important to Ciel and her personality. Yes, she is doing all that work for the Reploids, to improve relationships between Reploids and humans, but a substantial part of the reason why she is working so hard is because of Alouette, whom Ciel sees as like a daughter.Wolf ODonnell 10:47, 9 November 2005 (UTC)
- I'm sorry...Alouette's a nice little character and all, but she's not a main character simply because she doesn't contibute to the story at all. And Ciel worked for reploids and thier future BEFORE she met alouette( when she left Neo Arcadia). And since when has Alouette helped Zero feed his elves..? That's never been (shown) in game. In Z1, Ciel does it, in Z2, Ciel does it, and in Z3 and Z4 Zero does it himself. Although we agree she is important to Ciel, she just isn't a major character. Simple as that. About Cerveru, he's not really a main character ethier, but his weapon-making is more-imprtant (Game-play wise anyway). So, I'll put Cerveru in "minor characters" as well. Although She's not a major character, I'll make a seperate link page for her if you want. MegamanZero 13:43 8 November 2005
[edit] References: Megaman Zero Oficial Source books (1-3)???
I don't think there are real seperate Official Source Books for Rockman Zero/Megaman Zero. The only officials books/booklets from Capcom/Inti, that I'm aware of, are:
Z1~4 manuals
RTRZ Now Waking/IDEA/TELOS/PHYSIS track booklets
Vile's Incident: Eden Dome, it's sin and rebirth (Included with RTRZ Physis)
Rockman Zero Calender 2005/2006 (included with first batch of Physis online orders)
Rockman Zero 3 official artbook.
Rockman Zero 3 official strategy guide
other sources are;
IntiCreates Website
Capcom's flash sites.
Z1~4 itself
Furthermore, MMN only has the actual english resources transcripted, their character bios is outdated at the moment, aswell as other things.
-Zan Sidera-
- The source books can be found, in fact, on Megaman-Network, in case you're interested, Zan, and speaking of character Bios for MMN, I plan to speak to Tim about me filling in the new Bios.
I've seen no sourcebooks on RMZ1~3 on MMN, only the game scripts and manuals. Which are put in References already. The only thing I just recently noticed matches said description is the Rockman Zero1~3 Complete Works OST.
-Zan Sidera-
- Perhaps I thinking of PMM..? No...I was sure I saw them on MNN. Well, its not that big of a deal anyway....we've alredy got the info in our slammin' article nonetheless.
Yes, but we need References to show that the info on this article is valid. Oh, and whoever put those last two references must be more careful next time. The references appeared after the Megaman template and the category template, which in all articles should be at the very end. Wolf ODonnell 20:58, 13 November 2005 (UTC)
There have been 2 guidebooks for each Zero game. Last I looked, MMN doesn't have any sourcebook info on a seperate place anymore like they used to. Just Character bios.
[edit] "Mythos" Reploids
"Mythos" is an inaccurate translation. It should be mutos, as in mutation. The kana for the word is myuutosu. Mythos' kanji would best be misosu, though there are other variations, but none that would involve "myuu". I changed it, but I thought everyone ought to know why.
- Please sign all entries so we know who we're talking to. Also, I notice that you may have also altered the term, Valiant to Variant. I understand that the Japanese do not have a letter L in their language, but are you sure that Variant is the name that was supposed to be given to these Reploids/Mechaniloids? More importantly, can you justify this change? (Frankly, I'm not too concerned about this small point, but I'd at least like to see some justification). Wolf ODonnell 13:17, 16 November 2005 (UTC)
- Well, I think those boss-level myth-based reploids have nothing to do with "mutation". It requires something like Dark Elf to make Elpizo in another appearance or the Judges' transforming system to do the trick.
- As of Japanese:
- 「ミュートス・レプリロイド」 (Mythos Reploid; "myuutosu") is the only outcome for Rockman Zero search results.
- 「ミトス」 "mitosu" can both mean mythos and mutos.
- 「ミソス」 "misosu" mentioned above still means mythos.
- Japanese katakana translation for foreign words have always been unstandardized as with different versions accounted from varied deductions. More consideration needed? ~ Polobird 20:19, 20 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Neige
Should I make an article for her..? She seems to be quite notable in the storyline in Mega Man Zero 4. -ZeroTalk 15:42, 21 May 2006 (UTC)
- If you feel you must. I don't think she has enough information to warrant an individual article for her. Wolf ODonnell 12:10, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
Action: Reverted image of Neige to edited image without legs.
Reason: Lower portion of picture distorts layout of article and is, in effect, unnecessary. Wolf ODonnell 10:51, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
- Yes, I thnk you're right. Neige doesn't fullfill the nobility outlined in WP:FICTION to warrent an article. I've simply expanded her section in the article instead [1]. I'll add a concise summary on her personality later. -ZeroTalk 15:18, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
Don't. Her entry is long as it is. In fact, I had to edit it down by deleting bits that didn't really concern her directly. Wolf ODonnell 15:19, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
- It doesn't matter, really. Wikipedia isn't paper. I'll get to it later. If it does get too long, then the outline for the fictional character policy recomends I make a whole article for her anyway. We shorten summeries to remove unnecessary fancruft, not to "save space". This isn't that kind of website. -ZeroTalk 15:27, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Manga
Somebody added info from the Rockman Zero Manga. Should that info be included? I mean, the Manga is non-canonical after all... Wolf ODonnell 17:31, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
Ciel's entry and Copy X's entry. One refers to her sister, Cial, whom only appears in the Manga, and the other to the manga version of Copy X, whom is actually a non-entity. Wolf ODonnell 10:53, 29 June 2006 (UTC)