Mahayana sutras
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Mahayana sutras are a very broad genre of Buddhist scriptures that began to be compiled from the first century BCE. They form the basis of the various Mahayana schools, and survive predominantly in primary translations in Chinese and Tibetan from original texts in Sanskrit, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit or various Prakrits.
From these Chinese and Tibetan texts, secondary translations were also made into Mongolian, Korean, Japanese and Sogdian. Although there is no definitive Mahayana canon as such, the printed or manuscript collections in Chinese and Tibetan, published through the ages, have preserved the majority of known Mahayana sutras. Many parallel translations of certain sutras exist. A handful of them, such as the Prajñāpāramitā sutras like Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra, are considered fundamental by most Mahayana traditions.
The standard modern edition of the Buddhist Chinese canon used in Japanese Buddhism is the Taisho Tripitaka, consisting of eighty-five volumes of writings which, in addition to numerous Mahayana texts, also include Agama collections, several versions of the Vinaya, Abhidharma and Tantric writings. The first thirty-two volumes contain works of Indic origin, volumes thirty-three to fifty-five contain works of native Chinese origin, volumes fifty-six to eighty-four contain works of Japanese composition. the eighty-fifth volume contains miscellaneous items including works found at Dunhuang. A number of apocryphal sutras composed in China are also included in the Chinese Buddhist Canon, although the spurious nature of many more was recognized, thus preventing their inclusion into the canon. The Sanskrit originals of many Mahayana texts have not survived to this day, although Sanskrit versions of the majority of the major Mahayana sutras have survived.
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[edit] Historicity and Background
Mahayana Buddhists believe that the Mahayana sutras, with the possible exception of those with an explicitly Chinese provenance, are an authentic account of teachings by the Buddha. However, most Theravada Buddhists consider the Mahayana sutras apocryphal. Generally, scholars conclude that the Mahayana scriptures were composed from the first century CE onwards, with some of them having their roots in other scriptures, composed in the first century BCE.
The Mahayana sutras were thus probably composed in the first century CE, at the time when the various overtly Mahayana-oriented groups began to appear. The Mahayana sutras are thus not included in the more ancient Agamas, nor in the Sutta Pitaka of the Theravada, both of which represent an older stratum of Buddhist scriptures, which some claim can be historically linked to Gautama Buddha himself.
[edit] Mahayana beliefs on the Mahayana Sutras
The tradition in Mahayana is that the Mahayana sutras were written down at the time of the Buddha and stored for five hundred years in the realm of the dragons (or Nagas). The tradition further claims that the teachings of the Mahayana sutras are higher than the teachings contained in the Agamas and the Sutta Pitaka, and that people were initially unable to understand the Mahayana sutras at the time of the Buddha (500 BCE). This is the reason given, according to some Mahayana accounts, for the need to store these sutras in the realm of the dragons for 500 years, until suitable recipients for these teachings arose amongst humankind.
One Mahayana tradition holds (based on the Sandhi-nirmocana Sutra) that Gautama Buddha's teachings may be divided into three general hierarchical categories, known as the "three turnings of the wheel of dharma" – the Hinayana turning, and two Mahayana turnings: the Prajna Paramita (Perfection of Wisdom), and Yogacara. The Mahayana Sutras would thus belong to the two later turnings, and not form part of the 'Hinayana' turning.
[edit] List of the Mahayana Sutras
- Texts of Indian origin
- Lalitavistara Sutra(方廣大莊嚴經)
- Lankavatara Sutra(楞伽經)
- Lotus Sutra(妙法蓮華經)
- Perfection of Wisdom sutras (Prajñāpāramitā sutras, 般若經)
- Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā sutra(摩訶般若波羅蜜經)
- Diamond Sutra(金剛般若波羅蜜經)
- Heart Sutra(般若波羅蜜多心經)
- Ten Stages Sutra(十地經)
- Vimalakirti-nirdesa Sutra(維摩詰所說經)
- Texts of Chinese origin
- Perfect Enlightenment Sutra (Yuanjue Jing 圓覺經)
- Platform Sutra (Liuzutan Jing 六祖壇經)
- Other texts
- Amitabha Sutra (Smaller Pure Land Sutra 佛說阿弥陀經)
- Avatamsaka Sutra (Flower Garland Sutra 華嚴經)
- Contemplation Sutra(佛說觀無量壽經)
- Infinite Life Sutra(Large Pure Land Sutra 大無量壽經)
- Mahaparinirvana Sutra(大涅槃經)
- Shurangama Sutra(大佛頂首楞嚴經)
- Sutra of Forty-Two Sections(四十二章經)
- Sutra of Golden Light(金光經)
- Sutra of The Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (地藏菩薩本願經)
- Ullambana Sutra(盂蘭盆經)
- The Healing Buddha Sutra
- The Dharani Sutra of Hundred Thousand Seals[citation needed](百千印陀羅尼經)
- The Dharani Sutra of Peaceful Home[citation needed](佛說安宅咒陀羅尼經)
[edit] Divisions
Mahayana sutras are divided into a number of traditions. Some, like the Prajñāpāramitā sutras, are almost completely philosopical in nature. Others are texts based on lives of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas outlining their vows for sentient salvations, or are made for the benefits of suffering beings. The latter two classes usually contains specific dharana and mantras.