Z Wikipedii
szkic - boud
Stron gdzie będę może pisać szkice strone wiki-owe w (złe :) po polsku, i później, inne osoby mogą poprawić jakość gramatyczna i słownictwowa, i ostatnie, oni mogą przesuwają tekste perfekcyjne (najmniejsze dla jakość po polsku :) do dobreje miejsce.
Oczywiście, inne ludzi jaką nie dobrze znają po polsku też mogą używać ta stroń - nie mam monopolowe...
This is a working page for (attempted) text written in po polsku and/or translated from GFDL protected text in other languages, e.g. on the pages. One person (Boud) will probably use it first, but of course, anyone else can use it too :).
Proszę rób poprawki jeśli potrzeba.
założenia = assumption
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[edytuj] OTW
Jest dużo praca dla zrobić - wersji angielski są bardzo dobre, moim skromnym zdaniem. Boud 15:53, 10 mar 2004 (CET)
Ogólna teoria względności Trzy najważniejsze punkty (wersji Bertschingera - - na dole angielski stron GR)
- czas-przestrzeń jest krzywizną, cztery wymiarowy struktur matematiczny - zbiór, tzn. jak rozmaitość pseudo-Riemannska
- lokalnie, geometria czaso-przestrzeń jest geometrią Minkowski - szczególowa teoria względności
- mas (i wyłączone rzeczy) i krzywizna czas-przestrzeń są związany, według równanie Einstein-Hilbert
tensor - strony dla tłumaczyć/poprawić do wersji polski:
- tensor napięć-energii
- tensor krzywizny Ricciego
Boud 17:25, 10 mar 2004 (CET)
[edytuj] Prawa człowieka
[edytuj] Treści ustawy
Prawa ta daje możliwość do umieszczyć obcykrajowcę w wiezieniu dla czas nieokreślony, bez procesu, jeśli Prokatura Generalna decyduje że on jest grożba dla bezpieczeństwa narodowej. Rząd ma praw nie dać pełnomocnik do wiezieniów tych, też ma praw nic nie głsić ani informować o aresztowania. Prawa ta pozwala że podsłuch przeciwko osobą, zamiast, jak wcześniej, tylko na pewnym numerym telefonicznego. Prawa ta pozwala do urzędów uzyskać /dostawać nakazu i szukania mieszkania bez natychmiastowego informowanie mieszkańców, jeśli Prokurator Generalny decydował że jest sytuacja bezpieczeństwa narodowa. Prawa też pozwala do śpiegowanie w wydarzeniach religijnych.
Większość elementy prawa tej będą wygasał o 31-ego grudni 2005r.
[edytuj] Krytyk
Prawa człowieka Treść ustawy Prawo to umożliwia umieszczenie obcokrajowca w więzieniu na czas nieokreślony bez procesu, jeśli Prokuratura Generalna zadecyduje, że zagraża on bezpieczeństwu narodowemu. Rząd nie musi przydzielać takiej osobie pełnomocnika, ma też prawo nie ogłaszać tego aresztowania i nikogo o nim nie informować. Prwao to, pozwala założyć podsłuch danej osobie, a nie jak wcześniej, tylko pewnym numerom telefonicznym. Urzędy mogą uzyskiwać nakaz przeszukiwania obywatela, bez natychmiastowego poinformowania go o tym, jeśli Prokurator Generalny zdecydował, że jest to sytuacja niezbędna, by utrzymać bezpieczeństwo narodowe. Prawo to pozwala również szpiegować wydarzenie religijne. Większość elementów tego parawa wygasło 31-ego grudnia 2005roku
[edytuj] Poparcie i Sąd Najwyższy
[edytuj] Stanów i miaste
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SIS = Strasbourg Information System
The act is 342 pages long and amends over fifteen statutes.
passed the House on 10/12/2001; and S. 1510, which passed the Senate on 10/11/2001.
Ustawa o ochronie danych ...
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Question: On the page religia there's an entry for dźinizm.
hypothesis (1): this is the religion about blue jeans, almost universally worshipped during the late 20th century and early 21st century. :)
hypothesis (2): this is "jainism", a religion of which many of the members have the family name "Jain", and in which, in principle, no form of animal life should be killed, not even insects (but i don't know whether killing bacteria and viruses is considered or just ignored).
If (2) is correct, then is the spelling correct? I can't take the blame this time :).
Neither (1) nor (3) (which is: "ginism", a cult of gin - alcohol beverage :). The spelling 'dźinizm' is correct, unfortunatelly (unfortunatelly, because I used till today 'dżinizm' and generally prefer sounds with 'dż' and don't know why... :) Other possibilities are: 'dźainizm' or 'dźajnizm'. Great! Thanks to you ... I'm aware now about the mistake I've been making for quite long! --Youandme
(BTW, aren't redirects enough for pages with wrongly spelt titles? i'd prefer not to make pages with wrongly spelt titles, but the technology does seem to exist in the English wikipedia.)
here's some stuff i'll shift to proper entries, unless someone improves the po polsku and shifts the pages for me - Ktorakolwiek, prosze zrobic!
Teraz zrobiony: Rasa (zobacz też Dyskusja:Rasa)
I really intended to help you with your contribution to the "rasa" article. But frankly I feel rather helpless here. The issue of race, rascism etc is so convoluted, controversial and open to different interpretations that it needs a master translator to make it really good. Your input, though well-meant, is in the current shape impossible to work with. Making it just close to a readable text would be long, hard work and the result might be thoroughly disappointing.
I think it would be easier for you and us that you write in English. But in this situation it would be better for you to contribute to the English Wikipedia in the first place.
Again if you feel that you need to contribute to the Polish Wikipedia start small. Write reviews in Dyskusja: pages, import data that need no or minimal translation, share your expertise with other Wikipedians but avoid writing texts in Polish unless you are absolutely sure your Polish is unmistakable. This is my advice.
Kpjas 22:35, 1 gru 2003 (CET)
Hi Kpjas,
Thanks for having a go at the text. At least now there are two independent wikipedystas (you and Beno) who have similar difficulties with my translation, so i don't feel so bad, and your bold text is fairly specific about one text rather than overgeneralising.
As for writing in English, the content is already there (apart from, e.g. one or two sentences integrating the old version with the English version and the fact that Blumenbach's race hypothesis was from his doctoral thesis in [[[1775]]r.)
Since i live in a polish-language-speaking place (Toruń), i *do* feel i should contribute to the Polish-language wikipedia. i want people around me to have better access to knowledge, better understanding of the process of knowledge generation etc etc etc.
i'm also very sensitive to the themes of racism and "race", and i guess i lost patience waiting for someone else to translate from English or French...
Of course, i don't want to overburden other wikipedists with correcting my errors - i agree with your general point of keeping contributions small unless a native speaker has already filtered them. And i'll work a bit on my grammar:
On the other hand, maybe native speakers of Polish could accept that Poland, like every other nation-state on Earth (except North Korea??), includes people living there who do not speak the majority local language as native speakers, and that rather than discouraging non-native speakers from learning the language and participating, they should be encouraged.
BTW, apart from, does anyone have any hints of the best place where free (as in free speech, GPL-type) grammar checkers for Polish are being developed? My own instinct is to do something in elisp for emacs, though i don't yet know lisp. By contributing to the code, i'd be unable to avoid remembering at least some of the grammar...
Boud 13:49, 2 gru 2003 (CET)
- Yes, Poles have been or were generally regarded as hospitable people. We are perhaps not so helpful to persons wanting to learn Polish. I suppose we are sure Polish is too difficult to learn for almost any foreigner. So most Polish people are either laughing at you (up their sleeve or openly) or patronizing you.
Learning Polish is OK but learning it by writing for Wikipedia is quite a different thing. There is only a half a dozen or so of really active Wikipedians who seem to be willing to review and rectify all Wikipedia articles so we don't have enough manpower to handle such problematic articles as yours.
Spell-checker that is part of MS Word can help you correct some of your mistakes but not, by all means, all.
I am sure you're are well meaning but please don't make our time at Wikipedia full of exhausting chores. Having fun writing articles is all Wikipedia is about!
Kpjas 20:18, 2 gru 2003 (CET)
i'd rather have fun dancing, eating, making love or having other pleasures than writing to the Wikipedia. But many people around the world get killed, lose jobs, become ill, become depressed, are tortured, because of lack of open, egalitarian distribution of information. i don't need to remind anyone (except people like Horst Mahler who have been published in the Obywatel magazine) that Poland is where the Holocaust happened. And ignorance about the concept of race and its history was one important factor (though not the only one, political and business support from the USA was another factor) in the Holocaust. And IMHO this ignorance about race is a weak point in human rights protection in Poland. Anyway, now the article's written in nice Polish and it seems to be stable. :) Boud 19:43, 31 gru 2003 (CET) c