Jerome K. Jerome
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Jerome Klapka Jerome (*2 mai 1859 – †14 iunie 1927) a fost un umorist englez, cunoscut pentru romanul satiric "Trei într-o barcă (fără a mai socoti şi câinele)", tradus şi în româneşte (Three Men in a Boat - to Say Nothing of the Dog -).
S-a născut şi a crescut în sărăcie la Londra, într-o casă care este astăzi un muzeu dedicat lui.
Alte titluri cunoscute sunt: colecţia de eseuri "Gândurile trândave ale unui pierde-vară" şi "Trei pe două biciclete", o continuare a romanului "Trei înt-o barcă".
Cuprins |
[modifică] Bibliografie
[modifică] Romane
- Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886)
- Three Men in a Boat (1889)
- The Diary of a Pilgrimage (1891)
- Novel Notes (1893)
- Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1898)
- Three Men on the Bummel (aka Three Men on Wheels) (1900)
- Paul Kelver, a novel (1902)
- Tommy and Co (1904)
- They and I (1909)
- All Roads Lead to Calvary (1919)
- Anthony John (1923)
- The Love of Ulrich Nebendahl (1909)
- The Philosopher's Joke (1909)
[modifică] Colecţii
- Told After Supper (1891)
- John Ingerfield: And Other Stories (1894)
- Sketches in Lavender, Blue and Green (1895)
- The Observations of Henry (1901)
- The Angel and the Author and Others (1904)
- American Wives and Others (1904)
- The Passing of the Third Floor Back: And Other Stories (1907)
- Malvina of Brittany (1916)
- Three Men in a Boat and Three Men on the Bummel (1974)
- After Supper Ghost Stories: And Other Tales (1985)
[modifică] Non fiction
- My Life and Times (1926)
[modifică] Antologii conţinând povestiri de Jerome K. Jerome
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 1st Series (1928)
- A Century of Humour (1934)
- The Mammoth Book of Thrillers, Ghosts and Mysteries (1936)
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1957)
- Famous Monster Tales (1967)
- The 5th Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories (1969)
- The Rivals of Frankenstein (1975)
- The 17th Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories (1981)
- Stories in the Dark (1984)
- Gaslit Nightmares (1988)
- Horror Stories (1988)
- 100 Tiny Tales of Terror (1996)
- Knights of Madness: Further Comic Tales of Fantasy (1998)
- 100 Hilarious Little Howlers (1999)
[modifică] Povestiri
- The Haunted Mill (1891)
- The New Utopia (1891)
- The Dancing Partner (1893)
- Christmas Eve in the Blue Chamber
- Silhouettes
- The Skeleton
- The Snake
- The Woman of the Saeter