From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SIC, SiC, or Sic may mean:
- Sic, a Latin word that means "thus" or, in writing, "it was thus in the source material"
- Silicon carbide (SiC), a semiconducting material, also used to make metalworking tools from
- Segmented Integer Counter mode, a mode of operation in cryptography
- SIC (Standard Inventory Control) a method of handling warehouse items
- San Isidro Club, an Argentine rugby union club
- SIC (Portugal), a television channel in Portugal
- SIC, the regional code for Sicily
- Simplified instructional computer, a hypothetical computer used in systems programming
- Standard Industrial Classification, a 20th-century U.S. system for classifying industries
- United Kingdom Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities, the latest being of 2003
- St Ignatius' College, Riverview, a Jesuit school in Sydney, Australia
- Super Imaginative Chogokin, a toy line
- Swiss Interbanking Clearing, a clearing system
- "[sic!]," the title of an album by Hey
- SIC (Sekolah Indonesia Cairo): Indonesian School In Cairo
- As in "sic 'em" said to encourage a dog to chase and bite: arose as a quick pronunciation of "seek".
- State Information Center, a Chinese based think tank.
- SIC The "Trail by Fire" for all worthy Air Cadets
- (sic) is the second track from Slipknot's self titled album.
- "[sic]" is the tenth track on the album of the same name by George Hrab
- "SIC" is the Standing Interpretations Committee, the predecessor to the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). Please see International Financial Reporting Standards.
- Southeastern Illinois College, a two year Junior College in Harrisburg, IL
- Or see sick.